The facts have proved that this notebook is indeed very valuable, because I can't understand the contents at all.

In addition to a large number of complex derivation formulas, the content of the experimental notes is a pile of magic array diagrams and various data descriptions. The complexity of the content is like a Heavenly Book to me. Fortunately, Ling still barely read it. Understand a little bit, otherwise I would really have nothing to do with this stuff.

"Can you understand what is written?" I asked anxiously, standing behind Ling.

Ling nodded said: "The content is not too complicated, but the recording method of the other party is too random. I have to find a way to combine those messy small marks into the magic array to figure it out. Meaning."

"Now you don’t need to figure out what is recorded in it, you just need to tell me if there is anything worth noting in it."

" This is no problem." Ling began to look through it as he said. It took about half an hour before she roughly finished reading the book, and I was waiting next to me and was almost falling asleep. "I've finished reading."

"How? Is there anything worth noting?" I asked excitedly.

Ling nodded replied: "There are still a lot of things worth noting, but there are mainly two aspects of research value."

"What is it?"

Ling pointed forward with the corner of the notebook and pointed out: "One is some thoughts about the magic array. I think it should be good to assist in the research of this combinable magic array."

"Then there is another item?"

"The other item is some research content on soul studies, but the writing in this part is rather vague, and the research value is not great, so it can only be used as a reference."

I thought about it for a while and said: "Even if there is only the record of the combination magic array, it is absolutely important enough. We will not hand in this thing, and we will take it back for research."

Knowing that you will definitely stay.” Ling said, suddenly took out a relatively large book and handed it to me. I took the book and opened it in a puzzled way, and Ling was also saying when I flipped through the book, "I just copied it using rubbing magic. The notes on this note are just some words. Information, the logbook itself is not of much value, just copy a copy and save it, just take the original copy and hand in the task."

"Yes! Why did I forget this!" Excited Putting away the two notebooks, I turned my head and looked towards Martial Goddess over there and asked if the final conversion could be started. After checking the situation of the small dragon girl and Xiaochun, Martial Goddess felt that there was no need to wait two hours, and directly started the soul conversion for them. According to Martial Goddess, both Xiaochun and the small dragon female have very high soul strength. Although they were also shocked during the transfer process, their super souls have allowed them to recover faster, so it is necessary for others Two hours, they are OK in half an hour.

Converting the souls of the two people is not too much trouble, and there is nothing to lose except that I wasted a lot of gems. Of course, even if the gems are used up, they are still valuable. Be aware that gem powder is also a kind of magic material, which can be used in many places.

After fixing everyone’s misplaced soul, I said to Martial Goddess: “I’ve never had time to have a good chat with you before, now let’s talk about it.”

" What does the master want to ask?" Martial Goddess was quite conscious. She knew that she had become a familiar, so her consciousness changed very quickly. To be honest, I still find it strange. According to ordinary people's thinking, Martial Goddess with strong battle strength can completely regret it after getting my help and refuse to become my favorite. Although she was actually impossible to run away after I saw the attribute, the problem is that she didn't know it. Under the premise that no one forced her at all, she actually chose to abide by the agreement, which seemed quite rare. In addition, what makes me even more strange is that this Martial Goddess actually showed a high degree of self-consciousness after becoming a familiar. She is very adapted to this kind of identity conversion, and it feels as if she has always been my familiar before. To use a not very pleasant, but very apt description, this Martial Goddess simply has a natural servility, and she seems to enjoy the feeling of being controlled by others.

Although I don’t know why she is so obedient, but now she is my demon after all. She is very obedient, which is a good thing for me, so I have no plans to correct her characteristics. After thinking about it for a while, I started asking her questions that she had always wanted to ask before, but there was never a chance to ask.

"Um...First of all, I want to know, how did you get locked in the cell underneath? And why did your soul run into the body of the previous monster?"< /p>

After hearing my question, Martial Goddess did not hesitate at all. She seemed to be answering other people’s things and said: "I was caught by the master here after being tricked into the dungeon. I helped him build a large part of this laboratory, including the magic array on the ground. However, after the completion of the magic array, the owner here wanted me to be his wife, but I refused his request, so he With a grudge, he knocked me out in a monster escape incident that he deliberately arranged and used the magic array I built to swap my soul with the monster. After that, I entered the body of the monster, and My body is locked in a dungeon."

