"ao..." Accompanied by a scream, what made me more embarrassed was that the cable that was originally aimed at the guy's back actually hit his ass, but it hit him anyway. It’s the same everywhere. As soon as I took in the cable, the strong pulling force quickly pulled me towards the monster.

The monster’s butt hits it and it hurts so badly. As soon as I close the thread, the barb on the dragon's tendons is directly embedded in his flesh, and it hurts suddenly. The guy screamed there. However, the guy stopped after yelling twice, not because he didn't hurt anymore, but because he didn't dare to yell anymore. This is underwater. A lot of air was leaked when he screamed just now, and the air in his mouth was exhausted. If he didn't shut up, he could only pour water into his stomach.

Enduring the pain, the guy quickly pulled out the rope embedded in the flesh, but what made him helpless was that he pulled out one, and the second rope arrived again. It hit him in the arm. Accompanied by another scream, the guy suddenly pulled out the cable on his arm, but I had already retracted the first cable. He just pulled out the cable on his arm and turned around to continue to escape. A cable hit him in the back again.

Although he was hit for the third time, the monster didn't care about the cable on his shoulders anymore, but swam forward desperately. Seeing this guy's reaction, I also understood its urgency, so I didn't rush to pull me and it together. Instead, I turned around and spread my wings and slapped the water and pulled the guy back.

I have seen from the series of reactions just now, this guy has no ability to breathe underwater. He has been snorkeling with his breath just now. Although I am not an aquatic animal, my helmet comes with underwater oxygen supply, so as long as I spend time with this guy, he will eventually be drowned.

The monster also knows where his weakness lies, so he doesn't care about the cables on his body at all, just keeps going downstream. Although theoretically he would still be drowned if he dived into the deep water, but since this guy has been desperately going downstream, he must know that there is a place to ventilate him, otherwise he would definitely not do this kind of courting death behavior. .

Although I have used a lot of strength to try to stop this guy from moving forward, but the strength of this guy is really scary, so I was dragged by him all the way down to about three basements. Height, and then I saw the bottom of this stairwell. There was still a door open on the side wall at the bottom, but the door panel had become a pile of rotten wood chips piled beside the door. The monster dragged me straight into the door, but the moment I passed the door, I turned Eternity into a stick and stuck on the door completely. The monster is stronger than me and can drag me forward in the water, but now I have a fixed place to apply force, and its strength alone will definitely not be able to drag me. However, what surprised me was that the intelligence of this monster did not seem to be weak. Although it was indeed stuck after I took out the eternity, it did not compete with me. Swim away.

Seeing that the guy was out of my control again, I had to put away the eternity and sneak into the door.

The inside of this gate is a horizontal corridor with a length of no more than three meters. On the other side of the door was a rotunda, but after I got in, I discovered that there was a circle of gates densely arranged around the hall. Looking at the density, the number might not exceed two hundred.

"Damn, why are there so many doors?"

I glanced around in the room and didn't find the silhouette of the orangutan, and I looked at so many doors around here , I don't think I have any hope of catching up with that guy. Anyway, I have lost my goal, and I am not in a hurry at all. First I contacted Ling and asked them to enter the training space, then I directly took out the steel plate and summoned out the rose vine to seal the outside entrance. After confirming that the closure was completed, I opened the door of the earth to drain the water in the room in the same way as before, and soon the whole hall was completely drained.

Without the interference of the muddy sewage, I can finally release all the familiars. Of course, first let Frost seal the exit with freezing magic, and then began to study the more than two hundred doors.

The results of the inventory prove that my estimation is correct. There are 231 doors in the room, and each door has a complete half-closed door panel. You can't see anything inside. . In order to prevent water penetration, I had to start breaking the door one by one with Shuangxue and the small dragon girl, but this time I learned to be clever, and called the pepper out directly and let her use psychology to help me determine if there is water behind the door. If there is no water, you don't have to spend so much effort to open the door slowly.

It turns out that there is no water in this room. The water here should have been caused by leakage from the outside stairwell.

