Sumi said this, and we found that each part of the number of personnel was followed by a bracket with another number written in it. For example, the total strength of Hades Pluto is more than 450,000, but there is a bracket after this number, and the number filled in is 1.5 million.

When the military god heard Sumei’s question, he immediately explained: "The number of creatures in the underworld is recorded in the brackets."

"The creatures in the underworld?"

"Pandora said so." Jun Shinto: "According to my understanding, Hades has some underworld creatures that can be partially controlled but cannot be fully commanded. Because they cannot be fully commanded, they cannot be regarded as regular troops. , Can only be included in parentheses as reference data."

"Do you mean that in addition to the 450,000 troops in Hades’s Divine Kingdom, there are 1.5 million rare beasts?"

"I don't know about this. The data only indicates the number of creatures in the underworld, but I haven't seen those creatures, so I can't give the exact situation for the time being."

Rose said: "It seems that it is a bit early for us to discuss foreign policy."

I also nodded and said: "You still have to make the specific arrangements for these troops first. I will go now. Weina will take a look at their negotiation situation. You can follow me to observe the situation with the magic eye. You can feed back the collected data to this side at any time, so that Rose and the others can modify the plan."

Hong Yue said "I'm not good at planning. I'll go to the Sino-Russian border and stare. I'm afraid Eagle can't take care of it alone."

After assigning the tasks, we separated. After leaving the conference hall, a spherical item slightly larger than a basketball flew to my side. This is the magic eye I just mentioned, and its function is similar to a wireless transmission type automatic camera that can fly remotely. Of course, there is no electronic product such as a camera in the game, but alternative products are readily available. For levitation, you can use a pumice or anti-gravity magic array, or even a continuously working floating array or even a cyclone array. Compared to levitation, the flying function is obviously simpler. A Wind Element magic array is done. Anyway, this thing doesn't have to fly too fast. I really want the speed to be directly on the thruster of the mobile angel. As for the camera function, this thing has a ready-made device in the game-memory crystal ball. The only technical content is the remote control system and wireless transmission system, but because we will have a crystal communicator based on the principle of crystal resonance, this aspect is also very easy to solve.

The reason why I wanted to study this thing was not for battlefield reconnaissance at first, but for the military god to become a super otaku. Although the main body of the military god is a battlefield command computer, he appears as a player in the game, which determines that he cannot transmit data by connecting various cables to his body like in reality. The command center that our guild is building like the Water Crystal Palace is designed to ensure the ability of the military god to communicate with the outside world. In fact, the military god is not only responsible for the battlefield command task of the guild, but also At the same time, it undertakes a series of complicated and cumbersome tasks such as telephone exchange, 114 event inquiry desk, 110 alarm center, intelligence analysis center, logistics and traffic dispatch center, and human resource distribution management.

Because the military god needs to bear too many things, and once his body in the game leaves the special room, it cannot complete the information exchange, so we tried every means to make him as much as possible. There is no need to leave that room. The magic eye is a product that came into being under the effect of such a demand. Of course, after it was manufactured, we discovered that this thing is not only for military gods, but also a good equipment for our guild players, just because The current price of this thing is still a bit scary, so for the time being, only a few players with special tasks are equipped.

When I walked to the Temple of Chaos and Order with the magic eye, Vena and Hades had basically introduced the situation of the two sides, but among them, Vena was introducing Hades to Hades. Things, after all, Hades and the others in these local Divine Races are widely circulated. Basically, as long as they are checked carefully, there is not much that can not be found. In contrast, the Divine Race of Chaos and Order is more difficult to investigate. After all, Chaos and Order is a guild Divine Race, and our Frost Rose League is a militarized organization. It is not that simple to investigate our internal affairs. of. Especially for Divine Races like Hades, it’s even more difficult to investigate us, because they are restricted by system rules. Unless they defect, it’s difficult to leave the border, even if there are special methods that can make certain Divine Races temporarily leave the border for a period of time. , There are many restrictions, so the foreign intelligence work of Divine Race in various countries is almost blank.

"Purple Moon, are you here?" Seeing me enter the room, Vina and Hades stopped talking.

After I said hello to them, I directly moved out the pile of materials Pandora gave me and said: "This is the material I took when I brought Pandora over, but after reading this, it’s better not to read it. The more I look at it, the more confused it becomes!"

"Ah? Why?" Pandora, who stood behind Hades, walked over in surprise, flipping through the information and said: "What we recorded is very detailed?"

"It is not a detailed question, but some other questions, such as your Divine Kingdom and those creatures in the underworld."

"You said this." Pandora said: "I didn't participate in the Divine Kingdom issue, so I don't know. As for the creatures of the underworld, those things are under the control of Akos."

Listening to Pandora's words, I turned my attention to one of the three giants of the underworld. Ai Akos. Ai Akos did not answer my doubts directly, but first asked: "Does President Purple Moon know about Saint Seiya?"

