The two mobile angels I just threw out are not the models currently in use by our guild, but the first experimental mobile angels that are earlier than a generation of mobile angels. This style of mobile angel is an engineering prototype, and only ten have been produced in total. Three of them were irreparably damaged during the experiment. Two of the remaining seven were stored as physical data backups in the experimental area, and three of the remaining five were placed in three different display categories of the guild. It appears as an exhibit in the building, and the last two are kept here.

As soon as the two mobile angels appeared, they immediately turned their heads and looked towards me. The performance of these guys' artificial souls is too poor, and they don't have the ability to self-analyze. If the three generations currently in use, even the second generation of mobile angels, have the ability to judge the current situation by themselves, but these guys can't. They need me to command and order, otherwise they can only make some very simple offensive and defensive behaviors.

Seeing the two mobile angels looked towards me, I immediately ordered: "Pull me out of here and leave to get an insect."

The two mobile angels heard After the order, he immediately stepped forward and grabbed me and dragged it out. Although the traction of that gravitational field is not small, my own strength is enough to resist it. Now that there are two more mobile angels running around me, naturally I won't be sucked back by it.

Free Goddess started to feel anxious when I saw me running, but she still bit her advantage and refused to let it go. It seems that if I don’t agree to give some benefits, she will never agree to take it back. Damn the gravitational field.

When this insect grows up in the future, the first players to be threatened are American players and the free Divine Race. Since Goddess is not in a hurry, then I am not in a hurry. After being dragged out of the center by the mobile angel for 500 meters, I obviously felt that the gravity on my body suddenly dropped by a large amount. It seems that this gravitational field is a phased gradual change, that is, it is a gradual state within a certain range, but there will be phased sudden changes when it leaves a certain range. Now the gravitational field after I leave the center 500 meters is obviously much smaller, even without the help of mobile angels, I can barely move. But since I don’t plan to take care of this anymore, there’s no need to delay here. Let the mobile angels put me out of one kilometer range, and when I feel the gravity is so small that I can barely feel it, I take it back. A mobile angel.

I looked back at the mountain within the valley. At this time, the insect and the free Goddess were blocked by the mountain and they were completely invisible. Although I am a little worried that this insect will not be easy to deal with when it is developed in the future, since Goddess is not willing to let go, I am not so squandered to send it up to help others.

Finally, I looked at the direction of the Euglena, and I directly summoned out of Asuka and jumped up, and then rushed to the headquarters of the Holy Lance League of the Gunslinger at full speed.

"Why did you come back so soon?" When I saw the gun god in the headquarters of the Holy Lance League, it was already an hour after I got here. It's not that the gun god is a big air, but he happened to be out of the guild when I arrived.

Seeing that the gun god came back, I called him directly, and then whispered: "Are these people around you sure and reliable?"

The gun god originally thought I was When I came back to him, I just handed in a task. I didn't expect me to ask him seriously if he was reliable. The gun god who felt that things were a bit weird also instantly put away his joking thoughts and turned to the person who came in with him: "Send two drinks to my office." After ordering his men, he gave me the most please gesture. I immediately followed him and left the reception room.

The Gun God’s office is an independent area in the headquarters building of the Holy Gun League, surrounded by dedicated walls, which means that this room is separated from other rooms by two layers of walls.

After entering the office, the first is a secretarial office. It seems that foreign companies are all arranged in this way. The holy gun league, which looks like a gun god, is also established in accordance with the company's model, so his office is like The office of the president of a large company.

I walked into the secretary's room outside with the gun god, the gun god said directly to the beauty sitting behind the table: "Unless the guild is attacked, I won't call you, no one is allowed Come in."

The beauty was nodded, and then she walked over to help us open the inner door, and when we entered, she turned and closed the door and drove everyone around the gunman to the outside and asked the secretary The door of the room was also closed.

The gun god walked to his desk and picked up a fruit, turned and threw it to me, then sat on his boss chair and asked, "What happened this time? ?"

I didn’t answer the question of the gun god directly. Instead, I threw all the scrolls of the task I did before to him and said: "I didn’t complete a task, which is directly counted in my reward. Here, I have already taken out my reward for the remaining tasks, these all are yours."