Since there is no water here, we don't need to be too careful. The Death God guards who directly summoned out a large group were divided into more than 200 teams and began to explore the more than 200 gates at the same time. Before, there were only six doors on each floor upstairs, and there were only four rooms excluding the two stairwells, so I could explore the situation behind each door upstairs by myself. However, it doesn't work here. There are more than two hundred doors, even if there is no other building structure behind it but just a room, more than two hundred rooms are enough for me to study for a day.

The results of the various passages after the death God guards divided their troops and explored soon came out. Without exception, a passage appears first behind these doors, but the length is not fixed. Some passages are only one or two meters long, while others are several hundred meters long. However, the situation behind these channels is basically the same.

At the end of each passage is a stone chamber similar to a prison. Inside, a variety of cells are made of various materials, some of which are large, some are small, and some are only Some of the wooden fences were cages made of fine gold pillars with thick arms, and there were cages woven with mithril wire in a few rooms.

From the structure of these rooms, it is not difficult to see that these places were originally used to detain living creatures. Reminiscent of the ability to deprive the array above, it is not surprising that these creatures below exist. Of course, those living creatures can no longer be seen here, some are just bones, and even more rooms can't even be found.

"Master, there is something abnormal here."

I was observing various channels through mental connections, and suddenly a connection with Death God guards jumped out.

"What's the matter?"

"You'd better come and take a look, there are some things here."

I walked in soon after I got the confirmation The passage that Death God guards entered. The situation I got through the spiritual connection before was not complete, but now I entered the channel and saw the situation that surprised me a bit. These channels are actually equipped with drainage arrays, which can repel the Water Element like magnets of the same sex, so even if this channel is thrown directly into the sea, it will never enter water. I said that the wooden cages can still be seen in the information sent back by the Death God guards. It turns out that it is because of the credit of these drainage arrays. Had it not been for them to exclude moisture, those fragile woods would have rotted away long ago.

Along this dry passage all the way forward, after a dozen meters, there is an iron gate made of pure steel. However, this door is not a clapboard type, but a fence door, with only steel bars and no door panels. After passing through this door, we entered a large room, but at this time, the room was in a posture with swords drawn and bows bent.

The headless white-haired orangutan that attacked us before is doing threatening actions at our side in the room. Of course, the Death God guard on our side is completely unaware of what it means to be scared. They are all magic creatures, they have no self-concept, so they are not afraid of death at all.

Although the atmosphere on both sides was quite tense, I didn't bother them because they hadn't started fighting yet. Instead, I observed the situation in the room first.

There are no other cages in this room except the iron door where I entered. However, on the wall opposite the door, there were several huge chains of fine gold dragged. Depending on the thickness of the chains, even a giant dragon would not need such a thick chain at all. However, the end of the chain that I can see now is not something more ferocious than a rare beast than a giant dragon, but...a woman.

Yes. The end of the huge fine gold chain that is as thick as a human leg locks a woman, and the end of the chain is not in a simple form of shackles, but almost made into an armor-like thing that takes the whole body of the woman. They are all locked up. If you are an ordinary person, let alone the chain, you might not be able to walk even if you just hang the lock on your body. However, not only did this woman wear a lock, she also had a chain to restrict her movement. What's more terrifying is that there is actually a blue and white magic array under her feet slowly spinning.

"Forbidden magic array?" Ling didn't know when he appeared behind me. After glanced at the magic structure diagram on the ground, he whispered.

"A woman who was locked in this way had to use the forbidden magic array to do a second restraint. Isn't she too strong to be perverted when she is not restrained?"

Ling watched I glanced at it and said, "If it is to lock you, do you think these restraint devices are enough?"

After looking at the wall in a puzzled way, I shook the head: "There is eternity in me. He can smash this place by remote control, and no tools can limit my actions. Besides, you are also my strength. These things are not enough for me to lock me."

Ling followed: "That is to say She is not as good as you, so don’t sigh. But I’m very curious, what does the monster standing in front of her mean? It doesn’t seem like it wants to fight us. Speaking of which I thought it might have been before I just wanted to lead us over."

I didn't pay attention to chasing after this monster before. Now I can react to what Ling said. Although this guy hit me before and tried to get close to Ling, I didn't feel the murderous aura on it, which meant that this thing was originally close to Ling and was not aimed at killing.

