"Hi, Lord Goddess, Liberty, shall we talk about business?"

"If you want to talk, put away your swords first." Goddess of Liberty is now eternal The chasing was embarrassing, and no matter what I was going to talk about, it was true that I could let her catch her breath first.

I just laughed when I heard the words of Goddess of Freedom, and then I waved to the eternity. The eternity that was flying around immediately flew back in front of me and crashed into one in the air. The group finally merged into a whole and returned to my hands.

When Goddess saw that I had accepted Flying Sword, he stopped and looked at me and asked. "What are you going to talk about?"

I pointed to the insect over there and said: "Just talk about this."

"Why? Are you willing to give it back to me?" "

I couldn't help but laugh when I heard the words of Goddess Liberty. "Please, can you not make me laugh? I want to talk to you about the life and death of that insect. You have also seen that this guy will grow in size by devouring life energy, and according to this progress, he will soon It will increase to a point beyond our control. I don’t think you want such a dangerous insect. Are you running around in your jurisdiction?"

"I really don’t want to see it. Running around, but does this have anything to do with our transaction?"

"Of course it does, because our transaction means you cancel that damn gravitational field. I'll help you solve this insect "

After listening to my words, Goddess sneered disdainfully: "Ha, your words are funny enough. Remove the force field and let you take away the insect, so what am I doing before to release it? Your logic is really strange."

Seeing Goddess's disapproval look, I said again: "Yes, although you will not get any benefit by removing the force field, but you can Save you from a disaster. Once this insect grows up, you will never be better."

"hmph, if this insect grows up, it’s not just me that will be unlucky." Free Goddess confident Said full.

"Yes, when this guy grows up to the point where no one can kill, we will all follow the bad luck together. But don’t forget, this is the United States, the site of your free Divine Race. Once This thing began to wreak havoc everywhere. The first unlucky one is you. As for when he can endanger us, it will at least be a long time later. Besides, how can you be sure that we can't find it in such a long time? What's the way to deal with him?"

Free Goddess knows that she can’t talk about me, so she simply plays the rogue and said: "I won’t cooperate with you anyway."

Listen When Goddess was free to say such irresponsible things, I immediately became angry. "Well, in that case, at worst, we will fight to the end. I see whether you die first or I die first."

The free Goddess just smiled slightly after hearing what I said, and then pointed to the little boy in the end. Chundao: "I don't know which of us will die first, but your demon will definitely die first."

When I heard her, I immediately turned my eyes to Xiaochun, and it turned out to be positive. Seeing that the insect was crawling towards Xiaochun, but there was no nervous expression on Xiaochun's face. As Familiars, Xiaochun and the others can always return to the training space or the Phoenix Dragon space, so the insect simply can't touch them. In fact, no one of the staff present at the scene will be touched by the bug except me, so everyone is not nervous at all.

Seeing the insect approaching him, Xiaochun turned his head and looked towards me. I know she wants to ask me if I can withdraw. In this situation, the more people there are, the more I suffer. I simply shouted loudly to other familiars around me: "Everyone should rest in the space first."

As I said, a row of spaces immediately appeared around me. The door, and then my familiars entered the training space and disappeared. All of a sudden, only the group of people brought by Goddess and the Insect were left on the field.

Goddess also reacted to the sudden disappearance of the person who saw me. She had just been confused by me and forgot that my Familiar could be taken back at any time. However, my Familiar can be taken back, but her subordinates can never take it back.

The big centipede monster was originally moved towards Xiaochun, but before he climbed up, he found that the food around him suddenly lost a lot. But this big insect is definitely a calm guy, don't look at him as if he looks very savage, but he has a normal heart. After finding that the food in front of him was gone, this guy didn't mean to get angry at all. After swiping his eyes directly, he moved towards the nearest target among the remaining targets and crawled over.

Seeing the centipede crawling towards him, the guy selected as the target immediately yelled. "Goddess help me...help...I don't want to die, help...!"

