
This sound was made by Goddess and I. Of course, other people wanted to make it, but it was too late.

The slashed guy was sucked to the top of the crystal ball instantaneously after losing support, and then the baring fangs and brandishing claws have been baring fangs and brandishing claws for a long time but never touched the centipede. Finally caught a target that can be gnawed, and it looks like this thing is quite delicious.

I observed this centipede before. For so long, I have guessed that 80% of this thing can evolve by devouring life energy, so I called out the Divine Race when it was sucked by the insect. No, as for free Goddess, although she has not studied this insect with me, since she came for this insect, it means that she must know some information about this thing, and she can also call out that sentence. At least it means that she knows that the insect will have trouble after eating the advanced lifeform.

Although we yelled no, the insect doesn’t care what we yell. Anyway, it knows that a piece of delicious food has appeared on its mouth, and it’s so energetic that it won’t resist. Almost at the moment when he caught the guy, the centipede geek plunged his head into the gap in the guy's abdomen, and then saw the poor Divine Race scream frantically. Originally being occupied by the waist was bad enough, but now he is still being eaten by the insect. It is estimated that this guy has done a lot of wicked things before, and such unfortunate things can make him run into it.

Compared to gnawing stones, the Divine Race in front of me is much better. If it’s a live Divine Race, then the insect may not be gnawed, but the problem is that now this guy has been cut in half, and all kinds of defense enhancements are basically out of effect, not to mention that the insect is still directly from him. The fracture under your belly got in and chewed. Even if your defense is high, you won't be able to add your internal organs, right? In this case, you want to make this guy resist what is impossible, and you can see that the insect completely emptied the guy's belly in less than ten seconds.

After gnawing on that guy’s internal organs, the insect pulled his head out again, and then hugged the guy’s body with the limbs under his body and started to gnaw on his body, and what surprised us was this guy. The mouth is not so good. If you say you ate the Divine Race, it's fine. Anyhow, the Divine Race is also made of meat, so you can eat it for sure. But the question is, the armor on your Divine Race is not made of meat? I was surprised to see this guy gnawing stones before, but now I find that it can gnaw not only stones but also armor. The armor on that Divine Race seemed to be made of shortbread instead of metal, and was gnawed away by the guy in three or two.

After gnawing on the armor of this Divine Race, the insect started gnawing on the body, then the head, and then sent the broken lower body to the mouth and gnawed. In less than a minute, the insect completely gnawed away the Divine Race. This gnawing is not gnawing away in the ordinary sense, but completely gnawing away, even Divine Soul did not run away. Because I am a Dark Element profession, I can see my soul. Just now I clearly saw that after the guy was gnawed, a soul that was exactly the same as him ran out of the corpse's head, but the soul was sucked in by the insect before it could escape, and the whole was sucked in. In the belly of that guy.

From the first time I saw this insect until now, I have found that this guy has eaten the insect in the tunnel, the black stone coffin, the granite coffin lid, the soil, the wooden board, and all kinds of unknowns. Material, giant centipede, living Divine Race, Divine Race armor, magical protective shields arranged by crystals, and the soul of the Divine Race. Judging from the things it eats, not only does this guy have absolutely no requirements on the type and hardness of food, he can even eat intangible things like energy and soul. What the fuck is insect? Is this clearly a living black hole!

After nibbling the hapless child, this insect immediately began to change. The first thing we saw was that this guy's body began to expand like a balloon, and the speed was quite amazing. In almost a dozen seconds, this guy's volume more than doubled. Previously, this guy had only the forearm thickness of an adult man, which was only about two meters in length, but now his body is almost as thick as the waist of an ordinary person, and the length has increased to more than four meters. Such a big thing is already quite deterrent in appearance, even more how this guy is still twisting desperately there.

Originally, if it only grew a little bit, it would be nothing, after all, the volume is still within the controllable range. However, just when we thought this guy could stop for a while, I actually found that it was poking his head down to the ground.