"A monster with only intelligence and a woman locked up. This laboratory is really getting weird." I suddenly looked at the monster over there and said loudly, "Hey, the white over there. Chimpanzee, can you understand humans? Click if you understand...Eh, I don’t have a head anymore. If I understand, please take a step forward?"

When I heard what I said, The white-haired orangutan over there stopped for a while, and then, as expected, took a tentative step forward while guarding us.

Seeing that it actually reacted, I went on to say: "You just wanted to attack us just now, did you?"

The orangutan jumped when I said it. I wanted to say something, but in the end I only made a whole ao ao ao cry. Realizing that he could not speak, the guy started to wander around again, seeming to be looking for something, and finally he suddenly ran to the wall next to us as if he found a new continent, and the Death God guards oh la la raised their weapons together. Up. The guy was also startled when he heard the sound, but when I saw that his destination was not on our side, I reached out and stopped the Death God guard from moving. The guy watched the Death God guard put down the weapon again before daring to carefully ran to the corner and picked up a white stone, then ran to the wall on the side of the room and started writing on the wall with the stone.

"You can actually write?" I was really surprised to see that guy's behavior. This monster not only has good intelligence, but can write even words. It's really smart enough. However, after watching it write a few words, I was stunned. "Damn, what kind of text is this?"

The things on the wall are obviously a kind of text, because they are very regular and they look very beautiful, but the problem is that I don’t have any of these things. do not know. Fortunately, there is a real cultural person beside me.

Ling was originally reading a character, and suddenly I turned my head to look at her. Then I realized that I was asking her to translate. What surprised me was that Ling Ran asked me in a surprised look: "You Why do you see me?"

"Of course you want you to translate."

"But I don't know me either!"

"What? Don’t you know?" I looked at Ling in surprise and asked, "Don’t you know magic text?"

"Yes, I know magic text and more than 30 ancient languages, but this is obviously not One of those ancient languages ​​I understand. From the font structure, this text is similar to the Chinese Oracle In Literature there is."

"Oracle?" I thought about it and turned and rushed into the passage. She shouted: "Girl small dragon, come over and help me see something."

"Here." With a promise, the girl small dragon soon appeared behind us. "What do you want me to do?"

I pointed to the text on the wall and said: "The monster can write, but we don't know it. Do you recognize it?"

Small dragon female turn I glanced at the text on the wall, and frowned said: "This text is very similar to the prayer used in Monster Race's early days, but some of the words are a bit distorted than the painting, and I am not sure whether the translation is accurate."

"Try it first before you say it." As I said, I dragged the small dragon girl to a place not far behind the monster, and the monster looked back at the small dragon girl and wanted to see if the other party could write it. Translated things.

The small dragon woman looked at the writing on the wall and read with great effort: "I...deny...incorrectly shaped...creature."

"Huh? What does this mean? Huh?" I was dumbfounded when I heard what the small dragon woman read. Is this a sentence? I mean Immemorial is weird, right?

The small dragon woman first translated the text on the wall based on the script, but after she finished reading it, she found that it didn’t make sense. After thinking for a while, she said again: "I know. This ancient The grammar of the prayer is not the same as the words we use now, and the meaning is somewhat different. This sentence should be translated into modern words as'I am not a monster'."

"Oh, it turns out It means that I am not a monster.” After repeating the words of the small dragon girl, I suddenly realized something, and quickly turned my head and looked towards the monster. "You are not a monster? What are you?"

The monster now knows that we can understand its text, so as soon as I heard it, it immediately walked to the wall and began to write again. , And the small dragon female translates synchronously. "I...I...locked...wall...female...I...origin...change...location...in...incorrectly shaped...biological...surrounded"

After monster finished writing, he turned to look at us and waited for my judgment, while I was looking at the small dragon woman waiting for her to sort out the sentences by herself. Compared with the previous sentence, this sentence is obviously messier. I can only guess that this monster has something to do with the woman on the wall, but I don't quite understand what it means.

The small dragon woman was also studying there for a long time before she was surprised to point to the woman locked on the wall and said: "Ah, I understand. It means that it is the woman on the wall. But its soul was transferred to this monster."

