Under my persuasion, Peacock Pluto and Xinghuo finally started to fly at full strength, but we hadn’t flew far, so suddenly we heard a bang from behind, we were on it before The mountain where the hole was dug seemed to be buried on top of an atomic bomb, and it blew up all at once.

There are not many people in Divine Race who have the ability to collapse a mountain, but it is not possible for everyone to collapse a mountain with pure power. Aphrodite didn't release any skills just now, but simply lifted the entire mountain with power. I really don't know how to describe this power.

Seeing the flying mountain, Peacock, Pluto and Starfire, was also shocked, because they didn't feel the slightest fluctuation of magical power, and they saw the mountain directly flying. After understanding the reason, the two of them no longer fly as leisurely as before, but directly grabbed me to release all their strength and ran away desperately. Unfortunately, even though we had already started to escape, we were still a little slower.

Not long after we flew out, a red cluster of light that looked like a comet suddenly shot out from the mountain behind. The light group rushed out from the fragments of the mountain. After going around the sky for two times, it suddenly moved towards us and rushed towards us. The fool also knew that it was for us. Now it is estimated that we have no hope of running. Because the speed of the light group is obviously much faster than ours.

According to the propeller that changed after I entered the combined state, the speed should be quite exaggerated. But the current Aphrodite absolutely cannot be calculated with common sense, because she-ran away.

"Runaway" is a complex of a series of conditions such as violent, maddening, out of control, etc. Players often describe conditions that suddenly explode several times the battle strength for some reason as runaway. Aphrodite’s current situation fits this definition of rampage very well, but the official definition of this state given by system is not rampage, but perfection.

In "Zero", Divine Race is divided into two types, one is High God, which is Nuwa, Mother Earth. The other is the existence of Aphrodite. In fact, it is not only the Olympus Divine Race like Aphrodite, but some negative forces like Monster Race in China, Demon Race in Europe, etc., as long as they can form opposing forces with orthodox gods, immortals, and Buddhas. The system is classified as Divine Race by default. Of course, these Divine Races are all Low Gods. Compared with High Gods such as Nuwa and Mother of the Earth, their abilities are actually incomplete.

The state of perfection that Aphrodite just entered is actually a special state that corresponds to the imperfect characteristics of their Low God. A Low God may enter a state of perfection under the stimulation of some reasons, like a human stimulating potential, although because of Innate's defects, even if it enters a state of perfection, these Low Gods are definitely not comparable to Nuwa and others. However, even an ordinary person can lift a car or hold a jack gate weighing a few tons in a state of potential explosion. You can imagine how terrifying a Low God can burst out when it enters this state of potential excitation. .

The reason why I turned around and ran without the slightest hesitation after I crashed into the mountain with Aphrodite before is because my star pupil reads Aphrodite’s status attribute , So I turned around and ran without hesitation. You want to! Those who can hold up their cars after their potential is stimulated, if they use this power to hit people, wouldn't they have to punch people directly from the ground to the third floor? Aphrodite was not strong before. We can still bully her. Now she is in perfection mode. If we get closer, wouldn’t it be our own courting death?

Unfortunately, although I realized in time that I couldn't meet force with the current Aphrodite, her outbreak was so powerful that we couldn't even run away. On the other hand, if we run away, Aphrodite must be the one who died.

Just like those who stimulate potential to hold the brakes and lift the car in reality, just like the miserable situation after the event, the perfection of Divine Race is also a way of relying on overdrawn physical energy to achieve short-term strengthening Method, so although Aphrodite will behave like a super warrior in the process of perfection, as long as the effect time passes, she will lose her mana for a period of time and lose her power, and at worst, she will permanently lose mana and become a useless person. He even died suddenly on the spot.

As long as the Divine Race of a higher scale, almost everyone knows this perfection state, but no one has ever studied this thing, because this side effect is really scary. Even if Divine Race wants to study how to reduce the side effects, no one is willing to cooperate with him, because the results of the side effects are uncertain, and the results of the experiment for him may become useless or even dead at any time. You say those Divine who are afraid of death Race Who is willing to do such a thing for others? Besides, even if there is a great guy who comes forward as soon as his head gets hot, there must be a way to stimulate it. Just as the potential explosion of those people in reality is caused by uncertain factors, even if you repeat it ten times, you may not be able to explode again. Similarly, the perfection of Divine Race is the same. Although everyone knows that it is triggered by sudden and dramatic changes in emotions, it is impossible to determine how it will be triggered.

Just now, Aphrodite was suddenly in a state of anger, so she stimulated her potential and started perfection. The reason for her anger was actually because I was accidentally burned. Covered her face.

When I attacked Aphrodite before, I used eternity to stab her. I was expecting to smash her armor with one blow. Who knows her blessing crystal doesn’t know what’s going on. , Actually did not smash with a sword as I expected. This is not to say that eternity is a problem. In fact, eternity is still strong as always. A sword penetrated the armor on Aphrodite’s left shoulder and abolished her left arm, but her armor did not seem to burst. The glass is generally shattered, but it is the same as ordinary metal, except that there is more hole in the location of the breakdown.

