The first person to rush to Aphrodite's side was not me, nor the human face spider, of course, not the group of insects, but the fastest angel. In fact, when Aphrodite was in a daze, he was only two meters away from her. It was normal for him to be the first to rush to Aphrodite at such a close distance.

The angel who successfully rushed to Aphrodite's side was a sword slashed on the side of Aphrodite's neck, but the effect was minimal. Aphrodite’s tortoise shell is too exaggerated, and only a few fire stars splashed down with a sword. Of course, the damage value will still be there, but the change in appearance is estimated to be very slight.

Although the angel's sword was very accurate, the damage was too low, and it turned Aphrodite back sober. She suddenly turned around and cut the angel in half with a sword. With the death of the angel, a white ball of light suddenly fell out of the angel's body and jumped towards it like the golden ball before. Go away.

Almost as soon as the white ball appeared, the system hint above the head rang again. "Obstacle creatures are randomly rewarded, and successful capture can get twice the current attack power."

When I heard this voice, I quickly turned and rushed towards the white ball of light, and so did Aphrodite. Start immediately and prepare to grab it. Although she does not have an agent to help her pick up the plate, we can access these different effects of the sphere, so even if the plate can't move, Aphrodite can get the ball over and throw it into her own plate. Of course, it is not easy to do this.

Just when Aphrodite and I rushed to the vicinity of the white ball of light and prepared to snatch it, a white silk thread shot from between the two of us and hit the center of the white ball, and the thread stretched instantly. Straight and quickly retract. Of course, the white ball returned with the silk thread.

The eyes of Aphrodite and I followed the white ball suddenly to the rear, only to see that the human face spider pulled the white ball in front of them, and then bit the thread with its fangs and threw the white ball directly. In front of Jixiang.

Seeing this result, the reactions of Aphrodite and I were naturally completely opposite. I immediately proudly stood in front of Aphrodite and prepared to stop her from snatching again, and Aphrodite was angry gnashing teeth. Although system gave me four obstacle monsters, it turned out that it gave me four helpers. Although these four monsters are all at the level of miscellaneous fish for Aphrodite, although they can't directly cause much damage to Aphrodite, they can add a lot of trouble to her. On this point alone, they did not live up to the identity of the "obstacle monster" given to them by the system, because they did create a great obstacle, but only Aphrodite was hindered.

Aphrodite, who was blocked by me, obviously can’t grab the white ball anymore. Although Jixiang has short legs and a fat body like a ball, his speed is not good. slow. Seeing the white ball being shot over, Jixiang immediately rolled the plate forward and stretched it out to catch the white ball, and my attack power doubled instantly. In other words, pandas are definitely experts in play the pig to eat the tiger. They seem to be so cute and cute. Most people will treat them as weak animals, but the actual situation is that pandas are standard carnivores. There is no alternative to bamboo. People can kill even cows if they have the opportunity. Of course, that is the panda in reality. As the mascot of the guild, Jixiang’s athletic ability is basically...Kongfu Panda. Yes, it is Gongfu Panda. Primal Chaos Fist may not be able to do anything, but grappling and fighting are definitely not much worse than those out of the army. Relying on his infinite lucky value, it is estimated that it is not a problem to knock down three or five martial arts Grandmasters.

Seeing that the white ball of light was caught, Aphrodite immediately gave up his plan to grab the ball, and ran into me directly. She has thoroughly figured it out now. There are those two obstacle creatures and Jixiang, the invincible agent. Whoever grabs the ball she wants to play against me is simply because her head is flooded. So now she doesn't care about the ball or not, she only sees one truth, that is, to kill me is to win.

I didn't have the slightest fear when I saw Aphrodite rushing up again, and I rushed up with the eternal hook and scythe. Now my attack power has doubled again, this value can definitely break Aphrodite's defense easily. With her fighting skills, without the tortoise shell, I can easily win the battle.

When. Looking at the long sword split by Aphrodite, I stretched out the scythe, and the scythe on the side of the tip of the gun caught the blade of the sword, and followed me to raise the head of the spear away from Aphrodite’s. The sword, while the tail of the gun flipped and knocked on Aphrodite's stomach, smashing her back several steps. Before she could stabilize her figure, I fisted the hook and slashed at her again, and Aphrodite hurriedly raised the sword to block it, and the blade was slammed down by the sound of it, but anyway. Fuck off the blade of my gun. However, she didn't expect me to end with an oblique split, and the gun body suddenly turned over and suddenly it was lifted up again. Aphrodite, who was completely too late to prepare, raised the sword again to block it, but because it was completely unprepared, the direction and strength were wrong. What was only heard was another sound, accompanied by a white light flashing by, her sword directly Flew to the sky.

