In fact, the most dangerous insects in a swarm are not Insect Empress and males, but the soldiers. The power of insects lies in their number rather than their individual strength. Although the level of these males is as high as five hundred, which is one and a half times higher than the level of the soldier insects, because there is no numerical advantage, the threat of the male insects to us is not as good as the previous soldier insects.

Compared to the males, the five Insect Empresses are actually a better solution. These are slightly smaller than the males, with a huge reproductive sac behind them. Insect Empress itself is a 600-level monster, slightly stronger than the males, but there are only five of them. In comparison, it’s good for us. The maintenance becomes smaller.

After catching up with the familiars, I killed the remaining males in two or three hours, and those Insect Empress seem to be spell attacking creatures, their mobility is very poor, and many of their attacking organs are degraded After being close behind us without support twice, we killed one, and the remaining four Insect Empress were all captured alive. Considering that there are not so many tasks, we killed the two Insect Empress that were caught, leaving only two to return to the task.

Pack all the insects we caught and throw them into the gate of the earth, and then we started on the road again. With previous experience, we are now more and more comfortable with searching for various small insects.

Most of the insects requested to be collected in the scrolls that the gun god gave me are not powerful insects. The real difficulty in the task is the other insects that live with those insects, not the target insects themselves. Because I didn't know it before, I took a large group of monsters to swagger through the market. As a result, I always scared away those small insects without battle strength in advance. Now as I gradually master the rules, I have also begun to gradually reduce the amount of familiars I carry, and only summon them when I need them to help, and usually act alone as much as possible. Although it’s easier to use this method to hide a single insect sneak attack, but because my reaction is fast, even if I get a sneak attack, I won’t always get hit, and even if I get a sneak attack, I can use my defensive power It will not be too dangerous. Compared with the trouble caused by not having a familiar, it has a greater advantage in finding the mission target. Because I am a single player, I usually don't disturb the target insect. This greatly increases the probability of finding those insects. As a result, it didn't take long to collect all the insects mentioned in the task. Of course, the price paid for this was being dragged into a wormhole twice, caught on a tree three times, and thrown directly by insect a dozen times.

Seven hours later, when luck and the plague worked together to stuff a red super fat bug into the special container of the mission reel, I finally satisfied with the third-to-last reel Put away.

"It seems that our speed is not bad." After watching the container with the insect automatically folded into an orange-sized ball, I finally saw the dawn of victory. Most people are tired of doing one task at a time. I brought out thirty-three task scrolls at a time. In just over seven hours, I have completed 31 of them. This speed is nothing but a source of pride. Of course, the reason why I complete the task so fast is due to the fact that there are too many insects here. I hardly need to look for it, and I can see piles of insects moving around. But having said that, if this task is not completed, I estimate that I may suffer from anorexia in the future, even with my strong nerves, I will soon be vomited by the insects.

Put away the third last scroll, I turned out the last two scrolls that were not completed. The remaining two scrolls are special location exploration missions. One of them is to find an abandoned laboratory and bring back the research notes of the laboratory owner from it. It seems that it is not very difficult, but from my experience in doing tasks, the more this seemingly simple task, the higher the risk.

The remaining scroll is also an exploration mission, but it is not to find a laboratory, but to dig a grave. But having said that, if the tomb is repaired in the insect nest, the owner of this tomb definitely has a problem with his head. Like him, it’s better to just tell relatives and friends to wait until you die and chop yourself up into the ant nest. Isn’t it the same as feeding insects when buried in this bug valley? It's OK for the secret tunnels to block the tomb. I haven't seen the tomb that can block the insect. You should know that the insect in the game is not afraid of lime powder and mothballs.

Although the remaining two scrolls are looking for relics and the like, the denseness of plants in this bug valley is definitely more exaggerated than any other leveling area. Don't say I don't know where the two locations are. Even if I know, if I don't cut all the surrounding plants, I will not be able to find the building even if I pass by the gate.

After thinking for a long time, I decided to send Rose Vine and Trailblazers directly under the ground to help me find them. The vegetation on the ground is too dense, but it is not as easy to find from the ground. The cemetery and laboratory in the game should belong to relatively large underground buildings, I believe it will not be too complicated to find.