"You said you built a large part of this place?"

"Yes, so I know a lot The location of the organ."

When I heard her explanation, I nodded, and then asked: "You said that the master here used this magic array to reverse your soul and the soul of the monster, then You should have a monster’s soul in your body, but how come it has become an empty shell now?"

"This is because my body is too strong. That monster is just a magical transformation. A wild chimpanzee is nothing but a devil beast. Naturally, it cannot bear the burden of my body. As soon as the conversion is completed, its soul is absorbed by my body."

Hear Martial Goddess After answering this question, I first glanced at her hesitantly, and then after thinking about it, I finally asked: "What is your character?"

"Character? I don't quite understand what you mean. ."

"How do you say it. Your behavior seems to be very obedient. You promised to be my favorite before, but then I didn't force you, but you simply agreed And, I just looked at your loyalty attribute, which is as high as ninety-five. You just joined us, why did you become my diehard in an instant?"

"About this The problem is actually because my soul has been transformed.” Martial Goddess was saying completely in a tone of stating other people’s things: “I said before that the guy wanted me to be his wife, so he was putting me After his soul was transferred to the monster, he has been trying to manipulate my soul to make me fall in love with him. However, after a long time of experimentation, he was surprised to find that he actually simply didn’t know what love is, so he even had an incomparable soul operation. Technology is also impossible to make me fall in love with him, because he has no idea what to transform my soul into to fall in love with him, besides, he does not have such superb technology to modify the soul at will. But he did not give up his plan to possess me. After the experiment of transforming me into a lover failed, he began to plan to turn me into his own slave, a plaything that didn't have his own will but only knew to obey, and could be at his disposal. "

"This experiment was successful? "Looking at Martial Goddess as it is now, I already know the result.

Sure enough, Martial Goddess nodded said: "The experiment was more than half successful. He erased my notion of hatred, so I will not show hatred or dislike for anything. Even if it is something that normal people know shouldn’t be accepted, I can accept it without any worries, because I don’t know how to hate. What does it mean, and because it is not annoying, it can be accepted indifferently. "

"How did your original character come about?" "

"Not exactly. In addition to not having a sense of hatred, my self-awareness is also very indifferent. Although it has not completely disappeared, I hardly possess the self. Of course, my knowledge tells me that I should have this thing for myself, but because this thing is missing in my soul, my behavior is to completely ignore my feelings. Even now, I can talk to you about this thing that should have made me sad without feeling. "

"Then are you sad now?" "Ling suddenly interrupted and asked.

Martial Goddess shook his head: "I know that normal people should be very sad and angry in this situation, but I really don't feel at all in my heart now, I don't Have the ability to be sad. "

After listening to the introduction of Martial Goddess, Xiaochun on the other side said leisurely: "Maybe this is not entirely bad for you!" "

Small dragon female also nodded and said: "If you keep those negative feelings, you will be very painful now, but because you don't have this awareness, you won't be sad. But the guy who made you like this is really hateful. If you have the chance to see him, you must smash him into pieces to help you get revenge. "

"Yes, next time I see that guy, I will definitely avenge you." But I guess there will be no chance in the future. Seeing that this laboratory can be broken into this way, it is estimated that the guy has not known how many years he has been dead. "

When I heard what I said, Martial Goddess suddenly cried and said, "You are so kind to me." "

Looking at her sudden reaction like this, we didn’t know what to do for a while. In the end, Xiaochun and Ling went up to comfort him. I was surprised when she finally stopped. Asked: "Aren't you sad? How can you cry? "

Martial Goddess still sobbed a little and said, "I'm crying with emotion, not sad." I have no negative emotions, so the ratio of positive emotions has doubled that of normal people, so I can easily feel good about others and be moved easily. "

The small dragon woman whispered next to her: "Isn't this the type who is born ready to be deceived?" "

Ling said immediately: "Don't worry, she will be ours in the future, should we worry about being deceived if we follow us?" It's good if we don't lie to others. "

Small dragon female and Ling were discussing the character of Martial Goddess, and suddenly they heard her say: "Although I don’t know sadness and hatred, I actually want revenge. After all, my knowledge Tell me I should retaliate against that guy. "

"But that guy has been dead for so many years, how can we get revenge?" Xiaochun asked.

