Looking at the ugly face exposed by Zeus, Hades said with a sneer: "Then you can crush it!"

"You... "Zeus was about to attack on the spot when he was angry with Hades's expression, but think about him suddenly eased down, and then saw him look at Hades proudly and said: "hahahaha, I know your tricks. You. But just to stimulate me, make me think you have found a way to relieve my collapsed array, but you can't deceive me." Zeus said and looked towards Persephone beside Hades and said: "Don't blame me. Ah, daughter, blame Hades that ungrateful for ignoring your life and death." At this point, Zeus's expression suddenly became ugly, and then he smashed the magic array in his hand.

The magical array burst into a very powerful magic wave at the moment it was crushed, and after the magic wave, Persephone suddenly screamed. The magic array behind her suddenly lit up, and a powerful wave of magic power instantly filled the surrounding area. The battlefield that had been turned into a piece of scorched earth due to continuous fighting unexpectedly began to drill out various plants and flowers under this magical fluctuation. The black land almost turned into a large grassland within tens of seconds, and each The plant is still jumping up frantically, and it is estimated that it will have to grow into a forest in a while.

Looking at the wildly growing plants, Zeus said with a smile proudly: "How? It’s too late to regret now. I can also seal the collapsed array and wait for the magic of Persephone to collapse. There is no way to save it."

Faced with Zeus's proud words, Hades and the others had no intention of responding at all. They just looked at Zeus with such a sneer, as if it was not the Divine King of the Olympus Divine Race, but just a clown.

Looking at the other person actually ignoring himself, Zeus was confused at first, then angered, and then suddenly turned into panic, because he found that the growth rate of the surrounding plants was significantly slowing down, and the air collapsed. The magic power is also continuing to decline. "You...you..."

Looking at the panicked Zeus, Hades finally said, "Do you want to ask why the rate of magic collapse on Persephone's body is decreasing?" Not waiting for Zeus In response, Hades went on to say: "I don't hide it from you. This is the credit of Purple Moon. His guild technicians helped us make an energy suppression array that can limit Persephone's magical collapse. Now We have plenty of time to slowly study how to crack your broken array, so your threats are useless to me."

"hmph!" Seeing that his methods were actually ineffective, Zeus was finally completely furious. He violently smashed the crushed demon array to the ground, then waved his hands forward and shouted: "Kill me."

He first responded with Zeus' words. It is not the gods of the Olympus Divine Race, but the troops of the two temples opposite the light and dark. Following the words of Zeus, the opposing temple forces suddenly moved neatly, and only heard a sound of oh la la, all the weapons were directed towards the Olympus Divine Race.

Zeus was stunned for a moment when he noticed the reaction on the other side, and just as he wanted to get angry and commanded him to charge again, Hera next to him suddenly came to his ear whispered: "Aren't we? Go back and fight another day? The two major temple forces on the opposite side are troops that have been preparing for the battle between the two clans for a long time. Our side has just lost the forces of the Pluto family. The Heavenly God and Poseidon forces did not participate much before. This kind of battle really hurts us. Shouldn’t we first pull down the team and rectify it? At least we have to re-arrange the formation or something?"

I wanted to hurry up. Zeus, who rushed over to vent the battle, suddenly calmed down when Hera said so. Just let the troops launch a shock because he was very angry, but he understood it once he calmed down. They came well prepared, not to mention that they were fully armed, not to mention that they were ready for battle formations and large-scale weapons. On my own side, at first, I simply had the thought to watch the excitement. Most people didn’t bring their own subordinates. As long as the Gang Lord’s Divine Race was there, the overall battle strength might not have dropped much, but it was definitely them. The fastest to die.

Calmly thought about it, and then looking at the people around him still not moving, Zeus also understood. All of his men are human spirits, and his prestige is not so prestigious that the opponents say you go to death, and he immediately wiped his neck with a knife, so after he shouted and attacked, these guys were all weighing the enemy and us. The situation, after confirming that rushing over will never get any benefit, these guys wisely pretended not to hear it.

Now that Zeus understood the situation on his side, he first shouted: "Wait a minute, don't move." In fact, even if he lets the people underneath charge, they won't move. After yelling this nonsense to find himself a step down, Zeus shouted to Hades again: "Look at the brother's love between us, today I will let you go first. But our brother's love is also That's it. See you next time, we are the enemy." After saying that, Zeus suddenly turned and waved: "Let's go." Unlike last time, Zeus immediately shuaa as soon as he waved his hand. ~ Ran away with him, showing how popular this command is.