The gun god did not look at the scrolls piled on the table, but looked at me directly Asked: "You are impossible to let me open my hands just for this, right? Tell me what the hell is going on? I just heard you say that there is a mission that has not been completed. You have not completed the mission with your strength. Does it mean that the failure of this mission is related to this matter?"

I nodded and said: "What I want to tell you is part of the mission itself. But I think I have no obligation to tell you this information. , But because of our cooperative relationship, I think you can pay for it."

The Gunslinger was taken aback for a while, and then he laughed. "It is said that your wife is stingy, I think you are not bad. But your credibility is still strong, so I choose to believe that your information must be valuable. Come on, how much do you want?"

"Help me get ten Divine Race souls."

Oh la la, the gun god who thought I would ask for money, almost didn't turn off his seat. "What are you talking about? The soul of Divine Race? Ten more? Do you want to kill when Divine Race is a sheep?"

"Ten are too many?"

"It's not a question of too many, I can't get that thing at all, okay?"

"No, move your mind, I didn't specify the soul of Must Free Divine Race. Your strength I am It’s quite optimistic."

The gun god frowned and thought for a long time before opening the mouth and said: "It’s all sensible, it’s meaningless to bargain to delay time. I’ll tell you directly, up to three Divines. Race soul, there is no way to have one more."

I slightly smiled when I heard the words of the former god, and then said directly: "The last mission of the Worm Valley needs to find something in the cemetery, but in the mission scroll Did not mention what you need to look for."

"What about the result?"

"As a result, we found a Heiyao stone sarcophagus from the bottom of the mausoleum, on the surface of the sarcophagus. It was filled with densely packed ancient magic texts. When we opened the coffin, a mummy popped out of it. The guy was fast and acted like a monkey, but he died after only two moves with us."

"Is it a trivial matter to kill a mummy with your strength?"

"That's the problem. I didn't kill the mummy."

"No Did you do it? Is there someone else in the cemetery?"

"No, there is an insect in the mummy's belly. Just after we let him out, the insect seemed to be completely awake, but it turned out from inside. The mummy was gnawed away. After that, the insect broke through the mummy’s body and got out of the body. After eating the entire mummy, the guy gnawed the Heiyao stone coffin completely, and then sealed it in Heiyao. The marble coffin outside the sarcophagus was also chewed off."

"An insect that eats everything?"

"To be precise, it is very similar to the original giant Centipede’s insect. After gnawing on the coffin, the guy ate the insect in the mausoleum all the way and gnawed through the mausoleum and ran outside. During this time, the guy’s body size has been longer. We followed and studied for a while and confirmed that this Guys can increase their body size by eating all kinds of energy."

"Even a growing insect is nothing at the worst, right?"

"No, this insect Very troublesome. In order to prevent him from attacking us, we set up a defensive barrier around him in the mausoleum, but he actually ate the magic barrier."

"What? He can even eat the magic barrier. "The spearman really paid attention to my words at first NS.

I continued: "It’s not over yet. Later, just as we were going to grab this insect and go back to study, Free Goddess actually showed up with a bunch of men, and their goal was clearly that one. insect."

"Do you mean this mission scroll involves the free Divine Race?" Gunslinger is also a high level player, and he must have done a lot of various missions, so the mission characteristics I know are basic Also know. When I said Liberty Goddess came for this insect, he immediately guessed that the Liberty Goddess line in the mission appeared as a mission NPC, which also explains why I failed to complete the mission. After all, we and Liberty Divine Race The relationship is not good, It's definitely impossible to give the insect to the free Goddess. But having said that, this also reflects from the side that the game "Zero" is indeed tailor-made for each player.