Seeing her sword being picked up, Aphrodite immediately jumped up and wanted to get the sword back, but I did not grab the sword with her at all, but stepped forward and kicked it. Aphrodite, who had just taken off, was kicked flying directly on her belly. After she was kicked, she stretched out the hook and sickle, hooked the fallen sword with the blade of the spear, and kept shaking it so that the sword hung on the tip of the spear and kept spinning, but it just couldn't fly out.

"I'm fighting with you!" Aphrodite, who got up again, is now completely in the stage of loss of sanity. As soon as he got up, he threw a red eye toward me. red ball of light.

When I saw the red ball of light flying towards me, I didn't run, but threw Aphrodite's sword into the ball of light with a flick of the gun handle. Just listening to a loud explosion sound, the light group was directly destroyed, but Aphrodite's sword was also exploded into several pieces.

"Hehe, even the weapon is gone now, I see how you can fight."

"Don't worry, I will kill you even if I bite with my teeth. "Aphrodite rushed forward regardless of what she said, but she was only halfway through when she was entangled by the previous group of Flying Insects. Fortunately, she had weapons before, but now she doesn’t have weapons. It is purely a dream to disperse these insects with her hands alone. The forced Aphrodite can only scream hysterically among the insects. Pat, but this has no effect on the entire swarm except for occasionally shooting down a few insects.

Aphrodite was entangled with the insects, the human face spider crawled to her side again, and then only saw the human face spider's belly move, a cloud of white slime instantly turned towards Ah Frodite flew over. Aphrodite blocked the mass with just one stop, but what surprised her was that the thing got on her hand and couldn't get rid of it anymore, and the second mass of slime came right after that, this time It also stuck directly to her face. Out of instinct, Aphrodite stretched out his hand to get rid of the mucus when his face was covered with mucus, but it turned out that both hands stuck to his face together.

Currently, Aphrodite is not only unable to move with both hands, but also invisible to the eyes. What's worse is that the mouth and nose are completely covered, and he can't even breathe. Coupled with the insects flying around around the body, the current Aphrodite can be said to be a combination of internal trouble and outside aggression.

Although she is not far from death even if she doesn't care about her now, I don't intend to spend with her here. We must know that our arena does not have a teleportation function. After the battle, we have to return to the place we left before. Before the Peacock Pluto and Aphrodite fought so fiercely, even the top of the mountain was cut flat, those Olympus Divine Race impossible couldn't find the movement here. So I must get rid of the Aphrodite in front of me as soon as possible, otherwise we are likely to face the danger of being blocked by many Olympus Divine Races after going out.

Looking at Aphrodite, who was completely unable to fight back, I directly changed the Eternal Scythe Spear into a sword form, and then raised my head high to Aphrodite and started to gather my strength. Although Aphrodite felt a huge energy response in front of her, she couldn't see and couldn't fight back. She could only try to run, but because of the interference from the insects, her ability to act was really a problem.

As Aphrodite tried to escape, I suddenly moved. If someone is around you will find me instantly transformed into a stream of light, and then appear behind Aphrodite in the next second, and Aphrodite, who had been struggling before, suddenly settled in the original. land.

After finishing this blow, I directly waved to cancel the Divine Domain combined state. The damn side effect is that the sooner it is removed, the lighter it is, so I don't want to use it for a second.

After the contract was terminated, my body was awkward, but fortunately, I reacted quickly and supported it again. I dragged my tired body to behind Aphrodite, and then I gently hugged her waist from behind and lifted it up. It was as if the piled building blocks were removed by the wooden strip that bears the weight, Aphrodite's hands and feet all fell all at once, and her body and head were held in my hands. inside.

I didn't kill Aphrodite with the blow just now. This time I came here for kidnapping, not for murder. Although I now understand that neither Ares nor Hephaestus has anything to do with Aphrodite, but anyway, I have spent so much effort for her, so I just killed it without reason. Did you kill her? Although because of the powerful battle strength of these Divine Races, most players regard them as super BOSSs in the game or even system spokespersons, but I know that the real system spokesperson should actually be Nuwa and the mother of the earth. Such High God, and Celestial Court forces and Olympus Divine Race should actually be regarded as high level neutral NPCs.