After Zeus and the others left, the two temples of Light and Dark also put down their guards. A few angels walked out of the team and brought Hades and I away from the front army, while the rest of the army Then temporarily return to the camp to rest. After all, although the Olympus Divine Race suffered a great injury due to this incident, their main force is still there, so the troops of the two temples of light and dark cannot leave for the time being, and they still need to stare at the Olympus Divine at the border. Race.

"Okay, just send us here." After leaving the front line for some distance, I asked the people from the two temples to return to their lives, and we went directly to Tianyu City to prepare for the use of Transnational Transmission Formation Returned to Isengard.

Because the team is full of Divine Race, so the speed is quite fast, it didn't take long for us to reach Tianyu City. When entering the transnational Transmission Formation, Hades and the others also lamented the hugeness of this Transmission Formation, but after Isengard they had no time to think about the Transmission Formation of Tianyu City. After all, compared to the European stronghold of Tianyu City, Isengard can be regarded as our guild headquarters no matter what, the majestic degree of the building is naturally much more exaggerated than Tianyu City. Moreover, compared to the classical Chinese style Tianyu City, Isinger’s architecture is obviously more in line with Hades’s aesthetics. After all, Isinger uses a European style, which is closer to the Greek architecture. Moreover, Isinger was originally a city with undead as its main residents, so the atmosphere is almost the same as Hades's hell.

"Does it feel like going home?" I jokingly said to the Hades entire group who was staying at the door after leaving the over-modern teleportation palace.

After a long period of froze, Akos was the first to react. He took a deep breath first, and then said as if he was enjoying it: "Ah...Death Aura, the feeling of tranquility is so beautiful."

"And this powerful magic net." Ha Diss lowered his head and looked at the floor under his feet, then turned his head and asked me: "Are you laying magic pipes underneath?"

I nodded and said: "Isinger is a magic city, naturally There are a large number of magic devices that rely on magic energy to support their operation. These pipelines are just some of the branches. If you walk on the main roads of the city, you will find that the strength of the magic power below can even exceed your magic output."

Hades nodded and walked down the steps of the Teleportation Hall with me, and then we ran into Vena and other Divine Races in the Temple of Chaos and Order. Under my introduction, the people on both sides got acquainted, and after sending them all to the Temple of Chaos and Order, I left here first.

Although I am the president of the Frost Rose League, it is better for Hades to talk about Divine Race to Divine Race. Of course, they are only the initial contact, and then I still have to blend in it, but let them communicate with each other first. After all, the reason why Hades and the others betrayed from the Olympus Divine Race was because they did not make various arrangements when the three tribes merged, so such a serious historical problem has arisen. I don't want to follow in the footsteps of the Olympus Divine Race, so the merger of the two races must first be straightened out. But I think that compared with the Olympus Divine Race, we have a natural advantage here.

First of all, as a newly established Divine Race system, Vina and the others will not be as arrogant as Zeus. In fact, it's just like that between people, it's nothing more than arguing. If you don't put others in the eyes, others will naturally not put you in the eyes.

Secondly, compared with the Olympus Divine Race, our chaos and order Divine Race is growing and expanding. Don't think that the growing forces are inferior to those Hegemons. In fact, for internal personnel, being in a growing force that is on the rise is far better than being in a force that has reached its limit. It's like a student whose grades are constantly improving and a student who has always been top-notch. For this student whose grades continue to improve, his grade has increased from 60 to 65. Although it is still not high, at least he is improving. But if a student who gets 100 points every time gets 98 points, he will immediately be questioned by others, because he is a top student and any mistake is not allowed for him. Of course, if the performance of this top student goes downhill all the way, it will definitely be even more miserable.

The current Olympus Divine Race can be said to be the top student. Olympus Divine Race strong War God Race famous students have been started a long time ago, so they are recognized as "top students". However, in the recent expansion process, they first encountered strong resistance from the two temples of light and darkness and the Holy See, and then lost the gods of the Pluto family because of me, which caused the entire Olympus. The expansion capacity of Divine Race has shrunk severely. Now that the two temples of light and darkness cannot be fully aligned, and the battle strength of the Holy See of Jehovah is too weak, if there are no problems with these two problems, it is estimated that the Olympus Divine Race will not talk about expansion, even its own power. Whether the scope can be guaranteed to be controlled is a problem.

