"What kind of evil do you mean?" This is the first time Aphrodite has expressed emotions other than violent anger since entering perfection, but I guess her next Only fear will remain in the emotions.

Looking at Aphrodite, who was already obviously a little scared, I smiled evil intentionally. "I am not an evil method. This is a fair duel field, an absolutely fair duel place. Of course, the premise is that you are lucky enough."

As I finished speaking, I suddenly squatted. The body and the wings on the back opened instantly, and the thrusters were opened to the maximum at the same time, and the whole person shot out against the ground like a missile. Seeing me rushing towards me, Aphrodite over there quickly blocked her with a horizontal sword, but what made her didn't expect is that I actually bowed my head and slipped under her sword at the moment of contact, and then The sword inserted the eternity that had been broken in two into the gap in the armor on her waist.

Almost at the same time Aphrodite felt the pain, a golden ball of light suddenly formed on her waist, and then fell to the ground like a super spring ball and quickly moved away. Jumped out. Seeing the thing flying out, Jixiang immediately stepped away with his two fat short legs holding the golden plate and rushed up.

I didn’t have time to worry about Jixiang’s situation. I immediately looked towards the next big jump and opened the distance after I succeeded in a sword. At the same time, I pointed Eternal to Aphrodite, dozens of metal balls. Rolled down from Aphrodite, and shot directly onto the fracture of the broken Eternal Sword like a magnet, and then these metal balls quickly melted and reorganized into the blade of the Broken Sword. I waved my hand twice and reunited the eternity. I looked at Aphrodite on the opposite side and said, "Forgot to tell you. There is actually a hidden attribute in this duel field, which is based on the lucky value of the agents on both sides. Recalculate the agility attribute, and the party with the higher lucky value of the agent can be rewarded three times faster."

"Three times faster, you still have to die." After Aphrodite finished speaking, he was about to go. I rushed here, but before she started, her face suddenly changed. Following Aphrodite's surprised gaze, Jixiang could be seen not far away holding the golden plate and panting on the ground. It was obvious that he had just received the golden ball. However, because my current health is full, I didn't get the health supplement, but Aphrodite received damage equal to the health contained in the golden ball. Because the golden ball itself was produced by me attacking her, so now Aphrodite was only hit by one sword but was damaged by the equivalent to Lianzhong Lianjian.

Just as Aphrodite glared at Jixiang, a white silhouette rushed to her side like lightning. Aphrodite, who felt someone approaching, immediately turned around with a sword. With only one sound, the angel was directly sent out, but Aphrodite was also impacted because he was suddenly attacked and did not grasp the center of gravity. He took two or three steps back.

Here, Aphrodite hadn't stood still, and suddenly felt a huge wind blowing from behind. She hurriedly turned around to block again, only to see two huge fangs pierced towards her. The size of this human face spider is too big, and the two fangs are almost like two ivory. Although Aphrodite had held the long tooth with a horizontal sword, the huge force shook her out.

Here Aphrodite has just landed, and something like Nasal Mucus Insect has already swooped on her and completely wrapped her in.

As everyone knows, most girls hate disgusting things like Nasal Mucus Insect. As the god of beauty, Aphrodite apparently had a similar situation. After being wrapped in the thing, she immediately struggled like an electric shock, but the thing was so soft that it didn’t take much strength. Roddite couldn't get out of that thing no matter how hard he struggled.

Seeing that Aphrodite was wrapped in that thing, I didn't let down my guard. After all, Aphrodite has entered a state of perfection. Even though she has been weakened by a lot of attributes by the arena, her strength lies there. Just relying on this monster like Nasal Mucus Insect is definitely not going to kill her. So I'm not naive enough to think she's all done.

Looking at Aphrodite whose face was getting redder because he couldn't breathe, I backed away instead, and the facts proved that my choice was correct.

Shortly after I stepped away from the snot monster, Aphrodite, who was wrapped in that thing, suddenly stopped struggling and assumed a posture of holding a sword in both hands, and then saw her holding it high. The long sword in his hand swung forward abruptly, and accompanied by a brilliant flash, the snot monster was directly exploded into a ball of slime splashing in the sky. Looking at the disgusting slime like raindrops, I hurriedly propped up the magic shield to block those things, and the slime disappeared to the ground in white smoke immediately after landing. Obviously this thing will volatilize.

Although I felt a monster, Aphrodite was also suffocated. After stabilizing the chaotic breathing rhythm a bit, she immediately began to look for me, but what made her depressed was that she was surrounded by the buzzing insects before she saw my specific location. .