No one understood the value of NPCs at the beginning of the game, but now most guilds understand that NPCs are actually a kind of resource, and the higher the level of NPC, the more valuable the scarce resource. Then, Divine Race, which exists as a kind of ultimate NPC, is also a natural resource. With my personality, how could it be possible to get the resources in my hands but not bring them back for use, but destroy them on the spot?

After successfully cutting Aphrodite into a stick, I directly asked Ye Yue to petrify her limbs. For the body, petrification is actually better than freezing. As long as Yeyue does not release the petrochemical state in the middle of Yeyue, then at least Aphrodite’s limbs will maintain the same Life Energy as they were cut off when the petrification is released. As for Aphrodite's body, just let Xiaochun use directed therapy to help her seal the wound. Of course, for safety, I still stuffed her body into the gate of the earth to accompany the captured Athena.

After getting these two Goddess, the arena automatically threw me out, but if there is a choice, I would rather not come out now.

" you guys are here for an outing? Then I won't bother you. Bye." Zeus and Hera, who looked at me with an embarrassed look of murderous aura, waved. Then I suddenly turned around and grabbed the flying bird that appeared suddenly and rushed high into the sky with four huge pillars of flame. "Quickly fly the bird, go forward at full speed, how fast is it for me to fly!"

"I am already the fastest!" Flying bird responded to my request while speeding up, and behind it It was a piece of the Olympus Divine Race that was crushed by the dark, shouting and chasing me there.

I knew that I would encounter this situation when I came out. I shouldn't have Aphrodite so quickly. I should leave her alive and chat and play with her in the arena. After entering the arena, the people outside are impossible to find us, and as long as we do not go out, they will not find us for a while and they will definitely think that we have run away. As long as they leave me and come out again, nothing will happen. The bad is bad when I came out at an untimely time. Just when Zeus and the others came here, I came out, and they were caught upright. It really hit the gun.

"Purple Moon, you bastard, don't run." A sudden voice surprised me.

Be aware that we are now running for our lives, so the speed of Asuka has reached its limit. Asuka's usual cruising speed is already close to the speed of sound, and now it has reached several times the speed of sound. According to this theory, we should actually not hear the sound of the chaser behind, because the sound they make does not travel as fast as we can, which means that the sound cannot catch up with us. However, I do hear the sound now, so there are only two possibilities. One is that I hear hallucinations. Of course, this probability is infinitely close to zero. The second probability is...

"Be careful."

Almost at the same time we reacted, we saw a dark figure suddenly flying up from below, and the forced bird had to fiercely. Only on one side of his side was he wiping away from the guy's side and didn't collide with them. Of course, the guy was not well, and the one who was directly led by us took a few laps in the air before stopping.

Although that guy was dizzy by us, it was us who was actually more unlucky. As a result of emergency evasion, Asuka forced a flip in the air. Originally, according to normal conditions, the bird should not make this kind of large-angle maneuver at this speed, but now in order to prevent the impact, it is only really strong twisting, as a result, this twisting is a problem.

Because of the sudden emergency steering, the bird's wings were strained by a strong torsion force. Although the bird does not fly by flapping its wings, his wings must bear weight after all. A bird with injured wings was unable to grasp the position of the wing tip due to pain, causing the entire body to vibrate in the airflow. If it is an airplane, this kind of vibration can completely destroy the overall structure of the airplane and disintegrate it in the air. Fortunately, Asuka is a creature, so he will not disintegrate, but this vibration not only makes the Asuka more painful, but also increases the flying resistance and wastes the propulsion. As a result, our speed begins to slow down.

"Damn it, it seems that I didn't read the almanac today! I am ambushing Aphrodite with an Athena. As soon as the battle was over, I ran into the Olympus army. Now even running can cause problems!"

Asuka endured the pain while insisting on flying while contacting me with his heart: "Master, you should think of a way quickly! I can't last long like this!"< /p>

I can only stare when I hear Asuka. If I hadn’t fought with Aphrodite before, now I can start Divine Domain to merge into a bird’s form and continue to fly, but the problem is that we just released the merge, and the side effects have not been completely eliminated, even if I want to do it again. There is no way to fit together.

