"Are there people leveling in this place?"

Looking at the rays of light flashing in front of me, I brought my pets to the side in confusion. Walked over. But for safety, I ordered them to slow down.

As we get closer, the explosion sound becomes clearer and clearer, and now it is not only the explosion sound, but occasionally I can hear a rustling sound like two grinding wheels rubbing against each other. . In addition to this strange metallic sound, the sound was also mixed with the sound of weapons striking and the shouting of several people, and it sounded like several people were fighting.

I saw the battlefield immediately after turning the thick bushes ahead.

There is a small clearing ahead, but it is not formed naturally. Looking at the broken branches and leaves underground and the various plants in the nearby wolfland, it is obvious that this open space has just been opened up, and it seems that it was not created intentionally.

There are two forces fighting in the open space, if those insects can be counted as one force. There are a total of five people and three corpses on the human side, which means that they have already died of three people. Among the five people still fighting, there are two warriors, a mage, an assassin, and a fellow who can't figure out what profession. The main reason why he can't figure out the job of that guy is because he is wearing a magic robe, but now he is holding a bow and shooting arrows everywhere. To be honest, I have seen archers in warrior armor a lot, but this is the first time I have seen archers in wizard robes. You know that even the archer didn't wear a robes. This guy actually wore a movement method robes, which is indeed a bit strange. In addition to the five people who were still fighting, among the three guys lying on the ground were a Knight, a mage, and a normal archer.

As the enemy of these five people, they are fighting against a group of insects. This is an insect larger than a golden retriever. The whole shape is similar to a locust, but the whole body is covered with red and black markings. What's more scary is that these guys' mouthparts are all pliers-like. Fortunately, there is a significant difference between these insects and locusts, which are very similar to locusts, that is, their hind limbs are normal arthropods, rather than the super thick hind legs of locusts. Because this hind leg is not as thick as the locust leg, this insect does not have the springing power of the locust. And it seems that their wings are also useless, simply can't fly, they can only rely on flapping their wings to instantly increase the assault speed.

Although they can't jump and can't fly, this kind of terrifying large insect still causes a lot of trouble for these people. One thing is that these guys' huge mouthparts have amazing bite force, but the main reason is that their number is too scary. Just looking at it like this, you can easily find that the ground is covered with a thick layer of insect corpses, and the nearby trees and the ground are still full of such insects, the number is beyond count.

"Are we going to help?" Ling suddenly ran out of the training space and appeared beside me and asked.

I thought about it for a while and said: "Forget it. Anyway, I'm not an acquaintance."

After listening to me, Ling suddenly said with a smile in a prank manner: "But what should I do? Huh? In the mission, there is a requirement to capture twenty-two such insects."

My face was not red and my heart was beaten, and I directly took out Eternal and said: "Don't you say it earlier?"

"Wait a minute." Holding me who was about to charge ahead, Ling reminded: "The task said there would be 20 males and two Insect Empress."

"Male? Insect Empress? How do you divide this thing into male and female?"

"All you see are males. The social structure of this insect is similar to bees. Ninety-nine percent of the population are females, but only a few of them A few of them can fully develop into Insect Empress, and the others are soldiers with no reproductive ability. As for the males, they are the bodyguards of Insect Empress, which will only be dispatched when Insect Empress is attacked or needs to attack a more difficult enemy. ."

"Do you mean that the size of both the male and Insect Empress is very large?"

"Yes. The size of the male is about ten times that of the female. Insect Empress is slightly smaller than the male worm, but it has a very huge reproductive sac, so it looks bigger than the male worm, so it should be easy to recognize."

After listening to Ling’s introduction, I directly nodded and said: "Understood, leave it to me later, I hope there are two Insect Empress in this insect swarm."

"You can rest assured, according to the introduction on the scroll, such a large-scale insect swarm There are at least five Insect Empresses. Even if you accidentally kill one or two, it will be enough for us to complete the task."

"That's okay. Everyone rush to me!" I said. He turned Eternity into two swords and rushed out with one hand.

When the two sides of the war discovered that the side suddenly rushed out of the individual, the reaction was to have nothing common with each other. Those players were all stunned, but the insects didn't respond. Frozen is the performance of high level biological intelligence, low-level insects don't know froze. However, in this state, it is obvious that low intelligence takes advantage. At least those players are in a hurry because they suddenly stopped for a while, while the insects are taking a big advantage. But their luck ends here.

After rushing out of the corner, I ran into the insect swarm directly. The left and right hands started working at the same time. All the insects that I touched were all spotted in an instant. A purple black torch, then screamed and entangled in the flames and eventually became a pile of black ash. The Eternal Sword is not only sharp, but the hell flame attached to it also has a strong corrosive and burning effect. Dealing with high-level creatures may not be obvious formidable power, but dealing with these low-level insects is really like cutting melons and vegetables.

The five people over there were a bit nervous when they saw that they suddenly ran out. They were afraid that I was here to make trouble. I didn’t expect that I rushed directly to the insect pile, and then saw the nearby insects into pieces. The piece was cut and ignited.

