Following Victoria's reminder, all our eyes focused on the corpse in an instant. I saw that the guy's belly was gradually bulging up, and then it bulged higher and higher, and finally it was lifted up to a height of more than a foot, and it looked like the guy's belly was stuffed with a small car tire. However, the stretch limit of the human body ends here. As the thing continued to extend upwards, the pu' sound of the mummy's belly suddenly burst, and then we heard a harsh scream, and at the same time a flat head stretched out of the guy's belly. come out.

"I knew it was an insect." Xiaochun said immediately when he saw the creature popping out of the guy's stomach.

In fact, what came out of this guy's belly is not very special in appearance. If we only look at the appearance, we can completely regard it as a giant centipede. However, it is not the same as the centipede you find in the small woods around us. The shape of this creature is more similar to the primordial centipede. On Earth, Far Ancient Era, where dinosaurs have not even evolved, once had an era when Insect ruled the world. At that time, the oxygen content on Earth was very high, and vertebrates were just in the process of transition from amphibians to terrestrial species. Because there are no natural enemies, and the oxygen content is abundant, all Insects of this period are basically Hegemon. In that era, there was a centipede that was very similar to the current creature, but it was not exactly the same.

Compared with modern centipede, that kind of ancient centipede is first of all extraordinarily large in size. Generally, adults can grow to more than seven meters and weigh two to three tons. In addition, this kind of centipede is not as flat as modern centipede. . Their torso is a bit like a watermelon worm, basically semi-circular, quite full. Unlike modern centipede, ancient centipede did not need to enter rock crevices and the like to avoid enemies. Their size determined that they were basically land hegemons, so they did not need a flat body that was conducive to hiding. On the contrary, the full body of these guys can give them more space for muscle growth, so their power is very scary. Moreover, in addition to the body structure is different from the current centipede, the colors of these guys are also very different from the modern centipede. Compared with the modern centipede that needs to be concealed and grows into white or black, the color of this ancient centipede is much more public. A big red armor will look very bright even at night, and it will be gorgeous and messy during the day. This color is not a disguise, but a warning, warning all predators who dare to attack them, I not to be trifled with.

The insect that is now crawling out of the body of this mummy is very similar to the ancient centipede, the same full body, the same gorgeous color, and even the shorter tentacles. More similar to the ancient centipede. However, there is one thing that this guy is different from the ancient centipede, and that is this guy's eyes.

Ancient centipede actually had no eyes. There were two black hemispherical objects on their heads, which were actually photoreceptors. This thing has no color recognition ability, and it cannot recognize features such as the shape of the object. This thing only has the basic functions of the eyes, just like the state after a person closes his eyes, he can feel the light and shade changes, but he can't see the specific things at all.

However, what I just said was an ancient centipede. This thing in front of us definitely has eyesight, because just after it crawled out of the stomach of the corpse, it stopped and kept turning its head around on us. This shows that it can see things. In fact, by looking at its appearance, you can be sure that this guy has vision, because its head up ahead is like the tail feathers of a peacock with five elongated eyes. These ruby-like eyes are not our usual eyes. They have no pupils or the like, and there is a less obvious grid structure on the surface. Judging from these characteristics, 80% of this guy's length should be compound eyes.

The horrible centipede-like large insect came out of the mummy's belly and slowly observed all of us in the room with his eyes, and then it started being a little by little Crawled out of the mummy's belly. When this guy got out of the mummy's belly, we found that the body of the insect in front of us was not as short as we thought. The body of this guy circling around in the mummy's belly is probably already occupying the entire abdomen of the mummy, so it didn't seem to be very big before, but after it really crawled out completely, we confirmed that this guy is at least two meters tall. How long, the body is almost as thick as a rolling pin.

With such a big centipede-like monster in the belly of that mummy, it was a miracle that the guy could jump out of the coffin and attack us before. But having said that, this centipede seems to have been very honest since its appearance. After it crawled out of that guy's body completely, it first circled the coffin a few times, and then didn't crawl towards us, but turned around and started to gnaw the corpse again.