"You mean those close guards of Olympus Divine Race "

Aikos nodded said: "It is not really big to say that it is a personal guard. It should be called a supporter or a follower. However, our Pluto family does not have a Saint Seiya. We. The gods of the underworld also have their own private supporters, and people of the Heavenly God family generally refer to them as underworld fighters or magic stars. In fact, these people should be called underworld guards or underworld guards."

"Aren't they all the same?"

"It's not the same." Aiakos said, "Our Underworld Guardians are different from Saint Seiya, because they are not only humanoid creatures, but many others are The monster form and some special abilities that can switch back and forth between human form and monster. In short, the guards of our Pluto family have a relatively wide range of recruits and are not limited to the scope of humans."

Listen When I arrived at Aiakos, I suddenly understood. "Do you mean that the so-called underworld creatures are your underworld guards?"

"It should be said that they are the underworld guards before the conscription." Aiakos explained: "The underworld creatures treat us underworld guards." The attitude is neutral and friendly, and we can guide them to a certain extent without harming them. But this also depends on the specific species. After all, the personality and battle strength of the creatures in the underworld are different. These creatures in the underworld are equivalent. to is the natural biological community in the wild, and a large part of our underworld guards are summoned from these underworld creatures."

I thought for a while and said: "You mean that Some of the four hundred and fifty thousand troops are not humanoid arms, are they?"

Aikos nodded said: "Yes, those four hundred and fifty thousand are the total number of personnel of the underworld guards and our underworld gods. Approximately more than 400,000 are guards of the underworld, and the rest is the underworld Divine Race, including us. Those underworld creatures belong to our semi-stocked source of troops. We can recruit troops from them at any time, but we cannot command them until the enlistment is completed. "

"You can't direct how to bring them out?" I curiously asked.

Hades went on to say at this time: "Our gods are generally respected in the underworld. Although those underworld creatures will not execute our orders like their subordinates, they will generally not refuse. There is an environment suitable for them in my Divine Kingdom, so it is not too troublesome for them to move. But since it is mentioned, I still hope that you can arrange a place with rich Death Aura for us as soon as possible. , It’s best to have a lot of souls for these underworld creatures to eat, otherwise my Divine Kingdom will definitely not last long."

"This is no problem, I will take you to the underworld to settle down later. "

After understanding what the so-called underworld creatures are all about, I admire Hades and them more and more. They moved completely this time. Not only did they move their own personnel, they also took away the underworld biome, a unit that can be used to produce troops. In the future, these underworld creatures can be stocked in the underworld on the Chinese side, and then Hades and the others can call in these underworld creatures at any time. This equivalent to brings us a place where we can regularly release NPC troops for free. Although we don't know the output and quality for the time being, these are all free of money anyway, and we won't suffer anyway. Besides, Hades and the others have used the creatures of the underworld for so long as their guards, which shows that these creatures of the underworld are not too weak, otherwise they would not have been conscripting these guys.

After understanding the problems of the creatures in the underworld, I asked again: "Um, I probably figured out the creatures in the underworld, so what's the matter with this Divine Kingdom?"

"This Let me talk about it." Radamantis took the initiative to come out and said, "Master Hades’s Divine Kingdom is actually a pseudo-Divine Kingdom. I believe the president should have guessed it. After all, there is something that even Zeus doesn’t have, Hardy. Even if Lord Stanislas is not weaker than Zeus, it is impossible to have as simple as possible."

I nodded and said: "I did guess that this should be a pseudo Divine Kingdom, but even a pseudo Divine Kingdom is difficult to get it out. . How did you come up with this thing?"

Ladamantis explained: "In fact, we used the method of comparing seize every opportunity. We first produced a large piece of space using the space device. Space, and then simulated a Law of Space system similar to our Law of Space through several rules mastered by Master Hades. Because the space equipment itself has guaranteed the basic existence of the space, we modified it on the basis of this space. The rules have become very easy, plus the rules in the real world are borrowed, so this space itself is not wrong. In this way, it is much easier to complete this Divine Kingdom."

Although pull Damantis's explanation is not comprehensive, but I can roughly understand it. In fact, the most troublesome thing about Divine Kingdom is two parts, one is a stable space, and the other is rules that will not conflict with itself. Hades can be said to have avoided both of these. He used space equipment to save himself the trouble of expanding space with divine force, and then borrowed the complete and mature rules of real space to bring into his Divine Kingdom, so There is definitely no conflict of laws, after all, the real world has been running for a long time, even if there is a conflict of laws, it will be reconciled very early, so it is absolutely no problem to directly borrow this law.