Almost when I discovered that the armor was not right, I guessed that this armor must have been specially processed by Hephaestus. Since Hephaestus can find such a rare blessing crystal for Aphrodite as equipment, then with his technique, if he does some treatment on the blessed crystal so that it won’t be touched like glass. The whole shattered, that is also the past.

However, the point of the matter was not the armor, but after I wounded Aphrodite, she immediately launched a counterattack against me. At that time, the Eternal Sword was stuck by her impact. Although it could be pulled out, it was extremely laborious. In order to prevent her from having a chance to resist, I directly activated the hellfire on my body. Originally, I just hoped that the hellfire could cause a certain obstacle to Aphrodite. Who knew that although her armor had amazing defensive power, the interface was not sealed. As a result, the flames got directly into the helmet from under her helmet, burning Aphrodite's face beyond recognition.

Goddess and women are actually indistinguishable in their love of beauty. Besides, Aphrodite is still a goddess of beauty. You can imagine how much she values ​​her appearance. However, when she found out that her beautiful face was burned into a hideous, like a skull covered with flesh, she immediately ran away. Although she can actually recover from such an injury easily, it is like you wipe the face of a beautiful woman with black ash, even if she knew that she could wash it off afterwards, she would definitely fight with you at the time. Therefore, Aphrodite as it should be by rights broke out, and she really planned to fight me desperately, because her emotions directly inspired the perfect state that she could not control.

Because of the existence of star pupils, I can see the attribute state of the combatant, so I ran out immediately after discovering that Aphrodite had entered the state of perfection, but didn't expect perfection The effect is so abnormal, even if I activated Asuka's thruster, I couldn't get past Aphrodite, who was not good at flying.

The comet-like light stopped immediately after it rushed in front of us, and then the silhouette of Aphrodite emerged from it. The burns on Aphrodite’s face and body have all recovered, and her self-healing ability has increased by more than a hundred times in a perfect state. It was originally nothing for a Divine Race like her. The severely injured burns healed completely after only ten seconds.

Seeing being blocked by Aphrodite, Peacock Pluto and Xinghuo quickly took out the magic weapon. Seeing the opponent's speed today, don't expect to run away if you don't fight, and the two of them had no choice but to take out their weapons.

Actually, there are reasons why Peacock Pluto and Xinghuo are so nervous. Although the two of them don't have star pupils that can read each other's attributes directly, their magical induction is no problem. Aphrodite now feels even stronger for them than the original Tathagata Buddha. How can they not be nervous?

Seeing that we took out the weapon here, Aphrodite didn't hesitate, and rushed up with the sword directly. When Peacock Pluto saw the opponent rushing, he immediately greeted him with Xinghuo, and saw the three streams of light collided in the air instantly, and then saw the Peacock Pluto and Xinghuo flying upside down on both sides, and Aphrodite Then it leaped straight at me without changing the direction. The only effect produced by the blocking of Peacock Pluto and Starfire is to make her speed a little bit slower, but the degree of slowing down is really only a little bit. If you don't pay attention, you can't find her speed slowed down.

Seeing Aphrodite's murderous-looking straight forward, I turned around and disappeared in front of Aphrodite's eyes. Just when she turned around and looked around, she suddenly felt something on top of her head. As a result, as soon as she looked up, she just saw a golden giant claw patted with her head.

Ping...Boom..., Aphrodite was shot directly from in midair by this slap, and the whole person slammed into the ground like a meteorite. However, less than two seconds after she was photographed, she suddenly rushed out of the big human-shaped pit and rushed into the air like a lightning bolt, which had turned into a giant dragon in front of me. Come here. However, as soon as she slashed out, the Golden Dragon form of me in front of her suddenly disappeared again. When she sensed my position again, she found that a big tail was thrown at her. Unprepared, Aphrodite was taken away directly from in midair by this second attack. He turned his head in the air like a cannonball and stabilized after more than ten kilometers. But as soon as she controlled her body, she rushed back again, and the speed was faster than before.

"Damn, is this all right?" Looking at Aphrodite who rushed back again, I quickly retracted the black flame form, and then instantly changed back to my main body state. I have already thought about the tactics against Aphrodite's perfect form since just now.

The original speciality of Aphrodite is the super defensive power, so general attacks are completely ineffective against her. The perfect Aphrodite has added super attack power and super fast speed on the basis of the same defensive power. This kind of body can be said to be quite perfect.

