In order to determine whether the fat monster has any other abilities, I think it is necessary to send a few more creatures to test it out. Of course, the most suitable probing creature is the candle bee. After all, they are all good at self-destruct. They can test the monster's abilities while ensuring that it will not provide new food for the monster. As long as the monster dares to fuse the candle bee, I can detonate the candle bee remotely. So the more it eats, the faster it will die.

Although it was planned to send a candle bee to test the guy, it is definitely not working now. Most of my candle bees are by my side, only three were left in Taniguchi before. Two of them were killed by insects in the forest before the monster arrived, plus the self-destructed one, and now there are no candle bees near the monster. If I want to continue the experiment, I can only send candle bees from my side again, but it takes time. Fortunately, ghost worms follow, I am not afraid of losing my goal.

The guy entered the valley smoothly without my interference, and then, in the same situation as we did, he also encountered hordes of insects. However, for it, these insects are simply not the enemy, but its tonic. The insects swarmed up after discovering the moving Roshan, but all the insects that came into contact with it would immediately be stuck by its body like sinking into a quagmire and gradually swallowed into the body.

After eating tens of thousands of insects in one breath, this guy's body shape has changed a lot. Compared to what it was before, it now looks more like a monster. The huge fat body is surrounded by the remains of various insects. It looks like this guy is like a huge walking garbage dump.

It was already more than twenty minutes later when the candle bee I sent approached this guy again. At this time, this guy was bypassing the jungle moved towards the direction of the laboratory and came straight. Now even without Corolla’s contract induction, we can be sure that this guy is the owner of the laboratory that Corolla said before, because he obviously knows the specific location of the laboratory. This guy didn't take any detours since he entered Taniguchi, he just moved forward on the straight moved towards the laboratory.

As I expected, although he has become a monster, this guy’s intelligence has not been lost. After all, his soul is the owner of the laboratory, and the one who can build the magic laboratory will naturally not Would be a fool. This guy immediately became nervous when he heard the buzzing sound of a bomber flying over at a low altitude, which is characteristic of candle bees flying. It was obvious that he still remembered the candle bee that had injured it before.

& There is not just one candle bee, but a group. Just after the first candle bee appeared, a large group of candle bees suddenly rushed out from behind the big tree.

The monster, who was still on guard, suddenly did something surprising when he noticed the swarm of candle bees that appeared suddenly. That is, instead of counterattack, it turned around and ran away.

"What is it doing?" Through the sight of the ghost worm, we can see the monster running wildly in the woodland trying to get rid of the candle bee that is chasing after it. This guy can attack Divine Race, its ability is absolutely impossible so weak. Although candle bees can explode, they are only creatures of more than 400 levels after all. Doesn't it make sense to scare away powerful creatures that can attack Divine Race?

Just when we were wondering why that guy was running, a candle bee had already caught up with that guy. After successfully landing on that guy, the candle bee immediately followed my instructions. The poison needle behind the tail pierced the guy's body, and then the skin around the poison needle began to quickly turn blue and black.

Although he was stabbed, the monster was still running as if he was completely unaware. It wasn't until the range of toxins on his shoulders began to expand that this guy suddenly realized that he had been stung. He turned around in a panic and wanted to slap the candle bee, but the reaction speed of the candle bee was not slow, and he left the guy's body with a light leap. The guy saw the candle bee running without chasing him, turned around and started to run, feeling as if he was treating the candle bee as a natural enemy.

"It's weird, why is it so afraid of candle bees?" Watching that monster flee in a hurry, I really don't know how the powerful existence that can attack Divine Race will be chased by the 400-level candle bees The same as stray dog!

"I seem to understand a little bit." Ling said suddenly.

I looked towards Ling asked in doubt: "You understand?"

Ling nodded said: "That guy’s special ability should be swallowing, swallowing all living things through contact He also talked about absorption as part of his body. That’s how that guy survived the attack by insect. I guess he also touched the opponent’s body through this method when he attacked Divine Race, and then he used this contact to make that Divine Race was eaten into the body. That’s why all the reports of the free Divine Race before were missing reports without confirmation of death. Because he ate those Divine Races, he couldn’t find the corpses, and there was no corpse. It can be regarded as missing."

After listening to Ling's explanation, I finally understood why that thing was afraid of candle bees. Although Ling didn't directly explain why that thing was afraid of candle bees, he could think through Ling's explanation that the guy's strength was due to its invincible devouring ability. Conversely, because the candle bee can self-destruct, not only can it not swallow the candle bee, it will also consume its own flesh and blood. Because of this, it will only get weaker and weaker when hitting the candle bee, so it will be so afraid of the candle bee. It's not that it can't beat the candle bee, but because it doesn't want to beat it. After fighting with other creatures, it can absorb the opponent's corpse to supplement the consumption. Fighting with the candle bee will only get weaker and weaker. Of course, it will not come into contact with the candle bee.

