In fact, Lilith's special usage is not something very responsible, mainly because I find that she is very suitable for dealing with those particularly powerful individuals. With the special ability of my other familiars, Lilith can be regarded as a high level creature killer.

Lilith’s new ability is calculated in terms of the total active energy, which means that as long as the total active energy is less than twice the total active energy of Lilith, no matter how much the creature is Strong, he is not Lilith's opponent.

According to this calculation method, Lilith’s devouring ability is actually not as strong as imagined, because although Lilith’s health is very high, her magic power is very average, and her physical strength is not very high. , After adding these three attributes together, the total amount can only be regarded as an upper-middle level, which is definitely no problem compared to ordinary experts, but if you really run into high-level creatures that I find tricky, it will be useless. However, although Lilith alone can't perform particularly powerful abilities, we are not fighting alone. The characteristics of the trainer is a single team, which means that a trainer is a team, and because the cooperation between players and players is often not as seamless as the cooperation between the familiar and the master, the division team is often better than the average. The player team can better play to the advantage of cooperation.

Lilith's devouring ability is very ordinary because of its own active energy is not high enough, but many of my familiars have the ability to regulate active energy.

First of all, my favorite, Chief Steward Ling, is an expert in this area. It is said that the characteristic of Dark Element Spell is outstanding attack power, but that is actually a layman’s point of view. Based on my experience following Ling Errui, the strongest thing about Dark Element spell is not attack, but weakening. The four basic skills of disease, aging, fatigue, and grief in the curse branch of Dark Element magic are definitely the best of the best. With Ling's magic power, these four skills are thrown out together, and the attributes of the target creature must be reduced by at least one third. Do you think it is possible for a general attack skill to kill the opponent's one third's health with only four spells? What's more, these four spells not only reduce the health value, but also reduce the opponent's offensive and defensive attributes. If this effect is all counted as the health value, it is equivalent to reducing the health value by half at a time.

In addition to Ling's auxiliary spells that can greatly weaken the opponent, Xiaochun's auxiliary spells can also strengthen Lilith's active energy. The "rejuvenation of youth" in Light Element can double the life and physical strength of the target. Of course, this magic is mainly to strengthen the attack power, but the active energy needs only the life and physical strength. In addition, Light Element also has the "Holy Blessing" that can temporarily greatly increase the upper limit of life, the "Heavenly God possession" that comprehensively strengthens all attributes, and the "health" that unilaterally strengthens the life value. After this series of magic, Lilith's total active energy increased by at least two and a half times, and after including Ling's weakening of the opponent, Lilith's ability was absolutely abnormal at this time.

In fact, Ling and Xiaochun's auxiliary spells are not all. Like the king’s accessory monsters, Sprites and Sprites, their skills are vampires and vampires, and they are all types that cannot be intercepted. With them, as long as the enemy can't destroy us, then as long as they persist for a long enough time, any The target can be swallowed by Lilith in theory. After all, these two vampires have been sucked up like this, and even the thick blood cow may get sucked up.

In fact, in addition to the abilities of the above four, there are still many existences in my familiars that can interfere with the comparison of active energy between the two sides. For example, the full support of the colored ball can strengthen Lilith's life, magic and physical strength. Although it cannot be doubled, it can increase at least 30%. There is also the petrification of Yeyue. If this skill encounters a powerful unit, it can temporarily petrify part of the opponent's limbs, so that part of the opponent's blood volume will be frozen. This part will not be calculated into the active energy during the phagocytosis. In addition, Hong Ling, who is not a familiar familiar, also has a great magic called "Elysium World".