In addition to this combination method, there are two other methods I can think of now. The first is to use my eight summon tokens to transform into a super Divine Beast. If I become Azure Dragon or Vermilion Bird, let alone running away, I won’t necessarily lose after 300 rounds with the chaser. However, those tokens also need to consume magic power, and the consumption rate is super fast. As soon as I used up the fit skill, my magic power was not much left. Even if I started it, it is estimated that I will be forced to cancel the transformation because my magic power is exhausted if I can’t run a few steps. When the time comes, it’s definitely worse than it is now. So this method is not feasible at all. Of course, this token can also directly summon the corresponding Super Divine Beast ontology, but there is a limit on the number of times. It is obviously very uneconomical to waste one time just for such a small thing.

In addition to this method, the second method I thought of was to activate the gate of the earth and hide in. After this there are two options, one is to wait at Mother Earth. Although because I also entered the Earth Gate, I will stay in the same place next time I open the Earth Gate, but the Olympus Divine Race outside doesn’t know the situation. Secondly, even if they can guess it, it’s not necessarily I can stay here forever. So I can continue running as long as they leave. Of course, the annoying part of this method is that I have to be patient with those Olympus Divine Races, and although I have good stamina, I don't like to waste it with others like this.

After entering the gate of the earth, there is actually a second way to escape, which is to turn from the back garden of the mother of the earth to her temple, and then run back to Isengard from her temple. The advantage of this method is that you can return to Isengard directly out of danger, but it is not necessarily feasible. The first is that the road from the back garden of the Mother Earth to the Temple is not permanently open, and you need to apply to the Mother Earth. But if you apply to her, you have to owe favors, and I don't want to owe favors to Mother Earth anymore. Not because I can't repay the favor, but because it is too difficult to repay it. Although the Mother of the Earth can use me for many things, her affairs are usually troublesome, so it may not be easier to repay her favor than to break away from the encirclement of the Olympus Divine Race. In contrast, I might as well rush into the encirclement, somehow I still have a chance of winning, even if I die once, it is better than the favor I owe to the mother of the earth.

After much deliberation, I finally decided to wait in the gate of the earth. Although this method is relatively passive, the Olympus Divine Race is impossible after all. Even if they leave some guards to guard here, the battle strength is reduced a lot after all, and when the time comes, Asuka's wings must have been restored, and the side effects of merging should have disappeared. I have a way to get out of danger.

After the decision was made, I immediately walked out of the gate of the earth in front of us summon, and then the Asuka rammed in. Originally, I was thinking about closing the door as soon as I entered. Didn't expect Asuka's condition is already so bad. He still insisted in order to take me to escape. He thought it was safe once we passed the gate of the earth. As a result, as soon as Willpower relaxed, we immediately fell to the ground. Asuka himself hit the grass like an iron plow, and then instantly opened a big ditch on the ground. In contrast, I was not much better. Although I didn’t shovel with Asuka, I was thrown off the back by him. First, my head landed on the ground, and then the whole person turned over in the air and bounced off the ground. Continue to roll forward, and finally I simply hugged myself into a ball on the ground and bumped and bumped into each other for a few times before I finally stopped because I fell into the lake.

Because of a small accident on our side, the door of the earth at the back could not be closed. As a result, just after we entered, a guy wearing a golden armor slammed into it.

This guy almost regretted it when he bumped in. Before he had paid much attention outside the door, he immediately felt the terrifying power of hiding the sky and covering the earth around him. It was equivalent to the existence of Heaven and Earth, and he could only simply imitate the law. Different, the other party is almost the law itself.

Although the guy who rushed in was taken aback, he quickly found Athena and Aphrodite who were tied to the ground by my Qilin warrior not far from the door. The guy who was already going to quit, immediately rushed over to grab Athena with one hand, and then grabbed Aphrodite with the other. However, at the moment his hand was about to break into Aphrodite, coldly snorted appeared directly on top of his head. The guy only felt his whole body tight for an instant, and then the surrounding pictures changed and he flew out of the place just now. Daomen.

Just as this guy flew out, other Olympus Divine Races also followed up one after another. Zeus held the guy and looked at Athena in his hand in surprise. Asked: "Why are you in there?"

Athena couldn't answer at all because her mouth was gagged, but when Zeus was about to help remove the things in her mouth, The guy next to him who had just been thrown out suddenly screamed, and then he saw his body start to glow.

Zeus saw this guy’s appearance and immediately complexion greatly changed and shouted: "What are you doing, Apollo? Why do you want to self-destruct?"