Originally, in order to avoid encountering the high level insect swarms being entangled and making it difficult to get out, so I have been hanging around the periphery of the valley of insects. Facts have also proved that most of the task scrolls can be completed on the periphery. Most of the insects don't have the concept of territory, and they like to roam around when they have nothing to do. Therefore, the insect types in the core area can generally be seen in the periphery, but the population is smaller. However, now that I can't find those two ruins after traveling around the periphery for so long, I have to start moving to the core area.

To be honest, I really don’t want to enter the core area if I can’t come in. The periphery of the Worm Valley is just like a tropical rain forest. Although there are a lot of vines and thorns, it is a bit hard to walk. But I am wearing a full set of armor. I am not afraid of these thorns from scratching me, nor do I have to worry about being stung by the insect, so the outer circle area has little effect on me. However, once entering the core area, the environment in Lima is different.

Different from the periphery, the core area of ​​the Worm’s Valley does not have the kind of big trees covering the heavens, shielding the sun. There are also trees here, but they are not high, and the root system is super-developed, which can often be seen. A small tree less than ten meters high grows in the center of a large exposing tree root. Don't think that a ten-meter tree is very big. In reality, a ten-meter-high tree is indeed quite big, but in the game, the base height of the tree is counted from ten meters up. Trees less than ten meters are generally only visible in cities, because they are artificial landscape trees with well-designed heights.

Except for these strange trees in the east and one in the west, the rest of the core area is basically covered by various chaotic shrubs, but these shrubs are also long and chaotic. It looks like a bald spot, and in some places it can be waist-deep in height, while in other places it only reaches the feet, not as high as ordinary grass. Of course, the main reason I don’t like this place is not these weird bushes, and certainly not the trees, but...

"I hate the swamp!" Struggling to lift a leg out of the quagmire Pull it out, then waved and cut off the evil heart insect that looked like a large leech. After shaking off the mud on my legs, I started to move on again, but I would definitely get hit again if I didn't take ten steps.

As I speculated before. There are a lot of abundant water sources in the core area of ​​Worm Valley. The only thing that is different from what I imagined is that these water sources do not appear in the form of lakes, but in the form of large areas of swamps. There are obviously cracks in the earth's crust beneath this large swamp. The geothermal heat seeping from the cracks heats the entire swamp and turns it into a large or small hot mud pool. However, the temperature of these mud pits is not exactly the same. Most of them are maintained between 35 to 45 degrees, the colder ones can reach 30 degrees, and some are simply boiling water pots, and the surface part is always there. In the boiling state, the white smoke billowed like a chimney.

Before I thought that no one came to the valley of insects mainly because the insects here were disgusting, but now I know that insects are just one of the reasons why they are not likable here. This hot and humid environment is The second main reason. The biggest difference between a virtual reality game like "Zero" and the game that was played before sitting in front of a computer is that it can use all the senses of the human body to create a game environment, which of course also includes the feeling of temperature and humidity. If you are sitting in front of the computer and using the mouse to direct the game characters to shuttle between deserts and swamps, all you can feel is that the speed of the characters is slower due to the influence of the terrain. But in virtual reality games, that is the feeling of heat and tide, the feeling that the whole body is wet and sticking to the body is definitely more unbearable than monster. I now understand that the biggest advantage of my Divine Dragon suit is not its high defense, but its comfort. To be honest, like the Divine Dragon suit, which is waterproof, heat-insulated, pressure-resistant, anti-corrosion, and comes with a constant temperature system, there are few armors in the entire game.

With the powerful protective ability of the Divine Dragon suit, I was stunned to walk deep and shallow in this swamp for more than half an hour. However, neither of my goals has been found so far. Moreover, because the environment here is different from the previous estimates, I have a bit of a plan to return. I used to think that the core area and the periphery are also tropical rainforest environments, at most the insects are denser. Now that it is a swamp, I think that maybe the two buildings are still on the periphery, but they were ignored by me before. After all, whether it is a laboratory or a tomb, it is not a good idea to build it in the swamp.

The laboratory needs to be sealed and moisture-proof, and the tomb is completely built underground. Neither of these two things seem to be suitable for the humid environment of the swamp, so I think the probability of the two buildings is still relatively large in the periphery. However, just when I was about to give up the search and move on to the periphery to continue searching, a stone building above the ground suddenly appeared in my sight.

"Damn, which idiot built the laboratory? It's actually built in the swamp! Gods and Buddhas bless that notebook, don't rot!" (to be continued . If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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