oh la la. Hearing Hades’s question, I just stepped into the room and almost fell onto the bridge.

"Please, this is Yin Qi, not air-conditioning. You will live here in the future, please remember, if you say it, you will be laughed at!"

"What is Yin Qi?" Hades is the god of Olympus Divine Race, and his concept of Oriental Divine Race is almost blank. Although his realm is much higher than me, but because I have never been in touch, Hades may not know as much about the basic knowledge as I. In contrast, I know more than he knows about running around all day long.

"Is this Yin Qi...I haven't studied it specifically, but as far as I know, it should be based on Death Aura."

Hades finished listening Immediately nodded and said: "Yes, I can feel the rich Death Qi in it, but I don't know why, these Death Qi seem to be much more agile than the Death Qi on our side, and it feels easier to command."

"What? You said you can command these Yin Qi?" I looked at Hades in surprise and asked.

Hades did not answer right away, but simply stretched out a hand, and then we saw the misty Yin Qi inside the door immediately began to gather to our side, and then formed a The ribbon-like smoke flew onto Hades’s wrists, and then the ribbons made up of smoke swirled up Hades’s right hand like a snake, and finally hit his shoulders again and again. He returned to his palm and condensed into a spherical air mass of smoke above Hades's stretched palm.

When I was attracted by this air mass, Hades and the others were attracted by the scene inside the door.

As mentioned before, this passage to the underground palace is composed of two layers of spherical restraint covers inside and outside. We are now at the door of the First Layer restraint hood, and the Second Layer restraint hood has never been found because the huge gap between the two restraint hoods is filled by Yin Qi. When Hades just opened the First Layer restraint hood before, they only noticed that an Iron Bridge in front of them stretched straight into the fog in front of them, and there was nothing else to see. Now when the fog is emptied by Hades, The scene in the room was immediately imprinted in Hades's sight.

Because it was completely obscured by the fog before, Hades and the others didn't realize it. They didn't realize that this huge space was so big until the fog disappeared. Because the outer wall of this huge spherical space is too large, if you don’t look at the whole, you won’t find that the walls on both sides are actually curved. Just like people standing on the ground will not find that Earth is circular, this room is too big, so you can't find it has a curvature at all by looking at a certain section of the wall.

After seeing the full picture of this space, Hades and their attention were quickly attracted by the room suspended in the middle of the room. Not to mention the three hundred and sixty-one steel cables that are thicker than the waist of the giant dragon. The material on the outer wall of the hung spherical room in the center of the room shocked the people present, because it was simply not Normal material, but a whole piece of black liquid crystal. From the outside, it feels like a huge spherical black liquid crystal is hung in midair.

After watching these spectacular scenes, Hades wanted to ask me where the huge black liquid crystal came from. After all, the black liquid crystal this thing can’t be said to be rare, but it After all, it is magic material, and in the world of "Zero", there are usually not too many things that touch the magic material. Besides, the black liquid crystal is not steel, it can be cast into a spherical shape after smelting. For Hades and the others, the only reason they can see such a big black crystal ball is that we found a whole piece of natural black liquid crystal that is bigger than what we see now. After all, natural crystals will not grow. It is spherical, and its current appearance should have been polished later.

With such questions, Hades and the others wanted to ask me about the situation, but they turned around and found that I was staring at Hades's right hand in a daze. After Hades sucked away the fog before, he was attracted by the space in front of him. I would find that I was staring at his right hand before I remembered that he was still holding the cloud of fog, but waited for him to turn his attention. When I returned to my right hand, I was stunned by myself.

He just clearly remembered that he had sucked the Yin Qi mixed with Death Qi on his right hand and compressed it into a small ball, but now he has what Yin Qi in his hand and replaced it. It was a chaotic gray phantom, but although the breath was chaotic, Hades recognized this thing immediately as Pluto.

"This is... the soul?"

When Hades said to himself, I finally reacted and moved forward and took a closer look at the sphere. Then he looked up at Hades and asked: "How did you do it?"

Hades is also a question mark now, but he still answered my question. "I just gathered the Yin Qi you said, and then compressed it into a spherical shape."

"I mean how did you gather Yin Qi? Our Yin Qi is usually They can’t be commanded. In addition to being forcibly pumped by the gas system like gas, they will automatically gather around ghosts, wraith and other undeads, and no other method can drive them. How did you get them together? Ah?"