Looking at Aphrodite, who was waving weapons left and right among the worms, hoping to disperse the worms, I immediately rushed up. The Eternal Sword transformed into a hook and scythe shape the moment I stabbed it, and then plunged into the opening in front of Aphrodite. This incision was just before entering the arena by me using the eternal activation skill combined with holy sword. Although I could not completely cut Aphrodite in two stages, it caused at least some damage. More importantly, this sword opened the tortoise-like armor on Aphrodite's body with a big opening, and with this opening, I had a place to start.

Aphrodite, who was fighting against the swarm, suddenly felt a pain in her abdomen, and was immediately picked up and flew out. With her flying out, a golden ball was formed instantly and fell again. Jixiang, who had been resting next to him, saw the golden ball appeared and quickly got up and ran over to pick it up.

Aphrodite is also considered clever. As soon as she landed, she turned over and stood up with one hand on the ground facing backwards, and then swiping her eyes left and right, and she immediately discovered the auspiciousness of rushing towards the golden ball. Seeing that Jixiang was about to catch the golden ball again, she quickly moved towards the position of the golden ball and rushed over.

As soon as I saw Aphrodite looked towards the golden ball, I knew what she was thinking. Almost when she started, I also rushed towards the golden ball at the same time. The moment before Rodity reached out and grabbed the golden ball, my hook and sickle spear hit the golden ball one step at a time. The golden ball that was flying to our side was immediately picked up and flew out by me. Jixiang saw the golden ball changed and quickly turned around and ran there, while Aphrodite wanted to chase after a moment. , I just stepped in front of her before she moved.

Seeing me getting in the way, Aphrodite was stabbed with a sword without saying a word. I turned the Eternal Scythe spear over and swept away her sword with the tail of the spear, and followed the body of the gun. Following the rebounding force, he turned on the top of his head twice, and then the gun head suddenly pressed down and hit Aphrodite's shoulder. Aphrodite, who was caught off guard, watched my hook and sword cut on her shoulder, and immediately another golden ball flew out.

Aphrodite's shoulder lifted my spear and sword, and her sword looked towards me. I stepped back two rifle tips and swept away and she had to draw a sword to block my gun, but she blocked my gun but couldn't stop my people. After her sword caught the gun, I immediately rushed forward. Her sword didn’t have the ability to lock the opponent’s weapon. I could only pull out a fire star from the side of the gun, and I instantly fell into her body. Before, she raised her leg and hit the wound on her chest, and another golden ball flew out in an instant.

As soon as Aphrodite felt a pain in her chest, her body was suddenly followed by another pain. As soon as her eyes were tilted, she found that Jixiang over there actually caught another pain. The golden ball is running towards the two newly-emerged golden balls.

Aphrodite, who knew that this way would undoubtedly die, hurried back a few steps to get a distance, and then suddenly raised his sword to gather energy and smashed it down at my side. Seeing the red flames gathered on her sword, I quickly dodged and evaded, only to be rubbed by the red flames and instantly lost more than one percent of the blood.

Don't underestimate this one percent of the blood volume. You must know that I am now in the Divine Domain combined state, and my defense has been very abnormal. Even more how I also got the doubling of the attributes of the arena. This total defense is definitely an astronomical number. Contrary to me, although Aphrodite is now perfected, her battle strength is weakened. This is also true. Besides, I was not hit directly, but only wiped out by the skill, and I actually lost a percentage. One is more blood. Think about it if it is outside the arena, without my attribute doubling and her attribute weakening, and then being directly hit, it is estimated that even if this move can't directly kill me, it will at least let me get rid of half life.

After I was wiped by the skill, a golden ball immediately fell from the place where I was wiped on my body. I turned around and swept the golden ball directly with the spear and sword towards Jixiang. At the same time, Jixiang also perfectly erected the golden plate so that the golden ball flew directly into the black hole in the center of the plate. The amount of blood lost in my body was full as soon as the black hole swallowed the golden ball, and Jixiang hurriedly ran towards the golden balls that fell from the other two Aphrodites.

Aphrodite did not give up after a big move failed. Suddenly she raised her hand and gathered a flame again, and then suddenly moved towards the auspicious wave of the next golden ball. Past.

Seeing the flames flying, Jixiang, who had never officially participated in the battle, stayed in place, but after he curled up into a ball in fright, the flames swept over his His body, it was just that he appeared in place unharmed after the light rushed over.

It took a few seconds for Jixiang to react and suddenly remembered that system said he was invincible before, and the trick just now proved that he would not be injured, so Jixiang immediately became proud. First he got up and made a grimace at Aphrodite, then made a few provocative moves at her with his butt, and finally ran to pick up the ball under my yell.

Aphrodite, who originally thought of a solution, was directly embarrassed by the series of actions performed by Jixiang, who was still intact. She stood there for a long time and didn’t know how to move, but she didn’t move. Will wait for her. While she was in a daze, I surrounded the three remaining creatures. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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