Of course, although Hades’s method circumvents the two major problems of establishing the Divine Kingdom, it also creates many problems. The first is that his Divine Kingdom is not safe and can be forcibly broken through. The real Divine Kingdom or some pseudo-Divine Kingdoms are completely independent spaces created by Divine Race with its own divine force, which determines that this space is unique to the Divine Race that created it. As long as he doesn't want others to enter, others will never enter unless they have the ability to destroy the entire Divine Kingdom. But Hades can't do this. His pseudo-Divine Kingdom is built in space equipment, and although the space in space equipment is safe, it is not absolutely independent. As far as I know, there are seven or eight ways to forcibly open other people's space equipment. Although it is a bit more troublesome, it can be done after all.

In addition to this security issue, Hades’ pseudo-Divine Kingdom has a very serious flaw, that is, it does not have the main role of Divine Kingdom.

You must know that the meaning of Divine Kingdom's existence is not to make it contain things, otherwise, what kind of space equipment can not be made with the abilities of the great gods who have Divine Kingdom? Still spend so much effort to build a Divine Kingdom to install things?

Divine Kingdom has only two real meanings of existence, and other abilities are ancillary functions.

The first use of Divine Kingdom is the rule simulator. Before becoming a High Rank Divine Race, everyone was fighting for the strength of various energies, such as magic, divine force and so on. It can be said that as long as you accumulate enough power, you can become a well-known figure in Divine Race. However, this is only Early-Stage. Once it becomes a high-level existence of Divine Race, such as Hongjun Sect Lord and Da Ri Tathagata. After reaching their level, the mere accumulation of strength actually doesn't help them much. The accumulation of strength can only allow them to continuously increase their battle strength within the current level, but it cannot make them upgrade. Once they encounter a higher level existence, even if their battle strength is stronger than others, they still lose when they really fight. If you want to continue to strengthen yourself after becoming a high level Divine Race, it depends on how many rules you can master and how well you understand them.

Divine Kingdom itself is a thing made up of laws. If you run various laws in it, you can know if they collide or rub together. Through this observation, we can continuously accumulate the understanding of the law. This is the best reinforcement method, more useful than any cultivation.

In addition to acting as a rule simulator, the second use of Divine Kingdom is combat. In fact, to put it bluntly, Divine Kingdom is an enhanced domain, but in the domain you can only partially modify the strengths of the actual rules. In Divine Kingdom, as long as you master enough rules, you can even create it at will. Or delete or reverse the rules. Once two Divine Races fight, if you can put each other into your own Divine Kingdom, you can torture as you want. After all, even the rules are set by you. Is it possible for you to fail in such a battlefield? ?

The above two are the most important abilities of Divine Kingdom. Others, such as the ability to feed living things and hold things, are basically attached attributes, and it doesn’t matter whether they have them or not.

Although Hades’s pseudo Divine Kingdom uses a special method to bypass the two most troublesome problems, but at the same time this pseudo Divine Kingdom also loses the two most important functions. Because the basic space is generated by space equipment, it can only operate the rules in reality, and cannot modify the rules arbitrarily, which is tantamount to losing the function of the rule simulator. Similarly, because there is no ability to modify the rules, this Divine Kingdom cannot be used to limit the enemy's battle strength at all. If it is really fighting, it is better to use the domain. At least Hades's domain can be controlled freely by himself, which is better than this Divine Kingdom, which is completely unmanageable.

To put it bluntly, this pseudo-Divine Kingdom of Hades is actually a super-large and enhanced portable space. To say that it is a pseudo-Divine Kingdom is too much to praise it. However, although this thing is actually not even a pseudo-Divine Kingdom, I am quite excited. Because according to Hades’s method, it seems that we can also come up with similar things, and if we strengthen our research in this area, then we will come up with a higher level of pseudo-Divine Kingdom in the future, and even completely copy the Divine Kingdom system. Nor is it impossible.

After a little excitement, I said to Hades and the others: "In this way, your Divine Kingdom can also be used to transport troops, but the researchers of our guild may be able to Help you improve this Divine Kingdom. When you have time, you can sort out the construction materials of Divine Kingdom and give it to Vina, and she will send it to the research institute. Oh, right, now that both of you have known each other Now, I’ll take you to settle down."

Hades immediately showed great interest when he heard this, of course not because he was tired and eager to find a place to rest, but Because he is very interested in our Chinese underworld.

According to the world setting of "Zero", the underworld of all countries in this world is actually a world connected together, but the underworld of each country is equivalent to an island, and separated These islands are the endless super Land of Death-the sea of ​​silence. However, although according to this theory, the underworld where Hades and the others lived and our underworld are actually in the same world, but just as people like to travel around in reality, different places always have something special. Topography, landforms and some natural phenomena, these things are very attractive to tourists. And now Hades is actually similar to those tourists, and different from ordinary tourists, Hades and the others had always thought that they would always be impossible to see the appearance of the underworld in China, but now they suddenly have the opportunity After living there, this mood is naturally more exciting.

I didn't waste time seeing Hades so excited. I said hello to Vina and the others and took Hades and them straight to Isengard Underground City. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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