Different from the upper floors, the stairs and railings are still alive because there is no water in the stairwell on this floor. However, out of my usual caution, I still allowed the rose vine to wrap around my waist before daring to walk up the stairs.

It turns out that my caution was very correct. When I first stepped on the stairs, there was only a creaking noise, but after I waited for a while, I found that the stairs didn’t fall down again. When I stepped forward on the Second Step, the stair slab at my feet suddenly broke, and the whole stair collapsed downwards with a bang. If it were not for the vines of rose vines wrapped around my waist, I guess I would have to fall underneath. Although this height is fine even if it really falls down, who likes to wrestle is okay?

After letting the rose vine put me on the ground under the stairwell, I called the small dragon girl and Shuangxue down. The door panel of the stairwell here is also intact, so you must open the door carefully.

After breaking the door in the same way, there was no water gushing out. After opening the door completely, I discovered that it turned out to be an empty room.

Like the upper floor, the main hall outside the stairwell is also a hexagon, but the main hall is empty. No, it cannot be said that it is completely empty. Because there is a huge magic array embedded on the ground in the center of the room, the metal lines and magic nodes on it are easy to identify, but all the gems used as nodes have been broken into powder. Obviously the magic array was last time It ran out of energy during startup.

Slightly different from the first floor above, the main hall on this floor has only four doors besides the door we got down. In other words, one of the six walls of this room is a pure wall. According to the location, I can judge that behind this wall is the shooting range we saw on the upper floor. At that time, the shooting range we saw was extended downward by one floor, so the room on this floor was occupied, and there was no door to it. Not surprising.

Because one door is missing, now there are only five doors left around the room. Except for the stairwell I got down, there are only four doors, but I am not in a hurry to go. Deal with those doors, because this magical array on the ground attracts my attention even more.

"Purple Moon, this is...!" Ling suddenly ran down from the gate of the earth above, and the reason was that she used my eyes to simultaneously see the array of demons on the ground. In fact, it was not only Ling who rushed down, but also Xiaochun. Compared with the half-dangling magic skills of my other familiars, Xiaochun and Ling are true professional mages. Regardless of battle strength or anything, in terms of magic theory alone, the two of them are definitely two of the best three of my favorites, and the remaining magic master is crystal. Don't think that Crystal is a dragon and treat her as an existence that relies on brute force to eat. People are also a fairy dragon anyway. In Dragon Clan, the fairy dragon has always existed as a scholar. The entire Dragon Clan magic development work is basically maintained by the fairy dragons. If it weren't because the number was too scarce, they would definitely become the more famous magic dragons in Dragon Clan than the Silver Dragon. Of course, although she is also a magician, the crystal is Dragon Clan after all. What she is good at is the study of Dragon Language magic, and the magic used by humans actually comes from the Demon Race, so the magic array in front of me is still Xiaochun and Ling. say.

I didn't have much reaction to Ling's voice, because when I saw the magic array, I knew they would come down. When I walked to the edge of the magic array, I stretched out my hand and wiped it lightly. A breeze gently slid across the ground as my palm moved and swept all the dust covering the magic array to one side. Without the interference of dust, this magic array looks more clear and complete.

Different from most temporary magic arrays, this magic array is a permanent magic array. Its lines are not drawn with devil beast blood or special magic powder, but connected with metal bars. From the perspective of surface gloss, the main body of the magic array may be a mixed metal. This so-called mixed metal is slightly different from what we usually call alloys. Although both are a mixture of multiple substances into a whole, there are essential differences. As we all know about alloys, it is a stable metal structure formed by mixing a variety of metal materials, and the chemical fusion of shared electron pairs has appeared between the metal atoms inside. However, mixed metals are different. Mixed metal is a mixed product formed by mixing one metal with another one or several substances. Although they are mixed into a mass, there is no fusion between the various substances inside. To use a figurative analogy, this mixed metal is like mixing sand into mud and mixing them evenly. Although the final thing has been mixed into a whole piece, the sand and soil still exist independently inside it. , It's just that they are tightly attached to each other.

Ling cautiously squatted next to the magic array and stroked the surface of the metal line with her hand, and then she thought about it and said to Xiaochun: "You try to enter a unit of magic power from the magic node next to you. ."

Xiaochun nodded walked over to take out the shattered magic gems, and then input a unit of magic power into it. Ten seconds after she released her magic power, Ling said: "This magic array is strange, the magic power gathering speed is so slow."

Xiaochun also followed: "Yes. I just entered the magic power. At that time, I felt a sluggish feeling. It seemed that there was a lot of resistance on the magic circuit."

