"For example, Purple Moon." As the magic missile was intercepted, a familiar silhouette came out of the woods ahead.

"Free Goddess?" We were all taken aback when we saw the people coming.

In fact, Goddess is not the only one who came here, she is also followed by a large group of her subordinates, but I don't even know it.

The Divine Races of various countries in "Zero" are mostly produced by game producers who collect local Myths and Legends. For example, China's Celestial Court and Buddhism are created based on local religions and myths. . And the Olympus Divine Race is basically like this. Of course, there are two Divine Races in the game that are not like this, that is, Guangming Temple and Dark God Palace. These two organizations are distributed all over the world, but they are not affiliated with each other. Simply put, the Dark God Palace in China is the Divine Race in China, and the Dark God Palace in Japan is the Divine Race in Japan. There is no connection between them.

Except for these two temples, the Divine Races of all countries are basically created based on their myths. However, there is a country that is more troublesome, and that is the United States. The United States has a short history of founding a nation, and it is a country of immigrants. Their native myths simply don't exist. American Indians have their own Myths and Legends, but the problem is that Indians are not a mainstream group in the United States, and their myths cannot be accepted by the majority of Americans. But fortunately, there is still a free woman Divine Idol in the United States, and this free Goddess has basically become the fine divine elephant sign of the Americans, so game designers have created a free Divine out of thin air on this basis. Race. Of course, because the free Divine Race itself was fabricated out of thin air, no one simply knew their composition and membership. Basically, apart from the free Goddess, the other free Divine Race members do not even know the Americans themselves.

When I was observing the guys behind Goddess, she had already brought these people to us, but neither of us was in a hurry to talk, but each was busy observing our own Target.

At this moment, I am busy observing the group of people behind the free Goddess. Because the free Divine Race itself is fabricated, unlike other Divine Races, Myths and Legends can be referenced, so we can say that we don't know anything about this guy's strength and special ability. Fortunately, "Zero" is a game with general rules. The general battle method and combat ability of ordinary personnel can be seen from the outside. Although this is not necessarily accurate by eyes alone, it's better than a black eye when you really fight.

I am busy observing the people brought by the free Goddess, and the free Goddess is not idle. Her gaze has been focused on the centipede monster behind me that has been wrapped in eternity with only the legs and half of the head outside. After observing the people she brought, I found that Goddess's eyes had been locked on that insect, and I immediately understood her intentions.

"It’s a coincidence that Lord Goddess is free to appear here freely." As I said, I put my hands behind my back and gestured to the small dragon women. The small dragon women saw that my hand was there. Pointing to the insect behind, I immediately understood what I meant, and directly blew the insect to my side with a breeze and grabbed it in my hand.

This insect was indeed very difficult to deal with before. It almost caught what to eat, but now it does not threaten the safety of the small dragon girl at all, because its whole body is Wrapped by eternity. Although its legs are exposed, it can only move back and forth and cannot turn because its body is fixed. Besides, it is now floating in the air by the Anti-Gravity Technique, even if it can turn around, it can't run. As for its big pliers that can gnaw at everything, this can only be a display. The head is restricted, and its pliers can't move left and right except to open and close. Unless someone puts the body into its mouth stupidly, it simply can't bite anyone.

Seeing that the small dragon girl grabbed the insect, Goddess became nervous immediately. But she suddenly suppressed it as soon as she wanted to shout, and then she turned her head and looked towards me said with a smile: "President Purple Moon. I heard that the monster who attacked our free Divine Race is here. , I don’t know if you saw it?"

If I didn’t see Goddess’s performance just now, I would definitely think that she was chasing the murderer for the assault on the people of this clan. After all, this excuse is very Perfect. However, it is a pity that her hiding skills are not in place, so the obvious expression is telling me that she is here for that insect.

"Oh, you mean that monster?"

"Did you see it?"

I nodded and said: "It's over there."


I am referring to the direction of the laboratory. Anyway, I evacuated it. Free Goddess can go and see it. As for the monster that has been killed by me, I won't tell her about it. If she is capable, she will find it by herself.

Free Goddess glanced at the direction I was pointing, and then suddenly narrowed her eyes, and then she said to us: "I just saw President Purple Moon seems to have caught an insect. Can you show me it?"

"When did your Lord Goddess be interested in collecting insects?"