"Are you the woman on the wall?" After listening to the translation by the small dragon female, I looked at the headless white-haired orangutan in surprise. Asked.

The monster immediately turned around and wrote another symbol on the wall. The small dragon woman responded quickly this time and said: "This symbol means yes, affirmation, and correctness."

After I got the confirmation, my eyes kept shifting back and forth between the monster and this woman for a long time, and finally I had to admit that the two had nothing in common in appearance. But since it's a soul transfer, then the monster itself shouldn't really have anything to do with that woman.

After thinking for a while, I asked again: "You bumped into me before, did you deliberately want to lead us down and bring us here?"

This time the monster did not write , But directly clicked the last symbol on the wall with his hand. This time I don’t need a small dragon female translator.

"Do you want us to help you restore your body?" I asked again tentatively.

The monster clicked the affirmative symbol again.

I frowned and said: "It's okay to help you, but we don't know how you moved your soul into the monster's body. As for how to turn it back, we don't know at all!"

After listening to what I said, the monster never gave up. It quickly turned around and wrote on the wall again. Of course, the small dragon girl also immediately chanted: "I... grasping... the process." Although the words were short, I still didn't understand it. Fortunately, the small dragon girl It’s practice makes perfect. I quickly converted the meaning and said: "It means it knows the method."

"It’s easy to know the method." I thought about it and said, "It’s okay to help you. But it can’t be unconditional.”

I mean let this monster or woman help us find the experimental notebook. So I can only turn to the only survivor here. However, what made me didn't expect was that it actually wrote a paragraph on the wall immediately.

The small dragon woman translated according to what she had written: "I... loyal... You... become... a pet... exchange... help."

This I don’t need a small dragon female translator for the second time, I also understand the meaning. "Do you mean that if I help you restore your soul, you will be my favorite?"

The other party immediately clicked on the symbol of confirmation again.

I looked at this monster, then at the woman, and finally nodded and said: "I can save you first. As for whether you become my favorite, it depends on your strength. . My demon familiars are very strong, but I don’t mean that I can be when I am."

I heard that I was willing to help, but that guy has completely ignored his strength being despised. It quickly picked up the stone and wanted to write on the wall. I quickly stopped it and said, "Stop, you should use this!" I directly handed over a pen and a notebook with a hard board at the back. The other party quickly took the pen and wrote on the paper.

The small dragon girl didn’t translate word-for-word this time, but directly said: "It lets us get that woman down first."

I looked at the The woman who had been unresponsive all the time, let Ling go over and take a look, after Ling Quding this woman really only had a body but no soul, I completely believed that monster's words. "Do you have a key?" Looking at the thick fine gold chain and the more frightening restraint armor, I can only ask the monster if he has a key.

When I heard my question, the monster immediately wrote it on the notebook. After writing it, it immediately raised the notebook in front of the small dragon woman. The small dragon girl looked at the book and waited for a while before translating: "It said that you can smash the wall first, then take the chain away with the woman, and then find a way to cut it a little bit with a magic smelter."

When I heard the translation from the small dragon woman, I said directly: "You tell me directly that you don't have the key, don't you get it?" As I said, I walked to the woman's side, and then changed the eternity into two parts. Part of it eternally became a thick nail, and the other half was turned into a hammer by me. After putting the tip of the nail on a magic node of the forbidden magic array, I called a Death God guard to help me hold the nail that was eternally changing, and followed me with the hammer of eternal change and hit it with a hammer. The tail section of the nail. Just hearing a click, the magic array on the ground suddenly burst into rubble all over the floor, and the magic forbidden effect naturally failed.

After destroying the magic array, I merged the eternity back together into a small knife like a utility knife. Following the monster’s surprised gaze, I just clicked on the chain. After a few strokes, the fine gold chain, which was claimed to be indestructible, was directly cut into several pieces.

I pulled off the broken chains and threw it aside, I moved a table out of Fenglong Space and put the woman on it. "Okay, the next part is a bit troublesome. Don't say anything, I need to be quiet."

