The battle strength of the guy who suddenly returned to his human form rose N steps in an instant. The Death God guard who had just chopped him up was wiped out in a blink of an eye. But this guy didn't get any benefit. The dead Death God guards all turned into black sand in an instant and dissipated in the air. Don't expect to get an active cell from the Death God guards.

After the transformation was completed and all the Death God guards sent by me were killed, the guy began to observe the surrounding situation. I can clearly see that there is an anxious look on his face. look. Haven't all my Death God guards been killed? Why is he anxious?

I was wondering here, and suddenly I saw the guy in my sight looking around and then started moving towards the laboratory. Because the distance was already not far, so after he walked for more than ten minutes, we no longer needed the ghost worm to help monitor. From the top of the mountain where we are standing now, we can just see that guy stepping out of the outer area of ​​the Worm Valley and entering the inner area.

Different from Corolla, this guy apparently passed here after an accident in the laboratory. He is not surprised at the swamp terrain here, and he can escape those more annoying insects effortlessly. The gathering area, it can be seen that this guy is quite familiar with the environment here.

Looking at the guy gradually approaching the previous laboratory area, I was about to send Lilith out to kill him. Didn't expect to speak before, the guy came out first. . The guy who had already become a perfect male was walking and suddenly his body shook, and then he saw a blade of insect suddenly protruding from his left chest. Seeing the blade foot appeared, the guy frowned and stared at the place first, and then saw that the blade foot began to shrink back slowly, and finally disappeared into his body.

Originally, this is the end, didn’t expect that guy hadn’t walked two steps before, suddenly a big bag suddenly bulged up behind him, and then a section of it protruded from the side of the big bag. abdomen of insect. Before he could move the big bag on his back, his right arm began to inflate quickly like an inflating balloon, and finally turned into a thick arm that looked like a lotus joint. It's not over yet. After the arm changes, the middle of his left leg also suddenly collided, turning into a huge carrot-like pile of meat, so he could only jump on one leg.

"What's the situation?" Seeing that guy's body seems to be magical. For a while, there will be a bulge, and then there will be a biological stump or something, even I feel a little sick .

Lilis, who was waiting a long time ago, looked at the guy and said, “It seems that this guy’s fusion gene has a problem. He can’t completely control his vital characteristics. Now this situation should be in the body. It’s caused by the conflict of various biological genes."

"putting it that way, his fusion devouring ability is lower than yours?"

"Can’t swallow it with simple abilities. Action." Lilith said: "I am definitely the world's first in the use of phagocytic genes, because I can retrieve the genetic features of phagocytic organisms and absorb useful parts of them and fuse them into my own gene fragments. The part is temporarily stored, and when needed, I can choose directed evolution according to the situation. This is the origin of my ability to transform. However, although I have expertise in genetic screening and reuse, I don’t know me and that in terms of swallowing speed. Who is coming soon? After all, this thing doesn’t have a reference standard and it’s not easy to compare."

"You mean you can learn from the creature’s strengths to strengthen yourself after swallowing a creature, but your Swallowing speed is not necessarily faster than him, is it?"

Lilith nodded and said: "This guy will become like this because he can't fully control the biological characteristics that he absorbs. As a result, the body is always There are all kinds of animal limbs coming out. Those things are not the remains of his undigested creatures, but the wrong parts of his own body."

I looked at the guy below. The undulating body said: "In this way, if I send you down to eat against him, maybe you will be eaten by him?"

Lilith once again nodded and said: "Theoretically It is said that it is possible, but in fact I think it is unlikely to happen."

"Are you so confident?"

"It’s not a question of self-confidence or self-confidence, but rather Ability characteristics. The speed of body devouring itself is determined by our genes. If the guy devours faster than me, it only means that his genes are better than me. However, once we two start to devour each other, It will inevitably absorb the other party's genetic samples. I can quickly find from his genes the gene that caused him to swallow faster than me and merge it into my own genes, and then I will have the same speed as him. Moreover, in addition to copying his genes, I can also consciously strengthen this ability according to certain genetic laws. So in the end, I will probably swallow faster than him, and even if he swallows my part Genes, because they are completely uncontrollable, use does not raise at all. "

"Are you not sure to win in this way?"

"Nor can you say that you are sure to win. There is a comparison. The bad situation is that the gene that caused him to swallow faster than me is actually an interference caused by a mixture of multiple genes. Phenomenon, if this is the case, I must spend time adjusting my own genetic structure to produce similar interference phenomena. This process may take a long time, and if he can swallow me whole before my adjustment is completed, then he will win. Of course, this probability is very small, because even if my swallowing speed is slower than him, it will not be too slow. It is estimated that it will take some time for him to swallow me whole by relying on the bit of swallowing speed that exceeds me. "

"In this way, I can't let you go directly! "

"Why? "Lilith looked at me puzzledly and asked.

"Because you have said that you are not absolutely sure, if he absorbs your ability to control genes and becomes as strong as you, I am not giving Trouble yourself? "

Lilith originally wanted to fight for it, but after hearing what I said, she hesitated. Finally, thinking about him, she said: "Actually, it's not impossible to get in touch. Just do an experiment. . "

"Experiment? "

"en. Help me get his flesh and blood, and then I will test his genetic characteristics, so that we can know whether he has not found the kind of gene that can control the gene or he just No control. "

"This is simple. "Hearing Lilith's request, he beckoned directly, a ghost worm that was very close to the guy suddenly ran to the guy, bit him directly, and then turned around and ran away. The guy's whole body is constantly changing up and down now. Go, there’s simply no time to deal with this small insect’s attack. His only target is the entrance of the laboratory in front. It seems that he is in urgent need of something over there.