It sounds like Bliss World is a good thing, but in fact this skill is a super terrifying Illusion Technique. Its original ability is to plunge the goal into the blissful environment of dreams. For example, a guy who wants to become a powerhouse will dream of becoming a world Number One Powerhouse and step on all the existences he looked up to before. Under the feet, and those who are greedy for money will dream of lying on the pile of treasures. Anyway, whatever you want will appear, and it must be the thing you most hope for. Originally, this Illusion Technique had no effect on the active energy, but everyone knows that Hong Ling is actually the Old Ancestor of the vixen. To put it bluntly, she is also the vixen. What is a vixen best at? Of course it sucks people's yang energy. What is this Yang Qi? In the game, Yang Qi is actually active energy, so the three attributes of the person who has been hit by the Illusion Technique will all decline, and the decline will continue as time goes by, the main goal cannot break away from the illusion, and he will be sucked forever. To death.

In fact, it is not only these monsters that can really change the active energy, because active energy also includes the part of the health value, so as long as the person with the offensive power can theoretically reduce the opponent Active energy. So, according to my thoughts, in the future, if you encounter a super powerful goal, I can let the few who just introduced throw out their skills that reduce or increase active energy first, and follow everyone to make big moves to set the goal. Lilith's health dropped by a lot, and finally Lilith went up again. I think there are not many existences that can't stand it without being swallowed down. If the goal is really unclear, then we have one last resort-slicing.

Just like Lilith absorbed that guy's meat to extract the phagocytic gene, the active energy needed to swallow the entire individual at one time is not enough, so let's eat it separately. It happens that my eternity is sharp enough. If I encounter a target that I can’t beat, I will cut the meat piece by piece. when the time comes Lilith eats and gets stronger, and the opponent gets weaker and weaker. Sooner or later, it can be swallowed whole.

Because of the relatively weak attack power, Lilith until now was considered by me to be only suitable for dealing with low-level lifeforms. Now it seems that she is the real high-level biological killer. It seems that this trip to Insect Valley really didn't come in vain, and unexpectedly got such a big advantage. Of course, Corolla’s magic circle armor is also a good thing. The most important thing is that it has research value and can be promoted in the future.

After thinking about Lilith's future use, I talked to Ling and others about my thoughts, and everyone felt that Lilith was indeed much better than before. After our discussion here, the monster below also happened to come out of the underground laboratory, but compared to when he entered, this guy is now closer to the appearance of a monster. When he first entered before, he still had a mostly human appearance, but now when he came out, it has changed almost the same as when we first saw him. Except for the half of the face on the head of this guy, the whole body has returned to the previous disgusting appearance, and because of that half of the face, it is even more scary.

It was different from the time when we entered before. When the guy came out this time, he immediately yelled at where we were standing on the top of the mountain. "Ariel, come out for me. I know you are there, and you can definitely feel my contract. Don't hide anymore, come out for me!"

Look at that guy and look Adding his words to our eyes, we are all sure that he knows we are here, and he should be calling Corolla, but what happened to this Ariel we are not quite clear.

"Is he calling you?" Ling asked, looking at Corolla uncertainly.

Corolla also said with a look of confusion: "I don't know. He should be calling me, but this name... Isn’t I called Ariel? Then why did I treat the name Corolla? Don’t forget it?"

I glanced at Corolla and said, "Your soul is defective. It is normal to forget something. If you want to know, just ask that guy. Now Lilith has strengthened the devouring ability. , We don’t need to be afraid of that guy."

Ling also comforted Carola: "Yes, even if you don’t need Lilith’s devouring ability to deal with this kind of rotten flesh, a cloud of corrosion is enough to hurt. He's here."

Corolla, who was still a little scared, looked around, and finally nodded and walked down the mountain with us after discovering that our side was really crowded. The guy below just felt Corolla's approximate location before, and didn't really see us, so when a group of us appeared, he was obviously taken aback, but he quickly reacted.

"I said how can Corolla get rid of the locks made of fine gold in the Forbidden Demon array. It turned out to be a good thing for you bastards."

"Shut up, lower creatures. "Across five more than a hundred meters, Ling directly hit the guy back with a soul flogging. If it wasn't for the distance, it would be enough for him. "You rubbish who can't even control your own genes are worthy of ranting?"

