According to Corolla’s command, we quickly moved the fusion soul to the magic array, and Corolla herself went outside the magic array and began to control the magic array to load the magic power layer by layer. As the magic array was fully activated, the monster that had been tumbling endlessly because of its confusion in its thinking suddenly froze in place as if it had been hit by a holding spell. In fact, the monster's body was not restrained. The reason it didn't move was because the soul was now under control, so the body could not receive the signal from the soul, so it naturally stayed there.

Looking at the monster completely still in the magic array, Princess nodded said: "It looks like the effect is not bad."

I turned my head and asked: "Then you can start to strip the soul. Is it?"

Princess nodded said: "Okay. Right away I started to cut off the connection between his soul and body. When the soul and body are disconnected, I can knock his body away. But speed It’s better to be faster. The guy’s body must be removed in an instant, so that the success rate is relatively large. If the speed is slow, the guy’s soul may be damaged."

Listen to what Princess said about me. I thought about it for a moment, and then let the luck out and said: "Lucky, you will be responsible for getting that guy's body out."

Lucky nodded and asked again: "That guy's body Is it okay if you break it?"

I nodded: "The body is useless, you can just get it out."

"Then I will understand. You guys Let’s get started."

Fortunately, after confirming that I’m ready, I signaled that Princess can start, and Princess stripped the guy’s soul without much effort. It’s almost because I just told her that it’s okay. When it started, she immediately beckoned Lucky to signal that he could start. The lucky person who got the signal ran two steps towards the guy in the magic array, and then suddenly stopped and turned around with the help of impact. The thick tail was like a pop hammer with the whistling wind blowing over our heads, and then violently. It smashed on that guy.

It feels like smashing an egg with a golf club. What we see is not the monster’s body flying directly out, but the guy’s body as if it exploded. A large swath of blood sprayed radially toward a fan-shaped area in front.

"Damn it, can't you just tap it?" Seeing the shards of flesh and blood everywhere, Princess couldn't help turning to cover her mouth and almost spit it out.

After Princess finished speaking, other people also expressed their indignation at the lucky reckless behavior. Before, we thought he would fan that guy with his claws. Who knew he would use his tail to draw. You should know that Dragon Clan only likes to use paws when teasing weak creatures. If there is a fight between real giant dragons, they usually use their tails to greet each other directly. The tail is different. The tail of the giant dragon is different from the Divine Dragon. The tail of the Divine Dragon is a fish tail, which is as long as a fan. It is very useful for swimming, but it is not good for shooting people. The tail of a giant dragon is basically a long whip from thick to thin. The most terrible thing is that the tip usually has a bone structure of different shapes depending on the dragon species. Usually it will be a flying spear that looks like a fish. The structure of the spearhead of a giant dragon may grow into a hammer shape, a triangle, a thorn ball or even some other strange shapes, but without exception, the tip of a giant dragon's tail is definitely a very dangerous shape.

Lucky tail belongs to a more common structure, which is arrow-shaped. The difference is that his pointed head is not half-sided like a double-edged axe, but a four-pronged shape. This structure determines that whether the lucky tail is swept horizontally or smashed up and down, there is basically a sharp blade facing the target. He just smashed his tail with his tail. It was clear that he wanted to chop that guy into pieces, but he might have overestimated the strength of that guy's body, and the result was broken, but it was a bit exaggerated.

"I'm not to blame!" Lucky looked at the meat on the floor with some surprises: "I don't know this guy is so crispy, I just smashed it lightly and he broke himself!"

Xiaochun clutched her nose and shouted: "Don't say it, hurry up and spout torch. Under the treatment of those minced meat, it's disgusting!"

Fortunately, I know I committed the crime!"

It was wrong. Hearing Xiaochun's words, he hurriedly went up and snorted Longyan. The guy's previous body did have a powerful recovery function, and he could also swallow the organisms he came into contact with, but that was when he had a soul. Without the control of the soul, the monster's body will be like a robot without an operating system. Although it has all the functions it should have, it can't perform any function.

After we were lucky enough to clean up the minced meat, we hurriedly gathered in the center of Corolla's bondage array, where the fused soul was now bound intact.

"Is this the soul after fusion? Why does the energy feel a little weird?" I asked when looking at the strange Soul Body.