"No, although his fleshy body is dead, his soul has not disappeared. "

We were all surprised by what Martial Goddess said. "What are you talking about?" He's not dead? "

"If the soul is a sign of a person's existence, he is indeed not dead. "

"How are you sure? I asked, "Even if your soul has been in that monkey monster's body, you haven't left the underground cell after all?" "

Martial Goddess said: "There is a contract between me and his soul. This was one of his previous attempts to enslave me. He tried to use the master-servant contract to enslave my soul, but didn’t expect my resistance was so strong that the servitude contract only completed the beginning and exhausted the magic array. Since we have already established a bondage contract between us, he will not be able to use this contract again afterwards. "

"Can't he get rid of it?" "

"No. "Martial Goddess said: "The bondage contract between us is permanent. Unless the soul of one of them disappears completely, the impossible will be lifted. "

Ling looked at Martial Goddess and said: "according to what you said the contract between you only completed a beginning. He can't order you through this contract now, but both of you have it. The ability to perceive the opponent's location, right? "

Martial Goddess nodded said: "I can feel that he is heading here, and he should soon reach the outskirts of this valley. "

"He is going here? "I don't know what's going on. The guy who killed some free Divine Race as the gun god said before suddenly popped out of my head. Could it be that the owner here is the guy I was waiting for? Although I have some doubts, according to Martial According to Goddess, this guy has changed his body, so even if I know what that guy looks like now, I can’t compare with Martial Goddess. Besides, I don’t know what that guy looks like now, I just know that he is very strong.

Martial Goddess closed his eyes and felt the power in the contract, then opened his eyes and said to me: "I can be sure that in an hour, he will enter the valley where we are. "

I thought for a while and said: "Well, we will meet him later." However, there are two things to do before that. "

"What's the matter? "

"The first thing is that you have to give you a name. Martial Goddess is just your title. You should have a name, right? "

"Yes. "Martial Goddess nodded and said: "I did have a name, but I only remember that I had a name, but I couldn't remember what I was called. "

"Do you have a favorite name?" "As soon as I finished speaking, I remembered that she had no self-awareness. It might be a bit troublesome for her to think of her own name, but when I was about to help her name it, she suddenly spoke.

"I I want to be called Corolla. "

"Corolla? "

"Yes, Corolla. Although I don’t know why, I think this is a very important name to me. Maybe this is my original name, or maybe this is the name of a very important person to me. My soul is missing in many experiments. Most of the memory, I can't remember whose name this is. However, I want to call myself Corolla. "

"Since this is your wish, then you call Corolla. "

After having a name, Corolla has officially become one of my favorites. Of course, she still has to hang on the account of Yinyue. Purple Moon's direct favorites are already full, and the rest These are all vacancies attached to the humanoid pet. Corolla is a humanoid pet, and she can bring two more monsters. If she is placed under the name of another humanoid pet, then the two places she brings will be wasted. .Anyway, I’m now with two numbers. The familiars and skills of the two numbers can be used in common, which is very convenient.

Fixed the problem of the name, I said to Carola: "The name is settled. There is one last question now. I think this magic array with transformable functions is pretty good. I want to take it back to study. Do you know how to disassemble it? "

Carola nodded said: "This magic array is the most proud research result of me and that guy, it can actually be like this. Corolla said that she stood at the keyhole position in the center of the magic array and stepped all the keys into the keyhole. Then I saw that the surrounding magic array suddenly deformed in a tumbling combination, and then all the parts were removed from the keyhole. It flies under the ground.