The guy below had a bad temper. After being scolded by Ling just now, he was irritable and wanted to talk back, but Before he opened his mouth and waved his hand again, another soul lash beat him back again. Obviously, this guy's strength is not on the same level as Ling. Although this guy killed a few free Divine Races before, it was because of his special ability, not that his absolute strength was stronger than Divine Race. It's like two soldiers fighting, one with a pistol and the other with an atomic bomb. The person with the gun killed the person with the nuclear weapons with a single shot. This is not to say that the gun is better than the atomic bomb, but the atomic bomb preparation time is too long. In the case of heads-up, taking the gun takes advantage of it. Now this guy and Ling are in the same situation. Even if Ling is not a nuclear weapon, it is at least the existence of Level 1 of the air-fuel bomb. As long as he is not approached by that guy, Ling can be said to stabilize his head.

That guy probably also knew his weakness, so he didn’t have any episodes after he was slapped again. He just stood there looking at us with hatred eyes, but he didn’t dare to speak any more. NS.

He stopped scolding, and Ling didn't smoke him again. Soon we went down from the top of the mountain to the valley. The guy finally waited until we got closer, and his emotions began to become unstable. Seeing the guy's remaining half face pumping straight there, I always feel that this guy's spirit doesn't seem to be much better than his body. In order to confirm my guess, I brought out Princess summon again. As a result, Princess just hid behind me and took a look and immediately whispered against my ear: "Be careful, this guy's soul is already on the verge of collapse. This one. The soul performance of the state is emotional instability, a little hysterical and a state of split personality, and he may suddenly take a sneak attack."

I nodded and sent Princess back, and the guy on the other side saw it. Princess appeared and disappeared just glaring at me more, of course I am not afraid of him glaring at all. That guy probably also knows that I am not afraid of him, and he also knows his own strength. It is okay to eat Divine Race one-on-one, but obviously more than one or two people are present. Once he eats one or two, the rest of the people You will know his fighting characteristics. When the time comes, it will be difficult for him to get close. Therefore, he is also a little jealous of us now, but because he is now on the verge of soul collapse, his thoughts are not normal. Even though he knows our strength is only stable for a few seconds, he suddenly becomes irritable again.

After the mood changed, this guy became crazy again. He pointed to Carola and said: "You slut, quickly tell me, where is the magic array below? Is it caused by you and these? The bastard took it away?"

"The combination magic array was originally based on my Battle Armor. What's wrong with taking my own things back."

I found Corolla’s answer. It was a bit wrong, I reached out and stopped her next words, and then stood up and said to the guy: "There seems to be nothing worth talking about between us. You should be aware of your state. There is no magic array to help you stabilize. Soul, your soul will collapse at any time. But we will definitely not lend you the magic array, so today either you have the ability to snatch the magic array back, or you just die here."

< p>"Then you go to die." As Princess said, the guy suddenly burst out and rushed over as soon as I finished speaking. Of course, because of Princess’s reminder, my familiars have already entered a state of high alert. When he saw that guy rushing over, Xiaochun stepped forward and stretched his left hand forward, and then spread his five fingers together. The white photon wall instantly formed in her palm. The guy didn’t react at all and slammed his head against the wall. After that, he heard the roar of cold water pouring into the hot oil pan. At the same time, the guy screamed and fell back, but he just rushed over. At the time, the entire front of this guy's body was already burnt in pitch black, as if it had been burned by fire.

Speaking of which, this guy’s ability is actually rather partial. Although the devouring ability can almost handle most people, even the gods of the free Divine Race have been recruited before that is the best proof. But, in the same way, although this guy has a strong side, he also has a weak side. Although his devouring skills are very impressive, he doesn't have any combat capability other than this skill. From the moment I rushed over to me, I had roughly estimated his starting speed, and it turned out that his agility was low and could not even reach the average.