My side was killing cool, when suddenly I saw another dark figure falling from the sky, and slammed into the heap of insects. The king swung the long knife of the black hellfire that was also burning in his hand, and a large piece of insect was instantly ignited. Even the insects that were too close were also taken with them, and finally they all burned to black ashes.

After the king joined, a lightning flashed, and a golden ball of light suddenly appeared in the insect swarm after a flash of lightning. After the insects responded, the insect near the ball of light suddenly appeared. They turned over together, and then shook their legs and feet like cramps, and finally came out of green smoke with a pungent smell and completely stopped moving. Before these insects died, Thunder once again turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared in place, and then the next place where he appeared was immediately a large area of ​​insects was electrocuted.

In fact, compared to us, Ivorite is really the best. As I said earlier, flame is the best way to deal with insects. As soon as Ivorite appeared, his hands were turned into flamethrowers. Flames of several feet long were sprayed everywhere in the jungle, and all the insects that were touched screamed the black charcoal that was burned into pieces.

I took the double swords and chopped over a bunch of insects in the swarm, and suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing behind me, and quickly turned around and set the double swords. With only one sound, a sickle-shaped foot was directly stuck in the gap formed by the eternal crossed swords. Following the movement of my wrist, the knife foot was cut off with only a click.

Squeak... accompanied by a weird cry, the insect with a broken leg immediately pierced another jumping leg. I hurriedly backed up, and then flew out the sword glow with the double sword and Erwei. The giant insect that was much larger than the other insects in front was divided into two in an instant. After the body fell on the ground, it didn’t die. It took a long time before it stopped completely.

"Damn, how come there is such a big one?"

"This is the male worm." Ling's voice reminded in the touch of soul.

"Male? Oops, this one has been sliced ​​and can't be used! Damn, these small insects were all wasted, and a male was wasted. Now that the males have not appeared together. Xiaofeng Come out and help me clear the field!"

A space door suddenly appeared above my head, and Xiaofeng got out of it directly, and then pressed down with both hands while shouting, "Everyone stand steady. I'm going to use the big move. Inferno Blazing Praire." Just listened to a boom, a ring of flame with me and Xiaofeng as the center of the circle instantly looked towards the surroundings, and the insects encountered along the way were almost instantly burned. After removing the empty shell, after the flame ring passed, the black shell began to collapse and collapse into a pile of black powder. Of course, the insect was burned, and the surrounding plants did not run away. Although the damp environment of the Worm Valley severely limits the formidable power of fire magic, it mainly reduces the damage range. In the skill center, the formidable power does not drop much. Under normal circumstances, even if Xiaofeng didn't use his full force, it would be okay to burn all the combustible things within a 500-meter radius to ashes. Now in this humid tropical rain forest environment, the flame ring burns to less than 500 meters, and it is not a big problem to burn everything within a radius of 200 meters. Of course, those players who were listed by Xiaofeng as their own targets were automatically ignored. Inferno Blazing Praire is not the kind of spell that does not distinguish between enemy and ourselves. You can actively set attack targets and targets that need to be ignored.

The few people over there were very happy to see us killing the insect, thinking they were saved. Who knew that Xiaofeng suddenly threw a large-scale flame magic on the ground, and seeing the terrifying wall of fire pressed against him, several people thought they were dead. Of course, even though they thought they were dead, instinctively let them put their hands in front of their faces. However, after waiting for a long time, apart from feeling a heat wave passing by, several people did not get a death reminder. After opening my eyes suspiciously, I found that the flames had bypassed a few of them, and the surrounding flood-like insects had all turned into black charcoal that was still braving the fire star, and the trees were burning a little bit. After that, even the lingering fog was cleared by the flames in a large blank area.

"really strong!" After seeing the surrounding results, the mage among several people couldn't help but sighed. Among the few people present, he is playing magic, so he knows the most formidable power of the magic flame just now. He can burn all such a large area in an instant, and the opponent's skills are at least A-Rank or higher. Anyway, he feels that the A-Rank skills in the System Magic Academy are not as powerful as this trick.

The few people over there who avoided a catastrophe just wanted to come over and say hello to us, but we didn't expect us to suddenly collectively turned towards the direction of the group of insects and rushed over.

I didn’t say hello to these people not because I wanted to be handsome, but because I saw a large group of males just outside the area where the flames burned out. Through the gaps between these males, I even vaguely saw a few Insect Empress with big tails behind them.

"haha, Xiaofeng, your distance control is too accurate. Everyone hurry over and be careful not to hack to death, I want to live!"

Insects are basically nothing Intelligence can be said, of course, some high level Demon Insect can evolve intelligence, but these are obviously not in front of them. Seeing us rushing over, those insects did not run away, but took the initiative to greet them.

Xiaofeng immediately returned to the training space after releasing her skills. Her skills were not suitable for keeping alive anyway, so keeping her outside would not help. However, Xiaofeng can't help, there are a few in the training space that can help.