"Damn, this thing is deformed Vajra? "

In our surprised eyes, the flying magic array parts started to collide with each other in the air, and it seems that these magic arrays are not colliding with each other, they are clearly colliding with each other purposefully. , Because every two parts that collide with each other will always have an interface that coincides with each other. When these parts are collided and assembled, they are folded and assembled again, and finally it is obvious that they are developing towards a humanoid structure. It is almost before me. When I saw the structure of this thing, Corolla suddenly jumped up from the ground, and then all the parts flew to her and automatically assembled together. When Corolla landed, she had become a body covered in all parts. The real Martial Goddess wrapped in golden armor.

"It's really deformed Vajra! "The small dragon girl couldn't help sighing.

Ling corrected and said: "It should be the saint clothing assembly of the saint. "

Xiaochun suddenly jumped out and shouted: "No, this is the beautiful girl warrior transformation, you see Corolla still holding a magic wand in her hand. "

I pushed them away with a black line: "What are you all about?" Let you use the learning machine to learn knowledge. Who told you to load cartoons in your heads? "After training the three Familiars, I walked to Corolla and circled her around and took a close look at Corolla's new look.

The current Corolla and the previous ones can’t be seen to be the same person. , Because her armor is like my Divine Dragon suit and even her face is wrapped. The strangest thing is that the helmet part of her armor has no eyes at all, or the front of her armor simply does not have the structure of a normal helmet Corolla’s helmet is wrapped in a tapered curved crystal from the forehead to the chin. From the outside, you can only see such a large piece of light blue crystal, and you can’t see anything inside.

In addition to the helmet, the protection of this armor on the body is also very comprehensive. The upper and lower joints of the whole body are sealed and protected by movable joints. It is estimated that it can be used as a diving directly in diving. , Although this armor has now become the shape of an armor, it is a magic array after all. From the various positions on the surface of the armor, some shadows of the previous magic array can be seen. And there are many places on the armor from front to back There are hidden or concave or convex magic array imprints. It seems that this armor should have a strong magic combat capability.

Sure enough, after I looked at it, Corolla herself first introduced: "This The magic array itself is built on the basis of my rune armor, so it is my armor when it is stowed, and it becomes a large magic array when it is unfolded. Moreover, various types of functional magic arrays can also be deployed during the dressing process, but the formidable power is not as large as when it is fully deployed. "

I nodded and said: "Very good idea. But what type of combatant are you? Your title is Martial Goddess, so you should be a melee type, right? But this armor...? "

"Yes, I do know how to fight in close combat, but I am not exactly a close combat type. Correctly speaking, I should be a warrior of all-out combat. I am good at near and far weapons ranging from bows and arrows to heavy swords, and I can also play from lance to daggers in close combat. I can quickly use all the weapons I have seen. In addition, the armor on my body gives me the ability to release attacks and assist magic, so I can use magic in close combat. In general, I am actually equivalent to a combination warrior of Demon Sword and Demon Sword. "

"Otherwise, your attack power is so high, it turned out to be the battle method of the unity of creature and monster. "I found out when I watched Corolla’s attributes before. Her attack power is amazing. Among my familiars, it seems that only the two humanoid pets Yeyue and King have such high melee attack power. Large monsters Because of the size problem, high attack is normal, and most of my other familiars rely on certain special abilities to fight. They are indeed very strong, but the melee attack power is not very exaggerated. In contrast, King and Yeyue’s The attack power is the highest among the melee humanoid familiars. But these two also have special reasons. Yeyue's high attack is because her combat form can use six swords at the same time, so her attack speed can reach five times that of ordinary people. Above, this kind of attack speed naturally brings super high attack power. As for the king, firstly, his ability is melee combat. Secondly, he has evolved once in the sea of ​​silence. Thirdly, he is a hero himself. The special attribute is The attack is strengthened. It can be said that everything he does is for this attack output, so it is normal for his attack to be strong.

Corolla's praise for me is just laughed, not overly proud, because there is no most of the self. Awareness, so her feelings are a bit incomplete, and many emotions will not appear in her body or behave very lightly. Fortunately, bad emotions are basically disappeared, so Corolla did not weaken because of this.

