The Ling who was holding the woman’s soul pushed me away and said, "Don’t worry, this magic array can turn us back in the wrong position, but It takes time. And you better figure out who is who first, and even if you want to switch back, you have to figure out who is who first!"

I also reacted to what she said. Come over, and then quickly let everyone stand in a row and say who they really are. After a brief exchange, we finally figured out the current personnel situation.

First of all, the body of the woman and Ling exchanged, which means that the soul of the woman who was saved by us and the soul of Ling occupy each other's bodies. This is a mutual exchange.

Except for the two of them, the rest are more troublesome. There are Xiaochun, Crystal, Victoria and Small Dragon Girls who participated in the control of the transformation magic array, and this is the current situation. Xiaochun’s body is filled with Victoria’s soul, while the crystal body is filled with Xiaochun’s soul. Victoria’s body is actually the soul of a small dragon woman, and the small dragon woman’s body now resides The soul of the crystal. To put it simply, these four people have transferred to each other, and the four people need a reverse rotation to move their souls back.

"Now I know who is who, but how do I turn it back?" I looked at the woman who occupied Ling's body and said.

The woman did not answer my question, but said: "There are two ways to solve the problem, depending on which one you want to choose."

"How to say?"

"Because I had to forcibly extract my soul from the body of that monster, and then put it into my body, which had no soul, plus the body of that monster. Seal the magic array of soul transfer, and I can’t dominate the operation of the magic array in the monster body, so the transfer just now was so troublesome. Now my soul can dominate the operation of the magic array in this body, plus there is no such thing. The interference of imprisonment makes it much easier to control the magic array. As for the two methods I mentioned... It depends on whether you want to save trouble or trouble."

"What does it mean to save trouble?"< /p>

"The ease is to let me and the owner of the body I occupies one-to-one conversion, first to transfer our two souls back. Then I will manipulate the magic array to make one-to-one adjustments for the four of them , So that after several adjustments, we can change everyone back to the correct body."

"Why bother with such a good method?"

The woman said: "This method does save trouble, but every conversion requires some gems, so it will cost a lot of money."

"The troublesome method does not use gems?"

< p>"The troublesome way is to use the magic array just now to adjust all our souls in place at one time. This way, although gems are needed, the one-time investment is over, and the total consumption can be reduced a lot. However, this branch has The trouble is that you need to slowly adjust the position of everyone’s soul during the conversion, so the entire conversion process may take up a day."

"Then you should use the method that saves trouble. I will wait for a day here. Crazy."

"Well then."

Since I have promised to provide gems, women are naturally more willing to use trouble-free methods. First, she took the key and adjusted the position of the magic array on the ground again, feeling that the key was the core of the magic array disk. With it, the magic array could be used to form a variety of different effects at will. Seeing the woman adjusting the magic array there, I had already planned it in my heart. When I left, I must move the floor of this building and the magic array together. This technology that can combine magic arrays as needed is really awesome. If it can be reduced in size, it will be even more perfect. Just after a brief thought, I have already thought of the three important uses of this variable magic array, and the value it produces will be immeasurable. Of course, that is the next issue. The first issue now is to adjust the souls of my familiars.

After preparing the magic array, the woman removed all the extra external array disks, leaving only two magic array disks in the end. No need for guidance this time, Ling and the woman immediately stood on the two magic array plates. The woman occupying Ling's body said with Ling's body: "I will activate the magic array for a while, you just have to be careful not to resist the power of the magic array, you don't have to worry about the others."

Ling manipulation The woman's body is nodded, and then waiting for the other party to activate the magic array. This time the woman didn't come up with any moths, she directly pressed her hands on the magic array, and then two streams of light flashed, and the magic array completed the soul transformation in less than five seconds. Looking at Ling walking down from the magic array, I tentatively asked with some uncertainty: "Are you Ling?"

Ling nodded said: "I changed it back, but I always feel Some dizziness."

"That's because a part of the soul energy is consumed in the process of soul conversion. You will feel this way in the next ten hours, but the symptoms will get lighter and lighter."

"I feel like nausea now."

"That's a normal reaction. This magic array is not perfect after all."

After that woman finished Then I went straight to reach out and grabbed his shoulders. After a few seconds in her puzzled gaze, I let go of her and said: "Your attribute is not bad, then... fulfill your promise and become mine. Familiar."