Because of anti-Gravity Technique, this guy has been floating more than two meters above the ground. Before, its body length was only two meters per square meter. When it lowers the probe, other parts will rise. Anyway, its average body height will not change. In this way, even if it straightens itself completely, it is absolutely impossible to touch the ground. However, now this guy is more than four meters in length, as long as he stretches his head down desperately, he can immediately touch the ground, and this guy seems to be aware of this.

As soon as this guy touched the ground, I realized it was bad, but I couldn't help it. With a strong jaw, this guy bit the ground with one bite, and then pulled his body down. Anti-Gravity Technique just makes it lose weight, not pull it up into the sky, so as long as it finds a support point, it is actually very easy to land. As for the gravitational field, the thing seems to be a cylindrical area standing on the ground. It merely pulls the surrounding things to this vertical area, and has no binding force on movement within this range.

After successfully landing, this guy immediately became restless. It first twisted its head to observe the surrounding environment, and then suddenly moved away from the hundreds of legs and climbed up outside the gravitational zone.

The traction in that gravitational zone is really great. Even with our strength, we must clasp the ground with all our strength to barely stand firm, but we only have two legs, even if we put our hands down to help, we only have limbs. But that guy has hundreds of legs. How much adhesion can be produced by so many contact points? If our two legs are train wheels, this guy’s legs are simply tank tracks. We will skid because of traction, but it definitely won’t. Although it is very difficult to move, this guy is born with brute force, and with many legs, the power shared on each leg is really not big at all. Except that the speed has become slower, this guy is hardly restrained.

After confirming that he could indeed leave that area, this guy immediately moved towards the nearest sand night and crawled over. Although Sha Yezi is a wraith and does not belong to an entity, she can also be restricted by that gravitational field, and it seems that pure Soul Body is more restricted. Previously, Sha Yezi was quite far away from the center, but as the gravitational force continued to increase, she couldn't control her body forcibly and was pulled over step by step, but now she became the person closest to the center of the gravitational field.

That insect, no matter how you came here, anyway, it knows that the target is the nearest, so it just rushed here. Although Sha Yezi is not a physical entity, this guy swallowed the Divine Race soul in front of us before, so we fully believe that it has the ability to swallow Sha Yezi too.

Looking at the insect getting closer and closer, Sha Yezi was also anxious. She was not sure whether she would be resurrected if she was eaten by the insect. But I didn't plan to experiment with her. "Sha Yezi, hide in the training space."

Hearing my reminder, Sha Yezi also reacted. She suddenly gave up resisting the gravitational force, and the whole person immediately looked towards the gravitational field. Past. But she only flew less than half a meter, a black space door suddenly appeared in front of her, and then Sha Yezi plunged in, and the space door closed immediately and disappeared.

The insect originally saw Sha Yezi flying towards him and raised his head excitedly and waited for the meal, but the food that didn't expect to his mouth flew away. After a moment of stunned, it didn't lose its temper or anything. It just looked around all around, and then immediately crawled towards the nearest target.

Without the first goal of Sha Yezi, now the closest to it is another free Divine Race. This is a female free Divine Race. Seeing this big insect crawling towards her, she immediately screamed to let the free Goddess save her. Unfortunately, the free Goddess is still busy avoiding the eternal pursuit and has no time to care about her.

Seeing that the big insect is getting closer and closer to me, and I will bite myself in the next second, then the free Divine Race simply tried to get sucked and let go and used an attack skill. I saw a red light flashing by, a huge ball of light blasted directly on the head of the centipede, and the female free Divine Race was attracted to the center of the gravitational field because she could not grasp the ground when she used her skills. . However, just after she flew over the insect to the center of the gravitational field, everyone was surprised to find that the insect turned its head up and sucked the magic light bullet into its mouth a little bit.

