"Damn, which idiot built the laboratory? It was actually built in the swamp! Gods and Buddhas bless that notebook, don’t rot!"

Worrying about the laboratory in front of me, I carefully approached this strange plant-like building that seems to appear in the dreams of mental disorder people. Originally, I thought the laboratory would be a tall tower building. After all, although it is not suitable for building tall towers on the swamp, as long as it is repaired, it will definitely be much stronger than ground buildings in terms of moisture resistance. However, the facts tell me a truth, that is, the mental disorder thinking mode that will repair the laboratory in the swamp is definitely not measurable by normal people's thinking.

The owner of the laboratory did build a tower, but it was not facing upwards, but facing downwards. This laboratory is a building that looks like a shaft. The entrance is the top floor of the laboratory, and the core experimental area is buried deep in the ground... or soaked in the ground?

Swamps are rich in water resources, and there is no need to doubt this. As a very old building, my only concern now is whether its outer wall waterproof layer can still play a waterproof role after so many years of high temperature water environment erosion. Once it loses its waterproof ability, then this experiment The underground part of the room will inevitably become an underwater world. heaven knows how many kinds of underwater monster insects can be found in the water world in such an insect paradise.

Although I prayed sincerely, due to the relationship between me and various gods and Buddhas, none of these guys came out to bless me. When I opened the stone gate that had leaked everywhere, I saw a knee-deep sewage.

"Damn, this is a big trouble!"

"I will definitely not accompany you down." After seeing the strange ash-gray sewage, Adina immediately He started to protest with contact. Although it is an aquatic animal, it is a noble mermaid, not a loach who likes mud. Although this ash-gray sewage is not mud, it doesn't look very clean at all. So Granda immediately expressed objection.

After Anna confirmed that she did not want to go down, Lima, the small dragon girl, said that she would not participate in this diving activity. It seems that Divine Dragon does not like to be a loach either.

Both of the best water creatures refuse to go into the water, but we have many monsters, the east side is not bright, the west side is bright, the dragon girl and the mermaid are not going down, we still have rose vines. Although the rose vine is an enchanted plant, its ability to move in water is terrible. But this tower is not really the kind of open water, as long as the rose vine is attached to the wall, it can still move freely here.

After putting away all the familiars except the rose vine, I walked to the innermost position of the laboratory on the first floor. In fact, the entire First Layer laboratory has only two rooms in total, plus one is only 20 square meters, and they are basically empty. The only thing that is more conspicuous is that the center of the room inside is surrounded by a circle of stones. Of the area.

Some of these circular stones are standing upright, and some are falling into the water. From their structure and position, it can be determined that this was originally a fence. There is a gap in one section of the railing, which should be the original entrance. There is a darker water under the water surface inside the railing, which means that there is a big hole underneath. From this structure, it can be confirmed that the middle part of the railing is the original stairwell, but now there is only a large hole, but the stairs are not known. I guess this staircase was originally made of wood. After such a long time, the main body of the stone laboratory has a lot of cracks. Naturally, the wooden staircase has long been decayed. You must know that this is not a dark and cold seabed, the wood will not rot if it is soaked there. The water in this swamp is hot, there are a lot of microorganisms underwater, and the rate of wood decay is absolutely amazing.

After confirming the entrance, I put down the armor mask first, so that even if I enter the water, I don’t have to worry that the disgusting sewage will touch my skin. Finally, I glanced at the dark waters in front of me, and I jumped straight forward, and the rose vine quickly followed me into the water.

On the water surface, because the surface of the water reflects light, the underwater environment is not very visible. When it comes down to it, you will find that the visibility is not as bad as imagined. Of course, this is not bad, it’s just that I’m not reaching out my fingers as I thought. It’s obviously impossible to compare the visibility with the ground or the clear water. The visible distance of this ghost place is actually only a little over one meter, and the farther place is a muddy ash-gray.

The underground laboratory should have lighting equipment, but whether it is a torch or a magic lamp, it is obviously unlikely to continue to function after such a long underwater immersion. So except for the area where I jumped down, it was completely dark. Fortunately, I didn't need light. After it was completely dark, my sight range increased a little.

