Hades was anxious to leave naturally because he had been holding back at the Olympus Divine Race for too long, but his excuse was not entirely an excuse. During the time when I kidnapped Aphrodite and Athena, Hades was a big show. For a while, the entire Pluto family has run away, leaving only a bunch of characters that can play the best.

After listening to Hades’s request, I simply thought about it and agreed with nodded. Anyway, all the ones that should be run are almost run. The rest of the people are the best fighters of the Pluto family. The existence of the Olympus Divine Race, even if the other two Divine Races of the Olympus Divine Race find the problem collectively chasing them up, they should be able to run away with their strength. Of course, this premise is that there are no accidents, and there may be individual casualties.

After getting my confirmation, Hades and the others began to prepare for our last performance, and the content of this performance is...

"Report."< /p>

While the Zeus gang was discussing how to deal with me in the future, a Divine Race guard suddenly ran into the great hall and knelt down to report.

Hearing the shout of that person, Zeus and their attention immediately moved. The more anxious Athena was the first to turn around and ask: "What's the matter?"

The guard on the ground immediately reported: "Just now the Pluto element was attacked again."

< p>"Attacked again?" Hera asked strangely: "What does the other party mean? Why do you always stare at the Underworld?"

The god Hermes suddenly interrupted and asked Said: "Do you know who was attacked this time?"

"Master Hui, it is Master Persephone, the queen of the world."

"Persephone?" He Ra asked suspiciously: "Didn't she always live in the garden of the underworld? How could she be kidnapped?"

Before the guard who reported the letter had time to answer, Athena next to him asked first. Said: "What is Hades' reaction now?"

"Back to your lord, Pluto is now chasing and killing each other with a large group of main forces of the Pluto family."

"You Means that the other party was discovered?" Athena stepped forward and asked.

"Yes, my lord." The guard replied affirmatively.

From the very beginning Zeus, who was standing there thinking about something, suddenly opened the mouth and said: "Hermes, you are fast. Let me go to the underworld to see what is unusual. Come back and report immediately. Others will go with me to see who dared to kidnap Persephone."

Following Zeus’s order, the gods immediately agreed, and then followed Zeus out of Olympus. The parliament hall on the top of Mount Pace began to fly down the mountain, but before they could catch up with Hades and them, Hermes, who went to the underworld to investigate the situation, ran back again like a lose one's head out of fear.

Seeing Hermes suddenly returning, Zeus immediately asked in confusion: "Why did you come back so soon? Didn't I ask you to investigate the situation in the underworld? This time is just enough for a run Back and forth, right? Did you come back without investigating?"

Hermes waited for Zeus to finish and explained quickly: "No. Just when I arrived in the underworld, I found something was wrong there, but I I looked around, but no one saw it. After that, I was anxious and started looking for the offices and residences of the Underworld, but there was no one. In the end, there was no way I went to the underworld's material warehouse, and found out The warehouse door is open, and the inside has been completely evacuated."

"Do you mean that the underworld was ransacked?" Hera asked before clarifying the situation.

Athena said on the side: "It's not being looted, this is a premeditated defect."

"Yes." Hermes said: "When the warehouse was found empty After that, I looked at all the places, and finally went to the Divine Force core depository of the Pluto series, and found that it was empty."

"Damn guy, dare to betray me. !" Zeus had already confirmed Hades's betrayal at this time. The core of divine force is this thing, except for its owner, others can't move it at all. Of course, it is possible to destroy it. However, since Hades is still chasing the enemy now, that means his divine force has not disappeared, so the core of his divine force is naturally no problem. This shows that the core of divine force is moved by himself, not destroyed by others. As for the use of another divine force core to forcibly move the divine force core of the Pluto series, Zeus felt that it was almost impossible. To say that there is an alien Divine Race invading Thaksin, but to say that the other party even smuggled in the divine force core of their own Divine Race, it is a bit unreasonable.

Athena said bitterly from the side: "At the beginning, we should not have agreed to keep the divine force core of the three-series Divine Race separately. Our Heavenly God series is the core orthodoxy of the Olympus Divine Race. Everyone's divine force core should be kept by us. Those guys have to separate their divine force cores, obviously they are thinking of defecting."

"Uh-huh...uh-huh... "Athena had just finished talking here, and suddenly heard a coughing sound from behind that you knew was so fake, but after hearing this sound, Athena closed her mouth and hid to Zeus's side. . The reason why Athena was like this was not because she was afraid of infectious diseases when people coughed, but because she knew who the cough was.