Hades asked me in surprise: "Is that right? I just used to manipulate the undead? I feel that they are very easy to manipulate. They are more obedient than the lowest skeleton soldiers. It's just like It’s manipulating the free Soul Fire. Yes, that’s what it feels like. It’s like manipulating a large group of unconscious giant Soul Fire."

"Soul Fire?" After listening to Hades's words I took another look at the soul energy group in Hades's hand, and then suddenly wanted to understand the key. "Damn, we haven't found it for so long!"

"What?" Hades thought I was talking to him.

"I mean Yin Qi. We have been dealing with Yin Qi for so long. We haven't discovered that the essence of Yin Qi is the broken soul mixed in Death Qi."

Hades understood when I heard that. "When you say this, I already understand the specific content of Yin Qi. It's no surprise that I think it's so easy to manipulate. This Yin Qi itself is a broken soul fragment that cannot be broken, and the equivalent to is Soul Fire. Such a thing is itself. Without consciousness, it is very easy to control the undead."

I shook my head helplessly and said: "That is to say, you will find it especially easy. Even if these soul fragments are not conscious, you can manipulate so many at the same time. Fragmentation is too busy for ordinary people!"

After hearing what I said, Hades just laughed and didn't speak, and I also knew he was modest.

"Well, let's talk about Yin Qi's problem later. Let me go to the underground palace first, shall we?"

"Please lead the way."

I turned around With Hades, they walked up the Iron Bridge and walked along the bridge that was not too wide to the huge crystal ball at the center of this space. I didn't feel very strong at the door before, and people who walked to the middle of the bridge would really feel the vastness of this space. Except for the bridge floor under your feet, you feel that the front, rear, left and right walls are far away from you. This is still not blocked by fog. If there is Yin Qi around, you can’t see the surrounding walls and the end of the bridge. Walking here will definitely feel an unknown fear.

Imagine an icy Iron Bridge with no railings on both sides. The front, back, left, and right sides are blocked by the blue Yin Qi. Nothing can be seen. In addition to the cold produced by Yin Qi, most people cannot afford it. Okay, maybe it's scared and paralyzed on the spot. Of course, all those present were soul experts. This kind of environment would definitely not scare anyone. At most, I felt that the environment was quite shocking.

As we get closer and closer to the huge crystal ball in the center, Hades and the others are shocked more and more intensely. I didn't feel much because of the distance before, but when I got closer, I realized that this thing is really not so big. Moreover, this crystal is not the spherical shape that everyone initially thought, but a regular polyhedron that is relatively close to a spherical shape, but it looks like a ball because it has too many cut surfaces with unobvious edges and corners.

When they got close to this crystal, Hades, they remembered their previous question. In the end, Pandora asked first: "President Purple Moon, where did you find this crystal? Such a big piece. If a black liquid crystal is used to produce a magic device, it can be turned into a weapon with great formidable power, why is it used as a building material?"

I laughed directly when I heard Pandora's words. "Haha, have you all been fooled?"

"What do you mean?" Hades and the others all looked at me in a daze and didn't know what I meant.

I laughed for a while before I asked them back: "How can there be such a big natural crystal in the world?"

The people who had been skeptical before said immediately. "It turns out that this is spliced ​​together? No wonder it's so big. But your technology is really good, you can't even see a seam."

"This is indeed not a whole piece of natural black liquid crystal. , But it’s not spliced ​​together. Although the black liquid crystal is a bit brittle, it has high hardness. It is troublesome to polish and splice. We don’t have the patience to play jigsaw puzzles slowly."

"Then how is this made?"

"This is actually cast."

"What? Cast?"

Look at Hardy When they were so surprised, I said: “You are your own people now, and it’s nothing to tell you. In fact, we have a precious gem smelting technology, not just black liquid crystals, rubies, sapphires, all kinds of diamonds and so on. It can be smelted. This technology was originally grabbed from other guilds. It was originally used to crush and smelt magic crystals. Later, we found that all kinds of gems can be smelted with a little modification. After the gems are melted, they can be smelted. You can use different methods to purify and remove impurities, and then re-cool and condense to get gems of the corresponding size and shape."

Hades couldn't help sighing: "I heard about your Frost Rose League. The technical prowess is very strong, and it seems to be true now."

I stretched out a finger and shook it in front of Hades: "Correct, it is our Frost Rose League, not you. You. I am now a member of the Frost Rose League."