In addition to being agile, this guy actually fell after being bounced by the photon wall just now, which proves that his reaction ability and balance are very bad. If a person wants to be good at fighting, his reaction speed and balance ability must be very outstanding. The martial cultivator often needs to practice horse stance first in order to stabilize the bottom plate and maintain the balance of the body. This guy will throw a big somersault on his own even when he hits it. It can be seen that his close combat ability is absolutely terrible. But thinking about his poor fighting ability is actually understandable. As soon as he hits an enemy, he can start devouring it, so fighting skills are completely useless. Secondly, his body is now on the verge of losing control, and his body shape is definitely different from his previous body. With his current physical state, it would be good if he could walk. If you want to fight flexibly, don't expect to adapt to three or five months. the last point. According to Corolla, this guy studied the magic array with Corolla before, which means that even if this guy wasn't a mage, he was also a profession tied to the law system, so he probably didn't know how to fight melee tactics. For such an existence, what combat capability can you expect from it?

" dare to hurt me..." The guy who was hit didn't get up to fight back, instead, he sat on the ground and started cursing.

Corolla was caught by Ling Ji when she wanted to say something. Ling Chong was puzzled, Corolla shook the head, and then said: "Leave him alone. This guy's soul may collapse at any time. He is not far from death. Even if we don't touch him, he will definitely not live long." /p>

Corolla was nodded after listening to Ling's words. She only understood from her knowledge that she should be paid for this guy, but she didn’t have any hatred for this guy emotionally, so since Ling said to leave him alone, Corolla didn’t care about it. She didn’t have to take revenge anyway. Intend.

Although we don't want to care about this guy anymore, the guy on the ground is reluctant to let go. Seeing that we turned around to leave, the guy immediately jumped up from the ground and wanted to attack us again, but this time I let Princess out. Compared with Ling, the soul master, Princess is the real soul expert. After all, Ling mainly specializes in Dark Element. She is good at soul attack only because of the soul research contained in the undead system spell under Dark Element, so Ling can understand soul attack. However, Princess is better at playing with souls. After all, Ling can do other spells besides soul attacks, and Princess mainly relies on playing with souls for food.

After the guy rushed up again, Princess stood directly between the guy and us, and then reached out and pushed forward through the air, a pale white silhouette immediately flew out of the body, But the silhouette is still running forward in a forward posture. Princess knocked this guy's soul out of her body with just one blow, which was definitely a cruel move. However, what surprised us was that this guy's body didn't fall down after losing his soul, but stopped suddenly after a few steps with the inertia.

"Huh?" After the body stopped, he looked down at his hands and body stupidly, and then looked up at the surroundings. After seeing me, the body Suddenly pointed at me yelled: "Purple Moon, why are you?"

I looked at the faint soul that had disappeared on the ground behind in surprise, and then looked at the body in front. "Should you announce your identity before asking others to answer questions?"

After hearing what I said, the guy immediately raised his weird head and said with a proud look of me "I am the god of the free Divine Race in North America...the god..." The guy who was still arrogant said that but suddenly got stuck. After spending a long time there, he suddenly looked up at us anxiously and asked: "Who am I?"

"You don't know who you are, how do we know who you are?"

"But...I...I should be a free Divine Race, my identity is a free Divine Race, that’s right, but who am I? I’m Hal? No, no, I’m a big Wei. Yeah, no, I’m Emidi? I’m...ah..."

Looking at the monster who was holding his head in a crazy circle, I moved my gaze directly to Princess, after all, She slapped the guy's soul out with a palm, and then the body that should have turned into an empty shell became like this.

Princess looked at me and she immediately understood what I meant. She hurriedly explained: "This person talking to us should be the new souls formed by the fuse together of all the creatures that were eaten by that guy. Because the most powerful creatures eaten are these Divine Races, so he Most of the memories of Divine Race are also preserved in the state of those Divine Races. However, in addition to their relatively certain concept of the freedom of their bodies, Divine Race, their memories of their names are different for each soul. Now the genes are mixed with each other. He doesn't know who he is anymore."