In fact, among the Divine Race forces on the European side, apart from Jehovah’s Holy See, the Olympus Divine Race has the worst geographical location. From the ground to the west, there are two great temple forces, light and dark, and from the sea to the west is the holy see of Jehovah. If you go south and cross the equator, you will be Egyptian territory. As a Divine Race force that once appeared in High God, the gang of Gods in Egypt are not easy to provoke. It’s better to go north, there is a Nordic Odin Divine Race, but although there are not many people, the battle strength is stronger than the Olympus Divine Race. There are too few people in Shanghai to expand, and it is estimated that they have become a fairly well-known force a long time ago.

These directions are all surrounded, and only the east is left. However, is the Safety Sector in the east of Olympus Divine Race? Let alone the power of Allah, even if you ignore the professional terrorists, you will enter the Celestial Court, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Hinduism is considered to be a relatively weak existence, and Buddhism is so fierce, it's a pity that it was recently wiped out by the Celestial Court. But Celestial Court, the huge monster, is getting bigger and bigger. With such a big guy blocking it, Dongfang doesn't even have to think about it. And even if they dare to think, they have to pass the barrier of Allah first.

In short, the Olympus Divine Race is surrounded by a bunch of great Divine Races. It is simply difficult for them to expand. This is like Japan in reality. Even the Americans dared to fight during World War II and almost occupied China. Such a country speaking of which is also a top-notch existence in the world. But if you swap the territories of Japan and Mongolia, guess what will happen to Japan? Regardless of how strong Japan is, being caught between China and Russia, Hegemon, even a superpower such as the United States has to be careful. In a very arrogant popular phrase, that is, "It's a dragon, you have to hold it for me, if it is a tiger, you have to lie on your stomach." Therefore, the Olympus Divine Race is basically a force that has no hope of development. Except for the Odin Divine Race and Jehovah’s Temple, they may still be able to chew, none of the other Divine Races are small forces. The world’s famous Divine Races except the Free Divine Race in the United States, the Mayan Divine Race in South America and the Antarctic Almost all the snow and ice Divine Race in the area are in this pile. The Olympus Divine Race, which is surrounded by it, shouldn't even think about it if you want to fight it out.

Compared with the hopeless development of the Olympus Divine Race, our chaos and order Divine Race is much happier. First of all, because we are a guild Divine Race, we don't have to fight for faith with those local Divine Races, which means that the local Divine Race will not exclude us. It's as if horses and monkeys don't exclude each other. Everyone eats different things. Even if the other's ethnic group is big, it won't affect their own development. Therefore, there is no competition for interests between the two.

Our chaos and order, Divine Race, is now under the jurisdiction of Celestial Court, but this has become our advantage. Because the guild Divine Race does not conflict with the local Divine Race, the local Divine Race often responds to the local guild Divine Race. In this way, under the care of Celestial Court, we actually picked up a big bargain. As for the guild Divine Race that may conflict with us, it seems that the whole world now has our own guild Divine Race for Frost Rose League, so for us for the time being, the field of Divine Race, the guild of the whole world, is undeveloped. The land of no owner, we can enter whenever we want.

Our third advantage is that there is no burden. The current chaos and order Divine Race is still in its infancy, and there is nothing like brilliance, so for us, every bit of achievement is an increase, even if we don’t get much, we can make people feel very happy. .

Hades had been busy with various tasks in the Olympus Divine Race before. This is because the Heavenly God family always bullied the existence of the Hades family. But if you think about it another way, is this the reason for the pressure on the Olympus Divine Race? If it is our Divine Race in chaos and order, even if someone is excluded, it will basically be cold talk at best. Even if you want to exclude someone to fight, there is no goal to fight. Just like I often ask Peacock and Starfire to help me with tasks, these things are not their business. The reason why they are willing to help is because, on the one hand, I am more dominant in the guild, and on the other. On the one hand, it is because they are too idle. Unlike other Divine Races, we always have to engage in border frictions. Our Chaos and Order Divine Race is currently the only guild Divine Race, so unless our guild expands, there is simply no enemy to let Vina and the others fight. . In terms of Hades's calm and comfortable character, our environment here is definitely more comfortable than the Olympus Divine Race.