"I...not me... …The energy on my body is out of control! Ah…"

Apollo in a golden armor was about to explain. Suddenly it was a loud explosion sound. Greece is all white, and it feels as if the sun has fallen on the ground. After the strong light passed, everyone witnessed a world-like apocalyptic spectacle, and saw that the sun-like light group burst open in an instant, and the powerful shock wave directly razed several nearby hills. As for the nearby players, what? Even the Olympus Divine Race brought by Zeus was completely evaporated. However, near the center of the explosion, the Earth Gate stood there unscathed. The explosion just now had no effect on it at all, as if it were just a firecracker exploding next to the gate of the bank vault.

I finally crawled out of the lake after the explosion. Although I didn't see the explosion just now, the Qilin warrior was at the door. They watched live broadcast of the explosion, so I quickly learned the situation.

Looking at the flames that were basically extinguished outside, I hurriedly stuffed the bird back into the training space for Xiaochun to heal him, and then I quickly jumped out of the gate of the earth and ran wildly.

The explosion just now is sure to kill some of the lackey of the Olympus Divine Race. For those bosses, it is at most blackened. In fact, Apollo did not completely self-destruct just now. Zeus helped him suppress some of his power at the end, coupled with Apollo's own efforts to control it, just actually just broke out part of Apollo's power. This power looks very difficult to deal with, but it is not fatal to Divine Race. Of course, Apollo's muscles and bones have suffered a great loss, but other Divine Races may not be.

Because I know that the main players of the Olympus Divine Race have not actually suffered much loss, so I took advantage of the opportunity that they were frightened and rushed to run instead of waiting. They have no chance when they come back.

In fact, I overestimated the courage of the Olympus Divine Race, or that I underestimated the deterrent power of the Mother of the Earth. While I was busy escaping for my life, in the Olympus Pantheon on Mount Olympus, Zeus was facing a group of golden light on the ground and said: "Apollo, how are you feeling now?"

< p>The golden light on the ground flickered and said: "No, the divine force is at least exploded by one third. Even if the body is condensed again, the strength will be reduced by at least half."

Standing on the other side The Queen of Heaven said: "What exactly did you encounter? Can you actually control the divine force self-destruct in your body? Did the other party gather their big moves and wait for you to sneak attack at the door?"

With only a ball of light left on the ground, Apollo said frustratedly: "Actually, the opponent didn't make a move at all."

"What do you mean? The opponent didn't make a move?"

"Yes. Yes. As soon as I rushed into the door, I felt a force of hiding the sky and covering the earth enveloping me. It felt like the entire world behind the door was full of the opponent's hands and feet."

Zeus became nervous as soon as he heard this sentence. "Are you saying that the other party can manipulate the entire Heaven and Earth like manipulating his own hands and feet?"

Apollo confirmed: "Anyway, the world behind the door is completely controlled by the other party. I feel like I am inside. Being completely crushed into a ball, everything around, including the magic net and air, is manipulated by the other party. I can’t breathe the air nor touch any elements."

Hera asked: "That How did he attack you?"

"In fact, she was only coldly snorted, and then I was thrown out of unfathomable mystery."

Hera still wants to ask, but Zeus first said, "That wouldn't be wrong. I heard from other Divine Races during a meeting in the City of Discipline before that Purple Moon seems to be related to High God. It seems that this rumor is true. "

Hera exclaimed: "Are you saying that it was High God who attacked Apollo?"

Zeus asked: "Do you think anyone besides High God can only use Coldly snorted will Apollo’s mana completely explode?"

Hera said nothing, she also knows that Apollo’s strength is definitely one of the very best in the world Divine Race. The expert who could almost kill Apollo with only coldly snorted, that is not something Low God can do. So, the other party must be a High God.

"But..." Hera hesitated and asked: "Isn't High God saying not to interfere with the Three Realms of Heaven, Earth, and Underworld? This is against the laws of the world!"

< p>This time it was replaced by Athena who had been sitting on the side without saying a word and said: "The other party did not violate the law of the world. That door is the channel connecting the other party's Divine Kingdom. Apollo broke into the other party's Divine Kingdom. The Divine Kingdom is a world created by High God with its own movement method and rules, which is completely his own. It is not within the scope of Three Realms. Apollo rushes into the opponent's Divine Kingdom, and it is normal for the opponent to attack Apollo. Moreover, According to the breath of the other party I felt when I was detained there, maybe the other party still kept her hand. Otherwise, she can completely kill Apollo without throwing him out at all."