Princess explained: "This soul was fused, but it was not merged through the magic array, but was forcibly merged by that guy’s body. His body swallowed the body of others, but his The soul does not have the ability of Devouring Soul, so these remaining souls are not consumed, but they are forced to start fusion because they are in the same body. But I think the time for this soul fusion may be a bit shorter, so there is no It is completely integrated, so that the energy is not stable."

Ling opened the mouth and said: "This is not a big problem. Anyway, there is Hades that is the great god, so I can’t bring him back and let him merge. Just one click. He should be an expert in this respect."

"You can use it. But how can I take this thing away?"

"Use this." Ling passed it directly After a crystal ball.

I took the crystal ball and looked at the attribute, and then I followed the instructions and touched the crystal ball to the soul, and instantly the guy entered the crystal ball. Throw the crystal ball directly into the Phoenix Dragon space, and then I let the demons clean up and start again.

This time the mission to Insect Valley is still missing the last cemetery mission. Now I plan to finish this mission. I didn't do this task before because I couldn't find the cemetery. Now it's different. Corolla just told me that she knew the location of the cemetery. According to her, the cemetery existed before they built the laboratory.

"Are you sure that the mausoleum is under here?" Corolla and I asked, standing in front of a large black bog filled with bubbles.

Corolla nodded very positively said: "I have compared the terrain nearby. Although the terrain has changed due to the rising water level, this should be the location of the tomb."


"Well, at least you explained why I couldn't find this mausoleum after turning around a few times before!"

Thanks to this time I took so many tasks alone, and among them Corolla, who was rescued from the lab mission of, knew the location of the cemetery. Otherwise, just rely on the mission reminder of no more than three sentences on the mission scroll, and don't expect to find the tomb for a lifetime. Who do you think would have thought that the entrance to the tomb would be under the black quagmire? If this is a clear lake, maybe someone would consider going into the water after finding it on land, but this quagmire...Anyway, I would not jump down just for an uncertain probability.

Speaking of which Even if you really know that the entrance to the tomb is under this quagmire, there are probably not many people who can actually find the entrance. First of all, this is a quagmire, not a puddle. Even if the water is muddy, there is always a little visibility. In this quagmire, whether you have lighting equipment or night vision ability, anyway, as long as you don't have the ability to see through, you are no different from blind. Secondly, this quagmire is turning bubbles outward.

I’ve seen a lot of swamps turning up the bubbles. After all, there are often drowned animal carcasses and rotting plant rhizomes in the swamps. These things will produce a lot of methane when they decay. Therefore, bubbles are often turned up in the swamp. However, the marshland in front of me was not caused by methane gas. The reason it turns the bubbles is because the water boils.

Before we speculated that there are geothermal resources under this Worm Valley, and this one is one of the direct evidences. The black sludge is more appropriate than boiling. With the continuous beating of the black sludge, large groups of white water vapor are jetting out from under the pit. Just by looking at the water vapor pressure, you know that the temperature below can definitely cook most living things.

"How do I go on this?" I was a little bit puzzled looking at the smoking swamp in front of me. If it were just a mud pit, I could have the rose vine wrap me in the center and then lead me down. But the problem is that the mud here has already boiled. Even if the rose vine is demonized, it is still a plant. If it goes on, it is estimated that it will soon be stewed into vegetable soup.

Carola just knows the location of this place, and she has no idea how to get into the mud pit. After all, she hasn't been buried in the mud pit. Fortunately, I have a lot of familiars, and everyone thought of it together and quickly came up with several plans. After repeated comparisons and calculations, everyone finally decided that it would be more reliable to dig the mud pit.

According to Corolla’s observation and description of the surrounding environment, we concluded that the entrance of the tomb is not very deep from the ground, so it is possible to dig a mud pit.

Digging a hole is actually very simple. Fortunately, these dragons are there. Isn’t it a trivial thing to want to dig a hole in the ground? Although the giant dragon itself is not very good at making holes, their Innate has hardware advantages, and it is really fast to dig. The key is to find a way to prevent the nearby water from turning the dug mud puddle into a puddle, but this is also simple, just let the small dragon female use a water curse to disperse the water. The only trouble is the high temperature below, but this problem is not too big, anyway, giant dragons are not afraid of being hot. Even if they dig out the lava, they can still continue to dig. At worst, let Frost and Snow act as a temporary air conditioner.