Hades reacted and quickly explained: "Sorry, I haven't adapted to this identity change for a while."

"It doesn't matter. , Just get used to it as soon as possible." After I finished speaking, I said again: "Come with me now."

Under my leadership, we quickly walked to the black liquid crystal sphere connected to the bridge deck. s position. When we stood in front of the crystal ball, a seam was immediately opened on the crystal ball facing the bridge deck, and then, like the outer shell, the crystal wall quickly shrank inward for a while, and then slid to both sides. go.

When the crystal ball opened the door, a Yin Qi that was not known much richer than before floated out of it, and the surrounding temperature also plummeted. Fortunately, all those present were from the underworld. , I didn't respond to this environment.

After the gate was opened, two Nether Souls floating in the air flew out of the gate together, and landed in front of us after seeing us. One of the Nether Souls saluted me and asked: "Sir President is going to the underworld?"

I nodded and said: "Start Yinyang Road immediately, I will take them there. You guys I remember their looks. They will all be members of the Divine Race of our guild in the future, and they will live in the underworld. So they will definitely pass here often in the future, you must remember."

Nether Soul immediately nodded a glance at Hades and them, then turned and flew into the crystal ball. I saw Nether Soul went in and brought Hades and them into it.

Compared with the outer protective shell, the space inside this crystal ball is much narrower. Although the ball itself is not small, the outer shell is too thick, and there are indeed more things here, so the internal space is relatively limited. Of course, this limitation is only relative to the super space outside. If you only look at the space inside the crystal ball, it is still very large. At least the halls of ordinary cinemas are not necessarily so big.

Except for the four vertical support pillars, there is only one altar in the center of the crystal ball. At the top of this square altar is a small platform, in the center of which stands a thing that looks like an ancient archway. The redwood pillars and the black tiles look worn out, and the surface color tends to be gray and white, and it feels as if it hasn't been taken care of for a long time. However, this is actually caused by Yin Qi. In fact, it has only been more than two months since the establishment of this gate. We have always used the Transmission Formation before, and only recently changed the Yin-Yang Road Transmission Gate. After only two months of use, this thing can be said to be new and cannot be new. However, it is a pity that it has been in such an ancient ruin-like state since it was first activated. Even if it is repainted, it is useless. As long as it is activated, it will change like this immediately, so we simply ignore it. . Anyway, all the people who can pass from here are the insiders of the guild, and there is no need to do any face engineering.

"This is the road to the underworld, right?" Looking at the gloomy gate on the altar and the Yin Qi leaking out like a waterfall at the bottom of the door, Hades immediately guessed it. use.

I nodded took the lead on the altar, and then said to Hades and them: "This is the Yin-Yang Road. It is a Transmission Gate that connects the underworld and the Human World, but the kind used internally and by you The Transmission Gate is a bit different, so after going in for a while, everyone still has to follow up. If you get lost, just stand still and don’t move. I will look for you. Don’t run around. The space inside. Although it doesn’t threaten you, the area is really big. Once you lose it, it’s not so easy to come out again."

Divine Race is now a newcomer to our guild, naturally. Be cautious, so nodded means that you must not run around.

After getting their confirmation, I brought this group of underworld gods from Olympus Divine Race into our Chinese underworld.

After passing through the gate, the surrounding environment immediately changed. The original altar became a large forest, and we are now in a large forest clearing. Behind us is the gate that we just passed through. The only difference is that the plaque on the gate has changed from “Yin Sector Road” to “Huanyang Road”.

On both sides of the gate, two Ox Head and Horse Faces in scales stood on both sides of the gate, and when they saw me there, they bent over and saluted: "Master Yan Luo."

I waved my hand casually and said, "I will introduce you to a few people." As I said, I introduced Hades to Ox Head and Horse Face, and then said: "This Hades god will be Instead of taking over the affairs of the Hades for me, everything in the future will be subject to the arrangements of the Lord Hades."

Ox Head and Horse Face After hearing my words, he immediately salutes Hades, and Hades is also polite Said a few words with them and got a brief understanding of the situation here by the way.

When Hades finished asking, I took them out of this clearing. There is only the Huanyang Road gate in the center in this clearing where we are, and there is nothing around. However, out of this open space, walking along the path ahead for less than twenty miles is a broad horizontal road. At this time, this road can be described as a turbulent flow of people, eh... this term is not appropriate, it should be said that it is a turbulent flow of ghosts. The whole side of the road and the middle of the road are crowded with ghosts, and these ghosts are all moving in one direction.