"I just think that insect is a bit special, you can show me Is it?"

When I heard the request of Freedom Goddess, I first showed up and disappeared, until Freedom Goddess also laughed and wiped my face suddenly: "No. This is a very important experimental material for us. , I must take it back right away."

At first, I was kind of free Goddess didn't expect I would refuse so simply, and seeing that we actually plan to leave immediately, she also Anxious. She probably guessed what we already knew, and she didn't play hypocritically with us anymore. Directly tore off the disguise of kindness, Goddess of Liberty suddenly said to me with a straight face: "Okay, Purple Moon, everyone is sensible, and we don't want to go in circles."

"I don't go in circles. , You have been there hypocritically, what does it matter to me?"

"You..." Free Goddess was choked by my words, but she immediately put the pressure down and looked at me and said: "Well, I was wrong before. Now let's get it straight. The insect in your hand is ours. Please give it to us."

"Yours?" I looked back. He glanced at the insect, then turned his head back and stared at the belly of Liberty Goddess and looked up and down endlessly.

Free Goddess found that the position I was looking at was not right, so he hurriedly clutched his stomach and shouted: "Where are you looking?"

"Of course I looked at my stomach."


"What are you doing?"

"You don't look like you can give birth to such a big insect?"

"Asshole, you dare to insult Goddess "A guy standing behind the free Goddess suddenly stood up and pointed at me and cursed.

I turned my head slightly and gestured when I saw the guy who suddenly appeared. Ling raised his hand and a magic bullet directly blasted the guy out. My Familiar Levels are very scary. I used to be inferior to those Divine Races because my level was too low and restricted their ability to play. Now their strength will naturally rise after my level rises. Ling had been the main god anyway, even if his strength was not as good as before after leaving the god position, he still had no problem dealing with a subordinate god.

Seeing that the guy was directly blasted into the air, Goddess was so angry that she wanted to attack on the spot, but she looked at the Insect that was pinched by the small dragon girl, she thought about it, and she endured it. "Purple Moon, I will tell you one last time, that insect belongs to us, and you must return it to us."

I glanced at the belly of Liberty Goddess again, and said: "First, this insect It’s not yours. Second, it doesn’t have your mark on it. Third, you were not raising it when I found it. If you call it now and it can agree, it will prove that it is you. Yes, but I don’t think the probability is big. If you don’t have these conditions, then why do you say that this is yours?"

The freedom Goddess was told by me like a cannon at all. How to answer, in the end, I can only stutter there. But after stuttering for a long time, she finally reacted and furiously said at me: "Purple Moon, I ask you to give it to me, why are there so many reasons?"

See Liberty Goddess even this All the reasons came out, I just smiled and asked her: "Do you think I'm a good bully? Do you intend to snatch it out as you mean it?"

"I'll just grab you guys. "Free Goddess also knows that playing lipstick is not my opponent, so I just cast aside all considerations for face directly to play a rogue.

Following a word from Free Goddess, the Divine Race behind her immediately rushed over. Seeing the rushing crowd, I also not to be outdone, waved my hand directly, and my surroundings were immediately covered by my summon creatures. "hmph, more than people, I haven't been afraid of anyone."

Most people will suffer a lot when encountering Divine Race, because divine force has a suppressive effect on ordinary people, and its effect value is calculated by ten times of. For example, if the defensive power of a Divine Race is 10,000, then when a player attacks him, the defensive power of this Divine Race is actually 10,000 times ten, which is ten. ten thousand. Although the value shows that his defense is 10,000, for this player, attacking this Divine Race is actually the same as attacking an ordinary person with a defense of 100,000. If the reverse is true, this Divine Race will attack an ordinary person. Assuming that the attack power of this Divine Race is also 10,000, then, for the person being attacked, he is actually equivalent to being attacked by a person with an attack power of 100,000, because the attack and defense of Divine Race must be multiplied. Convert ten talents into an ordinary person’s attack.

Because of the ten-fold effect of the divine force attribute, even if some Divine Race has the same level and basic attribute as the ordinary person, it is even lower, and its battle strength will be stronger than the average person. Out a lot. However, this attribute does not apply to me.

