The guy who was stunned by a mobile angel against Divine Race seemed a little dizzy after being embedded in the wall, but he just woke up after shaking his head twice. After getting used to it a little bit, this guy immediately supported the walls on both sides of his body and flew out directly from the wall.

I can see it now. This guy is a soft pinch of persimmon. Before so many people here, Xiaochun wore a white robe that looked like an evening dress. It seemed best to start, so he went straight to Xiaochun. This will find that it is not easy to start with two mobile angels standing next to Xiaochun, so he directly turned the target on me. In order to burn the insect, I have always maintained the silver moon form. Although the vow suit on the small silver moon is also half-armor and half-robed, it doesn’t seem to have as many armors on other people anyway, so the guy directly put I regarded it as the second goal.

Although the guy thought I was a good bully, the truth is obviously not what he thought. As soon as this guy jumped in front of me and a claw came out, I suddenly squeezed the hand he extended with a lightning bolt, followed my other hand and slammed his shoulder on his body at the same time. The side spin followed the force of the guy's rushing directly and threw him behind me. The guy was already in the air and couldn’t take advantage of it. With the force of the forward thrust, the speed was even more uncontrollable. He flew directly from my side and slammed into the back. In the wall.

Being smashed into the wall again, the guy immediately struggled to get up, but with two clicks, the two giant swords had crossed left and right and got stuck on his body. He dare to move again and Lima will become a three-piece.

"There is a kind of you move me to see?" I walked to the guy who was stuck in the wall, and I said triumphantly.

The guy below looked at me with anger in his eyes. Then I saw his eyes flashed suddenly, and I immediately felt as if my head had been smashed with a hammer, and the whole person staggered towards me. After a few steps back, if it weren't for Victoria's support, he might have to sit on the ground.

When I was smashed by the mental shock and retreated continuously, Ling immediately blocked us, followed by a sudden flash of his eyes, and then the guy and her simultaneously raised their heads back, but Ling was caught Xiaochun held on, but the guy hit his head directly on the wall.

Without waiting for the guy to recover, Princess has already walked up to the guy, and her eyes were shining with charming rays of light looked towards his eyes. I just fought against Ling with spirit strength, which would be invaded by Princess's spirit again. This guy's resistance began to plummet, and soon his eyes became straight like an idiot.

"How is it? Are you okay?" Victoria asked me, helping me.

I nodded and looked towards Ling again, and found that she had stood up on her own, so I didn't ask her if there was anything wrong, but Princess's control state seemed completely unstoppable. Ling walked over and looked at the situation of the two people, and then said to me: "This guy's mental resistance is very tenacious. Princess has suppressed his will now, but it can't be terminated. As long as she stops, the person will immediately recover. It's normal."

"This guy's spirit strength is so strong?"

Ling nodded said: "Pain alone can increase spirit strength, and he was sealed in the coffin to endure it. After so many years of suffering, it would be abnormal if the spirit strength is not strong. His current mental strength actually shows that his innate talent is bad. If I were tortured in a coffin for so many years, the spirit strength would be at least ten of his. Several times."

"You can become Goddess naturally because of the innate talent Peak. Not everyone can be like you." I said, walking to the guy who was pressed against the wall. "Let me see what this guy looks like first. I haven't seen what he looks like when he is dark and swarthy."

The guy just left the coffin. Although it took less than 30 seconds before and after we were restrained by us, this long time was enough to see a person's looks clearly. But we didn't really see what this guy looked like. It’s not because our eyes are bad, but because this guy wore a black robe that looked like Death God’s robe. Not only did he hide his body, but also his face was sealed in the hood, so besides knowing this Apart from the guy's approximate height, we were stunned for a long time to see what this guy looked like.

When I finished speaking, I waved the two mobile angels to retreat a little bit. After the mobile angel let go of the guy, I dragged him out of the wall. Anyway, now there is Princess's mental suppression, he is no different from a vegetative person, even if he is dragged out, there is nothing at worst.

After I got the guy out, I grabbed his hood and turned it back. Then everyone in the room was stunned, because the face under that hood was not the face we expected, but A radish-like spherical object wrapped in a gray cloth tape.

"Damn, is this guy a mummy? Didn't you say that he is alive?"

Ling opened the mouth and said: "We just saw the magic array on There is a rune that maintains Life Energy, so it is inferred that the creature inside should be alive. They want to put a mummy in, I can’t help it! But I suggest you better open his bandage to see, maybe this guy is still alive Yes, it's just tied up."