Like this task this time, it was not me who took the task. If the person who took the task did the task himself, then the task flow should actually be that the person opens the coffin, and then he has to withstand the mummy's attack for a period of time. As long as the person doing the task persists to the time set by the task, the insect will fully wake up, and then kill the mummy. After that, the player will have two choices. One is to go directly up to grab the insect, and the other is to wait for the insect to gnaw the coffin and other insects in the mausoleum before grabbing it. These two choices will affect the task flow and rewards in the future. Of course, there are also players' strength factors in it. The reason why insect at first didn't attack me was because he felt that the strength gap between him and me was too great, so he didn't dare to attack me. If the player doing the task is of average strength, then insect will immediately attack him after eating the mummy. Of course, if the player is strong enough, then this insect will decide when to attack him based on the comparison of the strengths of the two sides in the later growth process. But no matter when it is played, the player and the insect will definitely have to play a game, and the result will be nothing more than three. One is that the player defeats the insect and grabs the live insect, and then the free Goddess will come to take back the insect and give him a reward. The second is that the player defeated but killed the insect. At this time, the free Goddess will still recover the dead insect, but the reward will definitely be discounted. The last one is that the player is defeated by the insect, so there is no need to think about any rewards.

The above process is the normal process for ordinary players after receiving the task, but because of my special identity and special strength, the whole task has changed.

The Gunmaster was quite surprised that my mission involves Divine Race. After all, the previous missions were only ordinary players, and ordinary players usually do not have Divine Race directly appearing in their missions. Although many of the tasks that players receive are related to Divine Race, they usually follow the instructions of Divine Race to collect something, kill a monster, or prevent something from happening. In short, although this task is assigned by Divine Race, Divine Race will not appear in the task. It’s very rare to be honest with Divine Race directly participating in the mission at the end.

"This mission not only involves the free Divine Race, but also has a direct relationship with them." I said in the surprised eyes of the gun god: "I don't know who put that insect, but free Divine Race obviously knew about this a long time ago. They will come to collect this insect at the end and give the task reward. But you must have also thought that the value of the insect that can be seen by Divine Race is definitely not comparable to the task reward."

After hearing what I said, the gun god was nodded first, and then suddenly shouted: "You didn't deduct the insect yourself and didn't give it to Goddess, did you?"

"I didn't give it or didn't give it. , But I did not deduct it. I said at the time that I would not give it, but the free Goddess seemed to be very eager to get this insect. In the end, I didn’t even want the face, and started to snatch it openly. You know, I This person never suffers. The free Goddess' clear grab proves that this thing is of great value, so I started fighting with her."

"You were beaten away in the end?"

< p>I shook my head and said: "I don’t know why Goddess performed very weakly today. Her strength seems to have just been greatly damaged. When she came today, her strength was only at the level of the ordinary high level Divine Race, not at all. Normal state. And she was very unlucky today. I have a familiar with the arrow of destiny, you know?"

"You said that Victoria?"

"Yes. Today she I shot an arrow at Free Goddess, and as a result, all the skills of Free Goddess were sealed. You know, I have Godslayer attribute and double the attack defense against Divine Race, and Divine Race's divine force suppression is useless to me . Free Goddess itself is a mage-type god. After the skills were blocked, the whole became a waste, which made me chase all over the field. The men he brought were also common goods, not my favorites at all. Opponent."

Hearing this, the gun god suddenly covered his mouth in surprise and said: "You won't kill the free Goddess?"

"Do you think I am so fierce? ? Even if you don’t know why the strength has dropped, the free Goddess is the leader of a Divine Race at any rate. There is less impossible life-saving thing, right?"

"Then what information are you going to tell me?"


"The message is the Insect." I said seriously: "Free Goddess used a gravitational field that can attract lifeform during the battle. As a result, the whole audience was dragged besides herself. The force field is under control. However, although she herself was not affected by the force field, she was chased by my Flying Sword and ran across the court, so she had no time to deal with us. However, because of the action of the gravitational field, the insect that was originally controlled by me was accidentally attracted to the center of the gravitational field. Then my Flying Sword happened to kill a free Divine Race in the process of chasing and killing Free Goddess. After being chopped, the guy was sucked to the center of gravity before he died, but he was caught by the insect who had sucked it in. "

"Do you mean that insect ate the god of free Divine Race?" "

I am very sure nodded and said: "Yes, it was indeed eaten, and even the armor and weapons were not left. The insect is really cannibalistic without vomiting bones. "

"Wait. "The gun god finally realized what I wanted to tell him. "You said that the insect grows through the devouring ability. Does that mean that he will change after he eats Divine Race...? "