"Okay, let's see where the notebook can be placed. I hope that thing will not blisters!"

With my words, Rose The rattan sticks out from behind me and wrapped a rattan around my waist, and then other rattan sticks began to attach to the wall to push me forward. In this relatively small space, this way of movement is much more convenient than swimming by yourself.

The place where I jumped down was the dedicated stairwell. There was nothing except a layer on the ground that was not known as silt or rotten stair wreckage. The only door through the front is a hexagonal room. This room has a large area. There is a table and a circle of more than a dozen chairs in the center. Of course, the material is all stone, otherwise it is impossible to stand there for so many years.

Except for the door on the wall where I came in to the stairwell, there are also doors on each of the other five walls, but the strange thing is that there are no boards. I guess the bigger one might be that the wooden doors were originally installed, but now they should all be rotten.

I checked five rooms in turn. One of them is confirmed to be the kitchen, one of the other four is a stairwell leading to the lower level, and three of them are all identical and similar to storage rooms. But what is strange is that there are a lot of human bones half buried under the mud and sand on the ground, and there are still many rotten weapons. From the remnant aura on the bones, it can be concluded that these are not human skeletons left after death but standard skeleton soldiers. That is to say, these three rooms may have been similar to the caves of Tibetan soldiers, and these bones are guarding here. Skeleton warrior. Of course, due to too long a time, even the skeleton warrior collapsed due to wear and decay.

After checking this floor, we didn't find anything valuable. We entered the stairwell and started to move on to the lower floor. Like the upper floor, there is only a big hole left in the stairwell on this floor. Not only the stairs are missing, but also the railings. I estimate that the railings on this floor should also be made of wood. The ground layer was exposed to the outside and was built to resist moisture. The lower layers were inside the tower and were probably dry at the time, so the wood railings were repaired.

After sneaking into the lower floor from this big hole, it is still the same stairwell. After coming out, it is the same hexagonal main hall plus a circle of rooms. And looking at the direction, the lower floor and the upper floor are completely Overlap. In other words, it is very likely that the entire experimental area is stacked one after another in this way.

The central hall on this floor is empty like the one above, and there is no dining table. Among the six rooms surrounding the central hall, except for the stairwell I went down, one of the remaining five rooms is a stairwell leading to the lower floor, and the other four rooms are all of the same design, except for the room Basically, everything was rotten. Except for some metal and relatively thick wood, there were still bits and pieces of structure left, and everything else became like a silt covering the ground.

Although the things in the room are badly decayed and shattered, it can be seen from the remaining structure that these rooms should be bedrooms or the like. Only looking at this scale, it seems that every room is Several people lived. Reminiscent of a circle of chairs next to the table on the upper floor, it is estimated that there should be more than a dozen people living below.

Leave these worthless rooms and continue to the lower level. The building structure is still the same as the upper level, but the furnishings in the room have changed. In addition to the two stairwells with the old rules, there are still four empty rooms on this floor, two of which are still bedrooms, but the internal configuration is different. One of the rooms has very few furnishings and is relatively simple. Because it rots too badly, I can't see who lived there, I only know that there are not many things. The other room is a bit strange. This room is also a bedroom, but what is surprising is that the level of decay is very low. The wooden furniture such as the beds, tables and chairs inside the room is actually well placed there, except for the serious surface decay, the basic structure is still intact. Especially for the two wooden cabinets in the room, the carvings on the doors can still be clearly seen, and it feels like they have only been soaked under water for a few years.

I carefully leaned over and gently picked the cabinet door with Eternity, and the result was as I expected. This cabinet just looks relatively intact, and it's prematurely rotten out. When I touched it, it was completely broken into pieces and collapsed. I also tried to move the other furnishings in the room, and the results were the same. Severely decayed furniture can't be touched at all, and will fall apart when touched.