"Chili, sickle, tank, red thorn, frost and snow, come out and help."

With the appearance of frost and snow, the hot air around it suddenly cooled. After coming down, following the frost and snow gently waved forward as if dancing, the ground nearby was instantly covered by a layer of hoarfrost, and the mist that had gradually recovered in the air also disappeared completely because of the extreme freezing.

Although insects are most afraid of fire, the opposite is not their favorite environment. Although the ultra-low temperature environment will not directly freeze these Demon Insects to death, it is okay to slow them down by half a beat. If you observe carefully, you will find that some insects can actually survive in winter, but their reaction ability will become very slow. For example, in the relatively warm Jiangnan area, you can also see flies and certain Flying Insects in winter, but they will become extremely sluggish at this time, even if you can easily catch them with your hands. Although Demon Insect is a branch of devil beast, it is still an insect to put it bluntly. Low temperature will not directly kill these enhanced versions of insects, but it is certainly okay to slow them down.

Looking at the insects whose speed was significantly slower, my other familiars immediately moved. Lei, Ivorite, and the King who were originally outside were responsible for killing the small insects that were not burned and clearing the passage for us. Even the rose vine and the pioneers popped out from the ground from time to time to help kill some insects.

The few who just came out of my summon are members of the complex catching insects. Among them, the sickle is the most important, because his spider silk is the best tool for binding. It's a pity that the sickle helps. Pepper is an auxiliary staff, her mind power can assist in controlling the insect, reducing the difficulty of catching up. As for the tank and the red spur, the two of them are mainly responsible for grasping the insect. These two are insect monsters themselves, and the most important thing is that they are big enough and strong enough to defend, even if those insects resist, they can hardly be injured.

Frost and Snow immediately joined the control of the insect after the air-conditioning was distributed. Her help method is relatively simple, that is, use freezing rays to freeze all the legs and wings of the insect. Unlike the underdeveloped females, although males do not have thighs like locusts to help jump, these guys have two more things than females. The first is that their wings are not decorations, but can really fly. The second is that the forelimbs of the males are not as short as the females and can only assist in feeding. Their forelimbs are huge like two sickles. Although they are not like the blade feet of a praying mantis with serrations, the forelimbs of these guys are sharp and can be used as awls. use. Because of these two special configurations, the favorite attack method of these males is to use their wings to help accelerate and rush to the enemy, and then use their sharp forelimbs to poke holes all over the enemy.

But their skills are destined to be useless today. The charging male was only halfway through the flight and was dried by freezing rays. The remaining part was affected by the chili's mental power and crashed into each other and fell. Although it was not injured, it staggered the attack time.

The only small wave of male worms finally rushed to our neighborhood, first hitting the body of the tank. When they excitedly poked their sharp knife feet toward the tank's body, what came out was not the chuckle of the knife feet penetrating the enemy, but a dang~ dang~ dang~ dang~ metal crash. The defense of the tank even if it is a giant dragon, you have to catch it blindly, let alone a few small insects. Their blade feet are okay to poke ordinary things, and when they hit a tank, they are basically trying to pierce the bulletproof glass with wheat stalks.

After struggling for a long time and found that they couldn't move the opponent at all, the males began to plan to change positions and try, but the tank wouldn't let them try slowly there. He directly used the hammer on his forelimb to hit the insects that were only small to him one by one. Although he had paid attention to controlling the power, those insects were immediately smashed into the ground. However, the shells of these guys are still solid. Except for a rock directly underneath the unlucky one, which was directly hammered into a cake, the other insects were just knocked out.

Seeing that the sickle succeeded here, I immediately ran over and pulled out the insects one by one. They were tied with silk thread like rice dumplings, leaving only the breathing holes in their abdomen for them to breathe, and all the other parts were tied together. There are no slits.

Red Thorn saw that the tank and sickle were working together, so he didn't bother the sickle to come and help tie the insect. He directly used his two large tongs to clamp the males in front of him one by one, and then lightly pierced them with the tail needle, and the insect Lima was quiet. As Gu Insect, the red thorn's tail needle can adjust the type of toxin. Now he uses pure anesthesia needles, and the effect is quite good. As for the counterattack of other insects...Although the red thorn does not have as high a defense as a tank, it is there after all. With such a big head, the carapace is naturally super thick. Just relying on these males with a level of no more than four hundred would want to hurt him unless a miracle happened.

For this short meeting of the group of people opposite, we have efficiently finished the group of males. In the end, because everyone started separately, there was no count of the number. When I remembered, the sickle had been tied up with more than forty silk cocoons.

"Damn. Enough is enough, don't catch it. There are only 20 males, and all the rest are killed. Hurry forward, two Insect Empresses!"

Hearing what I said, the gang of monsters immediately killed the extra males and followed me all the way towards Insect Empress, leaving only the five rescued people in a daze. These people haven't fully figured out what happened. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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