These coughs were actually made by Poseidon deliberately. As for the reason...Of course it was because of Athena's words. Athena said that to separate the core of divine force is to rebel in the future, but the problem is that Hades is not the only one who is independent. His Poseidon's Poseidon series is also the core of independent divine force. This is equivalent to Athena scolding them together. Moreover, this matter originally belonged to a historical legacy of the Olympus Divine Race. Zeus actually knew that it was dangerous to keep the divine force core separately, but he still agreed to this plan, not because he was tolerant. , Not because he trusts his two brothers, but because there is no way.

Olympus Divine Race was originally established in order to expand the territory, so the three brothers who were not very harmonious at first had to get together to form the current Olympus god system. However, even though the combination is a combination, the three parties used to be independent after all, and the three brothers did not want to let go of their power, so they finally thought of such a way to keep the three divine force cores independently. . Although the result of this eased the contradiction at the time, making the Olympus Divine Race exhibited exceptionally strong battle strength, it also planted the bane within the Olympus Divine Race. It can be said that the merger of Olympus Divine Race was an incomplete merger, and today's split is only the complete explosion of the problematic merger method of the year.

Olympus Divine Race from the very beginning did not achieve true unity, so today’s division is also as it should be by rights.

No matter what Hades did or who caused the original problem, anyway, the two main branches of the Olympus Divine Race, the Poseidon and the Heavenly God, are still in alliance. But Athena's words made Poseidon think she was talking about herself. Although Athena was a little reckless, she was not stupid. She also thought that this should not be heard by Poseidon, so she discovered that Poseidon quickly hid beside Zeus after hearing her own words. It was not that she wanted Zeus to protect, but that she felt too embarrassed to continue to stand beside Poseidon.

Whether Poseidon has the idea of ​​splitting, let’s not say for the time being, at least he is still a member of the Olympus Divine Race, so he didn’t plan to pursue it. He coughed deliberately just to remind Athena only paid attention to her words and deeds.

Under the intentional avoidance of both parties, things didn’t make much trouble, and Zeus quickly urged everyone to speed up the interception of Hades and other gods, so the gods began to chase Hardy intently. And the others.

Actually, they are already a little late chasing Hades, because Hades was already on the way when the messenger reported back. Even if there are more people, the slower ones drag down everyone's overall speed, but after all, they are all Divine Races. How much slower can it be? What's more, because of their reasonable excuses along the way, the guards scattered around the Olympus Divine Race didn't mean to stop them in the slightest. Zeus and the others immediately started chasing Hades after they learned the information, but after all, they did not pursue them with all their strength at the beginning. Instead, they were waiting for the results of Hermes' investigation. After knowing the results, they wanted to chase Hades at full speed. They are almost out of the border.

"Stop for me." Just when Hades and the others ran to the battlefield where the Olympus Divine Race confronted the two temples of light and dark, Zeus behind them finally caught up. . It's a pity that they are obviously late at this time.

Hades, who arrived on the battlefield, didn’t care what Zeus and the others yelled at all. He waved his hand, and the members of the Underworld family on the battlefield suddenly started to go to the camp of the two temples of light and darkness. While running, people who didn't know thought that the Olympus Divine Race had launched a general attack. However, what they expected when they called out Zeus was that the forces of the light and dark temples on the opposite side unexpectedly did not respond to the forces of the Plutos. Although they displayed the Defensive Array shape, they took the initiative when the Pluto's team rushed. Give up the passage to let it pass, and after the people of the gods of the gods passed, the two big temple forces on the opposite side once again closed their formations and sealed Zeus's pursuit route.

"So you guys had colluded a long time ago." Looking at the current situation, Zeus and the others understood everything.

Hades, who has entered the sphere of influence of the two great temples of light and dark, turned away and looked at Zeus here and said: "We are just trying to find a way to survive. I see the word collusion. It’s better for you to keep it for yourself. When we attacked Odin Divine Race last time, so many people died in our Pluto family. Don’t think that I don’t know anything. If it weren’t for the safety of Persephone, I would have already Fight with you."

"Don't you care about her life now?" Zeus proudly took out a magic array and said: "As long as I crush this magic array , Persephone’s collapsed array will be activated immediately, and with her magical power for up to two days, she will begin to lose life force. If you don’t want her to die, just get me back right away."

Looking at the ugly face exposed by Zeus, Hades said with a sneer: "Then you can crush it and try it!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian.com) Voting for recommended votes and monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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