Leaving this messy room I made, I ran to the opposite room and took a look, but it made me even more worried about this mission, because these two rooms are actually full of books. Room, and obviously much larger than the previous room. There are neat wooden bookshelves in the whole room, and the bookshelves are filled with various books. However, all of these books, without exception, have been soaked for a long time and melted into a whole piece, and the whole piece will be shattered and peeled as long as a light touch, let alone flipping through it, even taking it does not raise. < /p>

Although the degree of decay of the books here is quite exaggerated, I think this is actually a miracle. This room is obviously protected by magic, otherwise even the furniture in those rooms on the upper floor will be rotten out. These fragile books have no reason to still maintain their general shape. After all, these books are more perishable things than furniture. However, although there is magic protection, it is obviously abandoned here for too long. This magic protection could no longer take effect, causing these books to be rotten. Of course, I am not worried about these books, but the notes. According to general practice, the probability of the note this thing appearing in the library is quite high, but now the books in the entire library are rotten out. If the note is also here, it means that the task cannot be completed. But think about it, since the mission scroll asked me to find the notes, the notes shouldn't be destroyed before I arrive, so although I am worried, I am not too nervous.

After inspecting the rotten and ugly library, I went through the stairs to the lower level. The lobby on the lower floor is different from the upper one, and it is not empty. From the remaining structure on the ground, it can be confirmed that there were a lot of things like shelves originally placed here, but they are now falling apart. In addition to these shelves, there are many messy things scattered on the ground. Of course, most of them are powdered, and only a few kinds of ores are left. It can be confirmed from the few remaining ores that this place should have been an experimental item storage room, because those ores are often used materials in magic experiments.

The six rooms around the main hall are usually two stairwells and four regular rooms, but these four rooms are filled with various experimental materials like the hall. During my search, I found low-level materials worth at least 500 crystal coins. In addition, I found two large red magic crystals worth at least 10,000 yuan per piece. Although I don't know if the notes here are still there, but with this red magic crystal, at least I didn't run in vain on this trip. But having said that, this place does not seem to be a monster at all.

After searching this floor and confirming that there is nothing missing, I entered the stairwell leading to the lower floor. When I passed through the big hole in the stairwell and moved to the door of the lower stairwell, I was surprised to find what was in front of me It is no longer an empty doorway, but a door almost buried by sediment.

After seeing this door, I immediately kindled hope. Although the door is still there, it does not mean that the space behind the door must not be flooded, but at least it has a certain probability.

I looked down at the mud and sand on the ground. I quickly ordered Rose Vine to help clean up all the mud and sand to the upper floor and threw it in a random room. Although the underwater construction is not convenient, the efficiency of rose vine is not bad. Although the water is muddy, it cleans the sand anyway. The second job to do now is to seal this stairwell.

I don’t know if the space behind the gate has been infiltrated by water. If the gate is already flooded, then I can just smash through the gate and swim past it. There is no problem at all. But, what if there is no water in there? Originally, this door was blocked, and the water flow could not penetrate through. I rashly destroyed the door, and the water from the upper layer would inevitably rush me into the room with me. I fell and it was no problem, but everything in the room was gone. You must know that this is not a newly constructed new residence, it is an ancient ruin, and it has been around for many years. The things inside may not be able to remain intact even in a completely dry environment. Now that it is washed by the flood, it is more than a miracle to find the whole thing.

Because I don’t know if there is water behind the gate, the top priority now is to seal the stairwell first, and then find a way to drain the water in the stairwell. The pumping part is easier, I have already thought of this. Just open the door of the earth directly here. Because of the pressure balance, the water in the room will definitely flow into the door of the earth, that is, it will all rush to the grassland in the back garden of the mother of the earth. Of course, in such an open place, the water in this house is actually impossible to make too much. The big trouble, at most, is to make a small area more muddy, and it will be restored to its original state within a few hours. As for the method of closing the stairwell... this is a little bit more troublesome.