After understanding the physical characteristics of this guy, I am not too worried. If it really only relies on devouring ability to fight, then I only need to send out Xiaofeng, Inverite, Brigitte and Sha Yezi. Xiaofeng is Phoenix and can elementize himself if necessary. That guy can devour flesh and blood but certainly can't swallow fire, so Xiaofeng will be more terrifying existence than candle bees to it. The situation of Brigitte and Ivorite and Xiaofeng is similar. Firstly, these two have elemental bodies. Secondly, they are constructed creatures. Even if they are not elementalized, their bodies can only be regarded as a bunch of actives. It's just metal. Then monster’s devouring ability can’t catch anything and eat, right? Otherwise, it won't have to trouble Divine Race, just lay down on the ground and swallow the entire Earth. Therefore, Ivorite and Brigitte, who have non-living structures, are also not to be trifled with for this guy. As for Sha Yezi, she had no entity at all, and the monster eating her was equal to eating air, so it didn't mean anything to her.

Although I thought that these can deal with the existence of that guy, I didn't plan to send them now. One is that I don't want a few of them to go, and the other is because I'm not sure whether that guy has other attacking abilities. Although it seems that this guy has only strong devouring ability in the current situation, it is difficult to guarantee that it has no other life-saving skills, so I decided to try again.

Because this guy ran when he saw the candle bee, he can't use the candle bee if he tries again now. This time I directly dispatched a lot of Death God guards. These magical creatures themselves are condensed by magic. Their bodies are piles of sand. Even if the monster catches the Death God guards, don’t even want to get them from them. What energy supplement.

This time because the distance was much closer, the Death God guards quickly arrived near the monster. Unlike us, the Death God guard is a magic creature, so there is no body odor or anything on it. All kinds of insects in the Convenience Valley every time I see me, they rush like a little child who sees a butter cake, but these Death God guards are treated as rocks by the insects, even though Death God guards. Passing across the pile of insects, no one of the insects will take a second look at them. This is the benefit of not having life.

Looking at the large group of Death God guards quickly in place, I immediately issued an attack command, and then a relatively tall Death God guard suddenly stood up from behind the hidden grass, and then he raised his hand high. The anti-crescent scimitar pointed forward and let out a howl. After hearing the howl, the surrounding Death God guards immediately came out of the hiding place and rushed towards the monster below.

I often command hundreds of summon creatures to fight, and I have a certain degree of research on command science now. The location of this ambush happened to be a relatively open forest clearing. The surrounding trees were relatively sparse, which did not affect the charge of Death God guards. Moreover, the terrain of this area was also a small basin structure. The guy was standing in the basin. In the bottom position, the Death God guards swooped down from the surrounding hillsides. With their long legs and super strong jumping ability, the charge of less than 100 meters away from the Death God guards can run in less than five seconds. .

The monster didn’t expect to be attacked suddenly, and the surrounding Death God guards didn’t look like local creatures at all, so it froze for two seconds after the Death God guard appeared. But even if it doesn't froze, in this situation, it is estimated that it has no other choice but to continue to stand stupidly.

Unsurprisingly, the Death God guards who started to charge took full advantage of their height and long legs. Those low bushes could never affect the Death God guard, who was nearly three meters tall, to move forward, relying on the downhill. Their impulse, each step can jump seven or eight meters away. The monster below almost didn't react, and the first Death God guard had already rushed in front of it.

Hey. The Death God guard who leaned up first had no intention of slowing down, so he rushed past the monster with a machete, and by the way he took a piece of rotten meat from the boss. The speed of other Death God guards around was not much slower than the first Death God guard that arrived. After the first Death God guard succeeded in attacking, the surrounding Death God guards immediately whiz whiz whiz interspersed, and these Every time the Death God guard passed by, a large piece of flesh and blood would fly from that guy. Through the sight of nearby ghost worms, we can see that the monster in the valley below is like a broken pocket that was cut by hundreds of Charged Death God guards, chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades That's probably the case, right?

Looking at the monster below being hacked and chopped by many Death God guards with no power to fight back, I and the other familiars were a little stunned.

"Is this guy too weak?" Looking at the monster that had been chopped into dumpling stuffing by the Death God guards, Xiaochun couldn't help but ask.

Ling replied in front of me: "It's impossible so weak. This guy must have other battle methods."

I finally said: "It doesn't matter if there is it or not, anyway, I am too. I didn’t expect to rely on the Death God guard to take care of it. As long as it can force its life-saving tricks out. Anyway, do you think if this guy swallows Lilith, who can win in the end?"