In fact, this part is not very troublesome, it's nothing more than cutting off the restraint armour of the woman. . But because this set of restraint armor is too tight against her skin, and the eternity is too sharp, so I accidentally cut it together when I was afraid of cutting it. Of course, with my control, as long as the speed is slower, there is not much danger, it is just more troublesome.

The monster watched me cut through the restraints like cutting tofu while holding Eternal. I felt nervous. I was afraid that I would accidentally injure the flesh inside, but because I said before that I can’t be disturbed. Although it was anxious cat scratching its heart, it didn't dare to make a sound. It could only move around like a monkey.

Because the thickness of the restraint armour is exaggerated, I had to cut a gap on both sides of the restraint armour, or else I could not remove this restraint armour comparable to the golden coffin of a mummy. Since I have to cut two slices, the workload has increased a lot. In the end, my waist became sore that it was considered the last cut.

"Okay, now you can open it." I put away the eternal grasping the waist position on both sides of the restraint armour, and then lifted it up sharply, with only one sound, which was located in front of the woman's body. The entire layer of restraint armor was lifted up by me. But...

Dang. Within one second after I mentioned the restraint armor, I covered the thing back. As for the reason... what do you think will happen to a piece of clothing after thousands of years of time? The woman's fleshy body is obviously a high level creature, and although there is no soul, the life aura of this fleshy body has not disappeared, so she is not afraid of the erosion of time. The chains and restraint armor hanging on her body are made of fine gold. This thing is known as the strongest magic metal. It is neither rusted nor afraid of corrosion by strong acid. After thousands of years, just wipe it with a cloth and it will still shine as new. However, the woman's clothes are obviously not as abnormal as her and the chain. Thousands of years are enough time to make all these clothes that may have been made of good materials become fine powder, so I saw the moment I opened the restraint armor. It's just a whole fly ash, and then under that fly ash is a large swath of white flowers...Anyway, don't look at indecent ass.

"Then what, you guys got her out, she got her clothes on in an instant, and she called me again." As I said, I turned my back to this side, and Ling And the small dragon women walked over with a smile and started to help change their clothes.

Actually, I am not a fake, mainly because the monster is still watching. According to it, the soul in it is the soul of the woman, so although the woman has no reaction at all now, she can see the actual High Level. If only my demon is here, I won't care if she is wearing clothes, but when people are watching, I'm a bit sorry. So for the sake of future cooperation, let's avoid taboos a little bit.

Ling and the small dragon girl were quite fast. They took the woman out of the restraints in a few minutes and put on new clothes. During the period, the small dragon girl also got some water out to help her simple Rinse it off. Although high level creatures generally don't accumulate dirt on the body, this woman hasn't bathed in thousands of years after all. It is definitely a lie to say that it is not dirty.

I waited for them to inform me that I was fine, then I turned around and returned to the woman to retrieve the various tools, then looked towards the monster and asked: "What should I do next?"

monster Just now after the woman was gotten out, she had been patronizing and spinning around the woman, and now when I asked it, I remembered what was going on, so I quickly took out the notebook and started writing. The small dragon woman consciously followed the past to translate. "She said let us take this woman to the laboratory above."

"Laboratory? Did you say that the room with the laboratory equipment or the room with the magic array?"

Monster quickly wrote a paragraph again, and the small dragon girl read it and said: "She said it is the one with the magic array."

I nodded and said: "Then you have to wait. I'll come. I'm looking for the research notes here, but I haven't found it until here. Do you know where it is? When we go out, this place will be submerged in water. When the time comes, it will be hard to find."< /p>

The monster quickly wrote another paragraph in the notebook after listening. The small dragon woman translated it after reading it: "She said she knew that the notes were in the room where the experiment table was placed."

I nodded and said: "Then let's go up and talk."

After confirming that there is nothing noteworthy below, I immediately asked the Death God guards to collect all the magic cages they found. In the central hall, after all, many of these cages are made of fine gold and mithril. Although they are not too expensive for me, they are precious magic materials after all. Since I saw them, there was no reason not to take them away.

I collected all those things and threw them into the Phoenix Dragon Space, and then I put away the familiars, and finally I got a helmet with underwater breathing function for the soulless woman The body shell was put on, and then the closed door was destroyed and the water flow from outside was let in.