This is the fourth type of insect that I found. I knew that this guy eats living things, inorganic metals, rocks, and insect carapace. Later, I discovered that this guy eats energy and soul. Now we actually discovered that it even eats attack magic.

After swallowing the ball of light, the insect realized that the target in front of him was missing. But this guy's good eyesight played a role. After looking around, it suddenly discovered that the target had gone to the position where he left, but the next reaction of this guy made us even more worried, because it, or he actually showed an intellectual behavior.

Before we always thought that this guy's intelligence was very limited, but now we confirm that his intelligence is not low, because he actually knows how to measure complex correlation problems. After discovering that the target was missing, this guy first looked around, and finally found the target where he left, and then this guy discovered that another target was standing very close to him.

If this guy has only animal-level predatory instincts, then he should choose the target closest to him. This guy did what he did in the first place, but after only two steps, the guy stopped. Suddenly he backed up two more steps, then climbed one more step forward, and then took another step back. At first we didn't understand what he was doing, but soon I thought of the reason. He was just testing the properties of gravity. He finally realized that climbing to the nearest target needed to move forward with resistance, and returning to the position he left to attack the previous target was very effortless. After raising his head and reconfirming the distance between the two targets, the guy immediately turned around and flew at a flying speed towards the free stretched clan that was attracted to the center of the gravitational field. Although this guy had been moving very slowly before, it was in a normal environment. Now that gravity helps him, his speed is obviously much faster, and he almost rushed to the Divine Race's side in a blink of an eye.

The free Divine Race who had been sucked in and put a magic spell before was completely desperate now. Seeing the insect rushing over, she had no other choice but to scream. It's a pity that I won't help her, and other free Divine Races are too busy to take care of themselves. How can I take care of her?

It’s worse than the previous Divine Race, the guy before was cut at first at first, and the insect was eaten from halfway down, so the guy only persisted for more than ten seconds before he died. . But this free Divine Race is different. Although she was sucked over, she didn't hurt at all, which meant that she was in a funny state. What's even worse is that the insect actually started to gnaw from her feet. With the life force of Divine Race, it is estimated that she can't die unless the insect gnaws above the chest. Being eaten a little bit by life like this, that kind of fear and pain is definitely more terrifying than death. If there is a choice, I think she must hope that someone will come to a killing blade now, and save her to suffer this living crime. Unfortunately, her wish was destined to be impossible. In our pitying gaze, Divine Race has been screaming for one minute and died completely because the heart was eaten. As for her soul, of course, she was swallowed directly by the insect without any accident.

A Divine Race was eaten again, and the size of that insect immediately began to increase again. He was already as thick as the waist of an ordinary person before, and this would have grown directly to the point of seventy-eighty centimeters in diameter, and his length had reached an exaggeration of nearly six meters.

As soon as the increase in body size ended, the insect immediately turned its body around and started looking for the next target. This time he was staring at the darts and Bailang. Both of them are not too far away from this guy. Although the volume of the dart is relatively small, the energy intensity is not too low. Besides, he is close to Bailang, two at a time. This goal is very cost-effective.

When the waist was thick, this guy already had enough brute force to resist the gravitational field. Now it has been thicker for several laps, the gravitational force has basically lost its effect on it. After selecting the target, the guy immediately moved towards the darts and white waves at a fairly rapid speed and crawled over. Despite the gravitational pull on the right side, his leg lengthened due to the increase in volume, and his movement speed was much faster than when he was in the tomb before.

Of course I’m impossible to let this guy attack the darts and whitecaps, and the best way is to send them all back to the training space. However, although my familiar can return to the training space, what about the free Divine Race next to it? Of course I am not worried about their life and death, but if this guy keeps eating like this, how can I deal with it in the future? This dangerous thing must not let it grow up, at least not let it grow up in the wild. Even if you want to grow, you must at least turn it into a familiar.

"Hey, Lord Goddess, shall we talk about business?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Support is my biggest motivation.)

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