I originally planned to dig away the magic array in this basement along with the floor. Now it seems unnecessary. Now there is only one big hole on the ground, and the magic array has been combined and compressed onto Corolla. .Speaking of which this magic array seems to have the ability to compress space. If all the parts of the previous magic array are melted into a metal block, even if a solid metal image a few times larger than Corolla is cast, there will be no problem. , And now this magic array can not only form a set of armor that is only about the size of Corolla, but it is actually hollow. Needless to say, the disappeared volume must have been folded with spatial ability, otherwise the armor will really restore its original volume estimate It’s big enough for Vajra.

Confirm that the magic array and research notes are all in hand, there is nothing worth keeping in this laboratory. Bring Corolla, who hasn’t left the laboratory for many years. When she got to the ground and breathed the long-lost air, even the incomplete soul of Corolla showed exaggerated excitement. Fortunately, her emotions were relatively calm, and with us to comfort her, she did not go crazy outside. .

"This place has changed a lot from before. "Corolla calmed down a little while looking at the surrounding swamps and said.

"Do you remember what it was like before?" "

Carola nodded said: "This part of the memory has not disappeared. I remember when I entered the laboratory for the last time, it was still a beautiful valley. There should have been a river at the foot of the mountain over there, and there should be a large open grassland here, but I don't know how it has become a swamp now. "

"It's strange that your laboratory would appear in the swamp. I was wondering how anyone would think of having laboratories in the swamp. Didn't expect it was actually a piece of grass. . "

Carola nodded said: "It's not just the grass here. The mountains on both sides were not as steep as they are now. At that time, there were many trees on the mountains, and the mountains at the beginning seemed to be much higher than they are now. Now I don’t know how it turned into such a bare low peak. I wouldn't recognize it if it hadn't changed the trend of the mountain and the impossible movement of the laboratory itself. "

Ling said next to him: "I think I know the reason for the big change in the environment here. Corolla looked towards Ling suspiciously, waiting for her explanation, and Ling also immediately explained: "The river you mentioned should be the source of water here. This valley is now covered by fog because of the geothermal resources. The heat from the ground evaporates the water, creating a large amount of water mist. So, since there is geothermal heat, it means there is a crustal fault here. I think there was a large-scale earthquake here a long time ago. The mountains here should have collapsed to a certain extent at that time. Falling rock fragments blocked the exit of the river channel, and the water level of the closed river raised the original valley. The lowlands became swamps. Later, due to the long-term moisture, the soil on the mountains on both sides became extremely soft, and only a few rains could wash down all the soil from the mountains and further lift the ground. This is why you think the mountain has become shorter. In fact, the mountain has not become shorter, but the ground has become higher. Moreover, because the soil washed down from the mountain formed a soft soil accumulation layer on the valley floor, plus abundant water resources, the mud ground became a swamp. The insect of as for here, I think it should be developed after that. After all, as long as the insect has a suitable environment, one or two years of explosive reproduction will be enough to expand the population. "

After listening to Ling’s analysis, Corolla admires the straight nodded, I also think Ling’s analysis is very reasonable, but before I have time to admire a few words, the ghost worm I left at the entrance of the valley suddenly There is a connection signal.

The order I gave to these ghost worms before leaving was to monitor all the high-energy reactive creatures entering the valley. If such targets are found, they will contact me immediately. Now that I get the connection signal, it means that they have found the target. Although I don’t know if this is the monster that can only attack Divine Race, but at least this should be a very strong individual. After all, I gave the insect The energy reference standard we made is based on myself. This creature must have at least half of my energy intensity to make the ghost worm call the police, otherwise the ghost worm will not ignore him at all.

Chief Steward, the favorite of the heart, Ling also received the signal when I got the signal. She quickly stopped the joke and seriously connected the visual signal of the ghost worm to the visual information of all our demons, of course, the most important one. Still have to let Corolla see the target.

"What kind of monster is this? "

As soon as the visual image of the ghost worm was connected, I immediately felt like I was about to vomit. What appeared in our minds were not the humanoid creatures we thought before, nor were they the common fierce but fierce faces. Very mighty rare beast. The creature that the ghost worm sees is like a combination of biological residues, and its image is even more disgusting than the hate warrior spliced ​​out of corpses.