I first got a few metal plates out of the Fenglong space, and then used eternity to cut the edges of these metal plates into the shape I wanted, and finally stuck these metal plates around and on the top of the stairwell On the wall. After attaching a piece of metal plate, I immediately asked the rose vine to support the iron plate with the woody branches that grew out of my body to ensure that they would not fall off temporarily, and then I attached another piece and let the rose vine to withstand it. In this way, after I plastered the entire wall of the room, the room was basically closed. Of course, the room is better than sealed at this time. After all, these steel plates are not welded, they are simply put together, and the gaps between them are very large. In fact, the main purpose of the iron plate is not to seal, but to strengthen the wall. Now the room is connected to the outside, there is two-way pressure of water, the room does not need to bear too much pressure. However, if I seal this room, and then pump out the water inside, the water pressure outside must be supported by the wall. You know that this laboratory has been underwater for many years. The ghost knows whether it can withstand the water pressure above it. If it collapses, I don't want to be buried in it.

After the steel plates were pasted, I took a few square steels from the Fenglong space and used them as pillars to withstand the surrounding walls and ceilings. The branches of the rose vine can only temporarily help me hold the steel plates. Only, relying on him to support the water pressure is unrealistic.

After the support columns are installed in place, the next step is the harder part. I first summoned out the door of the earth. Of course, the water in the room immediately rushed into the door of the earth as soon as I opened the door, but because I let the Qilin warrior inside get out of the way in advance, the water just gave the lawn It's just pouring out the tide. By the way, the grassland lent to me by the Mother of the Earth is at least a few hundred square kilometers, and there is a large lake behind it. There is really no response at all when this little water is sprinkled in.

However, although this bit of water in the room is not at worst, we still have to speed up, because the steel plate above the head is not tightly sealed, and there has been no response due to the internal and external pressure balance. This will be below After the water is gone, those gaps become high-pressure nozzles, and a large amount of water is spraying out from the gaps in the steel plate. If I leave them alone, the water will flow forever. Although the water of this marshland may not be able to treat the grassland of the Mother of the Earth, after all, this is a place borrowed by me. As a guest, I still have to try my best to ensure that it does not affect the owner. Therefore, these holes must be blocked. Besides, the threshold of the Gate of the Earth was at least 30 centimeters high from the ground, which meant that the water in the room could not be drained completely. If I open the door now, the room behind the door may still be flooded, but the water level will not be too high. But in order to prevent such a probability that the notebook is on the ground, I still try to be foolproof.

Looking at the leaking cracks on the top of my head, I directly summoned frost and snow, and then with her magical power instilled, the water that was spraying was instantly frozen into roots of ice. Pillars, these icicles not only support the ceiling, but also seal the gaps between the steel plates. Although the water above is hot, it will melt the ice soon, but it will be tens of minutes later. It has been so long that I have completed the task early, not to mention that as long as Frost and Snow does not leave, the ice simply cannot be melted away.

I dared to study the isolation door after confirming that the water in the room was frozen. This door was obviously magical, otherwise the strong door would not be soaked underwater for so long without leaking. Because there is no dirty water and insect, Ling and their clean beauties are finally willing to come out to help. After some research, it was finally confirmed that this door only blocked the entry of others from the outside, and did not have the ability to self-destruct internally, so I no longer worried, directly let Ling and the others hide in the door of the earth first, and then hit the door with a sword. A hole was opened.

I didn’t dare to break the door before. First, I was afraid that the water outside the door would damage the contents inside. Second, I was afraid that there would be a protective device on the door. It's a big loss. Now that the water is frozen, and it is confirmed that there is no self-destructing magic on the door, of course I opened the door directly.

Although this door is very strong, it is still not much stronger than tofu in the face of eternity, so I cut off the two swords.

After removing the door, I didn't even go in. First of all, I smelled a strange smell assaults the senses. When I saw the door fell and I was about to walk in, I almost missed my head because of the smell. Although the smell is not bad, it is extremely unpleasant. I just breathed in a little bit and felt dizzy in my head. Thanks to the Divine Dragon set attributes, the armor that I pushed away the moment I smelled it. The mask was immediately automatically put down and switched to air filtration mode.

"Damn, what's this smell?"

Ling and the others who were standing in the gate of the earth immediately knew when they saw my reaction, there must be a problem with the air inside. , So they all ran away immediately, so they didn't smell the strange smell here. The small dragon woman shouted from a distance: "You open the door panel that is crooked there, and I will help you get a gust of air for you."