"You guessed it, he grew up after eating Divine Race, and he became very tough. After that, there was freedom Divine Race. Before he died, he tried his best to send out magic and physical attacks, but the magic was all eaten by him. The physical attacker was even worse, and the weapon was eaten directly. "

"Then insect can eat even attack magic and weapons? "The Gun God is completely unable to sit still now. He walked directly to the desk and asked in surprise: "Wait, you just said that it was an attack that Free Divine Race tried to release before he died?" Did the insect later eat up other Divine Races, and more than one? "

I nodded and said again: "Yes, not only did he gnaw several Divine Races, but at this rate, I guess there are no more than a few Divine Races under Goddess." "

The gun god heard me nervously and grabbed my shoulder and asked: "How old is the insect now?" "

"When I left, the insect was a little thicker than the bucket. It was about a few meters long, not too big. However, his energy level at the time was no less than the energy intensity of a Divine Race. And in the meantime, I also discovered that this guy has a certain amount of wisdom. "

The gun god didn't care much about that guy's intelligence, but asked: "Why don't you stop it?" This thing can eat up Divine Race. When he grows up, isn't it going to eat up the entire United States? You don’t think you don’t care if you are not in your country anyway, do you? When it finishes gnawing us, it will come to your side sooner or later. "

"Do you think I don't know?" "I pushed away the agitated gun spirit: "I thought that the growth potential of this insect might be unlimited, so it is always a scourge to keep him. At that time, I said to the free Goddess that we would first stop the war against insects, but that free Goddess failed to appreciate somebody's kindness too much, and he asked me for a benefit. "

"So you ran out angrily? "

I nodded and said: "Anyway, free Goddess does not undo the gravitational field, I can't do the insect at all, leaving it is meaningless, after I go, free Goddess can concentrate on the insect instead. son. "

"Let Goddess freely deal with Child Insect, isn't the child going to her? Would you give the insect to the free Goddess so well? "

I laughed again when I heard the gun god's words. "Hahahaha, of course I won't give her the insect for nothing." The reason I left was because I knew that it was to remove the gravitational field, and simply couldn't handle the Insect with the strength of those around Goddess. Free Goddess's own strength is not back to normal, she and she are not the opponent of that insect, not to mention her current skills are still blocked by Victoria. The reason why I left early was just to give Goddess a step for freedom, asking her to remove the gravitational field and lead her to leave as soon as possible. In this way, the Insect can only gnaw the insect within the valley without the flesh and blood nourishment of Divine Race. Compared with the evolution of eating Divine Race, if you eat insect, the growth rate of the Insect child It shouldn't be too fast, so you still have enough time to destroy it. "Speaking of this, I deliberately smirked close to the gun god and said: "Of course, if I were you, don't deal with that insect, let it grow up a bit, so that it can be recovered more. "

The gun god heard this and suddenly exclaimed: "You mean let me take advantage of the chance of the insect to come out and destroy it to make money?" "

"Making money is second, and fighting competitors is the first. Your mind is not stupid? Why are you so short-sighted? "

"Yes, yes. "The gun god said to me that he was short-sighted and didn't care at all, because he would be excited about the benefits he might get in the future. As for how to deal with the insect problem later, this seems to be really not a problem. As long as you don't continue like this Eat Divine Race to evolve, this insect will not grow too scary. With the super attack power and long-range attack method of the gun god, it happens to restrain the attack method of this insect. Besides, the gun god has already thought about it. at worst when the time comes, just invite me over as a foreign aid. After thinking of the stakes, the gun god couldn't help laughing. "Hahahaha, three Divine Souls are not expensive at all to buy such a news. President Purple Moon really has a good reputation. "

"hehe, are you mutually beneficial?" But you'd better hurry up. This news is worth the money. If you know the insect in advance than others, it will come out and cause chaos, and it will be too late to start when the insect is discovered by everyone. However, the flow of people in the Worm Valley is very small, and at the beginning, you probably wouldn’t know that this insect will crawl out of the Worm Valley. The guy ate all the insects in the valley of worms and crawled out of the valley of worms, the news must spread. According to my estimation, this process will take about one to two days, which means that you have at least 24 hours to lay out your plan. "