Under this guy’s head, there are a pair of huge pliers like auxiliary feeding organs. The skeleton of the mummy is almost like a crispy muffin in front of this guy, accompanied by a burst of cracks. There was a numb chewing on the scalp, and soon the corpse was chewed by this guy and there was no scum left. After swallowing the last bone, this centipede first looked up at us, and found that we hadn't moved at all, then it lowered its head and began to circle the previous black shining stone coffin several times. Just when we almost thought this guy was exercising after cooking, he suddenly stopped, then chose a corner of the coffin and started chewing. In our surprised eyes, this terrifying big centipede actually gnawed out a big hole in the coffin. After gnawing a gap, its eating speed began to rise linearly, and soon the coffin board engraved with the life replenishment array was gnawed away.

"Damn, is this thing born of a starving ghost? How come I can't finish eating it?" Seeing that thing doesn't take us seriously, just staring at the coffin and gnawing at it. I can't wait to remove the magic shield and go in to study how the guy's stomach grows. But having said that, this guy ate the whole mummy plus at least 1/4/2021 cubic meters of black flare, and its volume hasn't increased at all. Is this guy's stomach a black hole? Eat so many things without bulging up a bit.

Xiaochun looked at the insect and turned around and asked me: "This guy seems to have something to eat, are we just waiting like this?"

I pointed to it. Mouth Hei Yaoshi said in the coffin: "Anyway, it won't eat after eating this. It's okay for us to wait."

Listen to me, other familiars will not ask, everyone. Waiting for the guy to finish eating the coffin. I don’t know if it’s the experience of gnawing and gnawing. Anyway, I found that the guy gnawed the coffin faster and faster. It didn’t take ten minutes that the top and one side of the coffin were completely covered. After nibbling, it took another twelve minutes for this guy to nibble all the rest. Looking at the disappearing Hei Yaoshi coffin, I really don’t know what to say. With the thickness of the black Yaoshi stone slab of that coffin, its entire volume is at least two cubic meters, but this guy actually swallowed it all, even fart. Don't bring one. What is this stomach?

Originally, we thought that this guy should start attacking us after we finished gnawing the Heiyaoshi coffin, but what reminds us is that this guy actually turned to the side after gnawing the Heiyaoshi coffin. The stone coffin that was left crawled over.

"It doesn't even eat rocks, right?" We didn't know what to say after watching that guy's movements.

Facts have proved that this guy is really the invincible Great Appetite King. After climbing to the lid of the sarcophagus, he did some research first, and finally touched it with his tentacles a few times to confirm that there was no problem. Immediately began to nibble. Although this set of coffins is a bit bigger than the Heiyao stone coffin inside, this layer of sarcophagus is relatively thin, and the stone is generally not as hard as Heiyao stone, so this guy can eat the sarcophagus faster than before. In less than ten minutes, the coffin in front of him entered its stomach.

"It's not gnawed this time, do you think it will gnaw the floor?" Victoria suddenly asked after seeing the thing gnawing the sarcophagus.

speaking of which The coffin and floor that the guy just gnawed off were made of a kind of stone, which means it should be able to gnaw off the floor together. However, this guy didn't know if he thought the stone tasted bad, anyway, he finally gave up on the floor.

The protective cover we arranged before now only has the floor except for the insect. If the guy doesn't chew the floor, there is really nothing left to chew. After several laps on the ground that had become a clearing, the guy finally started to move. However, what makes us strange is that this guy didn't crawl towards any of us, but crawled towards the exit of the room. Of course, because of the presence of the protective cover, it can't climb the exit at all. After climbing a few meters, it immediately hit the protective cover.

The original transparent protective cover lit up the yellow rays of light at the moment of the impact, but what is surprising is that this thing opened its mouth and bit into the suddenly lit protective cover, and What’s more amazing is that it actually gnawed out a big hole in the protective cover as if it was gnawing on a substantial object, and then the surrounding protective cover looked towards the opening of the hole and was all given by the centipede. Swallowed it.

Almost all of us present were dumbfounded to see that guy actually gnawed off the protective cover. What does the protective cover do? Isn't it a protection against attacks? This insect can even eat a protective cover, so what else can't it eat?

"Hey, don't stand stupidly, get out of here." We were still in a daze when Ling suddenly shouted. Everyone just remembered that the thing in front of you was completely out of control, so everyone immediately retreated to the wall, but after hitting the wall, they remembered that there was no need for everyone to stay here together, so in Ling Under the command of, my Familiars got into the training space one after another. In the end, only Me, Shuike, Xiaochun, and Ling were still there.