"Don't, don't!" Hearing the words of the small dragon woman, she hurriedly stopped. "The things here are too old, many things may have been powdered, and you will become fly ash when a gust of wind blows over! You must not blow it!"

"Oh, I see." Upon hearing my words, the small dragon girl also quickly cancelled the Gale Curse that she had already started to prepare.

After talking to the small dragon girl, I waited for a while, letting my dizziness alleviate a little bit, and then walked into the room behind the door. Unlike the room full of mud and sand, there was obviously no water in the last room. Except for a thin layer of ash, the ground was pretty well preserved.

The door through the stairwell first enters the hexagonal hall which is exactly the same as the upper floor. Of course, the same is only the architectural structure, but there is a huge difference in the furnishings in the room. In the center of the hexagonal hall, there are six rectangular stone tables that just form a regular hexagon. These tables are filled with various bottles and cans and grotesquely shaped experimental equipment. A place to experiment. Except for the door, on the walls of the room all around are some debris shelves, which are filled with all kinds of weird experimental materials. Many of them seem to be animal or human body parts, but because they are too old, they have become dry things that look like dry leaves. Of course, even if it becomes like this, it is thanks to magic protection, otherwise they should all become gray.

Besides the stairwell where I entered, there are as always five other rooms around the room, but they are different from the upper floors. The doors of the five rooms on this floor are all intact, so in There is no way to see what's inside.

According to the structure of the fourth layer above, the door directly opposite the stairwell I entered should be the stairwell leading to the lower floor, of course, provided that there is another floor below. The other four rooms should all have their own functions, so I plan to check them one by one from the left hand side, but they are different from the above. The rooms on this floor cannot be checked casually.

Although there is no water in the central hall on this floor, I cannot guarantee that the rooms connected to the central hall are also free from water, so you must be careful when opening the door. Just in case, I let small dragon girl and Shuangxue stand on my left and right sides. I plan to use Eternity to make a hole in the door first. If there is water behind, then as long as I pull out a sword, the water will immediately flow out of that hole. The small dragon woman can control the water. If the water pressure behind the door is not high, she will be responsible for guiding the water into a hose and transporting it to the door of the earth. When the water in the room is drained, we can go in. As for Frost and Snow, her task is to freeze the entire room with ice to ensure the safety of other rooms and the main hall in case the water pressure behind the door is too large or the room collapses during our pumping process.

With the foolproof preparation, I walked to the door and turned into a dagger, poking at the door forever. Eternity penetrated the door panel with little effort, and after I pulled out Eternity, nothing came out of it. I carefully stretched out my head and looked in through the small hole in the door, and after confirming that there was no water inside, I removed the entire door.

The room behind this door is very strange. After opening the door, it was not the ground, but a downward escalator appeared first. The previous height of each floor in this laboratory was about five meters, but the height of this room has reached more than ten meters. The door I just destroyed was built in the middle of one of the walls. The bottom of the door is more than five meters above the ground, so I built such a downward escalator.

Except for the special height, the width of this room is the same as the rooms on the upper floors, only about 15 meters. But the length of this room is more than five kilometers. I was not convinced that this is a room and not a secret passage until I checked and confirmed that there is no other exit here. After all, if it is a room, the ratio is too slender. Some.

Although the space of this room is the largest in the room I have seen before, it is also the most empty room. In this whole room, apart from two tables on the side of the stairs going down, there is only a large piece of metal on the wall. However, after careful inspection, I discovered that this piece of metal should actually be seven or eight steel plates, but because the age is too old, these steel plates have been rusted and fused together, which led to it. It looks like a metal block.

"Why does it look like a shooting range here?" The small dragon girl who followed me in was talking while creating a whirlwind to pump the dirty air out of the room. Because I didn't find anything easily damaged in the hall before, the small dragon girl had used Wind Element spell to change the air in the room, otherwise she wouldn't come in.

