"Damn Purple Moon, come out for me!" A sudden roar made me just fainted and jumped directly from the ground.

After just fighting with Aphrodite for a while, I thought she should have been injured like me so much that she couldn’t get up at all. I didn’t expect to be able to hear so full of breath. Loudly shouted, it doesn’t sound like you are seriously injured!

Peacock Pluto and Xinghuo trembled when they heard this sound. To be honest, this is the first time they have been scared like this since they became gods. In fact, this can't be said that the Peacock Pluto and Xinghuo are timid, it is completely the madman Aphrodite that is too scary.

"Quick, you two, run, I'll hold her." I stood up again and quickly said to Peacock Pluto and Xinghuo.

When the Peacock Pluto heard what I said, Lima was anxious, she stared at me and said: "What did you say? What do you do if we ran away?"

See the Peacock Pluto pair As if I won’t leave you behind, I was anxious, and grabbed her shoulder loudly and shouted, "Why don’t you understand? I am a player, and I won’t really die. Even if she is better than me, she can at best I just dropped Level 1. If you die, it will be really dead. Who do you think is more suitable for us to stay and hold her?" Also reacted. Compared to players with infinite lives, their NPC is really the existence that cannot withstand death.

At this time, Xinghuo also took the Peacock Pluto and said: "Let’s go first, don’t let Purple Moon die in vain."

When I heard this, I didn’t lie down on the ground again. . "What do you mean by not letting me die in vain? Did I say that I would die? I just want to help you get time to escape. As long as you run away, I will find a way to escape. Although she is better than me, I If you don’t want to kill her and just play hide-and-seek with her, you won’t be sure to die, right?"

Xinghuo sorry patted his own head, and then didn’t say anything, just pulled the Peacock Pluto and moved towards Ha Diss ran over there. They also now know that it is not easy to leave from outside the country. On the contrary, there is still a sea of ​​silence on Hades's side. Although Karon's broken ship is really slow, it can at least guarantee safety anyway.

After watching the Peacock Pluto and Xinghuo leave, I also turned my eyes back to the direction of the sound, but it was not until I walked a section of the road that I finally found Aphrodite.

When I saw Aphrodite, I thought I had just done something stupid. It seems that Aphrodite is not as unharmed as I imagined. She is indeed very miserable now. The only difference is that she is not as good as I expected. But looking at her limping appearance and the armor with a huge rip cut out of her body, I at least know that the sword just now worked.

I saw Aphrodite, and of course she saw me too. Aphrodite, who was still a little dull because of the injury on her body, found me again and entered a violent state again, and then her whole body instantly turned into a stream of light and ran into me. However, as soon as she flew in front of me, the golden demon array that suddenly unfolded unfolded in an instant, so that Aphrodite crashed into the demon array without any reaction.

After passing through the magic array, Aphrodite was stunned there, because she found herself in a void. Now she is standing on a circular platform with a radius of no more than one meter, and a little bit lower in front of the platform is floating a six-pointed star arena the size of a football field. There was also a platform floating on the opposite side of the ring and the same place as hers, but there was no one on the platform at this time.

Seeing the surrounding environment, Aphrodite’s first reaction was that she was hit by the Illusion Technique, but after she used her own expulsion spell, she found that it was not effective at all, which means that the scene in front of her was either It was the Illusion Technique released by someone much stronger than her, or it was the real environment. However, she is now basically sure that the situation should be the latter. After all, she also knows that she can be stronger than her in her current state. Many people are basically impossible, at least they shouldn’t appear here. Then the truth is only Maybe this is the real environment.

Just as Aphrodite was guessing where she was there, she suddenly noticed that rays of light flashed on the opposite platform, and then she saw me there. She couldn't see me before, and she could study the current situation. As soon as she saw me, she would immediately enter the violent mode again and rushed towards me angrily. However, it is a pity that this place is not a place where she can be random.

Aphrodite, who suddenly rushed towards me, just flew up. Before people moved out of the platform, she heard a chirp, and she was directly attached to a curved light curtain. . It turns out that there is an invisible light curtain wrapped around the small platform on which we are standing, and the defensive power of this light curtain is infinite, even if it hits it with Aphrodite’s perfected strength, it can’t be shaken at all. This layer of light curtain.

Aphrodite, who failed in the first impact, did not give up, but got up and slammed up with her sword. Of course, she did everything except the sparks flying in all directions. Can't do it.

Just when Aphrodite went crazy there, suddenly, a majestic and mechanical voice appeared above our heads, and the power contained in that voice directly smashed Aphrodite. Too woke up.

"The fair arena is launched for the second time, and the user has another chance to use it. This competition mode is a multiplayer melee. First of all, please invite spokesperson to be a lottery. If there is no designated person within 3 minutes, It will be randomly selected by the system. From now on, please tell us who you want to invite, and the system will establish a call connection for you."