Listen By this analysis, even Zeus couldn’t help but shivered and said: “High God is absolutely fair. There is no doubt about this, and don’t even think about resisting. The more I understand the rules, the more I understand the power and invincibility of High God. , The other party itself is part of the world. If you want to kill a High God, you want to destroy the entire world including yourself, so anyone is also impossible to kill High God."

"That Purple Moon......" Hera asked hesitantly.

Athena preemptively said: "No matter how powerful High God is, it will not interfere with Three Realms. Purple Moon just uses the relationship between itself and High God. It is within Three Realms that we chase and kill Purple Moon. As long as we don’t enter that gate, High God will never come out to trouble us."

Zeus also nodded and said: "That’s right, High God can’t make mistakes on this point, so Our entanglement with Purple Moon will not arouse High God’s dissatisfaction. It’s just that it will be a problem to catch Purple Moon in the future. After all, he can hide in the door of the earth at any time, but we can’t chase it in."

< p>Hera suddenly exclaimed: "Aiya, we are here to discuss, don't we give Purple Moon a chance to escape?"

Zeus said indifferently: "We are still in the internal situation. Stable, it doesn’t matter whether Purple Moon is caught or not. Besides, Purple Moon is an adventurer after all. To catch him is to kill him at most once. Our punishment is not too many. Not to mention that he holds the precepts in his hand. The ring, we can’t offend him cruelly."

Athena angrily said: "According to me, he shouldn’t have been allowed to interfere with our Divine Race affairs."

On the ground Apollo said immediately: "Don’t say it. This is simply beyond our control. The Egyptian bastards and the Celestial Court in China are both hardcore supporters of that guy, and the damn light and dark Deity Clan. , They are all venting their nostrils with Purple Moon. In addition to their absolute support, those little Divine Races following these Deity Clan forces will also reconcile their opinions. In addition, there are many Divine Races out of balanced views. Also agree with this resolution. At that time, the choice we could make was to either agree with Purple Moon to supervise the ring of discipline, or withdraw from the agreement and become the public enemy of most of the remaining Divine Races. What do you say we can do?"

< p>Athena reluctantly patted the handrail and said: "Damn Purple Moon, I will definitely find a way to kill you."

Zeus said: "It's actually not difficult to kill Purple Moon, but kill it. What's the use of him? The power of Purple Moon has formed a scale. Unless they are pulled up by the roots, it is simply impossible to solve our troubles. Of course, you can try if you want to be so bad. "

Athena immediately said: "What's the method?" Tell me quickly, I have to explode if I can't breathe. And I want to rescue Aphrodite so that Purple Moon can't ruin her. "

Hera said: "Purple Moon didn't kidnap Aphrodite for himself to enjoy. What is spoiled?" Don't talk nonsense, it doesn't matter to corrupt Purple Moon's reputation, Aphrodite is still innocent. "

Athena stared at Zeus next to her angrily before replied: "I was also angry for a while, but Aphrodite must be saved. "

Zeus on the side was annoyed by Athena's glaring, but he has always been a representative of bad style, so Athena stared at him on this matter, he has nothing to do. Who calls him famous long ago is recognized. It’s a big cock!

Zeus calmed down and said, “It’s actually easy to deal with Purple Moon. All we have to do is to trick him out again, and then use Olympus Just light him with the Pace flame. "

"Holy fire? "Athena immediately became excited when she heard this method. "Haha, how come I didn't expect it." Our Olympus sacred fire is never extinguished. As long as the Purple Moon is lit, even if he can't be burned, it is good to burn his mana so that he can endure the pain of the flame every day. haha, just do that. "

"Snee..." I just ran to Hades and sneezed for no reason. After looking up at the gloomy sky of the underworld, I sighed helplessly: "I'm sure the Zeus guys are talking bad about me again, I guess my nose will suffer during this time. "

There is a saying in reality that people will sneeze. Of course, this is a superstition, but in the game it is a fact, because the game puts this as a basic setting in the rules of In the game. If someone has a high level and strong sensitivity, when someone mentions the player, he will have a certain probability of sneezing. Of course, this mention refers to something related to him, otherwise it looks like I’m a world-renowned expert who doesn’t do anything every day, just concentrate on sneezing.

Hades watched me sneeze and said, “You tied Aphrodite here, and The injured Apollo was almost killed by the bombing. It is light for them to say two things about you, but thanks to your cover this time, our people have almost withdrawn. Now the remaining of these all are the people who are supporting the scene, once we evacuated, it may reveal the fact that we are moving collectively. So do you think it is possible to execute the final evacuation plan? "(To be continued

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