The speed of darts is relatively fast. I'm not afraid of this thing. Ling is the favorite Chief Steward. She stayed and can help me plan who I need to deal with this insect next. As for Xiaochun, her main job is still lighting.

At the moment when my familiars disappeared in the room, the insect seemed very puzzled. It stood up the front half of its body and turned its head around to observe the entire room. After watching for a long time, it seemed that he didn't find anything worthy of attention. The guy didn't even climb towards us, but climbed directly to the outside of the tomb along the path I dug in.

"What shall we do?" Seeing that the Insect child actually crawled out by himself, Xiaochun quickly looked towards me and waited for the next order.

Ling grabbed the conversation and said: "Does this still need to be asked? Of course I follow."

I nodded agreed to Ling's decision. The insect and the corpse are definitely the things in this cemetery that are most likely to be related to the task, but now the corpse is gnawed away by the insect, I can only follow the insect to complete the task on the scroll.

Although it showed super-imaginative appetite and peculiar eating ability, the moving speed of this insect is quite normal, even I think its moving speed may be a bit slow. This insect, which looks like a large centipede, is only slightly faster than the ordinary person's jogging speed when it crawls up. At this speed, I estimate that most creatures can easily dodge its attack when prepared. Of course, it does not rule out that this guy is not in a hurry now, so there is no possibility of running at full speed. After all, even if it is a human, it is impossible to maintain the highest movement speed at any time. When it is not necessary, everyone will naturally choose the most energy-saving movement speed. This guy's current speed may be its economic speed, but because we haven't seen it moving at a faster speed, we can't be sure for the time being whether it's only so fast or don't want to get up fast.

Anyway, the guy crawls so slowly that it is convenient for us to follow. It slowly climbed out of the room and walked through the hall, and then climbed the stairs to the passage on the upper floor.

When we came down, there were a lot of insects gathered in the passageway on the upper level, but I cleaned it up with a bright daylight ring. But we lost a lot of time on the lower floor, so we don't know where to climb a large group of that kind of evil heart insects.

After seeing those disgusting insects, Xiaochun and I immediately began to guess how this insect would treat those insects. In the previous situation, it seemed that the insect seemed not interested in the living creatures of us, but it did gnaw away the corpse alive before, so it should also eat meat. My guess with Ling is that this insect may have a certain energy sensing ability. It knows that we are all powerful beings, so it chose not to provoke us. This probability is currently the most reliable one.

Although the insect did not attack us, it does not mean that it does not eat meat. Moreover, these disgusting giant earthworm-like insects seem to be actively attacking monsters, so these two insects meet together , Most likely will fight. I really want to know if this centipede-like guy doesn't eat living things or really doesn't want to provoke us.

"Quick, quick! Let's see if you have intelligence." Seeing that guy gradually approached the insect, I couldn't help but mumble.

Although I really want to help the centipede insects to get closer to the evil heart insects, this guy completely ignores my thoughts and still uses its slow speed. Slowly approached the group of earthworm-like insects.

Different from this horrible looking centipede worm, which is actually nasty, the giant earthworms that seem to have no formidable power except disgusting are actually very fierce. After the centipede worm approached these guys, the most marginal insect immediately spotted the guy, so the earthworms instantly dropped their heads and opened the flower-like mouths on their heads.

To tell the truth, this earthworm is not so much like an earthworm, it is more like a combination of sandworm and enchanted leech. Its head, like a sand worm, can spread out like a flower petal, but it has sharp teeth like a crusher like a demonized leech. The circles of little white teeth are oozing.

Although the disgusting monsters on the opposite side opened their mouths and prepared to attack, this big centipede still used its speed to slowly approach the insects as if they hadn't seen it at all. Finally, when the distance between the two sides was close to two meters, the most forward insect suddenly jumped up and rushed towards the big centipede.

Almost the moment the evil heart insect flew in front of the big centipede, that big centipede-like insect suddenly lifted its head and opened its big tongs, and then the one was unlucky. The insect hit the middle of the two large pliers under its mouth. The pliers of the big centipede closed instantly when they felt the pliers touch the insect. With the bang thought, the head of the earthworm-like insect was directly pinched and exploded, and regardless of other insects, the big centipede was actually used like this. The other legs near the head picked up the insect's corpse and began to chew.