I have the title of a god slayer, so when fighting me and my summon creatures, the divine force of Divine Race can't play that ten times the offensive and defensive effect at all. In addition, because of Godslayer's attributes, not only can I not be afraid of divine force, but also a double battle strength bonus to Divine Race. The effect of this bonus is the same as the battle effect of Divine Race on ordinary persons. The only difference is that Divine Race has ten times the battle strength bonus on ordinary persons, while mine has twice the bonus.

Anyway, it is an inevitable fact that Divine Race was born short in front of me, so let alone those little gods, even the main gods didn't really dare to do it face-to-face with me. The reason why Goddess dared to turn my face with me this time, I guess the main reason lies in the insect. If I guessed it correctly, the insect should have a very important effect on them, otherwise Goddess will not blatantly turn my face against me.

As I summoned out my own summon creature, the people brought by the free Goddess immediately collided with our people. As soon as the two sides came into contact, there was a side-to-side situation, but it was not that we were beaten by Divine Race, but the people led by the free Goddess were beaten to the ground by my pets.

Free Divine Race itself is not a very powerful Divine Race, and in addition to the old Divine Race like China Celestial Court and Olympus Divine Race, general Divine Race generally shows strength distribution Uneven situation. To put it simply, the expert in Divine Race is particularly strong, but the ordinary Divine Race is particularly weak. The gang brought by the free Goddess are obviously impossible and all of them are experts, so they were overthrown by my familiars as soon as they touched them after being suppressed by my Godslayer attribute.

However, although we have a large area advantage here, there are a few guys that are extremely difficult to deal with. Of course, I was well prepared for this situation. It’s not all of my familiars that I just fought with those Divine Races. The few familiars I can fight most haven’t actually moved yet. The purpose of keeping them is to find those high level Divine Races that are relatively strong. deal with.

Liberty Goddess looked anxious as the gang of his men were beaten up. She knew that I was very difficult to deal with, but she didn't expect her person to be so unbeaten, and she was knocked down in a few strokes. Seeing how embarrassing her subordinates were, she waved her hand and sent out the two guys who had been standing next to her.

Seeing the two Divine Races coming out, I immediately winked at Ling. Ling walked over knowingly, while Ye Yue took the initiative to meet the other guy. Now the only ones who have not moved on the battlefield are me, Goddess and the small dragon girl. Free Goddess and I are both Old Feng. Naturally, we want the best end. As for the small dragon girl, her task is to hold the insect and prevent it from running away.

The first guy sent by Goddess of Freedom was attacked by Thunder after entering the battlefield. However, his battle strength was very high. Although Thunder's speed was fast, he couldn't help this guy at all. After failing three consecutive assaults, Lei was directly hit by the guy's right arm with a sword and flew out. Fortunately, Lei's speed was fast enough. In the end, the sword did not cut solids, otherwise the injury would definitely be serious. However, just as the guy split the thunder apart, he suddenly realized that there were more people in front of him.

When the guy saw Ling Ling’s hands were spreading to the sides a little bit, and between her hands, a huge purple black ball of light covered with arcs was following. As her hands parted, they gradually grew larger. When the guy noticed, the ball of light was already the size of a basketball, and it was still expanding.

The guy who saw this thing immediately rushed up. He is a melee personnel, so when seeing a mage-type personnel, it is natural to get close to the opponent immediately. Moreover, the ball of light pulled by Ling's hand is obviously a big move, this thing is better not to let it out.

Although the guy’s battle awareness is correct, he actually made a fatal mistake, that is, he didn’t figure out Ling’s magical preparation time. Just as he rushed towards Ling, Ling's separated hands suddenly pressed toward the middle and pushed forward, and the ball of light immediately flew straight towards the guy with a string of dazzling arcs.

When the ball of light flew over, the guy immediately wanted to dodge, but when he was about to dodge, he found that Ling and all my summon creatures around him were squatting on the ground with their heads in their hands. But although he saw this strange phenomenon, he hadn't waited for him to react to why. The ball of light exploded by itself more than two meters away from him.

I did not imagine the loud noise of heaven shaking, earth shattering, the explosion of the light ball only made a zi zi sound like electrical leakage, and then I saw a blue aperture with the explosion point of the light ball as The center of the circle moved towards all directions spread out.

Although the explosion of the aperture has been noticed by all Divine Races brought by Goddess, they still failed to avoid the aperture, because the spread of this thing is so fast, from the light The ball exploded to the aperture expansion Great Accomplishment A huge halo with a diameter of more than one kilometer, the whole process took less than half a second in total. With the expansion of the aperture, almost all of the free Divine Race present was swept away by the aperture. The huge impact directly knocked all these people out, and those who flew up were all flashes of light without exception. , After landing, he was still pumping on the ground.