"No, no, we must have missed something." Ling stood up from the ground, and surrounded the magic. After the array walked for two circles, suddenly he said to me: "Purple Moon, you stand in the middle of the magic array."

"Huh? Let me stand up?"

Ling thought about it. Thinking again: "No, let the crystal go up, your magical power won't work."

"Are you sure there will be no danger?"

Ling nodded and said: "Laser Cannon It’s also very dangerous, but if you only use a AA battery to power it, how huge might you think it can be?"

"Understood." I said, I turned the crystal into a human form After they were released, they were able to get out all the monsters that could be transformed into humanoids according to Ling's request. Later, it was found that there were not enough people, so the Death God guards were also pulled out to help. Fortunately, my Death God guard is an individual formed by me as a template. It also has spell combat capability, so it's okay to help with magic research for the time being.

After all the numbers were gathered, I began to follow Ling's command, other familiars, and Death God guards to input magic power into the magic nodes around me. There are a total of 372 magic nodes in this magic array in the room, of which more than 80 nodes need to input magic power, and the remaining nodes only need to put magic gems to transfer magic power to start.

After we were all ready, Ling asked everyone to input magic power into the magic array. Of course, everyone only inputs one unit of magic power to the node they are responsible for. Unlike the state where there was no response at all before, this time it was an instant hit. As soon as Ling finished speaking, the real magic array lit up with a buzzing sound, and then saw the Six Paths magic beams shoot out from the six nodes on the magic array and collided on the top of the crystal head standing in the center of the magic array. And there was a small explosion. Of course, this explosive formidable power is really minimal, and almost no formidable power is as big as the firecrackers played by little children.

When the Six Paths beam exploded on the top of the crystal, a shining silver light spot suddenly appeared from the center of the explosion, and then fell vertically on the top of the crystal’s head and disappeared quickly. In the body.

"How do you feel?" Ling asked immediately.

After stopping for about two or three seconds, the crystal said in an uncertain tone: "It seems that the strength of my magic power has risen a little bit. But it's really only a little bit. The amplitude is so small that I am almost fast. I can't feel it anymore."

When he heard the crystal, Ling immediately looked towards the magic array again and said: "Is it really a strengthened array?"

Xiaochun said on the side: "The main structure looks correct, but why is there no input node? We activated the magic array by actively inputting magic inward. The guys who are used as batteries shouldn't be so generous, right?"

"What battery are you talking about?" I asked suspiciously as I listened to the conversation between the two.

Xiaochun and Ling were still discussing there, they didn’t have time to talk to me, and the crystal on one side explained: "Although I am not good at this, judging from the situation just now, this should be a power deprivation array. It is. You can use other creatures as energy sources to absorb their power, and then transfer this power to the creature located in the center of the magic array. Just now, it’s equivalent to each of you passing a unit of magic power to me."

"Do you mean this thing can concentrate the power of several people on one person?"

Crystal nodded affirmed: "Yes, that's what it means."

I When I heard it, I immediately asked excitedly: "Does this thing only stack the attack output or the total energy value or add two together?"

"It should be two stacks together, but it is not completely. The main thing is the superimposed output ability. For example, if ten people with 100 attack power are used as energy sources, if they are all sucked up, the beneficiary in the middle can get 1,000 units of attack power, but the endurance of this person will only be A double or triple increase will not increase as much as the attack power. If it is a magical attack, the main superimposition is the magic attack power, and the increase in the total amount of magic power is not obvious."

" Is this superposition permanent or one-time?"

Crystal shook his head and said: "I don’t know this. I know this magic array is not quite clear. Dragon Clan doesn’t have a similar magic. array. This should be a magic array developed based on the wraith fusion technique in the undead spell."

Just finished the crystal here, Ling just ended the discussion with Xiaochun and turned to the right I said: "This is actually an ability transfer array, which can temporarily move one person's power to another person, but the main movement is attack power, and the energy transfer ratio is low. According to our observations, this Movement should be time-sensitive. The research done by the master here seems to be trying to turn this time-limited transfer into a permanent transfer."

"Then the input node you just mentioned is What's the matter?"

"This is the case. Because this array transfers the capabilities of one party to the other, the people who are transferred are usually involuntary. So this requires a mandatory device Extract the power in the body. But looking at this magic array, it seems that the extraction equipment is missing."

I looked at the surrounding rooms and said, "Maybe you can find them after exploring these rooms. "

Ling Ye nodded and said: "It should be like this. From the structure of the magic array, the extraction device should be made into a detachable type. I guess it may be used by the previous owner here. There are a lot of different body types in the extracted objects, so he will The extraction device is made detachable, so that the extraction array of a suitable size can be replaced at any time as needed. "

I nodded and said: "You study first, small dragon girl, Shuangxue, let's open the other doors first, maybe we can find some other clues. "

The small dragon girl and Shuangxue quickly left the magic array after hearing what I said, and followed me to the door opposite to the stairwell that came down, and Ling and the others continued to study the one on the ground. Magic array.