After laying out the action plan, we started digging down the ground. The situation was similar to what Corolla said. We dug a total of five or six meters deep and we saw a layer of slabs, but we were obviously Think of the problem simple.

"Damn, where is this door?"

Excavating the surface soil is not a complicated job. Fortunately, this part is done quickly, but it is really troublesome. Is the next part. Although Corolla knew the location of the tomb, she didn't know where the entrance was. According to her, this tomb is different from most tombs. This tomb is not as hidden as other tombs, for fear of being discovered by tomb robbers. The surface building of this mausoleum is said to be the same as the Imperial Palace. It is not only very gorgeous, but also extremely large. However, no matter how large it is, it is also a mausoleum, and there is only one entrance to the underground. If it is not buried, it will not be difficult to find the entrance through the surface buildings. The key is that the tomb is now buried underground. If you want to find the entrance, you have to dig it everywhere. If you are unlucky, you even need to dig out the entire tomb to find the entrance. If this is ordinary land, at worst, I will find out all the summon creatures to do civil construction, but this is a swamp. Mud can flow. We dig here, and the mud flows there. When do we have to dig? Even if the ice magic of Frost and Snow can freeze the mud, one ton or two tons is no problem. How many squares of mud do you need to dig out for such a large area? In addition, the underground geothermal heat is heating up at any time, how much does the ice attribute mana of frost and snow freeze?

"Can't we make a hole in the mausoleum?" Corolla asked.

Ling said directly: "It's easy to open a hole, but we are not sure if there are any institutions in the cemetery. Although we are not afraid of institutions, it will be troublesome if there are joint institutions that cause the tomb to close itself. "

"Are there any mausoleums that will be self-enclosed?" Corolla asked suspiciously.

Ling nodded and said: "There are indeed, and the larger the mausoleum is, the more similar institutions are there. These tombs have several floors. If the intruder touches the special institutions, the middle layer of the tomb will collapse on its own. The real tomb area below is completely enclosed. This collapsed middle layer is often mixed with a large amount of toxic and harmful substances, which will become very troublesome when excavating. In short, once the self-protection mechanism of this kind of tomb is activated, it is necessary to go in again. It takes a lot of effort."

"But if we don't open the hole now, are we going to dig up the entire tomb?" The small dragon woman asked next to her. She quite agreed with Carol's idea of ​​opening the hole.

I thought about it for a while and said: "Ling, let's open the hole. Even if we walk in from the front door, it doesn't mean that we will never trigger the mechanism. Even if the middle layer collapses, it is nothing more than an excavation. The work will increase a little bit more. Besides, we are not sure whether this mausoleum has a self-burial device. Instead of going around in circles for that probability, we should just dig down."

Ling agreed after thinking about it a little bit. my point of view. She nodded and said: "If that's the case, just dig down, but you must be careful."

Since you have decided to make a hole in, then you don't have to be lucky to help them. Now the outer slate of the tomb has appeared in front of us, there is eternity, the slate is not much stronger than tofu. I turned Eternity into a rotating knife that looked like a compass, and then drew a round hole more than one meter in diameter on the surface of the stone slab. When Eternity completes a circle, the next step is simple. Just let Lucky pull out the round slate with his claws and he was pulled out.

The outer wall of the mausoleum is obviously impossible with only one layer of slabs. After lifting off the outside slate, what we saw was a layer of black gelatinous substance. Ling stretched out his hand and put it in front of him to take a look, then nodded and said: "It's a barrier made of sea devil beast oil, it doesn't matter, dig directly down, this thing is not dangerous."

When I heard Ling's words, I immediately started digging down with eternity. According to Ling's description, the water barrier made of this kind of sea devil beast grease is actually more difficult to deal with than the outer layer of slate. This thing is in a liquid state after the first production is completed, so as long as there is an interlayer on the outside, it is easy to shape. However, as time goes by, this thing will quickly solidify, and finally it will become the jelly-like thing now. Don't look at this thing as soft as jelly except that it's darker, but its toughness is comparable to brown sugar. In fact, people who often use knives know that this kind of soft and tough thing is the most difficult to cut compared to something with a certain degree of hardness. Although the cutting pressure of this thing is not too high, but because it will be strong, so the general cutter can not cut it. But this is not a problem for us. In the face of eternity, whether it is brown sugar or steel plate, it is no different from tofu.