Ling down with so many Divine Races in one move, Ling has no intention to celebrate at all. After the aperture spread, she immediately stood up and took the initiative to rush to his target, and then held down the guy's forehead when the guy was about to get up. "Dark baptism."

The guy whose forehead was pinched suddenly shivered violently as if sitting in an electric chair. Even if he was swept by the electric aperture, he didn't shake. It's been so amazing. However, although he is very difficult to deal with, but the time is short. Ling only went dark for a few seconds before letting go, and then he saw the guy on the ground getting up from the ground as if there was nothing wrong with him. However, he did not attack Ling after he got up. Instead, he knelt down on one leg and gave Ling a courtesy: "Great Goddess, Death Knight Sateba reports to you. My sword will be sharp for you." /p>

While Goddess was stunned and watched his subordinates betrayed suddenly, Ling suddenly pointed to a free Divine Race next to him and said: "Very good Knight. Now it is you who show your loyalty. It's time. Go, destroy the enemy in front of you."

"Observe my Goddess." The guy bowed his head again to salute to Ling, and then immediately picked up his long sword and turned towards him. 'S comrades rushed over.

The small dragon girl who is still holding an insect can’t help but lean over and ask me when she sees that guy’s abnormal performance: "When did Sister Ling have this ability?"

I shrugged helplessly: "You are together every day, you don't know how I know? But it seems that this should be Dark Element high level magic, it shouldn't be surprising that Ling can use it."

Ling itself is a dark Goddess, so compared with ordinary dark creatures, she has a very abnormal characteristic, that is, all dark magic, as long as her magic power and level reach the minimum release standard, she can use this magic immediately. There is no need for any learning and adaptation process at all. To put it simply, she can use it as long as it is dark magic, and as long as the restriction conditions corresponding to that magic are met, she can use it immediately, and it will be Master Rank proficiency as soon as it comes up.

The renegade guy on the battlefield quickly rushed to his companion and started fighting. Although his companion noticed his abnormality before, this guy was their companion before, and still has status. Relatively high presence. The guy who was attacked didn't dare to fight this guy, and he was beaten back and forth. However, I still found some of these problems. It seems that this guy's battle strength dropped a lot after being transformed by Ling. But it’s right to think about it. The ability to transform the enemy into fighting for oneself on the battlefield is already abnormal enough. If the battle strength doesn’t drop at all, wouldn’t it be too much?

The man who was manipulated over there is chasing and killing his companion, while his companion on the other side is being chased and killed. Just now Free Goddess sent out the two strongest guys around him at once, but what makes Free Goddess depressed is that it seems that the two strongest guards around her are actually not my opponents. Shatba was directly controlled and turned into an enemy, while the other guy was beaten all over the floor by Ye Yue after a face-to-face encounter.

This guy who is facing Yeyue seems to be the battle type of Magic and Martial Dual Cultivation. When he first came up, he first hit Yeyue twice with a long-range magic attack, but Yeyue’s pupil technique It's not kidding either. After discovering that the long-range attack was not an opponent at all, he immediately planned to approach and engage in melee combat. But what made him didn't expect was that this decision made him too late to regret later. Although he was not an opponent in the long-range attack before, he could do it anyway. After getting close, he was completely abused.

Before, he thought he was good at close combat, but when Ye Yue rushed to his side, he deeply realized what makes two fists hard to beat four hands. What's worse is that Ye Yue has more than four hands. With six arms and a tail that is more flexible than an arm, Ye Yue is equivalent to having seven hands. Yeyue’s battle method is the best interpretation of what it means to beat the old master indiscriminately. That guy’s proud fighting skills couldn’t give full play to any formidable power in front of Ye Yue. Ye Yue used six hands to hold a six-handed sword and dance like a wheel like a wheel. The guy blocked the left and missed the right, and no matter how he defended, he would always be beaten. What’s more terrible is that Ling’s big tail not only specifically attacks his bottom plate, but the tail is much stronger than the arm. Sometimes it’s accidentally swiped and can directly move all his internal organs. For a long time, I couldn't put up strength.