In this world, there is a general rule that the poorer, the lower the status, the more difficult the life is. Not afraid of death, because to them living is already a torture. If death is more valuable, why not do it? On the contrary, people who are rich, powerful, well-placed, and well-nourished, usually don’t want to die, and the more well-living people are, the more they are afraid of death. As a kind of aloof and remote existence, Divine Race can basically be classified into the powerful category, so Divine Race is basically afraid of death. The existence of people who dare to perish with the enemy in Monster Race in China is definitely not seen in Celestial Court.

Seeing that he was about to be eaten by the insect, the Divine Race who wanted to live his own good life immediately screamed in terror. However, the free Goddess was hesitating at this time. She also knew that removing the biological gravitational partnership to deal with that insect was the best choice, but she originally came for this insect. Now not only the insect can't get the hand, but also to help me deal with the insect. She can't turn her mind on this matter.

At this time when Goddess hesitated, the big centipede had already climbed in front of the Divine Race. Seeing that he couldn't move anymore, the guy gave up resisting the gravitational field and attacked the insect with all his strength, but what made him desperate was that his weapon was only half-cut and bitten by the insect. After hearing the ding sound, his weapon was divided into two. What made him even more desperate was that the insect did not rush the broken weapon directly into his mouth and eat it.

After gnawing on the weapon, this guy immediately fished the guy who attacked him to his mouth, and then bit the guy's head in one bite of the guy's screams. Although this guy was bitten to death, he was lucky compared to the Goddess who had just been eaten. You think. Basically, he was beheading, and he would be finished with one bite. It hurts just a little bit, not too hard. However, the previous Goddess was miserable. It was not much worse than Ling Chi that he was bitten by the insect from his feet to his chest before he died.

After eating the guy's head in one bite, the big insect immediately stuffed his body into his mouth and started to chew. Compared to when at first, this guy is now a lot bigger, and it's just a matter of a few mouthfuls for him to be one person. Soon after eating this guy, the volume of the insect began to increase again, but it seems that the growth rate has slowed down a lot, and I don’t know if it’s the limit or some other reason.

After nibbling on this guy, insect immediately aimed at the next free Goddess. As for the guy who was stared at by insect, he was already shivering with fear as long as the insect gnawed at his companion. NS. Although the insect has intelligence, the behavior mode of choosing the target is very simple, that is, directly find the nearest one. The guy who was gnawed just now was only a few meters away from him, and such a close distance was clearly telling him that he was the next one.

Seeing that the insect really crawled towards him, that Divine Race also let go of his hands and feet like his previous companions and launched his strongest attack. Of course, his attack was also useless. of. This guy is also a spell attacking existence, and his spell seems to have no effect on this insect. The other party directly sucked the magic he fired into his stomach, as if it was not magic but a dessert before meals.

The Divine Race who lost his balance due to the release of magic was immediately attracted by the gravitational field, but instead of flying to the center of the gravitational field, he was caught by the insect halfway through. Of course, falling into the claws of the insect is impossible with good results. Accompanied by the guy's scream, he eventually followed in the footsteps of his companions, and his death completely awakened the other free Divine Race around. After experiencing the initial fear and shock, they finally adapted from the intense emotional changes, and this group of people began to struggle fiercely. Some people try to run outwards against the traction of the gravitational field. After all, the speed of that insect does not seem to be outstanding. As long as it runs out of the gravitational range and the speed of Divine Race, the insect will definitely not be able to catch up. However, the efforts of these people were all in vain in the end.

If these people start to run at first, there is still some hope of escape, but as time goes by, the formidable power of the gravitational field is constantly increasing. According to this progress, it will not be long before I guess. Have to be pulled over. If those Divine Races run at first, they can still get out of the range of gravity by virtue of their power. But the key is that my familiars were all there at the time. They wanted to keep my familiars on guard while stabilizing their bodies, and there was no way to get distracted and run out. Now my familiar is passed away, but the gravitational force has been strengthened to the point where they can't resist it at all.

After discovering that there was no hope of escape, the Divine Races turned their heads and shouted at Free Goddess. Although the words were not exactly the same, the meaning was obvious. They all hoped that Free Goddess can let go of their gravitational field. Escape.