Although the big centipede can easily kill an evil heart insect like an ant, the advantage of evil heart insects is not individual strength, but quantity. Just after the heroic sacrifice of the first evil heart insect, the other evil heart insects began to surge towards this side like a collective frenzy. Their movement speed is obviously much faster than that of the big centipede. In less than ten seconds, the common insect of the big centipede was buried in the heap of insects by these evil heart insects. Looking at the pile of insects like a hill, Xiaochun and I almost didn't vomit. There is no way, these evil heart insects are still so disgusting to watch many times.

"You said that the centipede was eaten?" Xiaochun asked tentatively after waiting for more than a minute.

Ling shook his head and said: "Definitely not. Although those insects usually like to pile up, they don't have the habit of stacking Arhat like this. They still keep this way, indicating that the next insect is not dead yet."


"It won't die like this, is it invincible?"

"I don't know this. Maybe its defense exceeds the attack power of these evil heart insects."

Since we knew that the insect was not dead, we had to wait, but the big centipede probably also knew that we were anxious, so it didn't make us wait long. Just two minutes later, the insect pile suddenly became agitated, and then, a worm tail exposed outside the insect pile suddenly bounced up and swayed and twitched desperately in the air, and then the insect coughed as if it had fallen into a hole. It was dragged into the insect heap and disappeared.

With the disappearance of the insect, a large pliers suddenly appeared on the insect pile, and after a bite of an insect that just crawled, it was dragged into the insect pile. In less than two seconds, the pliers reappeared, and then the surrounding insects began to disappear, and finally we found a gap in the insect pile. As the pliers continued to swallow, the surrounding evil heart insects began to become less and less, and the large centipede in the insect pile gradually appeared.


I was stunned when I saw the insect, because the centipede in front of me seemed to be significantly different from before.

Ling probably also knew what I was there just now, she directly affirmed: "Yes, it is indeed grown up!"

The big centipede just before it was buried by the insect pile It is about the thickness of a rolling pin, and the length is between one meter and seventy to 1.8 meters. However, when the insect pile was basically gnawed away by it, this guy's body was already noticeably thicker, and now someone has a thicker wrist, and the length has also increased a bit, probably more than 1.8 meters.

After the last insect was killed, the big centipede seemed like nothing happened. Putting down the head that had been standing like a snake before, swayed it twice in the air with its tentacles and then this guy again Started to climb forward. Next, this guy was like a black hole that was never filled with dissatisfaction, and started to sweep all the evil heart insects along the passage. Because those evil heart insects don’t know what escape is, they will rush up as soon as they see it, so the place where this guy is passing by simply cannot find a fish that escaped the net. Anyone who has been walked by this guy. The passages are all clean and even an insect can't be seen. Of course, as it continues to swallow, the size of this guy is also increasing, but the speed of increase is obviously out of proportion to the speed at which it eats.

We followed the guy around the tomb for more than an hour, and his eating rate was as fast as when he gnawed the coffin before. Later, when I encountered those insects, it was not biting at all, but at Suck into your mouth. It feels like it eats insect just like we suck noodles, swish the whole insect and it is swallowed. As the swallowing speed increases, the speed of this guy's sweeping is also increasing. If all the insects it has eaten in the past hour are piled together, even if they are all mashed to remove the volume of the cavity, the total volume is estimated. Absolutely more than dozens of cubic meters. However, although this large centipede has eaten at least dozens of cubic meters of insects, its volume has increased by less than one cubic meter.

Now the big centipede in front of us has almost grown to the thickness of an adult man’s forearm, about two meters in length. Although this volume is a bit larger than before, it is relatively large. Things, this increase is really pitiful. The most important thing is that I didn't see anything coming out of this guy after eating it all the way. You said you don’t need to grow meat after eating, but there is always a bit of feces, right? After eating those dozens of cubic insects and adding the black flares and granite before, how could there be no slag left?