In the direction from which these ghosts came, we could see a clearing many times larger than the clearing where we came out, and above this clearing was a huge black hole. Countless ghosts are falling from the black hole, and then fall into the swampy ground filled with dense Yin Qi below. Some ghost messengers with vicious looks and tongue-outs were holding pitchforks and yelling in the swamp to drive the ghosts to quickly climb ashore and merge into the long line on the road.

Seeing this terrifying ghost stream, Hades and the gang of Underworld gods around him were all speechless. In the end, Radamantis asked carefully. "May I ask if this is Yellow Springs Biliangzaka in China?"

I nodded and said: "I am a special passageway for the 11th Hall, but it is not the same as Yellow Springs Road on your side. We are. There is a city called Fengducheng. On our side, the souls of the dead will be gathered in Fengducheng, and then through Level 1 diversion, the ghosts that have made mistakes and other special circumstances that need to be returned to the sun are screened out. Deal with it first, and those who are confirmed to be correct will be diverted to the Special Transmission Formation of the eleven Yama Palaces. They will be sent to the eleven Yama Palaces for trial. The guilty will be sent to hell to suffer. If there is no problem, they will be taken directly. Six Paths reincarnation."

"What? So many talents are one of the eleven Yama Palaces?" Radamantes asked in surprise. This matter can be said that Ladamantes and the Big Three are the most impressed. After all, they used to be responsible for the trial of the evil of ghosts. They know how many souls they handle every day. But looking at the ghost traffic on our side, this is much more than the Olympus Divine Race side.

I know what Radamantis is surprised, so I explained: "There is nothing to be surprised. You can understand by looking at the map. How big is the area controlled by your Olympus Divine Race Place? How big is our China? You have a total of hundreds of millions of souls (in-game data, including players and NPCs and wild creatures). How many people can die every day? Our advertisers are more than one billion. , Including civilians, ordinary creatures, wild creatures and various devil beasts, monsters, monsters, so many creatures with souls, how many millions of creatures will not die someday?"

Lada When Mantis heard the data, it was so mysterious and he didn't frighten him back. He is specifically responsible for censoring souls. Even if he was only responsible for interrogating some special Soul Body before, there would still be three to five hundred souls to be interrogated a day. Now the number of ghosts every day has suddenly increased by more than one hundred times, even if he learns Avatar now. Technique is estimated to have to be exhausted.

"Then what? So many souls die, we have three Magicstrates in total in Hell, where can I come here?"

"You don’t need to be nervous. I haven’t had one in the underworld before. Didn’t you all work well in the same way? Don’t you think I was trying to judge these ghosts before?"

When I said that, Radamantis also reacted. "Yeah! Since this side has been able to function normally before we came, that means you have Magicstrate?"

"Magistrate I don't have one here." I said with a smile: " Magistrate is also officially organized in Celestial Court. My 11th Yama Palace originally did not have this organization in Celestial Court, but because of the recent wars and too many people died, the first ten Yamas were a little too busy to come, and then they joined together. A proposal request Celestial Court to increase the number of their personnel. But you also know that for each Divine Race, the balance between the various forces under it is very important. If you add manpower to the Hades, it will inevitably destroy it. Celestial Court has adjusted the balance."

Pandora continued: "So they let you set up the 11th Temple Yama Palace?"

I shook my head and said, "No. Celestial. The Court is a thief. A place like Yama Palace is a very oily organization, so Celestial Court impossible completely hand it over to outsiders. Otherwise, the Celestial Court bosses have to fight, after all, who is this piece of cake? I want to divide them into pieces."

"Why did the cake hit you in the end?" Persephone curiously asked.

I explained with a smile: "I can't say that I fell on my head, it should be said that I bought it." Seeing Hades and they were still confused, I explained "Let’s tell you this. Because the war now has a lot more people dead than before, so the benefits of the underworld begin to increase. These extra dead will increase the benefits of the underworld, but those hells want to embezzle and start to merge. I didn’t plan to tell Celestial Court about this. But later, because these dead souls became more and more beyond their processing capacity, they had to find ways to expand the scale, otherwise, let alone eat the extra benefits and come to the original. The normal work will also cause problems. Fortunately, if the Six Paths of Reincarnation system has a problem because of their concealment and not reporting, they must not be able to afford it. In the end, they couldn’t afford it. Celestial Court reported the shortage of manpower. It’s just that they are still thinking about this benefit at this time, so their first report is to request an increase in the scale of Ten Great Yama Palaces."