When I heard this voice, I finally felt relieved. Come down. This fair arena is the equipment that was used to insult me ​​at the beginning, but it can only be activated three times in total, and it was consumed once when it was used to insult me. This is considered its second activation. Because the opponent and I were duels between players before, according to the explanation reported by the arena last time, I have always worried that this thing is dedicated to players, so I always thought it was invalid for NPC. I was really anxious just now. I started this thing and pulled Aphrodite in. I didn't expect it to actually work on the NPC.

I was afraid of Aphrodite when I was outside, after all, is she now perfected. However, now I am not worried at all, because the most important person in this arena to determine victory is not the two sides of the war, but the lottery of both sides.

As the system prompt ended, I immediately said: "Please help me contact Jixiang."

Well, a spatial opening suddenly appeared in front of me, and I can see it directly from the inside. Holding a braised beef leg with keen interest pleasure is auspicious and wishful.

Suddenly I felt something more behind me. Jixiang turned around in a puzzled manner and just saw me looking at him in the space window. This guy immediately stuffed the braised beef leg into Ruyi's hand, and then rubbed it aside as if I hadn't eaten it.

Looking at that guy quickly moved out of the observation range of the space window, I hurriedly shouted: "If you move again, I will immediately let the military god send someone to lose weight for you."

This sentence is simply spirit pill and marvelous medicine to Jixiang, and it freezes at the moment when Jixiang moves out a little bit. I almost laughed at his stupidity, but fortunately, I was so determined that I couldn't resist it.

"It's alright, don't pretend to be there. Listen to me and ask you to have something to do. When you are done, you should eat silver frost fish."

This sentence is more effective than the previous sentence. Jixiang jumped to the center of the passage in an instant, and then held a sign that said: "The boss said I will do whatever I want."

"Okay, don't I'm poor. Just ask you to win the prize for me. Don't refuse when you receive a notice."

As soon as Jixiang heard it, he changed the brand again and saw an OK gesture drawn on it.

I nodded to close the channel and asked the system to help me pull Jixiang over. A few seconds later, a platform suddenly appeared beside me, and Jixiang appeared on it. As for Aphrodite, She waited until 3 minutes passed and no one showed up. She didn't know if she didn't understand the meaning of system or didn't ask anyone to help. In short, no one showed up around her.

Regardless of whether she has anyone looking for someone, the system will directly say again in 3 minutes: "Now, please come in."

After the system is finished, Afu and I Roddite's silhouette flashed, and then appeared directly in two diagonal positions on the ring. The difference is that I stood obediently and honestly at the place where I appeared, and as soon as Aphrodite appeared, I started rushing towards me, but of course I was still bounced back. This is not the first time I have come to this arena, of course I know the rules here. Before this thing was officially launched, everyone was imprisoned on the corner of the ring and couldn't leave at all.

Aphrodite, who found that there was also protection, could only helplessly stop the futile impact, and then stood there staring at me with his eyes, as if he was planning to kill me with his eyes. Of course, I am not afraid of her at all. This is not the outside, and the system is the largest in this place. Even if you perfect it ten times, don't think about going beyond the rules.

After Aphrodite and I were in place, a light ball suddenly appeared on each of the remaining four corners of the arena, and then the system hint began to say: "Now the agents of both sides will interfere with the creatures. To draw, please pull the levers in front of you when you think it is possible to determine the strength of the two creatures at the left and right positions."

After the system hint was over, Jixiang immediately pulled down the levers. As a result, the two on my left and right A creature appeared at each of the top corners. The one on my left is a... It seems that this thing should be described as Yi Tuo more appropriately. This is a huge unidentified object made up of jelly in green color. Its overall shape is like a constantly wriggling Nasal Mucus Insect, but it is shorter and thicker than Nasal Mucus Insect, and of course its size is not much smaller than an elephant.

The monster next to my right hand is much better than the elephant on the left. This is a... eh... or a group? Anyway, it is a large group of black things that look like a whirlwind, but if you look closely, you will find that this pile of things is actually composed of a large group of small flying things. However, because the carapace of these flying little things are very beautiful, as they fly, the cyclone-like body composed of the entire group will continue to reflect multi-colored rays of light, which looks at least better than that of Nasal Mucus. Insect is more dreamy.

Because there was no one on Aphrodite's side, two creatures were randomly selected by the system. The one on her left is just a very ordinary angel, which is not surprising. However, the thing on her right is more individual. This is a giant spider with a human face. By the way, I've seen the human face spider, but it's the first time I've seen such a big one. It seems that the size of this guy is about to catch up with the giant dragon, and the long legs covered with black hair are like thorny Heaven Supporting Pillars.