Probably finally realized that she was at a disadvantage in doing this. Free Goddess finally turned around again and looked towards me and said: "Purple Moon, we both retreated half a step. I lifted the gravitational field, and I don’t want insect either. , But you have to compensate me with 10,000 units of Power of Faith."

I knew that Power of Faith could be traded for a long time, because the guards of the Divine Race in the City of Periodic Discipline I used Power of Faith to trade things with each other privately. At that time, I was just wondering that Power of Faith could also be used as money, but now it seems that this thing can not only be used as money, but it also seems to be quite strong.

When I heard the words of Goddess, I couldn't help laughing again. "Haha, what are you kidding? Now that your people are dying, they are still bargaining with me?"

Free Goddess seems to have been prepared, and immediately countered after hearing what I said: "hmph , You can't run away after my person is dead. Don't forget, except me, you are all within the range of gravity. Your familiar can hide in your summon space, but you can't run away by yourself. Oh. By the way, let me tell you by the way. The special ability of this insect is called big annihilation. Don't think that you are an adventurer and will only be eaten by one or two levels. To tell you the truth, if you are swallowed by this guy once, you will be equivalent to you. Die a hundred times in a normal state. Of course, this cost you still lose." At this point, Goddess suddenly smiled triumphantly, and then continued: "But I have to tell you a very unfortunate news, that It is the range of this gravitational field that restricts the movement of the soul, which means that you cannot be resurrected elsewhere after being eaten, but will be resurrected here again. Guess your current level is enough for the insect to gnaw several times "

The words of free Goddess just made me feel a little bit surprised, because before I didn't know that the player would drop 100 levels at a time if the insect was gnawed. This function of speaking of which is really ruthless. You can drop one hundred levels at a time. It doesn’t matter when the level is low. Now players are generally hovering at around one thousand levels. Ah? Of course, I am not worried about this at all. Not because I'm not afraid of losing a 100th level, but because I know I won't lose a 100th level at all.

Free Goddess thought that my pets were just returning to my special summon space, but what she didn’t know was that I actually used the training space, and this training space actually has my place. , Which means that I can actually hide like the familiars, so that insect simply can't bite me. Of course, this is just a last resort, and now I want to try the other methods I just thought of first.

Just when Goddess was proud to think that it could scare me off, I snapped my fingers, and then I saw two strangely shaped mobile angels suddenly hit the ground next to me superior. After the two mobile angels landed, I first glanced at them, then nodded and said with satisfaction: "It seems that I did not guess wrong."

In fact, I was just when the gravitational field appeared. Just discovered a special phenomenon, that is, the gravitational force that my familiars bear seems to be not exactly the same. First of all, the average pulling force that a physical being like me bears is basically constant, and this pulling force is related to their own weight, so larger creatures don’t necessarily take advantage, because large creatures receive the same strength as they increase. Gravity has also increased, so it doesn’t take much advantage in this regard. At the same time, Soul Body like Sha Yezi is also pulled by pulling force. Although the pulling force she receives is not much greater than ours, because she is a Soul Body, her ability to fix the body is relatively weak, so she is more likely to be pulled. go. Finally, and most importantly, I found that two of my familiars were barely affected by traction. These two are Fire Essence, Ivorite, the spirit king, and Brigitte, the god of thunder.

Ivorite and Brigitte are my favorites like other familiars, but the gravity they receive is significantly lower. The reason for this is very easy to guess, because they are me The only two construct creatures of all familiars. To put it bluntly, both of them are mechanical lifeforms. Although they have life, their bodies are mechanical.

According to this phenomenon, I assumed a probability, that is, the gravitational field has a very poor effect on construct creatures, and the lower the form of construct creatures, the less affected, because these low-level demons In fact, they are not creatures. They are just magical artifacts. They are inanimate tools and are simply not affected by gravity.

After having this guess, I threw out the two most old-fashioned mobile angels just now, and judging from the way they fell easily, my guess is completely valid. Although I am restricted by gravity and cannot move, the power of the mobile angel is big enough to pull me out of this range of gravity, so the threat of free Goddess is useless to me. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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