Pandora said: "Afterwards Celestial Court must have discovered benefits from it, so it refused to expand the scale of Yama Palace, right?"

I nodded and said: "Yes. Ten Temples Yamas have swallowed the benefits. Take the opportunity to expand the scale. Unless the Divine Immortal group of Celestial Court has a problem with their heads, how can such a request be passed? The contradiction between the two is still to be resolved. So Celestial Court plans to establish the 11th Yama Palace, but the problem is that everyone knows that the 11th Yama Palace is a place to make a profit when it is built. Lisai, I want to get this better than good. At Celestial Court, everyone wants to grab this cake, but it is not evenly divided. The final total is not as good as this. Directly find an outsider to contract out the 11th Yama Palace, and then collect it. The contract fee returned is divided. Even if such a bowl of water is completely flat, no one has anything to say."

Hades nodded and said: "No wonder Celestial Court can become the dominant force in Asia. , In internal management is indeed better than our Olympus D ivine Race is much stronger. If a similar situation happened in our place, it is estimated that an internal war will break out. "

I interrupted Hades and said: "You made a mistake. It was their Olympus Divine Race, and we are now the Divine Race of Chaos and Order. "

"Oh sorry, I forgot again! The power of this habit is really hard to change. "

Radamantes asked: "You only said why Yama Palace is in your hands, but you haven't said why you don't have Magicstrate? "

"It's very simple. Because Yama Palace is contracted by me, and Magistrate is a member of Divine Race who is a member of Celestial Court, they are basically impossible to equip my Yama Palace with Magistrate. "This concept is actually very easy to understand. It's like someone bought a bus and contracted it to you to run it. If you don't hire the driver or drive by yourself, should the other party provide you with the driver and the conductor? That’s why he contracted out the car? Wouldn’t he run it himself? The situation in Celestial Court is also the same. They are afraid that various internal forces will have conflicts over this issue of manpower, so they simply don’t send a single person. Leave it all to me to manage, they just charge the contracting fee.

"Since they didn't send Magicstrate to you, how did you deal with these souls before? "Radamantis asked. This is his job from now on, so it will definitely not work if you don't ask clearly.

"They gave me this. "I took a super thick book straight out of my body.

Radamantis deserves to be dedicated to this, and I can tell when I look at what I have in my hand. "Is this you guys? The dead code here? "

"It should be called Life and Death Book, but unfortunately it is an application item and cannot be used in combat. Originally, I always wanted a code that could be used to fight, but it was a pity that Celestial Court didn't give it to me. "

At this time, Hades came out to explain: "The formidable power of the Code of the Dead is too big, and you are already strong enough. If you have the Code of the Dead, then other Divine Races will take you even more. no solution anymore. Celestial Court will not be so stupid to give you this thing. "

"So I didn't force it, I just used this thing to blackmail their tens of thousands of free heaven soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Ghost Messenger. Don’t tell me, my character is a good one. Hundreds of thousands of Ghost Messengers were stupefied to let me find hundreds of elite Ghost Messengers. It is estimated that the other elite Ghost Messengers from Ten Temples Yama would add one piece to this number. NS. "

My so-called elite Ghost Messengers are not ordinary Ghost Messengers. Their identities are actually equivalent to Ladamantes and their existence. Strictly speaking Ladamantes are actually soldiers. The existence of, but because he is too strong, he became one of the three giants of the underworld. In contrast, the setting of the underworld here in China is a little stricter. In addition to the normal Ghost Messenger, it is also equipped with Ox Head and Horse Face and Magicstrate are two completely different units.

According to my understanding, Ghost Messenger in the underworld is similar to the regular army, they are responsible for the maintenance and operation of the entire underworld. Ox Head and Horse Face comparison Close to the inspection court, their task is not to deal with external threats, but to review the work of Ghost Messenger. Of course, if you encounter an external invasion, Ox Head and Horse Face must also participate in the war. And compared to the strength of Ghost Messenger, The battle strength of Ox Head and Horse Face can be close to the level of elite Ghost Messenger even if the basic value is. If you encounter the elite Ox Head and Horse Face, you can make a profit. The battle strength is close to the level of the primary level. Magistrate, this is because I don’t have one here, so I don’t know how the battle strength is. But since I want to come to the Celestial Court, my strength should be much stronger than Ox Head and Horse Face and Ghost Messenger, right?