Anyway, Hades’s Hades’s Divine Race is finally incorporated into our guild. As for the specific merger, I have to wait for him to finish talking with Vina before I can participate.

After leaving the Temple of Chaos and Order, I did not leave Isengard, but ran directly to the Council Hall. When I arrived, Rose and the guild think tanks were basically all there. This time I brought such a big gang of Divine Race back and merged into the chaos and order Divine Race. Rose and the others are impossible to come back to understand the situation with me. Moreover, as one of the guild's high-end martial power, the strength of the guild Divine Race also determines our foreign strategy and combat methods. Some enemies that were inconvenient to start or would lose more in battle can now be fought, and some cities that could not be defended can now be considered for long-term occupation. The most important thing is that due to the expansion of the guild Divine Race, our position among international guilds will also be greatly improved, and our share of many transactions and the like can be greatly increased. It should be understood that when large-scale guilds cooperate between countries, the proportion of benefit distribution is often determined not according to the amount of effort, but according to the strength of the strength. In other words, you may not take as much as you do. In short, the strength of our guild has been greatly improved this time, and the future strategic layout will have to be revised.

Seeing that I arrived, Rose didn’t wait for me to sit down and asked directly: "How? Is the data counted out?"

I asked in surprise: "What? Data?"

"Of course it is the number of personnel brought by Hades."

"Isn't that counted by the military god?"

Military The voice of God immediately rang in the room. "My information is incomplete. Many people brought by Hades did not directly enter Isinger, so you need to get detailed data from Hades."

"Don't count on this. ."

Hearing my words, Rose asked in confusion: "Why?"

"Because I guess Hades himself may not know how many subordinates he has. Pluto It is a very large organization in itself. Although Hades, as the main god, controls these subordinates, he certainly does not know the specific number of personnel. It is like if you ask me now how many players and NPCs we will have, I will still I have to ask the army god first, otherwise I don't know it myself."

"Then I have to let the army god slowly count!" Rose said helplessly.

Su Mi suddenly asked: "Did you forget someone?"

"Who?" I looked towards Su Mi in doubt, and then the other party was about to say the name On the occasion, Rose and I suddenly yelled together: "Pandora!"

Pandora, as Hades's agent in the underworld, actually controls all the forces of the Divine Race of Hades. speaking of which Hades’ management approach is a bit similar to our Frost Rose League. Hades, the actual Pluto, is just like me, speaking of which is the boss, in fact, simply doesn't care about things. Pandora actually manages things in the underworld, which is similar to Rose's work in our guild. Almost the entire underworld's military configuration and various supplies are all taken care of by Pandora, and Hades is at best the image of the underworld spokesperson plus the super beater of the town. But it feels a bit awkward to say that Hades, because it seems that I also exist. Of course, although we don't care about things, I, like Hades, still have absolute authority in my own power. This is not like those ancient emperors who have been emptied.

Because when it comes to Pandora, I just remembered that I forgot to send Pandora and Ladamantis to the Temple of Chaos and Order. In addition, it seems that Ares should also be sent here. As for Aphrodite, she cannot be released for the time being. After all, she is different from other people. She was just captured by me. I didn't say anything about surrendering, so I can't release her for the time being.

Since I thought of these forgotten Divine Races, I naturally can't sit here for a meeting. Let Rose and the others wait first, I ran directly to the City of Commandment and retrieved Pandora and the others, but before sending them to see Hades, I first obtained the specific personnel information of the Underworld from Pandora. However, this information is actually inaccurate, because during the evacuation process, the Pluto family actually had a small number of casualties, so the actual transfer of personnel should be less than the list I got, of course, they are only a very small number of people. , Has little effect on the whole. What's more important is that the best hits under Hades arrived safely, and the sacrifices were all the unknown a nobody, which was basically irrelevant.

After returning to the Conference Hall, I directly piled the pile of materials on the table with detailed information about the Divine Race series of Hades. Seeing such a large number of things, Hong Yue asked in amazement: "Is this Pandora copied to you?"

"She can't have such a fast speed even in Divine Race. These all are what she carries."

This time even Rose asked in surprise: "She usually carries so much information on her body?"

I said indifferently:" If it weren't for the military god, you would have brought more than this."