When Princess said that this was the product of fuse together the souls of all the creatures that the guy ate before, I immediately became excited. Didn’t I come to Divine Soul this time when I came to the United States? I didn't expect to find a fused soul here. Although I don't know whether the soul fusion of ordinary creatures is effective in it, but think about the soul fusion of several Divine Races together, it is Divine Soul that is several times stronger. We want Divine Soul to be used as a storage tank of faith, so it doesn't matter to us that his genes are messed up, as long as the soul is strong enough.

"Do you have a way to get this soul out for me too?"

Princess When I said that I wanted to get this soul out, it was immediately embarrassing. "This..."

"What about this and that? Are you good at it or not?"

"You can do it for sure, just need some assistance."

"What support?"

"It is a tool that needs soul restraint. That soul is fused, and its strength is much stronger than ordinary souls. I can't move it at all. But I can use my ability to make this guy’s soul lose connection with that monster’s body, and then I just need to restrain his soul with a spirit lock tool, and then use pure physical methods to blow the monster’s body out, so that the soul and the body Separated. In order to integrate the chaotic characteristics of soul memory, as long as he is separated from the body, it is much easier for us to control him."

I thought about it and said: "If you lock the spirit, I can't do anything. , But if in turn we lock his fleshy body and knock his soul out, will it work?"

Princess immediately said: "His fleshy body is so fixed, but I want Manipulate his soul and body to separate, so who will hit his soul?"

"Don't you remember my Tai Chi Soul Locking Formation?"

I just finished talking about Princess He immediately shook his head and said: "I know your soul lock formation, but there is something wrong with your thing. The soul of this guy is Divine Soul, which is much stronger than the ordinary soul, not to mention this is an all-in-one enhanced version. Yours That Tai Chi Soul Locking Array can lock a few ordinary souls. It’s not enough if you want to lock that guy’s soul."

"Maybe I can try." We are discussing, Corolla Suddenly interjected.

"You?" I looked at Corolla for a while, then suddenly reacted. "Yeah! Why forgot you."

As I said, I directly asked Princess and Ling to work together to control the crazy guy first, and then I randomly arranged another one on the ground. Tai Chi Soul Locking Array for Corolla to study.

Although Corolla is Martial Goddess, her main attack is the ability of combat, but her attainments in magic array are also quite high. It is the best to be able to design her combined variable magic array suit. Good proof.

Looking at the Tai Chi Soul Locking Array I put out, after more than ten minutes of research, Corolla said to me: "The principle of this magic array is obviously very different from the magic array I have come into contact with before, but I think I should be able to simulate it, and I can at least guarantee that the restraint effect is much stronger than this."

When I heard her say this, I immediately said: "Then hurry up."< /p>

Carola hesitated and said again: "But I think instead of imitating this magic array, it is better to lock his soul as Princess said before, and then push the fleshy body away. I just saw my colleagues , It seems that you have a lot of power-type familiars, so it’s easier to break his fleshy body."

"Of course I know that it’s easier to break the fleshy body, but you have a way to fix it. Is the soul after fusion?"

"I think we can try, if it doesn't work, we can do it again."

I nodded and said: "Good way. Then you Hurry up and arrange it."

"Understood." After speaking, Corolla suddenly ran to a clearing far away from us, and then saw that she suddenly took out the short stick that was hung on her waist and went to the sky. With one finger, she saw that the armor on her body seemed to come alive, and the various gears and locks on the surface began to move and automatically decomposed and fell off. Those parts that fell did not land directly, but were broken down and assembled again in the air, and finally the whole set of armor was unfolded into a huge magic array and spread on the ground. But what surprised me even more was that Corolla was not completely naked at this time. She actually had a set of lightweight armor with a much smaller protective area. Probably seeing my puzzled look, Corolla immediately explained: "My magic array armor does not necessarily need to use all the components when combining the magic array, and the rest can naturally continue to be worn."

I nodded to express my understanding and beckoned to Princess that they were going to get the fused soul over. I hope this method of Princess is useful, as long as we get the soul out, we can build the first faith collection tower in the underworld. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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