Radamantis listened to me and asked after hearing that I have a lot of elite Ghost Messengers here: "Do you mean that your souls here are judged by those Ghost Messengers? "

I nodded and said: "Yes, Ghost Messenger is born to do this. Just copy a few copies of this book and equip them with Ghost Messenger. Ghost Messenger can easily handle the ghosts here, and they The work efficiency is very high. However, sometimes there will be some difficult ghosts that are not easy to deal with. Generally, ghosts like this will be handed over to higher-level underworld reviewers for processing. "

"You mean Ox Head and Horse Face? "

"No, they are high-level personnel I hired from other places. Although the battle strength is not good, the ability to do things is absolutely top-notch. You will be able to see them when you arrive in the underworld. After a while, I will introduce you to you, and they will all be under your control in the future. "

Radamantis nodded said: "Since you have such a perfect mechanism here, then I can rest assured. Otherwise, we suddenly took over the work here, and the workload is still so large, we really can't stand it! "

"Don't worry! Didn’t you still have me brave you when you came up with things? Even though I am currently under the control of various Deity Clan on the surface, in fact, no Divine Race really dares to move me. Not even Celestial Court. As long as you don't make a big trouble, it doesn't matter if you make a mistake occasionally. "

Radamantis nodded expressed his understanding, and then suddenly asked: "Yes, President Purple Moon said before that you contracted the Yama Palace work from Celestial Court, so you take it. How to divide the belief value out? "

"Faith value? "

Seeing my puzzled look, Radamantis explained quickly: "It is you who interrogate the ghosts and then make judgments on them. In this process, don’t ghosts generate faith points? In the past, when we were on the Olympus Divine Race, this belief value was usually added directly to Lord Hades, and then Lord Hades would regularly delegate the belief value to us. Since it is a contract here, it means that some of the obtained belief value will be allocated to the Celestial Court, right? How do you divide this belief value? I don’t know how to transfer faith values! "

"I think there seems to be a little misunderstanding in the middle. "I asked Radamantis and Hades, "Do you think that the value of faith is the benefit of the underworld?" "

After hearing what I said, Pandora asked me in confusion: "Then do you have any other benefits?" "

"Of course. "I nodded and said: "I know that the reincarnation of the soul will produce excess Power of Faith, but this part of Power of Faith can't be collected at all, so we have never paid attention to this one. The benefit I mentioned earlier actually refers to soul energy. "

"soul energy? "This time I changed to Hades." The soul is fixed. If you take away their soul energy as a reward, won't the other party's soul become incomplete? "

"Yes. Just want them to be incomplete. "I asked, "Can your soul be reincarnated with memory?" "

"But reincarnation is a treatment that special souls enjoy. If the deceased on our side finds that he is not guilty after the trial, he will enter our life in the kingdom of the underworld. "

After hearing Hades’s words, I finally understand what the problem is. The main problem is that the composition of the world is different between the East and the West. The total amount of souls between Heaven and Earth we think of in China is roughly Fixed. Although some souls are sometimes produced or destroyed, this is always basically stable. Then these souls will be reincarnated and reincarnated continuously through the Six Paths round, and each life is different.

Different from ours. Hades and the others, or the entire Western world, have the same view of the soul. They believe that the soul is created, and when a person is born, there will be an extra soul. When he is dead, the soul will be distinguished according to what he did and did before his death, sinners are punished, and kind people enter heaven or other blissful places to live forever. In the process, the way Divine Races in various places take It’s different, like the Lord’s side where good people go to heaven and sinners go to hell, while like the two temples of light and dark, good people are extradited to the kingdom of God by the Light God Palace, and sinners are taken to hell by the temple of darkness. . Anyway, the difference is only the name and the specific organization, and the general content is the same.

However, in comparison, it can be seen that the Divine Race in the West has a problem with the soul. They have a lot of souls over there. The emergence, but almost never die out, the result is naturally more and more souls. Of course, they also have a way to justify themselves, but it feels unreliable. In contrast, our reincarnation theory is a little more scientific. , At least it doesn’t sound like a logical conflict. It’s not like heaven and hell in the West. Sooner or later, it’s overcrowded.

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