The one who attacked that guy The ghost worm ran towards me immediately after leaving the guy, and after a while it came to the top of the mountain and put the piece of meat that had been bitten down on a glass plate that had been prepared. Although that guy’s flesh It has a devouring attribute, but the two forms of the ghost worm, one is the state of emptiness, which is different from the ghost, and the other is the diamond form, which is basically indestructible, so there is no way for that piece of meat to take the ghost worm. It can only be obedient. He came back.

Looking at the small piece of meat on the glass plate, Lilith stretched her finger directly above the glass plate, and then she saw that her finger seemed to melt normal skin It began to pull down and grow. When this piece of skin formed a mass of flesh that looked like a water drop, the skin connecting the finger and this mass of flesh began to gradually dent and shrink inward until it finally disconnected completely. The lump of meat broke away from Lilith’s fingertips and slammed straight on the lump of meat brought back by the ghost worm.

When the two lumps of meat came into contact, there was no horror. In the picture, they were connected together like two drops of water quickly, and then merged into a mass. After a few seconds, the mass of flesh suddenly squirmed, and then a large amount of bright yellow leaked out from the inside. The oily liquid.

Lilith frowned as soon as she saw the liquid. She quickly stretched her finger over the meat ball again, but this time it did not split a new meat ball, but Two drops of red blood dripped out. The red blood was absorbed as soon as it touched the meat mass, and even the yellow water that had just leaked out was sucked back into the meat mass, followed by the meat mass. Wriggling more violently.

As we were observing this meatball, the monster in the valley below had already entered the entrance of the laboratory, but there was no other exit below, so we I'm not worried that he will run away at all. I guess he will run out again when he goes down and finds that it was emptied by us.

Shortly after that guy entered the laboratory, Lilith’s group The meatball finally came to fruition. After Lilith dripped a drop of blood again, the creeping movement of the meatball gradually slowed down and finally stopped slowly. After seeing the meatball completely still, Lilith finally revealed victory. Smile. She stretched out her hand at the meatball, and the meatball suddenly shrank and jumped from the ground onto her palm. The moment it touched her palm, the meatball was in contact with her. The palms of the hands are connected as a whole, and then the fleshy mass that rises up begins to collapse and shrink, like a leaky balloon. . While the mass of flesh was gradually shrinking, Lilith was trembling with her head up her head like a drug overdose. If I could see from the attribute status that all her attributes are normal, it would be estimated that I have started to call Xiaochun. Give her first aid.

Although the reaction state is exaggerated, Lilith's changes are quite amazing. Of course, the changes I am talking about are not superficial changes. For an existence like Lilith, changing her appearance has no meaning at all. She is just like the Amoeba, she wants to change from what she wants, so her appearance is simply not an objective existence for her. The change I am talking about actually refers to internal change. During the time when Lilith was going crazy, her attack power and defensive power on the attribute panel were all jumping up crazy. In just ten seconds, her attack power actually doubled. Times and a half. In addition to changes in attack and defense, there is an additional attribute in Lilith's attribute column called the swallowed attribute.

Lilith could originally strengthen herself by absorbing the flesh of other creatures, but her ability to write in the attribute panel is not "swallowing" but "evolution". Just like Lilith herself said, her ability should actually be to screen the beneficial attributes in gene fragments and add them to her own gene fragments, and directly preserve the useless or currently harmful attributes. This kind of magical ability is Lilith's real ability, and devouring other creatures is just a part of this "evolution" method and process. But now it's different. Lilith's attribute actually has one more swallowing attribute directly, and the introduction of this attribute is very awkward. The content of the entire swallowing attribute is only one sentence: "Contact and absorb all organic substances whose active energy is not more than twice the body, and only a small amount of inorganic substances can be absorbed."

The contact absorption part is easy to understand. , Which means that only what you touch can be swallowed, and it won’t work if you don’t touch it. This is the same situation as before, but it hasn't changed. The last part is also easy to understand, meaning that Lilith's ability is also effective for inorganic matter, but the effect is very general. As for the middle part, it is actually very easy to understand. This so-called active energy, converted into in-game data parameters, is the sum of the current remaining life value plus the remaining mana value plus the remaining physical strength value. For example, suppose an individual has an upper limit of five hundred health. At present, he has only one hundred health remaining due to injury, and his upper limit of magic power is fifty. Now half of it has been used. In the end, his physical strength is still stamina. With ten left, then his current total active energy should be one hundred plus twenty-five plus ten, for a total of one hundred and thirty-five.

Understand what is active energy, the rest is easy to understand. Just add the three attributes of Lilith and the opponent, then multiply Lilith's value by two, and use the remaining value to compare with the opponent's value. If Lilith's remaining value is large, the opponent will be eaten by her. And if the opponent's remaining value is higher, then Lilith can't bite him. Of course, the immobility means that it cannot be swallowed, not that it cannot fight with the opponent. In addition to swallowing, Lilith can also fight through physical or magical attacks, but it is more direct than swallowing. Not only can it instantly destroy the opponent, but it can also help her to replenish blood and magic.

As the world’s number one animal trainer, I have already studied the collocation of magic pets quite a bit, so when I saw this attribute, my eyes suddenly lit up, because I just It corresponds to a special usage of Lilith. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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