"Isn't it normal? What could be wrong with Divine Soul?" Hades asked suspiciously.

I didn't say what was abnormal, but just let the fusion soul out. After all, Hades is a Pluto who specializes in undead spirits. He has too much contact with the soul, so I just released the soul and Hades immediately discovered the problem.

"This...is it a fused soul?"

I nodded talked about the reason for this soul fusion, and then asked Hades: "Can this soul be Use it?"

"It can be used for sure." Hades replied: "The strength of this soul is still good. After all, it contains the soul energy of so many souls, so if it is just pure It’s very good to be used as a Power of Faith storage."

"It’s fine if it can be used. I’m really afraid that this thing won’t work! Well, since Divine Soul has gotten it, then we Is it possible to start building faith collection towers right away?"

Hades nodded said: "Okay, let’s start construction now. No matter what the other Yama Palace is, let’s build our own tower first. Get up and talk about it."

"In fact, I have already asked the Jade Emperor in other Yama Palaces. The Jade Emperor is nodded. I haven’t said hello to the Hades, but I want to come here. They should not refuse such things."

"I can only help you build a collection tower. I can't help you negotiate with the Hades." Hades finished speaking and turned around. To Pandora, who has been following him, "Pandora, go and inform Persephone to help me prepare all the necessary materials, so that we are going to build a collection tower."

Pandora asked nodded. : "Radamantis and the others should also be called back by the way?"

"Yes, call them back, I can't do it alone."

After Pandora left, Hades took me out of the office area and ran behind the old Yama Palace site that was under construction. When walking through the construction area, I found a strange phenomenon, that is, there is no one on the construction site, all the magic puppets are working, except for occasionally a few Necromancers holding blueprints in the command, basically nothing. Was the creature. Originally, I wanted to ask why so many demon puppets came to the underworld, but before I opened my mouth, I figured it out.

The nether air on the underworld is a feminine energy. Most of the construction team in our guild are living creatures. The workers who construct the new Yama Palace will probably die before the construction of the new Yama Palace is completed. It's gone, so there is no other way but to let the lifeless magic puppet come down to work in place of the laborers. Although this requires a lot of magic crystal consumption costs, at least there is no need to worry about casualties.

After passing through the construction area, I discovered that the original Hades painted engineering area is much larger than the original Yama Palace. Not only the original Yama Palace ruin area is under construction, but also in the original construction area. There is actually a large area of ​​land being leveled behind. However, there is a strange place deep in this area. The place is surrounded by open space, but there is a wall in the middle, and I don't know what is going on inside.

Hades took me all the way through the area where the land was being leveled and walked directly to the edge of the fence. We didn’t call the door yet, and the door opened by itself. It turned out that Ai Akos was already inside. Waiting.

"Master Hades. President." Seeing the two of us, Ai Akos hurriedly saluted us.

Hades waved his hand to sign the exemption, and then asked: "Since you are here, are Radamantis and Minos also here?"

< p>Aikos nodded and said: "Minos is here, but Ladamantis is going to deal with an escaped soul."

Hades nodded and said: "Then you go and pull Damantis got it back, and we're going to start building the collection tower."

As soon as he heard that the collection tower was about to be built, Eakos immediately became excited. "What? President Purple Moon, did you bring Divine Soul back?"

I nodded and said: "Yes, I brought one back, and according to Hades, it is a very good one. "

"haha, very good, I'm going to call Ladamantis back."

Although Ayakos, one of the three giants of hell, usually talks with him The two brothers like reserved, but he can’t help but get excited about it today. As Divine Race, Power of Faith is their lifeblood. For Divine Race, Power of Faith is equivalent to farmers’ land and merchants’ sales channels, which are all things that you have to fight for. Although Divine Race as a guild does not have to face as many threats as the local Divine Race, stagnation of its own strength is always not a problem. Now suddenly I heard that there is a way to collect Power of Faith, do you think they can be upset?

Under the stimulus of Power of Faith, Ai Akos’s speed rose in a straight line. He ran back almost when Hades and I walked into the yard, but I It is estimated that this is not because Ai Akos is fast, but because Ladamantes and Pandora are more anxious than Ai Akos. After all, Hades asked Pandora to notify Ladamantis before, and I guess these two are also As soon as I received the news, I started to rush back.

"My lord, are you going to start building the Power of Faith collection tower?" Radamantes couldn't wait to ask as soon as he came in.

I nodded and said: "Yes, I have retrieved Divine Soul, you can help Hades to start preparing."

"Okay, let's start now. ."

The working principle of the Power of Faith collection tower is very simple. According to Hades’s explanation, this thing is actually using Divine Race’s innate ability to absorb Power of Faith to turn Divine Soul into a Power of Faith Magnets, as long as they are generated by Power of Faith and are within the range of the Power of Faith collection tower, these Power of Faith will be attracted by the Divine Soul and stored in the body. As for the process of exporting Power of Faith, it is actually similar to the principle of inhalation. Because Divine Soul, used as a collector, has no consciousness, so although it can absorb Power of Faith, it will only passively absorb it. In fact, a simple Divine Soul will not absorb Power of Faith at all. The reason why Divine Soul in this collector collects Power of Faith is because there is something similar to a hypnotic device in the collection tower that can replace the consciousness of this Divine Soul Control this Divine Soul to collect Power of Faith, and when you need to extract it, you only need to operate the controller to reverse the output.

Because of the working principle of the collection tower, making the collection tower is actually equivalent to making the mental controller, and the other things are just supporting facilities. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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