After sweeping away all the insects on this floor with super fast speed, the big centipede started to move up one floor again, but it did not climb up after finding the stairs. Before it was looking for the insect to eat, it had already passed the stairs leading to the upper floor, but it was already far away from that staircase after it had eaten the entire floor of the insect. Don't tell me, although this guy gets up very slowly, his character is obviously not nasty. It didn't actually turn around to find the stairs, but started to climb directly along the wall to the roof.

Don't say it, the more legs are taking advantage. This guy climbing the wall feels as if he is walking on the ground without any influence at all. After climbing to the junction of the wall and the roof, the guy did not continue to climb to the ceiling, but began to gnaw at the ceiling.

Seeing that guy's behavior, Ling and I immediately guessed the guy's intentions. It wants to gnaw through the ceiling and climb directly to it. Facts also proved that this guy really meant this. It took less than five minutes for this guy to gnaw a big hole in the roof, and then went straight to the upper floor. When I saw it went up, I had to follow it up, but I don't know how to bite the wall, but I have eternity. I just made a hole in the roof and went up.

When we climbed up, the guy had cleared all the nearby insects, but the insects on this layer were obviously thinner than the ones below, so it seemed very dissatisfied. After eating the nearby insects, this guy didn't actually follow the passage to find other insects, but started to bite the ceiling again. After successfully drilling to the upper layer, it found that the upper insect was thinner than the lower one, so the guy started digging up again.

When I came down before, I knew that the insect in this cemetery was getting smaller as it went up, so I also predicted the next situation. The insect dug all the way to the top of the cemetery, and then it didn't mean to stay at all, this guy directly began to dig into the ground.

The mud on the surface is not a problem for this guy at all, but we don't want to roll in the mud, so we took advantage of the time it was digging a hole to find the previous passage and ran to the ground first.

Shortly after we reached the ground, the insect came out at a place away from us several hundred meters. Probably he had never seen the sky before, and the guy was still there for a while after crawling out of the ground. After confirming that it could not go up anymore, the guy looked in all directions, and then it suddenly chose a direction and began to climb.

"Where is it going?" Xiaochun asked, watching the direction of the guy's movement.

I shook my head and said: "Maybe it is simply crawling unconsciously."

Ling followed me and said: "It's not necessarily. It seems to be looking for food. The following insect doesn’t seem to be very tasteful to it."

"I think it is tracking life energy." I speculated based on Ling’s statement: "Maybe it can sense life energy. Have you noticed before? This guy didn’t make a detour when he was eating insects in the tunnel. He swept all the insects on that floor almost once, and there was no one left. Then he went to the upper floor, It found that the insect life energy above was too weak, so it gave up sweeping on that level and began to climb up. According to this guy's situation, it might think that there is higher life energy that can be eaten there."

< p>Ling heard what I said and said, "If your guess is correct, I think we should grab it directly after confirming that it is indeed looking for life energy."

"Why? "I looked towards Ling suspiciously.

Ling explained: "According to you, it should like to swallow things with life energy. And the higher the energy, the more it likes it. According to this theory, the few of us should be the most. It loves to eat. But it did not attack us. This shows that it knows that our energy is too strong, and it must be a creature that it can’t deal with, so it gave up on us and started looking for other creatures. But you have also seen it. After eating, the volume continues to increase, which shows that it is growing. We follow it all the way, once it feels that it has the ability to eat us, it will definitely immediately take us as a target and attack us. So wait if It is confirmed that it does track life energy, so you must seize it as soon as possible and check the attribute first. If there is a danger, you must stop its growth in advance."

I also nodded after listening to Ling. If things are like what Ling said, we really can't let it continue to grow. Otherwise, we really make a monster that can't be dealt with. Then, don't we become nurturing a tiger to invite calamity? The danger should be killed in the cradle.

Although I decided to capture this insect and check the attributes after a while, we have to wait until we confirm that it is indeed looking for life energy. Fortunately, this guy did not let us wait for a long time. .

Because of the more legs, this guy's body does not put a lot of pressure on the ground. The environment where the swamp is easy to sink basically does not pose any danger to it. This guy crawled straight out of the core area of ​​the Worm Valley and went straight to the forest outside without even turning around.

Because I need to observe this guy's actions, I also gave the small dragon girl out to summon. With the empty water skill of the small dragon girl, the water mist in the Worm Valley will no longer affect our sight range.