I nodded and said to Princess: "Follow me." After I said that, I carried the guy to the previous sarcophagus and laid it flat. Although this angle is not facing Princess, mind control itself is not controlled by eyes. Mind control is called mind control because it controls the opponent's mind. As for looking at each other when using spell, this is completely a habit. Everyone knows that the eyes are the windows of the soul. Looking at each other can greatly increase the success rate of mind control skills and reduce the difficulty of casting. Moreover, staring at the opponent's eyes during casting can also help the socerer to concentrate. It can be said that eye contact is only a skill and auxiliary means of mind control, not that mind control must see the other person's eyes. In fact, if only eye contact can perform mental manipulations, then Ling and I would not have been attacked by this guy before, and Princess was also impossible to control him, because this guy's eyes were simply not exposed. The gray strip of cloth on his head simply didn't leave his eyes out, so he should actually be invisible.

After putting the guy in place, I stretched out my hand to untie his robe, and then with the help of the crystal, I pulled the robe down and threw it aside. The body in the robe was as we estimated, nowhere from head to toe was exposed, and the whole was entangled to death by the cloth strips. Although he can’t see his body skin, judging from the opponent’s body structure, the guy entangled in the cloth strips should be a very thin person, because even though the cloth strips look like his limbs and body appear Very thin.

"Which one of you will remove the bandage?" After pulling off the robe, I looked up towards Ling and asked them.

"You didn't intend to tie it back to him anyway, just tear it apart."

I think so, so I directly turned Eternity into a scalpel Picked up a cloth tape on the side of the guy’s head and cut it off, and then started to untie it layer by layer along the cloth tape, but the cloth tape seemed to be thicker, I dragged it down several layers in one breath, and I didn’t even see it. To the skin.

"Damn, how many layers are they tied up?"

Ling directly said, "Don't remove the one on your head, just start removing it from the arm, and cut it harder. Cut off a few more layers and tear them out. Anyway, even if the arm is cut to the flesh, it won’t kill you."

I nodded grabbed the guy’s arm, and stroked it with eternal force, and then moved to the side. As soon as I lifted it, I cut off the half-inch-thick tape, but... "Damn it? Why is it so thick?"

After cutting the half-inch-thick tape, the bottom is still cloth. belt. Originally, the cloth tape is thicker than it is at the worst. Anyway, the cloth is worthless. The key question is that this guy’s arms and legs were originally very thin. Now that I cut off a half-inch thick layer, the rest is not as thick as my wrist. So what should this guy’s arm be?

"Isn't there a skeleton wrapped in this bandage?" Xiaochun asked suddenly.

Ling looked at the side for a while and said: "Maybe it's really a skeleton, otherwise this arm is too thin!"

"Whatever he cuts I'll know." As I said, I cut Eternity down again to the cut place, and then directly lifted off the cut bandage. Since I was harder with the knife this time, I did see the guy's body after I removed the bandage, but what surprised me was that although this guy is not a skeleton, it is almost like a skeleton.

After removing the severed bandage, what we saw was a layer of ash-gray loose skin, but because I was a bit cruel under the knife just now, even this layer of skin has been cut open. I don’t know if it’s because of the lack of moisture. This guy’s skin and skeleton have basically no adhesion before. When I lifted the bandage, he even lifted his skin. Under this layer of skin, there is nothing that can be called flesh. What I can see is the clean white bones like the kind of skeletons processed in the medical laboratory. In other words, this guy has a layer of skin besides the skeleton.

After knowing the thickness of the bandage, I cut off most of the bandage connection points on his body with a few cuts, and then liberated this guy in threes or twos. After removing all the bandages, what we saw was a skeleton wrapped in human skin. Compared to a pure skeleton, such a body is definitely much scarier. Moreover, because his skin was hanging loosely on his body, he looked a little sick.

Although this guy has a pretty scary look, what we care more about now is his stomach. Because there is more skin than a skull, this guy still has an abdominal cavity. However, according to the state of his whole body, his current abdomen should theoretically be flat. But what we see now is not that shriveled abdomen, but a slightly raised abdomen.

It is normal for a normal person to have a belly like his. As long as it is not a bodybuilder with a particularly standard figure, basically people with a little more fat will have a belly like his. But this kind of waistline appeared on such a corpse-like guy, it was a bit wrong.

"Is this guy a woman?" Xiaochun yelled first after seeing the belly.

Victoria looked at the guy's legs very seriously, then blushed and said, "This is a man."

"Man?" Hear this. I was also a little surprised by the answer. My first reaction after seeing this guy’s belly was the same as Xiaochun’s thinking that this was a pregnant woman, but now the facts show that it is impossible. But if there is no fetus in this belly, what can it be? It can't be a bowel movement, right?