After cutting open the glue layer of hu hu, a thin wooden board appeared underneath, which was probably used to shape the glue layer. Behind the board is a layer of fired bricks. This is also easy to deal with, just cut it and throw it out. Below the bricks, there is a strange layer of something similar to concrete, but the composition does not look like a stone or the like. Anyway, it is black and has a high hardness. Of course, no matter how hard it is, it can't stop eternity. After cutting this layer of structure, another layer of planks appeared on the lower layer, and then a layer of streaks appeared below the planks.

I stood in the big hole 15 or 6 meters deep at this time, looking at the stone slab at my feet, and wanted to scold my mother. Which abnormally designed mausoleum is this? This outer wall is too thick, right? After digging fifteen or six meters down, it hasn't been dug through. Isn't this mausoleum all covered with walls, and the small space with the coffin in the middle is the mausoleum?

Depressed go to depressed, you have to dig if you need to dig. Pushing Eternal to the edge of the cave entrance violently, pu chi easily penetrated into the rock with an eternal sound, then I grabbed the handle and started to circle along the cave wall. After I walked around, the stone slab under my feet was just right. A circular area was cut out.

After completing the cutting work, I was not in a hurry to pull out the eternal, but I slapped on the ground and tapped the slate under my feet to confirm the structure of the lower layer, but I just tapped twice. Suddenly I heard an abnormal echo.

"Huh? Is this...?"

"Have you cut it?" I was listening to the echo, and suddenly I heard the small dragon woman shouting on it. Before I could answer, I heard the small dragon woman shouting: "I will come down and get the things up after I cut it."

I used the small dragon woman to cut each layer before. Gravity Technique took all the layers I chopped up to the outside, and now she estimated that the time was almost up on it, and she planned to jump off again. However, just after she finished shouting, I suddenly felt my feet sink down suddenly. At that moment, it seemed that I felt weightless, but it only disappeared in an instant. I quickly looked towards the edge of the wall in surprise, and as a result I saw the new wall exposed by the sinking of the ground. What does this discovery represent? It means that the bottom has been dug through by me. The stone slab under my feet is now simply hung on the ceiling of the inner space of the mausoleum by friction. As long as I pull out the eternity now to loosen the slate, or I just jump it slightly, this The slate guarantees that Lima will have to fall.

After reacting, I hurriedly called to the small dragon girl not to come down first, but when I looked up, I just saw the silhouette of the small dragon girl jumping down. "Damn, don't come down!"

"What did you say? Ah..."

Just as the small dragon girl just finished shouting, she already fell on the ground , And then the stone slab under our feet, as it should be by rights, fell directly from the wall to the bottom. I just felt the narrow hole around me suddenly opened up, and at the same time, I smelled a rotten smell that had been closed for a long time, and then listened to a loud explosion sound. Our body suddenly stopped falling and slammed into me. The stone slabs under me turned into a pile of fragments, and I slammed it on the ground in a large font.

I lifted the head from the ground and said with difficulty: "Damn, tell you not to come down, why are you so anxious?"

Snorted and said small dragon female snorted and said: "You shouted By the time I jumped down, how could you blame me?"

"Then you are riding on me now, do you have to blame me?"

The small dragon girl just remembered and hurry up Jumped off my back, but she still didn't admit defeat. "You stood on my head when I turned back to my true body, what's the worst thing about riding it?"

"You also know that you turned back to true body? Please, When you become a dragon, you can put a mahjong table on your head. I stand and face you and say it’s no different from a sparrow on top of your head?"

"Okay, well, I’m not here Have you come down yet?"

"This is..." I was arguing with the small dragon female while preparing to get up from the ground, but when I was only halfway through my feet, I suddenly stopped. "What sound?"

"Let me take a look." The small dragon woman suddenly raised her right hand with her index finger and middle finger a little closer to her eyebrows. Her two eyes looked like two searchlights. Two golden beams of light suddenly shot out, illuminating a large area in front of it. But now I would rather she not turn her eyes into searchlights, because in the beam of light, we clearly saw countless Unknown Creatures that were smaller than chopsticks twisting and crawling there. The length of these things is only about thirty or forty centimeters, but because they are very thin, they all look slender and slender. There was an opening that looked like a flower bone on the monsters' heads, and at the center of it there was a small red dot that radiated dark light, not knowing whether it was a mouth or an eye. However, these things let us have one's hair stand on end, not their looks, but the densely packed large pieces of entangled together. You can imagine what it would be like to throw millions of snakes into a swimming pool. The environment around us is definitely scarier than that. The small dragon girl and I felt all the cold hair standing up in an instant. Fortunately, when we fell, this thing directly below was hit by the slate, otherwise we would fall directly into the insect pile.

