After coming out of Sinbat’s teleportation, I quickly left the city area and then summon out of the night shadow and ran all the way into the large forest on the Sino-Vietnamese border.

Vietnam belongs to the subtropical and tropical regions, the temperature is quite humid, and it is also very hot. Fortunately, my armor is tightly protected. Although I can feel the moisture, it will not affect me in any way. As for Ye Ying, he was a hell creature anyway, and the dampness of gas was also dried up by his side. Of course, what Vietnam hates is not only the climate, the insects here are also extremely annoying. For example, the most common small mosquitoes in the country are almost like hormones when they get here, and the long ones are like grasshoppers. They fly like groups of bombers hovering above you. Of course, I don't have to worry about this, anyway, mosquitoes can't bite through the Divine Dragon armor.

After entering the border area of ​​Vietnam, I did not circulate in the forest indiscriminately, but first traced the traces of personnel activities all the way towards the city. Divine Race is not rare beast. It's okay to stray in the leveling area waiting for people to kill. They all live in their own special area. It's like the Divine Immortal of Celestial Court does not live in Celestial Court, but must also live in various places such as Shenshan fairy caves with Formation, anyway, ordinary people can't touch it.

Although the Divine Race in Vietnam is much worse than Celestial Court, they are also Divine Race anyway, and naturally they have a place to live. For these guys, it's definitely useless to find them in the leveling area. However, Divine Race suffers a bit, that is, they need Power of Faith, and Power of Faith must be obtained by someone who believes in them. That is to say, when Divine Race is just like the mixed entertainment circle, you have to be well-known. The unfamiliar Divine Race means that the strength is also bad, unless it is like Hongjun Sect Lord, the strength itself has been topped, and it has its own organization, can accept the worship of its own subordinate Divine Race, or be used as Zizhu Fairy. A special Divine Race with hidden strength support. These two Divine Races are the only Divine Races that can still get Power of Faith without being known. And they can't get Power of Faith if they say it bluntly, because the Power of Faith they get is all obtained by other gods and then transferred to them, not by themselves.

The loose and indifferent relationship between Divine Race determines that among them there are impossible two gods, so if they want to obtain Power of Faith, they must have believers, which determines that they need to be knowledge. And the best way to be known and get Power of Faith is to have a temple or something.

as the saying goes, the monk can’t run away from the temple. I think it’s also appropriate for Divine Race. After running Divine Race, you can’t run the temple. As long as you want to get Power of Faith, you have to open temples and the like, and as long as you find the temple, the god corresponding to the temple will not be able to run away.

Because the area of ​​Vietnam itself is so big, and the speed of Night Shadow is super fast, we can easily find a village built by Vietnamese players along the way. Just like the situation in reality, the state of the countries in the game is basically a reaction in reality. Vietnam is relatively poor, so there are very few cities, most of which are villages. But to be honest, the environment in Vietnam is really not suitable for building cities, or villages are more suitable for their environmental characteristics.

I thought it would be easy to get into the city to find some clues. Who knew that the moment I rode the night shadow into the village, it caused a riot. To be honest, this is my negligence. Although the equipment of the players in Vietnam is not really the same as rags in reality, it is definitely very simple. After all, this place is too humid and sultry, so the occupations suitable for this place generally wear leather armor. In places like Vietnam, unless you don't use skin perception, you can't wear armor at all. Can you imagine what it feels like to wrap yourself in a set of iron cans in the same place as a sauna? Let me tell you, it would be a feeling that you can't wait to take off all your skins together.

Because of the special environment here, most of the people walking here are archer or hunter professionals wearing leather armor. Even if there are other professions, most of them are assassins or those who don’t need to wear too much clothes. Wizards, wizards and so on, anyway, the warrior with plate armor is so proficient in this place that you can't find yourself comfortable, let alone the heat, if you run into the mud pool of the swamp, you can wait to die. Everyone can hold the tree and vine and swing over. What kind of tree vine frame you wear like an iron can can hold your weight? As for walking over from the ground, don't even think about it. If it is not too sparse mud, hunters and other professionals can walk over carefully, armored warriors will definitely sink. Even if the mud is not thin, what speed do you think a person in armor can run on soft mud? A broken road with a deep foot and a shallow foot is definitely a nightmare for all combatants with a complete weight of more than 70 kg. Not to mention wearing iron armor in such a place, even if a person gains weight, they will suffer. Fortunately, there are almost no fatty in Vietnam. Even if the temperature in this place is fatty, you can sweat and become thin.

Because it is scarce, it is eye-catching. Among a large group of players wearing commoner clothes and soft leather armor, suddenly there appeared a man in heavy armor and riding a war horse. Can you say that this will not cause a commotion? Almost everyone along the way looked at me like a monkey, but at first they laughed at me for running to this place wearing armor, but soon their attention was focused on Ye Ying’s hoof, because it was very Soon they discovered a problem, that is, there were no footprints where Night Shadow ran.

"Look, that horse can fly."

"Idiot, that's not a horse."

"It's not so tall. But that guy really It can fly, you see, it runs from the rice field, and the water will not ripple."

A player with a relatively high level of equipment suddenly pinched his chin amidst everyone’s discussion: "Why do I think that person is a bit familiar right away?" The person next to him pushed him: "What's the joke? How many idiots in armor can you see in a place like this?"

"No, where did I really see this armor. Strange, where is it? Ordinarily I haven't seen a few people wearing armor!"

The person is trying to respond, and I have rushed past them fast as lightning. At first, the crowds far away hadn't felt it. They panicked and hid on the side of the road when we got closer. Even if Ye Ying stands on the ground, the lower edge of his abdomen is more than 1.7 meters away from the ground. When he runs up, because he will hang in the air, his abdomen is also at least 1.8 meters away from the ground. Generally, people who are not too tall can basically do it. Walk straight under his stomach. Even tall people can get through as long as they are slightly lower and nodded. With such a large size and terrifying speed, when the night shadow moves towards someone rushing past, the visual impact is unimaginable by ordinary people. In other places, it is better to encounter Knight charging frequently. There are no people wearing armor in this place in Vietnam, let alone Knight. Today, I suddenly saw me rushing towards them riding Ye Ying along the road, and those people couldn't adapt to this kind of shock at all. Even if someone knows that I didn't mean to attack them after seeing my actions, they still can't help being scared. It's as if you are clinging to the railroad and watching a train speed past you. Even if you know that the train is impossible to fly out of the track and hit you, you still feel the heartbeat speeding up.

Because of this incompatibility, people with poor mental endurance turned around and started running. As soon as these people ran away, others who were not afraid of them got scared, so they ran with them. In the end, more and more people ran, and then someone yelled out of nowhere, and finally the unfathomable mystery was just It became a mess. I looked around, and there were at least a few thousand players and NPCs running around outside the city. Instead, I was stunned because I didn't know what was going on.

"Did someone attack?" I rode on the back of the night shadow and stopped in the middle of the road and glanced around. As a result, I looked around and didn't see anything threatening. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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