The woman unexpectedly didn’t mean to succumb to my request. She directly chose to take the initiative to become my favorite. After confirming it, I immediately Under her own character attribute, I can see her familiar information. To be honest, there are not too many people like her who are still so trustworthy.

I used to pinch her shoulders to view her simple attributes with Xingtong. Now that I became a familiar, I saw her detailed attributes directly. The woman's name column is empty, obviously I need to name it, and her racial identity column actually read Martial Goddess.

"Are you Martial Goddess?"

"Is there any problem?" Hearing my question, the other party asked back.

"No, I'm just surprised. That, are you Martial God a race or are you a Divine Race?"

"I am a Divine Race, and the original title is Martial Goddess."

"Which Divine Race Martial Goddess were you originally?" Ling suddenly asked.

"Of course it is a free Divine Race. Is there any other country Divine Race that can set foot on the borders of the United States?"

When I heard the answer from the other party, my brows immediately frowned. stand up. Obviously, this woman has a strong sense of belonging to the free Divine Race. The sentence just now shows that she is quite proud of herself as a free Divine Race. Originally this was nothing, but the problem is that our relationship with Free Divine Race is quite tense. Once we let her know about my relationship with Free Divine Race, how can she cultivate her loyalty? Besides, even if her loyalty is fine, it will not be easy for me to find the trouble of free Divine Race in the future. As my favorite, I can't hide things from her at all, and if I want to hunt the free Divine Race to obtain Divine Soul in the future, she will inevitably have some ideological struggle here. Am I going to force her not to interfere?

"Then what...Let's not talk about this, you'd better convert all of them back to talk about it."

When I heard what I said, I was waiting honestly. The small dragon women on the side immediately ran over and asked for a change. After I took out the gems, Martial Goddess began to prepare magic arrays for them. Before, because it was the two-person swap led by her, it was enough to use two auxiliary arrays directly. Now she needs her to be nearby, and two positions are needed for the two people who exchange souls, so another magic array disk must be added, and the structure of the magic array's main body must also be adjusted.

After working for more than ten minutes, I finally adjusted the magic array, and after a fierce-guessing, Victoria finally got the first chance to transform back into his body. Of course, I have always deeply doubted the fairness of this result. Is it possible for the average person to win a game related to luck in the game of guessing with the victory of Goddess?

Because Victoria's soul is now in Xiaochun's body, and her own body contains the soul of a small dragon woman, so this First Stage is the exchange of souls between Victoria and the small dragon woman. After the two stood up, the magic array was activated, and it also took only five seconds to complete the soul conversion of the two. Victoria finally returned to her body, but now the soul of the small dragon woman ran into Xiaochun's body.

Holding the dizzy Victoria aside to rest, the small dragon girl, dragging her dizzy head, was ready to compete with the other two for the next round of conversion opportunities, but they were beaten by Martial Goddess before they even started. broken.

"You have just completed a conversion, and the second time will cause permanent damage to the soul. Let them both come first."

The small dragon female can only stay behind. , And then let Crystal and Xiaochun start to exchange their bodies first. The soul of the crystal is now in the small dragon woman's body, and Xiaochun uses crystal. So after the two change, the crystal will return to her body, but Xiaochun ran into the small dragon woman's body. In the body.

Replace the gems on the magic array and start the array again. This time the soul conversion is still successfully completed. Of course, the crystal soul is very happy to return, but Xiaochun and the small dragon girl are dizzy by the side waiting for them to exchange their souls. However, because this one-to-one exchange of souls is a heavy burden on the souls of both parties, neither of them can immediately switch between souls, and can only wait for the soul to stabilize first. Fortunately, according to Martial Goddess, this process only takes two hours. Compared to the complicated method that needs to wait a day, this is already considered fast. Of course, these two hours should not be wasted. I plan to use this time to study the notes mentioned in the task.

The task items in "Zero" may not always need to be turned in. For example, there is a task for you to dig a treasure, and the reward is ten gold coins, but you dig out the treasure and open it. It is this skill book. A skill book must have more than ten gold coins, even ten crystal coins. At this time, you can choose not to hand in the task and get the skill book directly. Of course, not all tasks can be omitted. For example, some tasks will be punished if they are not completed. This kind of task requires you to weigh the gains and losses by yourself.

The task of obtaining experimental notes that I got has no failure penalty at all, and the rewards seem to be not too important, not to mention that the gun god agreed that I can choose the rewards of two tasks, if this notebook is very Valuable, then I will take this task over, and then leave with the notes directly to give up the task. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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