At first I was wondering what is the purpose of such a big room, but now I heard the words of a small dragon girl. Yes, isn't this just a shooting range? The extra-long room is deliberately set up to provide shooting distance, and the double room height is also deliberately modified to take into account the curved trajectory of some weapons. As for the steel plates piled in the corner of the room that have been completely rusted into one piece, isn’t that the standard formidable power test target?

"Don't say it, this might really be a shooting range for remote spell testing."

When the small dragon woman heard her unintentionally guessed, it was true. It's a little surprised, but fortunately, the small dragon girl is our Chinese Divine Dragon, with a gentler personality. If I changed to Xiaofeng, she would definitely have laughed wildly.

Because the shooting range is wide open, there is nothing to investigate. Leave directly to change to the next room. This time I still used the same configuration. After the small dragon girl and Shuangxue were ready, I suddenly opened a small hole in the door, and then quickly unplugged Eternal. Sure enough, at the moment I pulled it out for eternity, a thin stream of water jetted out from the hole immediately, but the stream of water began to diminish rapidly after only less than a second of spraying, and in the end it seemed as if the filled soda bottle was put directly into it. It is the same as when it is inverted. The water flow is not sprayed out in an instant, but gurgling to a halt. Obviously, there is no connecting pipe in the room, so the hole in the door has to flow water and air intake, so that it cannot be sprayed out all the time. Water, but formed this kind of stop and stop state.

It’s not very difficult to deal with the water spray. The small dragon woman immediately used Water Control Art to manipulate the sprayed water to form a ribbon-like stream of water and flew towards the gate of the earth. . Seeing the small dragon woman signaled to me nodded, I used eternity to enlarge the hole in the door to the extent that a person can penetrate it. Because of the expansion of the entrance, the water flow speeds up a lot. After a while, all the water in the room is guided by the small dragon woman to the gate of the earth. However, although the original stagnant water was cleared out, the wall of the room was still leaking water. Although the speed was very slow, it would still be flooded sooner or later.

At my signal, Frost and Snow entered the room, and the water seepage problem was solved by a freezing technique. But because of the water in the room, the things here have not been preserved either. Looking at the remains of the utensils here, it seems that this place is also a collection of books, but now those books and scrolls are all turned into piles of black mud on the ground. Looking at this shape, I think it is hopeless to restore it.

After leaving this useless room, we began to explore the next room. This room is the room facing the stairwell we descended from. According to the structure of the upper floors, this room should be the stairwell leading to the lower floor, but because I’m not sure if this floor is the bottom one, so I don’t Know that this room is still not a stairwell.

Use the same method to break the door, and after confirming that there is no water in the back, we went in and took a look. It turned out that it was indeed a stairwell. But because there are still two rooms on this floor that we haven't explored, we didn't go down for the time being. Instead, we went to the next room and started breaking the door.

After a hole was opened in the door of the next room, a lot of water was sprayed out. Fortunately, the pressure was not high, and it was quickly handled like that library. Although it was also flooded, the gain of this room is not more than the one in front of it. This flooded room may have been a storage room for precious magic materials, which contained a lot of magic gems and rare metals. Of course, there may be other precious materials before, but those things can't withstand the blisters, and all that is left is magic metal and magic gems.

The gems in "Zero" are mainly divided into two series, one is the simple gem series, and the other is the magic gem series. Gemstones are actually ornamental stones. Although they are beautiful, they are not very useful. The appearance of magic gems and ordinary gems is basically the same, but they are very useful. These magic gems can often be used on various magic arrays or magic items, and they also have certain attributes. It can be said that magic gems are many times higher in value than ordinary gems.

The magic gems and various precious metals in this room plus a piece of at least five million crystal coins are definitely worth a fortune, and it is a super windfall. However, after getting these things, I became more cautious in my subsequent explorations.

System will not give you money in vain. Just like fighting monsters and explosive equipment, you have to work hard to be rewarded. Now that I have picked up a bunch of gems and precious metals, is it possible for system to let me leave without any problems? I guess if I give up the task and leave immediately, there will definitely be some monster or natural disaster in Lima that will leave me behind, but if I continue down, the danger will be delayed. Of course, one thing is certain, that is, it is absolutely impossible to avoid this dan

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