Think about it, and that's true for roses. To support the operation of a large-scale guild, the information on the flow of various cumbersome materials and other things is simply ridiculous. If it weren’t for the military god’s battlefield command computer with a logistics management module, it is estimated that Rose would have to be buried by documents. . You should know that in large guilds like the Iron Crusade, this kind of thing is handled by a professional team composed of dozens or even hundreds of people. It is probably because of this super management ability that Rose is so awesome in the eyes of major guilds. Think about it, the workload of dozens or hundreds of people in the guild can be easily handled by Rose alone without even carrying a deputy. Isn't it worth admiring? Of course, people in other guilds don’t know about the super assisted computer assisted by the rose army god. After all, there are only so few people in our guild who know the true identity of the army god.

"Okay, let's see how many people Hades brought here." So Mi said that she had climbed directly from the table to my side, but she saw the pile of people. Even our little child prodigy is troubled by the information that looks like a hill. "When do you want to see so many things?"

"It doesn't matter, the military god can handle it." As I said, I summoned a group of Death God guards and moved the information to the military god's command center. There is a special data scanning device on his side, and it takes only a few minutes at most to read this pile of things.

After waiting for ten minutes, the army divine fruit finished reading the information and reported: "I have recorded all the information. Remove the transfer that I just passed through the communicator on the Vina’s side. For the loss situation, it can be determined that the specific number of personnel in the Pluto family should be more than 450,000."

"What? Why are there so many people?" This is not what a certain person called. , It was called together by all of us present. Although not everyone here can see Hades when they entered the city, but at least they can guess the approximate number of people. After all, it didn’t take long for us to come here. According to this time and our guild Calculated by the throughput of Transmission Formation, Hades will bring no more than three thousand people. The difference between this number and 450,000 is a bit big, so almost everyone in the Conference Hall cried out.

"Is it a mistake? I saw that when they left the teleportation hall, there were not so many people. Even if you add a few waves of people, it will not exceed three thousand, right?" Rose asked incredulously. .

The military god immediately explained: "It is indeed less than three thousand when passing the Transmission Formation, but according to the data, Hades has a pseudo Divine Kingdom. The large forces are there."


"Hades has a pseudo-Divine Kingdom?"

Suddenly hearing this news is not only me, almost everyone present was shocked.

Divine Kingdom is an independent world created by the powerful Divine Race with his own power. This world is completely created by the Divine Race himself, and the various rules and rules are created by the Divine. Race to develop. For example, if this Divine Race hopes that this world does not have universal gravitation, then this world will not have this basic physical phenomenon. The garden like the mother of the earth is actually a standard Divine Kingdom, and it is a very high level Divine Kingdom. Except for the defect that it cannot be voluntary revolving without the manipulation of the Mother Earth, that Divine Kingdom can basically be regarded as an independent world. As long as the Mother of the Earth can make this Divine Kingdom form an independent circular system without her being completely ignored, and ensure that this system will not collapse on its own for a relatively long period of time, then this Divine Kingdom will become a world, and The mother of the earth is the creator of this world.

Of course, it is not a simple matter to make all the rules in a world run in a loop, so the mother of the earth is only High God, not the creation god, because she cannot create independently world, only Divine Kingdom can be made.

Understand what Divine Kingdom is, pseudo Divine Kingdom is easier to understand. If Divine Kingdom is a pseudo-world, then the pseudo-Divine Kingdom is a downgrade of Divine Kingdom. The difference between the Divine Kingdom and the world of the Mother Earth is that they cannot operate independently, while the difference between the pseudo Divine Kingdom and the Divine Kingdom is that they cannot control all the rules.

In fact, because it is unable to control all the rules in the pseudo-Divine Kingdom, the pseudo-Divine Kingdom usually appears desolate. This is mainly because the concept of life is an extremely complex unity of rules, so The pseudo Divine Kingdom is generally lifeless. Not only are there no animals, but even plants and even bacteria do not exist. Of course, the pseudo-Divine Kingdoms are not all the same. The specific situation depends on the ability of the god who made the pseudo-Divine Kingdom. Some weaker pseudo-Divine Kingdoms may have created a specific space in a void. The pseudo-Divine Kingdom is almost the same as the space equipment. Of course, this almost refers to the effect, not the essence. Even the lowest Divine Kingdom is also the Divine Kingdom, which is not a concept at all with the space in the space equipment.