In the face of her state, I wisely adopted the tactics of heavy blow and light flash. The so-called heavy blow is to turn into a large creature when attacking, and then attack her with bludgeoning shock damage. Although my eternity can barely penetrate her defense, the effect is really not very good, so I can only rely on bludgeoning as a method to increase the additional damage, otherwise the damage caused by the direct attack will cause serious damage to her. It is estimated that the attack will not be fixed in a few days. As for the light dodge, this means that the body becomes lightweight when dodged and relies on high-speed dodge to defend. The current Aphrodite’s offensive power is too strong, even if I use my full strength to defend, it is impossible to defend, so the best way to not be killed by her is not to be hit. As long as I am not touched by her, no matter how strong her offensive power is, she still can't help me.

Originally, this plan was really good, and it worked really well in the first two shots. However, I still underestimated the perfect formidable power. Just after I disappeared from Aphrodite for the third time, she suddenly hugged herself into a ball, and then suddenly stretched her limbs around to make a liberating movement, and with her movement, The huge red shock wave looked towards and spread out like lightning. I was swept by the rays of light before I had time to react, and then my whole body trembled violently as if it was overcharged, and when I stabilized my body, I realized that Aphrodite didn’t know when it was already. Rushed in front of me.

"Oh horrible!" When I saw Aphrodite rushing in front of me, I knew I was going to be unlucky, and it was true. In the next second, Aphrodite kicked me directly on my stomach and kicked me to the ground. With a bang, a mushroom cloud composed of smoke and dust rose on the ground, and underneath the mushroom cloud was a large human-shaped pit. I lay on the bottom of the pit on all sides for a long time and didn't slow down. Fortunately, I am not alone facing Aphrodite. The Peacock Pluto and Starfire, who were knocked into flight before, finally rushed back in time and separated from Aphrodite, who was planning to give me a fatal blow, otherwise it was just me. This little meeting that loses its ability to move will definitely be killed.

When I crawled out of that big pit, the sky was already in chaos. Peacock Pluto’s five-color god feather sword was constantly attacking Aphrodite in the air, but Aphrodite was basically remaining unmoved. Within a few strokes, those five-color god feather swords fluttered and started chasing Peacock Pluto. beat. In the face of her, a hard guy like a tortoise, Peacock Pluto had to run first, but the speed is so fast that Peacock Pluto still can't run if he wants to run. Fortunately, Xinghuo can help block it. Otherwise, Peacock Pluto may even take ten minutes. If you can't hold it, you have to be taken down by Aphrodite.

Seeing the situation in the sky, I can’t wait on the ground anymore. I just spread my wings and kicked the ground. At the same time, the four propellers behind my back are fully powered, and the whole person carries a long flame image. The missile rushed into the air with a bang.

When Aphrodite saw me flying up from below, he immediately used a sword glow to push away the spark, and then leg raised the peacock Pluto who wanted to rush up to kicked flying, and finally took out the long sword Facing me, he swooped down.

I didn't mean to slow down when I saw Aphrodite rushing down. A white light flashed in my hand, and the whole sword instantly condensed into Lingling's holy sword shape. In fact, the eternity at this time is a fusion of eternity and holy sword, and its attack power has been greatly improved above eternity, and the formidable power has reached an astonishing level.

The shocked Xinghuo and the Peacock Pluto only saw the two of us as if two meteors intertwined in the sky, and at the moment of intersecting, it seemed to collide with a few arcs, and then two light clusters. The sudden change only occurred after each of them flew a certain distance. As I was rushing upwards, I flew and started to run off. In the end, my whole person was like the wrecked space shuttle rolling forward and somersaulting in the air, while Aphrodite, who was swooping down on the other side, was like that. Like a rock, it didn't mean to turn or slow down at all. It slammed straight into the ground and set off a mushroom cloud that was bigger than the one I had hit before.

Seeing this situation, Xinghuo and the Peacock Pluto wanted to come over to catch me, didn't expect I was flying in the sky, suddenly it seemed to explode, it disintegrated automatically and separated many monsters. , And then the familiars were installed in the open space doors during the fall. I was the only one who glided for a short distance and finally stumbled and landed on the ground, but my feet just hit the ground. It fell on the ground, and the surrounding ground quickly began to turn red, and soon a large area around it was dyed red.

"Purple Moon, Purple Moon, are you okay?" Xinghuo landed next to me first, and she hurried over to check my injury.

I used half of the eternity to support the swaying ground and finally stood up again, but the huge wound that stretched from the left shoulder to the right straddle looked at Xinghuo and frowned. Especially in the position of the abdomen, she even saw a section of intestines turned out.

Seeing my situation, Xinghuo didn't ask about the situation, so he threw a Rejuvenation Technique on me, and I fell back after the spell came. The confrontation with Aphrodite just now was too cruel. If I hadn’t concentrated all my magic power and used Lingling’s holy sword ruling at the moment of contact, it is estimated that this would not have been an opening in my stomach, but The whole person was broken in two. However, I don't regret the collision just now, because the current Aphrodite will definitely not be much better than me.


New Year’s 30th night update, the storm is here to wish Happy Chinese New Year everyone. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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