Although we have not been touched by these things now, these guys alone have clearly found us. At this time, they are raising their strange heads and aiming the red dots at us, and some bold ones are slowly approaching us.

"Ah..." The small dragon girl yelled when she saw those disgusting insects. Although she was a Divine Dragon, she was a lot stronger than the insects, but she was disgusted with them. The ability to withstand things is not distinguished by strength, otherwise in reality not so many people would be afraid of cockroaches. On battle strength, even babies are much stronger than cockroaches, right? But even big men are still afraid of cockroaches. This has nothing to do with personal strength at all.

The call of the small dragon girl is like a start signal. Accompanied by her cry, the insects around instantly bounced off the ground and rushed towards us. Seeing the insect flying towards us, my scalp numbs for a while, but fortunately, I haven't lost the ability to move.

As soon as the insects jumped up, I hugged the small dragon girl and threw it up, and then shouted: "Transformation. Sunlight ring." As I shouted, a small dragon The tornado instantly rose from under my feet and rushed all the way to the top of my head. After the cyclone, I had switched from Purple Moon form to Silver Moon form, followed by a gold-white halo suddenly rippling away from me, illuminating the entire room in an instant. At the same time, the halo is like as the autumn gale sweeps away the fallen leaves. It blows all the insects back, and all the insects directly turn into black dust when they touch the halo, and they fall to the ground. After that, they can't see their previous state at all.

I hurriedly stretched out my hands after the blazing sun burst. The small dragon girl just fell off at this time and was picked up by me.

"Please next time you see the insect and hide directly in the training space, don't call it that way, okay?"

The small dragon female blushed and jumped off from me, and then muttered: "Isn’t people scared? If it’s normal, like the insects just now can be done with one trick, how can I hide them?"

"Okay, okay, you go back first Training space, let me take a look at what's here."

Exploring the tomb is not to say that more people are always good, so I put most of the demons away, of course. An authentic exploration combination is still a must. First of all, the golden partner combination of Bailang, Darts, and Sha Yezi must be with you. Bailang was originally a devil beast dedicated to guarding the Earth Palace. His sense of smell and various characteristics are very suitable for authentic environments. The super speed of the dart determines that he will be the most suitable existence for stepping on thunder. In places like mausoleums, institutions and other things are almost necessary equipment. If you build a mausoleum but don’t install institutions, you will tell others that it is a mausoleum. Normal organs or the like are fine as long as they mainly dodge, but some organs can't be solved by quick response with sharp eyes. They must be fast enough. The dart can move at the speed of light, so any mechanism is not as fast as his. As long as he touches the mechanism and quickly runs back, those terrifying mechanisms will be scrapped. Finally, the function of Sha Yezi is also indispensable. As a high level wraith, Sha Yezi’s nihilistic characteristics determine that she can drill into the wall or the floor to check the settings of various organs, and most of the organs will not be triggered by her. For checking and cracking certain organs, Sha Yezi may be more convenient than darts.

With the existence of the above three demon familiars, basically ordinary mechanisms are no longer useful to me. Of course, individual powerful organs cannot be solved by playing tricks, but we also have solutions for such organs. The first and easiest way is to let the Death God guards step on the thunder. Anyway, most organs have a limit on the number of times they can be used. Even if the magic array type organs with automatic magic return, they also have a recharge time. As long as you send a few more Death God guards to try out the interval between the two activations of the magic array, you can easily pass through the magic organ without worrying about the activation of the organ. Of course, some organs may have continuous effects, such as the Venom Tunnel. This kind of mechanism is a whole submerged passage that needs to dive over. However, this organ is usually clean water, but once you touch the organ, the water in this passage will immediately be injected with a toxin that is very poisonous and highly corrosive. Once the water is injected with toxins, it will take at least a few months to wait for the toxins to decompose naturally. Therefore, this kind of mechanism is impossible to rely on the Death God guards to actively trigger to solve the problem. However, once we run into this kind of organization, we actually have a solution, but it depends on the specific situation. Under normal circumstances, just bringing three gold combinations is enough to solve the problem.