There are low-level pseudo-Divine Kingdoms, and naturally there are high-level pseudo-Divine Kingdoms. Although the pseudo Divine Kingdom generally has no life, some powerful existences can also create a pseudo Divine Kingdom close to the real Divine Kingdom. In this Divine Kingdom, there may be low-level single-celled organisms and even plants. There are some pseudo-Divine Kingdoms that can support the emergence of this complex animal form. Of course, there is definitely no intelligent life here, because the division of the pseudo-Divine Kingdom and the Divine Kingdom is based on whether it can support the intelligent lifeform and whether it can fully master all the rules. But these two requirements are actually one requirement, because once you can master all the rules, you can naturally make intelligent life, and to make intelligent life, you must master all the rules. This is simply a concept.

Hades is very strong. I have known this for a long time. The Olympus Divine Race has always been recognized as a strong race. As the boss of the Pluto family who has been in charge of the first battle, Hades's strength is beyond doubt. However, if he can support a Divine Kingdom, this is a bit scary. You must know that even in a great influence like Celestial Court, only Hongjun Sect Lord can support the pseudo-Divine Kingdom. Even the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning and Lao Tzu are unable to support the pseudo-Divine Kingdom. Of course, now Celestial Court has one more existence that can support the pseudo-Divine Kingdom, that is, the big day Tathagata transferred from Buddhism. Olympus Divine Race is very capable, so there is no doubt about it. But the Olympus Divine Race is not good at supporting abilities, and the pseudo Divine Kingdom just needs this ability to create it. As far as I know, it seems that even Zeus does not have a pseudo Divine Kingdom, and Hades can actually support the pseudo Divine Kingdom, which is really amazing.

It is estimated that the God of War also knows that we will be surprised, so he explained after the explosive news: "Hades’ pseudo-Divine Kingdom can’t actually be regarded as the real Divine Kingdom series, it’s actually It’s not even a pseudo-Divine Kingdom. This is a pseudo-Divine Kingdom built on super space equipment. Unlike the pseudo-Divine Kingdom, which relies on its own energy to create space, Hades’ pseudo-Divine Kingdom is built in space equipment. The world in the space equipment is actually the remaining space of the main world, so the basic law used by Hades’s pseudo-Divine Kingdom is still the world law."

"Damn, what is that pseudo Divine Kingdom? Isn’t this still space equipment?"

"no no no." Military god explained: "Hades is indeed a pseudo Divine Kingdom, because he can partially control the Time in this space. Flow Speed, and lifeform can be stored in this space. Normal space equipment does not have the ability to store living things, only the pseudo Divine Kingdom can do it. So this space of Hades should be regarded as a pseudo Divine Kingdom rather than simply Space equipment."

We only remembered the explanation of the military god that Hades’s pseudo Divine Kingdom contains a lot of troops. Putting it that way is indeed a pseudo Divine Kingdom, after all, in addition to Divine Kingdom, ordinary space equipment can't hold living creatures, not to mention that this is still hundreds of thousands of troops, so much space equipment can be installed?

After listening to the explanation of the military god, Rose followed: "With the strength of Hades, if there is such a tricky method, it can indeed support a pseudo Divine Kingdom, but why the army Will there be so much?"

The military god said immediately: "According to the records on the data, Hades started to garrison a long time ago, but the specific reason is unknown."

< p>Sumei said: "This is not hard to guess. Hades has long planned to leave the Olympus Divine Race. As a key moment, he is impossible to prepare for this. In his pseudo-Divine Hoarding troops in the Kingdom is undoubtedly the best way, but he didn't expect that the final departure will be so simple because of our help, so so many people are left."

God followed: "It is reasonable to say so."

Rose directly said: "Don't worry about how people are made out, first show us their specific military strength allocation. I want to know. The specific battle strength of Hades’s team will determine our future foreign policy."

"Okay, this is the information I have classified." With the answer of the military god, The projector in the center of the room projected a list directly above the conference table. According to this list, more than 400,000 of the 450,000 people were miscellaneous soldiers, but after all, they were Divine Race troops. It can be counted as a high level NPC. At least not much weaker than the heavenly soldiers we spent money to buy.

"Wait, what's the matter with this." We were looking at the documents, and Su Mi suddenly pointed to one of them and asked. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my b

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