After the four creatures are in place, the system begins to announce that the agents of both parties will extract the degree of hostility or friendliness of the monster towards their own party. This data is from negative one hundred to positive one hundred. If you draw zero, the monster will be neutral to you. If you don't attack it, it will ignore you. If you draw a positive one hundred, it will treat you as its close comrade-in-arms, not only to help you fight, but also to follow your command. Of course, if you draw a minus one hundred, the situation will be completely reversed, and it will treat you as an enemy of killing your father and taking your wife. However, because both sides have to draw, it does not mean that you must listen to you if you draw a hundred monsters, but to look at the ratio of the two sides. If you are one hundred and the other is one hundred, then the monster's performance on both sides is actually zero.

According to system regulations, the four monsters are drawn one by one. My person in charge of lottery is Jixiang, a guy with infinite lucky value. What can you say about the result? The four monsters all drew out 100 affinity and it didn't make me feel any surprise. Who makes people lucky to be infinite?

Compared with mine, the random numbers on Aphrodite's side by the system are completely tragic. Among the four monsters, except for the super face spider who was drawn by her to a positive three, the remaining three are all negative numbers, and the numbers are quite large. However, considering that there are all one hundred on my side, it actually means that all monsters basically regard her as a mortal enemy.

The original one-on-one duel with four troublemakers turned into a one-on-five due to auspicious reasons. Four monsters and I gang up against Aphrodite. Of course, I don’t think Aphrodite can be dealt with by us alone. After all, she is now in a perfect state. Zeus will only be abused before her perfect state disappears, let alone me and these four. What about creatures? However, the real perversion of this arena is still behind, so I am not worried at all.

Next, the system began to ask the agents of both parties to help us extract the doubling factor for a total of six attributes on both sides' basic attack power, physical defense, magic defense, HP, upper limit of magic power, and formidable power.

In this arena, our attack defense is not the primordial value, but the primordial value multiplied by the arena coefficient. However, because this coefficient is not fixed, the final battle strength depends on the luck of the agent responsible for the lottery.

The coefficient distribution of the arena has a total of only nine states, namely 15, 14, 13, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. I’m in charge of drawing the coefficient here is auspicious, the result is not surprisingly all five, that is to say, my attack power, physical defense, magic defense, health, upper limit of magic power, skill formidable power, these values ​​are all multiplied by the normal value. The result after five. You know I'm in the Divine Domain state now, this value itself is already very scary. Multiply by five, this number can definitely scare a vote to death.

On the contrary to mine, because there is no agent on Aphrodite's side, the random result of system is simply horrible. Aphrodite's final coefficients are: 13 attack power, 2 physical defense, 15 magic defense, 13 health, 3 magic upper limit, and 12 skill formidable power. Although two of the six attributes have been magnified, the physical defense magnification is only two, and the upper limit of the magic power is not magnified. It is meaningless. Anyway, Aphrodite's magic power can't be used up. As for the other attributes, all have become a fraction, especially magic defense. One-fifth of the defense is really weakened enough.

As soon as the value extraction here is over, the system directly sent Jixiang to me, and I was taken aback. After all, there was no such rule last time. After Jixiang appeared, a golden plate suddenly appeared in his hand, but there was a black hole in the center of the plate, which seemed to be connected to an empty space. Of course, such a plate appeared on Aphrodite's side, but because no one helped her take it, the plate fell directly under her feet.

After the system announced the rules, we came to understand that every effective attack between me and Aphrodite will produce a flexible golden ball, but only me and Aphrodite Dite will only appear when they attack each other, and the monsters' attacks will not produce that thing.

After we attack the opponent, this golden ball will appear from the center of the attack and then bounce around in the ring. Our agent’s task is to hold the plate to pick up those golden balls. When the ball falls into the black hole in the plate, the ball disappears, and the person corresponding to the agent who receives the ball can get the ball. The health value contained. Each golden ball contains a certain amount of health, and the specific number is rejected to produce the effective damage value caused by the attack of the ball. When someone's agent receives the ball, he will get the life value in the ball, and if your life value is full, the opponent's life amount equal to the life value in the ball will be deducted.

The effect of this attribute means that as long as Jixiang can catch all the golden balls, I am theoretically immortal, because those monsters will not attack me, but Aphrodite will attack the life I produce. After being caught by Jixiang, the value will be made up again, so as long as I am not hacked to death by Aphrodite, then I am basically invincible. As for Aphrodite attacking Jixiang or grabbing the golden ball from her plate, it is impossible.

As an agent who does not participate in the battle, Jixiang is also in the field, but he is protected by the system and is invincible, and Aphrodite can't cut him at all. As for Aphrodite’s plate, because she is restricted by the system, she cannot take the plate, and no one helps her take it, so the only way to get the plate to catch the golden ball is to roll the golden ball in by herself, but this probability is really real. Yes... Anyway, I don't think that kind of thing will happen.

"hehe, Aphrodite, now I think you are so arrogant." After reading this golden ball rule, system announced the start of the decisive battle, but at this time Aphrodite was Has been completely confused by the series of rules of system. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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