This guy has A body squatting forward slightly seems to be an upright walking creature like a human, and it does have two human legs supporting the ground. However, in addition to the two human legs supporting the ground, There is actually a human crotch on this guy’s left buttocks, and a human leg of normal proportion is connected to the bottom of this crotch, but this leg is weakly being dragged by the guy behind him. Occasionally he can touch the ground.

In addition to this strange leg on the butt, this guy is fat like a meat ball with three human legs and six or seven people. Arms, but these arms and legs are all standing in the wrong position, some on the stomach, some on the waist, and on the chest and back. In addition to these human-shaped limbs, there are actually many other creatures on this guy. Traces. There is a piece of skin on the waist side that is covered with scales, and it clearly looks like the skin of a crocodile. But this piece of skin is only one meter long, and it is distributed in a triangle shape. The other places are ash-gray. The skin is as rough as pigskin. Except for this skin, this guy has a head in the middle of his stomach, but it looks like this is not a human head, but the head of some kind of demon, just because there is only one left. Half of the skull is outside, so I can’t see what kind of creature it is. Of course, this guy also has a head...if that can be considered a head.

This guy’s shoulders are covered with a large mass.

An unknown object with a sarcoma, although it may be a head, it does not have any organs that can be connected to the head. At least I can’t see the eyes and ears, and I can’t even find the nose and mouth.

"Is this an abomination warrior? "The small dragon woman looked towards Ling uncertainly. After all, Ling used to be a dark Goddess, and the hatred warrior this thing was invented by Dark God Palace.

"Absolutely not. "Ling decisively rejected: "The hatred head is made on the basis of zombie. This guy's head is like a meatball, and I'm not even sure if it is a head at all. "

Carola suddenly said: "This is him, I can feel his contract. "

I glanced at Corolla and said, "Don't worry, this is also our goal. I will definitely help you get revenge this time, but we have to figure out what this is. "

As my voice fell, everyone saw a huge poisonous bee moved towards the monster through the ghost worm's sight and flew over. This poisonous bee is not a wild creature, but me The candle bee, letting it pass is just an attribute to test the thing.

Although it is certain that this thing is not abomination, but judging from the body parts that obviously do not belong to it, this thing is very likely It has the ability to swallow other creatures, so for safety, I decided to test it with candle bees first.

Although we did not find where this guy’s eyes are, it obviously has a way to perceive the surrounding environment. Yes. Just after the candle bee approached a dozen meters away from it, the guy suddenly turned around and turned to face the candle bee, and it stopped, as if waiting for the candle bee to approach. Just in the candle bee When it approached to the point where it was more than one meter away and the stinger underneath showed up, the monster suddenly moved. It saw the thick arm on the right side of its shoulder suddenly stretched out, pinching the candle bee, and then it Just like this, I pulled the candle bee to the side and pressed it directly on my chest. Then after the guy's hand was removed, we saw the candle bee as if it had fallen into the glue and struggling. Being pulled into the body by that fellow's flesh and blood little by little.

"Damn, this thing really has the ability to swallow other creatures. "Seeing that the thing was gradually absorbing the candle bee, I snapped my fingers directly, and then I saw that half of the candle bee that had entered the guy's body suddenly turned into a large flame, and at the same time the guy's chest The flesh and blood that was also blown up was blurred, and there was a large pit with a diameter of two feet on the original fat chest, and the flesh and blood in it were squirming together quickly. "Hehe, it seems that this guy's defensive power It's not very good, but the resilience is a bit abnormal. "

This meatball-like nauseous monster can't even stop the explosion of the candle bee. It can be seen that its defensive power is not very strong, but its wounds healed within a few seconds, indicating this thing. Regeneration ability is super strong. However, I think its ability should be more than that. You have to know that this thing has killed several Divine Races before. If it is only healing power and can swallow creatures, I think it will definitely not eat Divine Race. So, it must have some other special ability. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my greatest Motivation.)

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