"Didn’t you mean to take us to the underworld? How did you get here?" After entering Isengard Underground City, Hades wondered why I brought them here. , After all, Isengard’s Underground City is different from the ground. The power and support system of the entire city are basically here, so Isengard’s Underground City looks more like the interior of a certain factory than an ancient city.

I didn't explain Hades's question, but smiled and clicked on the wall in front of me. With the sound of zhi zhi rattling gears, the wall in front of him began to separate to the two sides. Since this wall is too heavy, we can even feel the ground trembling with it when it moves.

"This is...?" Hades noticed the difference in less than two seconds after the wall opened. A light blue mist that seemed to be air-conditioning seeped from the cracks in the open wall, and the terrifying low temperature made several NPCs in the guild who accompanied them shiver.

I waved my hand to indicate that the escort could leave, and then said to Hades: "The Yin Qi behind this is too heavy. Even the guards of our guild are not all able to adapt to the environment here, so Next, I’ll take you all down."

"Please lead the way."

After getting confirmation from Hades, I took them through the front The wall entered the area behind the wall. After many revisions, Isinger's passage to the underworld is now very different from before. Of course, this is also an improvement that was forced to make after suffering a loss. The main reason is that the original Transmission Passage cannot completely close the Yin Qi of the underworld from leaking out. As a result, the Yin Qi of the underworld continues to flow into Isengard, and because Yin Qi is heavier than normal air, it does not diffuse out from the channel in the end. It was the accumulation of Yin Qi at the bottom of the Isenger Underground City that formed the Yin Qi enrichment area. We didn't notice this until one time when we were doing regular maintenance and found that the automatic forts in an urban area had all failed. Later, in order to repair those fortresses, we followed the power pipeline all the way to the bottom pipeline area of ​​Underground City, and found that there were a lot of unconscious undead creatures in that place. Although Isengard itself is the city of the undead, it is a bit too much to farm the undead monster in the city, right? What's even more annoying is that there is a dead Spirit Armor bug that actually likes to gnaw the magic crystal power pipeline. The previously discovered turret malfunction is because they gnawed the power pipeline.

In view of the leak of Yin Qi, we later did a lot of remedies in the city, but the results proved to be very bad. In the end, I ran to other Yama Palace’s Yama for some advice before I came up with this set of things.

In fact, this set of things cannot completely prevent Yin Qi from leaking, but it can prevent Yin Qi from accumulating to the point of truth.

The outermost layer of this set of equipment is a spherical restraint cover. This cover is made of a jade stone that can isolate Yin Qi. Even the gaps are completely closed by magic smelting technology. A slight gap. The only three openings are the wall we just entered and the connection ports of the Yin Qi recycling system at the bottom and top.

The inside of this shell is basically empty. Only in its center there is a reduced version of the spherical room. This small room is suspended from the center point of the restraint cover by 361 steel cables, all around and the restraint cover are not in direct contact. Between this small room and the gate we just entered, there is a metal bridge with no railings on both sides. The bridge is only five meters wide. Although it is not narrow, it looks scary considering its length.

Hades sensed the Yin Qi inside the moment the door opened, but the underworld in their place doesn’t have this kind of breath, so Hades asked me curiously: "You’re here. Why is there still air conditioning in the underworld?"

oh la la. Hearing Hades’s question, I just stepped into the room and almost fell onto the bridge. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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