I picked this door first because I really want to know if this is the last floor. If this is the bottom floor of the laboratory, then there should be an ordinary door in the opposite door. The room, of course, if this is still a stairwell, it can only mean that there is another floor below.

The process of opening the door is very smooth, with so many times we have already mastered the process. It is easy to break open What we see behind the door is not the stairwell, that is to say, this floor is indeed the bottom one. Of course, it does not rule out the possibility of repairing the stairwell on this floor in other locations, but the upper floors have always been So the opposite door is a stairwell, and it’s generally unlikely to change positions suddenly below.

I went in and checked it immediately after opening the door, and found that this room was similar to the shooting range room I saw before. , It also extends a staircase down as soon as you enter, but the depth is much larger than the previous shooting range room. The height of this room is at least 50 meters, and the width is much wider than the room seen before. Although the length is not as long as the shooting range room, it is quite impressive. However, this room is very large, but now there are no useful things left. The whole room is full of shattered debris, except for a few things. Except for the shape, most of the things are broken and not much different from the sand.

After walking around the room, I still haven't figured out what was originally in the room. It seems that some sorted materials should be put here, and the quantity is very large. It’s just because the powder is too much, so I don’t know what materials were originally put. But if I want to be broken into this way, it should be It’s not mineral materials.

After leaving this room, there are still three doors left to open. I first chose the door on the wall next to the wall without a door. This time, it’s still the same. The door panel was opened smoothly, and inside the door was a very small room. This room was supposed to be a place where debris and other things were piled up. You can see the remains of some wooden shelves and some rusty ones that are completely unnatural. Metal tools. In addition, there is a bookshelf drawn from the wall on the door in the depths of the room. This bookshelf is less than one meter wide and about one meter high, and its bottom is more than one meter above the ground. , There is a pile of wood chips under the wall below it, it looks like it was originally a table or something.

There are a few piles of dust on this stone bookshelf. It looks like it should have been books before, but now It's all powdered. Although the desk below has no powder, the degree of fragmentation is actually the same as that of powder. However, I accidentally found a trace of metal under the pile of crushed desk debris.

The metal in this laboratory Although there are not many products, they are definitely not many. However, most of the metal products here are rusty and you can't see the original shape, only this piece of metal and the magic array outside still retain the metal luster.

I reached out and opened the broken pieces of wood, and I directly pulled out the metal that looked quite new. I hadn't noticed it before. After pulling it out, I realized that the metal I just discovered was the front end of a key, and there was a long section behind it. Looking at this huge key with half chi long and weighing more than 20 kg, I was stunned for five or six seconds. Because this key turned out to be made of fine gold. No wonder it's still the same as new for so many years.

Ling and the others looked at me suspiciously when they saw me coming out with the key. "Where is the key?"

I shrugged and said: "I don't know. I found a key. But I guess its purpose should be found in the two opposite doors."


The small dragon girl and Shuangxue stood directly in front of the opposite door and said: "Hurry up and open the door. Open these doors and you will know what the key does."

I nodded to the door and broke it with the Old Fang method, this time there was still no water. It seems that the lower protection of the laboratory is much better than the upper protection. This door is still a very small room. I glanced at the door to see everything in the room.

At the door of this room, there is a row of stone shelves similar to the bookshelves taken out of the wall that I saw before, but now all that is left on top of them are metal balls. Although rust is very difficult to deal with, I still guessed the purpose of these metals. It seems that these metals should have been saddles, and the leather buckles and cushions on them have long been chalked, and only these metal parts are left.

Except for the saddlery wreckage, there are only dozens of slabs left in this room. I walked over and flipped it and immediately determined that this was the kind of extraction array Ling and the others wanted. After I asked Ling to check in, it did prove that this was the special extraction array that matched the magic array outside. Because the base of the array is stone, and the magic array itself is made of fine gold mixed with other magic materials, it is not powdered like ordinary items, on the contrary, these things look quite new.

Leave a few Death God guards who are responsible for moving these slabs outside, and I walked to the last door with the small dragon girl and Frost and started breaking the door.

Because there were no problems with opening so many doors before, this time I cut the door open with two swords as usual after I found that the door was not flooded, and then went up and knocked down the door panel. However, as soon as the door panel fell, I suddenly saw a dark figure rushing towards me.

"Be careful!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)< /p>

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