We were guessing what exactly was stuffed in this guy’s belly, and suddenly we saw his belly bulge up, and then we saw a big bag starting from his belly. Moved, and finally disappeared under his breastbone. However, even though the big bag disappeared, this guy started to tremble as if he had been electrocuted, and even Princess' mind control completely lost its function.

Seeing that guy’s abnormal reaction, we hurriedly stepped back, and then I immediately asked Princess: "What's the matter? Why did he move again?"

Princess Her eyes still maintained the color light that was unique when the skill was activated, and the sweat on her head was also increasing. After a short pause for a few seconds, she said: "He has a strong mental reaction in his body. I can't control him anymore!" Changed back to long sword and rushed up, and the four swords unloaded all the limbs of this guy. Now it doesn't matter if he is out of control, he shouldn't be able to play any tricks without limbs. But for safety, I took Jingjing summon out and let her set up an isolation barrier around the guy.

I'm not afraid that this guy will get up and hurt people. Without limbs, he is impossible to be our opponent. What I worry about is what is in his stomach. The situation just now is obvious. This guy has another lifeform in his body. His current condition should be the result of that lifeform swallowing his internal organs. If I guess right, this guy will probably hang up soon.

Before, we always thought that the life support array was used to maintain this guy’s life so that he could endure the torture of immortality for thousands of years, but it turns out that this array is probably for the stuff in that guy’s stomach. prepare. Because if the life support array was prepared for this guy, then he shouldn't be like a corpse. Being sealed in a coffin for so many years and continuously receiving the nourishment of the Life Demon Array, even a skeleton is estimated to be able to grow flesh, this guy can actually thin into a corpse, which shows that the Demon Array is not for him at all.

However, although we now roughly understand the purpose of this life support array, we don't know the intention of the person who set up the coffin at all. Did they put something in his body to bite his flesh in order to torture this skeleton-like guy, or for warming up this thing in his body and put this guy in the coffin? Of course, there is another possibility that this skeleton-like guy is a powerful powerhouse in itself, and the opponent cannot kill him directly, so he took this method of slowly consuming his life force to kill him. Of course, this probability is minimal, because the person who can set up this kind of magic sarcophagus does not seem to be an existence that can't kill even an individual. Besides, even though this guy has not died for so long, his mental strength does not seem to be a powerful existence.

Just after we carefully prepared and arranged defenses, the guy gradually stopped from trembling, and Princess’s eyes suddenly went out, and then we didn’t wait for us to ask her. Reminded: "Be careful, that guy is dead. The stuff in his body may not stay long."

Ling directly condensed a black ball of light in his hands, and then said:" I bet it is definitely a disgusting insect."

Xiaochun also made two light balls and said: "What can live in the human body instead of an insect?"


Emmenes helped Ling and said: "That's not necessarily. I remember that some parasitic beasts can live in human bodies, but when they reach adulthood, the parasitized person will die. speaking of which It’s very similar to this guy’s situation now."

Victoria also followed: "I have seen this kind of parasitic beast before, so I don’t know if I saw it with Emenez. "

Ling opened the mouth and said: "Although parasitic beasts are rare, there are dozens of species speaking of which. This is only what we know, and we don’t know how many. The volume of the thing in this guy's body should not be an ordinary insect, it is probably a parasitic beast."

"Are the parasitic beasts you said is powerful?"

"That depends on the breed." Emiennes said: "In fact, the pioneer is a parasitic beast."

"Ah? The pioneer is a parasitic beast?" Although the pioneer is now my favorite , But he is not my favorite. The Trail Blazers were originally Emmenes's favorite, but later Emmenes became my favorite, so the Trail Blazers became my favorite because of the affiliation. Now that Aimenes said that the Blazers were parasitic beasts, the eight achievements couldn't be wrong.

Emmenes was so surprised to see me looking towards me and explained: "In fact, parasitic beasts are just a general term for a special kind of devil beast with parasitic reproductive ability, as if some creatures hatched from eggs. Yes, some creatures are directly viviparous, and there are special types of creatures that use magic to condense their offspring. This parasitic beast produces offspring in the body of other creatures, and when the little fellow grows up, it will eat up the host and burst out. For adult parasitic beasts, when they are not breeding, they are basically the same as normal devil beasts."

I nodded and said: "It’s been a long time since I didn’t find the pioneers are parasitic beasts."

Now. But why doesn’t the Trailblazer have a parasitic attribute? Isn’t he a parasitic beast?"

Emmenes replied very simply: "Because the Trailblazer is a male and can only be a father. There is only a parasitic beast. Only the mother has the ability to parasitize, and it must be the pregnant mother."

Aimenes was explaining the characteristics of the parasitic beast to me, and Victoria suddenly reminded: "Attention, that thing is coming out." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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