It was miserable for the guy who was beaten by this torrential attack and didn't even have the power to parry, but soon he realized that not only was things different from what he thought before, it was actually better than later I think it's worse. Not only can Yeyue use a storm-like attack to suppress his skills, he can't use any skills, but what's more terrible is that Yeyue's pupil technique is an innate talent skill and not a post-heavenly demon technique. The biggest difference between the innate talent attribute and the magic learned by the wizards is that this ability simply does not require preparation time, and there is no distance limit at all. Ye Yue was able to fight against this guy while still smashing him with the pupil technique. This discovery became the last straw to crush the camel, and the guy finally realized that he was not the opponent in front of him at all, and turned around and ran.

Although it’s embarrassing to be beaten to the head of a Divine Race as a Divine Race, what’s more sad is that the covered head and sneaked away like a rat can’t run away. Yeyue’s big tail can not only assist in combat, but also has a clear advantage over human legs in its mobility. Anyway, the guy found that he couldn’t run her at all, and the more he rushed on those rugged roads, the speed of others The more obvious the advantage.

Free Goddess watched his two capable men kill one of his own people while being manipulated to kill him, and the other chased like a dog in chaos, his angry face almost turned into a sesame seed shape.

Seeing that his subordinates were so weak, Goddess finally couldn't help but stepped down. I didn't move before, not to be cool, but to stare at Goddess to prevent her from suddenly hurting people. Now that she has moved, I naturally don't have to pose here. I stretched out my hand directly to the small dragon woman, and eternally broke away from the body of the insect and returned to my hand. As soon as the insect was free, it struggled and writhed trying to escape, but it was a pity that the small dragon female used the anti-Gravity Technique to raise it to in midair. It couldn’t catch any borrowed things at all, although it could writhe in the air. , But no matter how you twist it, it's still in place.

After starting the eternity, I directly turned the eternity into a sword-shaped moved towards free Goddess and walked over. Free Goddess probably also knew that it was impossible to touch the insect if she didn't put me down, so she didn't fight with my other monsters, but walked directly towards me. However, although she didn't think about fighting with my familiars, my familiars didn't plan to let her go. In terms of the number of people, my favorites are definitely more than the people brought by the free Goddess, even more how the people of the free Goddess have been brought down by my people.

Liberty Goddess is staring at me intently, ready to meet my surprise attack at any time, who knows suddenly feels a wave of Law Power on the side. To know the law, this thing is much more powerful than magic. As a Low God family who can access some simple laws, the free Goddess naturally knows the power of Law Power. Except for her own men, all the familiars on the battlefield are now my familiars. At this moment, I suddenly felt a wave of Law Power. Is it unknown that my familiars released it?

The discovery that my familiar mastered Law Power surprised Goddess of freedom, but now she has no time to think about anything else, so she turned around and looked towards the Law Power. When I turned my head, I saw a huge golden magic array unfolding in the air, and then saw a stream of light passing through the magic array and being coated with a layer of golden, and then slammed into her.

The free Goddess in panic hurriedly carried up the divine force to block it, but unfortunately her divine force did not reach any effect, because Victoria's arrow of destiny could not be stopped at all.

Here, the free Goddess immediately took three steps back after hitting an arrow. Of course, this was not caused by the arrow of destiny, but she was frightened by herself. The Arrow of Destiny is just a kind of Law Power, not an attack magic, and does not have any strike effect. Free Goddess being beaten back three steps is purely mental.

Victoria jumped up excitedly after seeing the arrow of destiny hit and shouted: "haha, I got the disease attribute."

Hearing Victoria’s call, I And my other familiars all have a loose expression on their faces. The formidable power of the arrow of destiny in Victoria is quite big, but this probability is really unreliable. Just now this arrow was lucky to get the disease attribute, so Victoria was so excited. The effect of this disease attribute is to disable all skills of the target and cause attack power and movement speed to be reduced by 20%.

Actually, the 20% reduction in attack power and movement speed is not the most important part of the disease attribute. The most important thing is the failure of all the previous skills, especially when encountering the existence of free Goddess.

From the image of Freedom Goddess with one hand torch and one hand, it is not difficult to see that she is a mage-type god, otherwise she should be a sword and a shield. As a mage-type personnel, magic is an indispensable thing. Didn't people say that the depleted mage is not as good as the peasant? However, now the free Goddess may be in a state that is inferior to that of a peasant, because her magic also belongs to the category of skills, which means that she can no longer use magic now. In addition to using the torch in her hand as a weapon, it is estimated that she can only bite people with her teeth.