After listening to my analysis, Gunman immediately said: "Then do you have anything else, if not, I will arrange an action plan." "

I shook my head and said, "I'm fine, you remember to collect the Divine Soul I want as soon as possible and send it over." Oh, by the way, let me remind you again. Don't make too much of your guild's mobilization and deployment. Let others prepare in advance, and you won't be able to profit. "

"Understand. "

After the gun god hurriedly sent me away, he eagerly began to prepare his plan. As for me, I returned directly to China. Sooner or later I will deal with that insect, but it is definitely not. Now, compared to dealing with that insect, it’s more important to build the belief collector first. As long as this thing can run successfully, our Frost Rose League’s Divine Race forces will grow quickly, and when they grow enough When confronting Celestial Court, we no longer need to be restrained by Celestial Court. Of course, we still have to continue to maintain a good relationship with Celestial Court.

I can’t wait to return to Isinger Later, I immediately ran to the 11th Yama Palace via Yellow Springs Road, but just after the Bridge of Helplessness, I was stunned. "This, this...what is going on? "Pointing to the large construction site in front of me, I was surprised to pull the Ghost Messenger next to me and asked.

The Ghost Messenger saw it was me and quickly said: "Report to Lord Yama, this is your new appointment. The order of Lord Hades. The adult said that he needed to rebuild the underworld, so he overthrew all the original underworld and rebuilt it. "

"I...! "I wanted to say that Hades was not, but after looking back, it seemed that this was my own problem. I seemed to have only said to Hades that I wanted to build a Hades Palace in their style, but I forgot to tell. He didn’t move that one. But since it’s demolished, he will be demolished. Anyway, it doesn’t make much sense to keep the Yama Palace, as long as Celestial Court doesn’t take this opportunity to trouble me. He swallowed the words again, and then asked, "Yama Palace is torn down, so where is everyone working now? "

"Isn't that? "Ghost Messenger casually pointed, I followed his gaze, and I realized that there was a large new open space in the Resurrection Lily Sea on the Bridge of Helplessness, which is now full of various desks, file cabinets and so on. There are also a large group of Ghost Messengers and the Divine Race that Hades brought over to work together. Unfortunately, there is no rain or sun in the Netherworld, so there is no need to cover the sun and rain from the roof, otherwise Hades and the others will be there again There are a few thatched sheds here, which is simply a post-disaster reconstruction site headquarters!

Let go of the Ghost Messenger next to me and I went straight to the dilapidated office area. There is no house and no walls, it is easier to find people. There is nothing to block, I glanced at Hades and their location, but he is not dealing with the ghost problem, but holding it with a few Necromancers A piece of chalk is drawing a design sketch on a large blackboard.

"Hades, what are you doing? "

Hearing my voice, Hades quickly turned around. After seeing me, he said with a smile: "It turns out that the president is back. It just so happens, Divine Soul, have you found it? "

"I found it, but you can't tell me what's the matter with the ruins over there first?" "

"Oh, you said that. Is such that. Because Miss Rose has sent someone to deliver the materials, I think I will start work ahead of time without waiting for you to come back. Divine Soul is not needed for Early-Stage construction anyway. "

I wanted to ask a few more questions, but Hades's attitude makes it clear that he takes the reconstruction work seriously. But I will understand when I think about it. Their Olympus Divine Race is Three Great Influences are relatively opposed, so Hades is like the lords of the lords in ancient times. There is no need to notify the emperor of the country about anything. They can control the affairs of the territory. Although Hades knows this place The skin belongs to Celestial Court, but he is accustomed to that kind of rules, so he thinks that you don’t need to care about the small fact of rebuilding a house. Anyway, I have already reported to Celestial Court, so he doesn’t wait for my reply. Work began. This is not his arrogance, but that his ideology has not yet changed. But this is not a problem that will be solved in a short while, so I don’t plan to talk about him.

"Okay. , I won't talk about it yet. Divine Soul I have found it. See if you can use it first. To be honest, this soul is a bit abnormal. "As I said, I took out the fused soul I got before. "How about it?" "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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