After the underground prison was completely submerged, the monster and I dragged the woman out of the underground passage and reached the water level in the stairwell. You can't swim up the next part, you can only climb up. But the stairwell was wide enough for me to take the woman to fly, and the monster himself could climb up the surrounding stairs several levels at a time. Although it was not as fast as me, it was not much slower.

I jumped up the stairwell all the way and entered the room with the magical array drawn, I put the woman down, and then asked the monster: "You take me to find the notes first, and I will help you later. You have been waiting for so long anyway, it’s not bad in a short time."

Monster probably also knows that I won’t help it to change the soul if I don’t get the notes, so I returned with me. The main hall on the upper floor contains a lot of research equipment. That notebook is indeed in this room, and its location is quite close to the center. Unfortunately, even if I look for it for another year, I guess I won’t be able to find it, because its location is really surprising. After arriving in this room, the monster ran directly to the door of the stairwell leading to the upper floor, then jumped up and pressed a stone on the roof. After the stone was touched, the stone was immediately recessed inward, and then moved laterally to the side. A booklet fell directly from the opened hole and was picked up by the monster waiting below. live.

"Damn, I hid my notes on the roof, so creative!" I reluctantly took the booklet, and after the scroll reminded me that the mission goal was achieved, I took the monster back with confidence. The lower magic array. "Okay, tell me what to do next?"

Monster quickly wrote on the notebook, and then handed the finished notebook to the small dragon woman. The small dragon female said after reading it: "She said she needs thirty-six high-level magic crystals."

"High-level? How high-level?"

Monster quickly wrote a few more After reading the word, the small dragon female translated: "As long as the white magic crystal with higher energy level is fine."

I thought about it and took a piece of red magic crystal and said, "The white magic crystal is that We don’t use this kind of low-grade goods anymore. I only have red ones on my body. Can I use them?"

The monster gave me a surprised look, and then took the red magic crystal in my hand and walked to it. Throw away a broken gem in the magic array and put the red magic crystal in it. After installing this red magic crystal, it stretched out its palm to me again, obviously I still need it. Hearing it said it was thirty-six yuan, so I just poured another thirty-five yuan on the ground. It quickly picked up those magic crystals and started installation.

Ling and Xiaochun stood by me watching the monster busy with the magic array, but although they were just watching on the surface, they were actually communicating with me in the touch of soul.

While looking at the monster posing magic crystal, I said, "Ling, how come you see that it’s swinging is different from what you experimented with before? You just simply connected it to the location of the magic channel. Red magic crystal, doesn’t this turn the connection point into an input point?"

"This guy seems to be changing the structure of the magic array." Ling said in the contact: "I don’t know yet. What does it do, but now it seems that this magic array can be converted between different functions by changing the function of the node."

Xiaochun followed: "I see the same. You pay attention The origin of the magic output in the direction of nine o’clock. It should have been the place where a lot of magic power was input, but it didn’t release anything."

I speculated: "Will it need other gems, but temporarily It’s just installation?"

I just finished talking here, and saw that monster suddenly turned and ran into the room opened between us with many magic array boards, but soon it ran out again Then he stretched out a hand towards me. I saw it stretched out its hand again, so I had to pass another piece of magic crystal over, but who knew it threw the magic crystal away, and then took the notebook and wrote a few more words. The small dragon woman said to me after reading it: "It wants the key."

"The key? Oh, I remember. It's me." I said and passed the key.

The monster ran to the center of the magic array after receiving the key. This place was originally used to stand for the person carrying the magic power, but the monster gently pressed the center of the magic array on the ground, and the convergence point of the seemingly complete magic line actually bounced upwards, and then the metal The junction suddenly rotated like a camera shutter to reveal a small round hole. The monster directly inserted the key that he had received from the hole, then grabbed the key handle and turned it clockwise three times, then turned it over two more times, and then lifted the key up a short section.

After the monster finished all this, the whole room shook violently, and then in the horrified gazes of Ling and me, several parts of the magic array suddenly flew off the ground. It got up fiercely, and some new magic lines rose up in the ground below these parts, and those flying magic structures flipped in the air and flew to other locations and then fell. All of us, with open mouths like big frogs, stood s

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