After arranging the team, I first switched myself from the silver moon state back to the purple moon form. After thinking about it, I gave Xiaochun to summon again. Of course, at this time, she is not asking her to help us, but to let her act as a lighting device. Although my three golden partners and I have night vision, we can still see things in the dark tunnel. But the night vision ability has a disadvantage, that is, there is no color vision. Even though creatures with night vision can see things after entering the dark area, everything becomes black and white. This kind of black and white vision is sufficient for fighting and moving, but if you want to find a mechanism, it will be very troublesome without color vision. So I finally brought Xiaochun summon out to help us light up. Her lighting technique is not only adjustable in brightness, but also can illuminate a large area like a shadowless lamp, so that it will be much more convenient in case of battle.

After observing the aspect for a while by the light, I first determined that this should be a fork in the road. The hole we made was very coincidental, and it happened to be right in the middle of the room. Looking around from where we are standing, we can see that there are eight forks on the wall leading to different directions. In fact, one road is enough for this thing. If there are too many roads, it is better to have no roads!

"Which way shall we go with so many roads?" Sha Yezi asked hesitantly, looking at the diversion of the surrounding roads.

I shook the head and said, "I don’t know. I’ve never been here again. Besides, we came in through a hole. If we come in from the entrance, at least we know the general direction. Now I’m even in the tomb. I don’t know where it is."

Xiaochun suddenly said: "Actually, I don’t think we should go in any direction."

"Ah? What should we do then? Get out? "

Xiaochun pointed to the bottom of his feet and said: "The most important place in the tomb is the tomb, and the tomb of a tomb is usually at the bottom of the tomb or at the geometric center. The location of the tomb is at least one thing certain. The tomb is definitely deeper than where we are, so instead of looking for the lower entrance on this floor, it is better to dig down directly. Anyway, we have already opened a hole and don’t care much. Dig a few."

I nodded and said: "It makes sense. You guys get out of the way, I'll dig down and see. But you can't just dig holes like this. It's better to explore the surrounding passages. "As I said, summon a large number of Death God guards and ghost worms. These summon creatures who are not afraid of death are definitely the best pathfinders.

After sending out all the pathfinder teams, I started digging down. With the previous experience of drilling holes, I have become more proficient in my movements this time. Besides, this is already inside the tomb. Compared with the outer protective layer, no matter how thick the walls between the passages inside the mausoleum are, it will certainly not be thicker than the outer walls of the mausoleum, so the speed of drilling this time is obviously much faster. When I cut a layer of stone slab more than a foot thick, what appeared below was a thin layer of wooden planks, and then the wooden planks were interlayer made of solid black material, but the thickness was thinner than the outer wall. A lot, only a few centimeters thick in total. Below this layer of black material is another layer of slate, but this time I learned to be smart. First I used eternity to poke a hole in the middle of the slab, and then pulled out the eternity. I can easily find that there is nothing below through the opening, which proves that the remaining stone slab is the ceiling below.

Since there is a passage under the stone slab, this layer of stone slab cannot be simply dug through. I first divided Eternal into two parts. One part passed through the hole that was just pierced, and the front end was enlarged to block the slate to prevent it from falling, and then the other half of Eternal became a cutting knife to continue cutting the slab. After I completely cut the stone slab in the cave from the surrounding stone slabs, I grabbed the eternally changing clip in the middle and lifted it up, and the cut stone slab was directly dragged onto it by me.

Without this slate, the floor below was immediately connected to the room on this floor, but because of the lessons from the previous insects, I didn’t rush down this time, but let Xiaochun threw a flash ball in. If there are monsters with eyesight in it, this one is enough to faint them all. After the flash ball exploded, Xiaochun immediately threw an illumination technique to the lower floor, and then I jumped down.

I immediately regretted it as soon as I jumped into the lower passage. Although it has been flashed once with a flash ball, the flash ball is not a bomb after all. The strong light can only stun creatures with eyes, and it is useless for those without eyes. Unfortunately, this room happens to be full of eyeless creatures, and I know all of these creatures. They are the big earthworm-like heart insects that I just met on the upper floor, and they

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