Lilith, the mutant Lich, seems to have similar characteristics to this monster. They can both swallow each other by touching other people's bodies. Of course, judging from the current situation, Lilith's ability may be much higher than this guy, because Lilith's devouring speed is much faster than this guy. After this guy eats other creatures, there are often undigested parts of arms, legs, etc., which can take a long time to disappear completely, but every time Lilith comes into contact with a creature, it usually doesn’t take one minute to kill the other creature. Eat clean. In addition, this guy seems to be completely unable to control his body structure, otherwise, with his human soul, It shouldn't be let the body grow into this virtue. In contrast, Lilith can not only control her body shape, but she can even become a creature eaten by it at any time. This ability is much stronger than the monster in front of her.

Because I think Lilith should be better than this guy, so I didn't plan to let Xiaofeng or Ivorite, who won't be swallowed, deal with the monster. Lilith's growth requires new genetic samples. The stronger the sample, the more powerful Lilith's abilities will be. Although this thing may not be as powerful as Lilith, it can at least attack Divine Race. I believe Lilith can extract some useful gene fragments after swallowing it.

Just as I was thinking about it, the battle in the valley finally stopped, because just after hundreds of Death God guards rushed back and forth twice, they found that the monster had been rejected by them. There was a skeleton, and large pieces of flesh and blood were scattered on the ground. I really didn't expect that the Death God guards actually gave this guy too late. No, this is worse than Ling Chi. At best, Ling Chi is just slicing and shredding. This guy has been cut into minced meat and has not fallen down. Isn't that much worse than Ling Chi? Wait, didn't it fall?

After seeing the horror scene in that scene, I didn't react at first, but then suddenly reacted. Why didn't that guy have turned into a skeleton?

Just when I was puzzled, the skeleton in the field suddenly lifted its right hand, and the surrounding Death God guards suddenly all flew involuntarily into the sky, and then I saw that guy’s bone grab With a fierce grip, all the flying Death God guards quickly gathered in the middle and all crashed together. If it is a normal person, this impact is estimated to knock people out, but Death God guards are magical creatures, they don’t faint at all, so those Death God guards immediately put away their scimitars and raised their hands and started heading towards the guy’s skeleton. Throw magic on.

The Death God guard that Anubis gave me this Death God mark summon is not a simple monster. Some of their abilities are borrowed from me. Although the basic shape of the Death God guard wolf head is still retained, these Death God guards are actually dual Cultivation combatants like me. Moreover, these guys can actually summon creatures.

Just when the Death God guards were all pinched into a pile, a large white light suddenly flashed on the surrounding ground, and then piles of various animals appeared on the ground. Before the skeleton could react, these creatures suddenly rushed towards the skeleton. The fastest creature that looked like a fox jumped onto the skeleton and grabbed the skeleton's arm bone and wanted to pull it down, but it was bounced away by the skeleton before it used its strength. However, although it was bounced off, it bought time for the animals behind. The densely packed biota rushed to the skeleton's body frantically and began to bite and drag to try to dismantle it completely.

Although the skeleton has no flesh on his body, his strength is surprisingly large. At first, the small creatures with fast speed couldn't move it, but the situation happened immediately after the large creatures came up. Change. The first bear creature that arrived was a claw that slapped the skeleton directly to the ground. The Death God guards in the sky also fell together because the skeleton suddenly fell. Obviously the guy's magic was interrupted.

Looking at the skeleton that fell to the ground and was gradually overwhelmed by many creatures, the small dragon woman couldn’t help but said, “This guy won’t really be killed by the Death God guard, right? Even though Death God guards it. The characteristics just restrain this guy, but after all, the level is so bad, won’t you really kill him?"

Before I could answer, I suddenly heard Ling said: "Wait, it's going to be big. Recruited."

With Ling's reminder, our attention shifted to that guy again. The skeletons buried under by many summon creatures were completely invisible at this time. However, at this moment, countless green rays of light suddenly shot out from the gaps between the bodies of the monsters in the middle. The entire biopile exploded with a loud explosion sound. The creatures that were guarded by Death God's summon all turned into piles of black sand and disappeared into the air in the explosion. Of course, this is not because the explosive power is too strong to burn those creatures to ashes, but because these creatures are also magic creatures condensed from death magic power like Death God guards. When their magic life is exhausted, they will revert to black sand.

After blasting all the creatures away, the skeleton on the ground climbed up again, and then saw a piece of pulpy red fleshy mud that had been stepped on by the creatures from the ground like a slime monster. The surging upward rose up. The red's disgusting flesh and blood slurry quickly flowed onto the skeleton's body and quickly condensed to form a perfect male body.

All of us who thought we would see the monster again were stunned by the man who suddenly appeared in front of us. "Why did he act like a monster before he can restore his human form?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest Motivation.)

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