After watching that weird centipede worm crawled all the way into the forest, this guy first became interested in a rotten tree lying on the ground. After spinning around the big tree a few times, it suddenly bit the trunk with one bite.

This tree has been down for a long time. In such a humid environment, the trunk has already rotted away. After being bitten by this guy, a big hole broke in the trunk immediately, and then the guy plunged into the rotten trunk with excitement.

Almost as soon as this guy's head got into the tree trunk, a creature that looked like it suddenly came out from the other end of the tree trunk.

This is a real centipede. The black carapace and hexagonal head all show that this is a normal modern centipede. Of course, this guy is a demonized creature. After all, in reality, there is no super centipede that can grow to the size of a human thigh and exceed four meters in length. However, even though this guy is so big, he is not the opponent of that centipede. I saw our little centipede pulled out his head after the guy crawled out, and then rushed directly at the big centipede.

The big centipede did not let the provocation of the small centipede counterattack, but when the two centipede were entangled, the result was completely opposite to the body shape. That big centipede was not at all an opponent of this guy who crawled out of the cemetery in terms of strength or attack. I saw that the big centipede bit on the little centipede's head, but its pliers made a clicking sound like a metal crash when it was about to get on the opponent's carapace, but the little centipede's head was not damaged in the slightest. .

The little centipede who was bitten twisted and broke free of the pliers of the big centipede, then opened his mouth and bit on the side of the big centipede's head. It was the opposite of the big centipede's attack. The small centipede's attack was as simple as using scissors to cut a plastic straw. A big hole was directly bitten out of the side of the body of the big centipede with a sound. Then a scene that surprised us even more appeared. I saw that the little centipede monster no longer retreated, but followed the bite into the big centipede's body. It took only twenty seconds before and after this little monster rushed into the body of the big centipede so forcibly.

"It seems that this thing is more dangerous than we thought." Before this parasitic beast like centipede was only eating dead objects and insects smaller than it, but now it actually showed enough The ability to attack creatures larger than himself shows that this guy is simply not a believable man, he is a complete predator, but the most brutal kind. You can imagine that if this guy bites through the skin of a giant creature like lucky and gets into the opponent’s body, with this guy’s ability, sooner or later he will have to gnaw the opponent completely, and the opponent will just take it a bit during this period. There is no way, after all, it is in people's body, and others can't attack it even if they want to attack. As for whether an elementalized creature like Xiaofeng will be attacked by it, we are not sure for the time being. Originally, the elemental creatures should have been afraid that something would get into their bodies and attack them. Considering that this guy had gnawed off the protective shield that Jingjing had arranged before, we have reason to believe that this guy might be able to devour energy. So even if the elemental creatures are entangled by it, it is estimated that there will be no good results.

For such a dangerous thing, it must not be allowed to grow freely, otherwise it will be really troublesome. The only creature I can think of that is not afraid of it, maybe it only exists like a steel tooth. The characteristic of Steel Teeth is solid, and he is almost invincible in terms of physical defense. This small insect has a very slow speed and average attack power. The most terrifying ability is that it can continuously swallow the opponent's body, so as long as it doesn't get into the body, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with it.

As we estimated the strength of this insect, it had already emerged from the carapace of that big centipede. Of course, there is really only a shell left now. The body of the big centipede had all been eaten clean by this guy, and it didn't even leave after it got out. Instead, it picked up the carapace of the big centipede and gnawed.

Looking at the little monster centipede gnawing at the empty shell, I gestured directly to the small dragon girl. We had already discussed how to catch this guy when he ate the big centipede, so now we are prepared.

The guy was chewing, he suddenly felt lighter, and then the unfathomable mystery floated. Although it is very powerful, centipede is not a Flying Insect after all, and its strength is useless when there is nowhere to take advantage of it in the air.

While this guy is floating up, Ling and Xiaochun also shot at the same time and used their own magic to completely clear the surrounding trees to prevent it from reaching the outstretched branches in midair to regain the loan. Power point.

Looking at the guy floating in the air constantly twisting and struggling, I directly put the pepper out. Before I saw the attributes of this guy, I would rather believe that this insect bites everything. So for safety, we can still not touch it without touching it.

The anti-Gravity Technique of the small dragon woman made this guy lose his support point, so that its strength can't be exerted. The next step is to prevent it from twisting in the air,

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