"Hehe, this time, I had a lot of fun. I came across a high level Divine Race that can't be magical." I was immediately happy when Victoria said that I got the disease attribute. I'm worried about not having enough souls to make a faith collection tower for Hades, and didn't expect a free Goddess to send it to the door in person. Although the Divine Races of various countries are only Low Gods, as the leader of a Divine Race, the free Goddess is also a high level Divine Race anyway. The high level Divine Race in Low God, its soul strength is definitely enough to be a giant collection tower. Maybe she can make several collection towers at once by breaking her soul into several parts.

Free Goddess also immediately checked her physical condition after discovering that the arrow did not cause any damage. Of course, she found that all her magic was out of order. Realizing that he is very dangerous now, Goddess made a very decisive decision. She suddenly took out a crystal ball from her body and threw it at her feet. The crystal ball exploded in an instant. However, this thing did not produce much explosive power, but it was over with a ping bang. However, just when we thought that the gadget of Free Goddess had failed, an accident happened suddenly.

"Damn, what's the matter?" We were stunned there, and suddenly felt a huge pulling force pulling us toward the place where the crystal ball broke. Our first reaction is naturally to resist that force, and the Divine Race brought by Goddess of freedom is the same action. However, I was surprised to find that there was one person in the field who did not seem to be affected by the pull, and this person was the free Goddess.

After the tension appeared, I didn’t have time to figure out what to do. I suddenly heard cry out in surprise from behind. I turned my head violently and just saw the big centipede baring fangs. and brandishing claws are flying towards me. Fortunately, I reacted quickly and bowed my head abruptly, and the centipede flew directly over my head with a slight difference. It turns out that the pulling force of that thing is not just for us, the centipede was also sucked in by the pulling force. Moreover, as the centipede flew past, I also found that there were many small insects in the nearby forest and under the grass that were being sucked out and moved towards the place where the crystal ball was shattered and flew away. The place where the crystal ball broke is now like a black hole. The difference is that it only seems to be effective on animals. Plants and inanimate things are not affected by this thing.

Seeing that centipede moved towards freedom Goddess flew over there, I quickly turned my head and looked at the pepper. The pepper reaction is not slow either. I immediately used the spirit strength field to control the centipede and firmly fixed it in the position between us and the broken crystal ball. Although the pulling force continued to pull the centipede, but with With the pulling of the pepper, the centipede was dragged back slowly.

Seeing that we can still hold that centipede, Goddess laughed disdainfully and said: "Don’t waste your effort. You are impossible to pull it back. The pulling force of my black hole of life will increase. The stronger you come, sooner or later you will be sucked over."

"The black hole of life? You mean this thing only sucks things with life?"

Free Goddess said proudly "Of course. This is the latest technology researched by our free Divine Race. It is only effective for living things. As long as you suck in all the enemies and throw a bomb in the middle, you can take care of all the enemies without hurting them. Materials. Do you think this kind of technology is very difficult to deal with? Of course, the more powerful it is for you and my enemies, the more unlucky you will be."

"No, this technology is indeed very difficult to deal with. Okay." My words made Liberty Goddess' eyes move naturally, but before she asked why I had thrown eternity out, and said: "Because I can also use it."

Following my words, Eternal has flown out and suddenly split into thirty-six small steel balls in the air. After these small steel balls are classified, they extend to both ends and gradually become flat. It only takes less than two seconds. Turned into thirty-six double-headed swords. After the transformation is completed, the 36-handled double-headed Flying Sword begins to rotate in place like a helicopter blade. As the Flying Sword turns faster and faster, the 36-handled sword becomes 36 high- The sword wheels of speed rotation, and then with one of my fingers, those sword wheels immediately rushed towards the free Goddess with a sharp wind whistling sound.

"Ah!" Goddess was also shocked to see so many sword wheels flying towards him to be free. She has heard of my eternity, and she also knows that eternity claims to cut everything off, and she doesn't want to use her body to verify whether this rumor is correct. Besides, she can't even use magic now, even if she wants to block it, she has nothing to block. In desperation, she had to turn around and ran.

Although the free Goddess escaped, my eternally changing Flying S

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