"Is the alertness good?" Looking at the two people who were already in the fighting state, the Peacock Pluto and I flew directly over. Anyway, they have entered a state of alert, even if we hide again, it is impossible to launch a sneak attack, it is better to come out directly.

I just saw Peacock Pluto and Xinghuo, but Aphrodite and Athena on the opposite side hadn’t had much reaction. After all, Peacock Pluto and Xinghuo had never met them before, although They may have heard of each other’s reputation, but I have never met each other officially, so at first glance, Aphrodite and Athena did not show any surprises except for feeling that the energy response of each other was not weaker than their own. Kind of reaction. However, when the two of them saw me sandwiched between the Peacock Pluto and Starfire, their expressions all changed, but Aphrodite was surprised, and Athena was angry.

Aphrodite once saw my magical image on Zeus, so she knows who I am, but her knowledge of me is limited to these superficial things. So when she saw me, her first reaction was surprise. After all, we didn't have any intersection before. As for Athena, this is not the first time she and I have met. I almost fought with Athena during the last meeting of the gods. It can be said that there was a private grievance between us, so Athena immediately became angry when she saw me.

"I said why our Olympus Divine Race has always been attacked recently. It turns out that you bastard is attacking us." Athena said and took out a small gold The portrait was thrown into the sky. After flying for a few meters, the portrait suddenly burst into several golden beams in the air. The streamer flew on Athena from different angles, and then a set of golden armor was formed on her in an instant.

The armor on Athena is quite famous. After all, as its owner, Athena itself belongs to the more famous Divine Race, so as Athena’s equipment, this set of performance is quite good. The equipment is also famous. Of course, I can't afford Aphrodite's equipment, and Athena's suit will not work.

Just after Athena was armed, Aphrodite also reached out and touched the metal bracelet on his wrist, followed by a piece of golden light and instantly covered Aphrodite’s body. After the golden light retreated, Aphrodite was already wrapped in a gorgeous full body armor. Before Hades they said that Aphrodite was strong because of her good equipment, but now it looks pretty good. Not to mention other performances, the appearance of this equipment on Aphrodite alone is much more gorgeous than that of Athena. According to the equipment attribute in "Zero", the strength of this equipment is directly proportional to the appearance. Setting, this set of things on Aphrodite must be much stronger than that of Athena. After all, the difference in appearance is so obvious, and the difference in attributes must be obvious.

To say that Aphrodite’s set of things is gorgeous, does not mean that Athena’s equipment is not good, after all, this set of her is also a famous high level suit, in the eyes of some people who don’t understand the situation. , Maybe this set on Athena is their yearn for something even in dreams equipment, as for the set on Aphrodite, it is estimated that they would not have thought it was so beautiful before seeing it.

In fact, there is not much difference between Aphrodite’s equipment and Athena’s equipment in terms of style. After all, the two sets of things are made by Hephaestus, and the high level When craftsmen build equipment, just like Calligraphy writing, they will bring their own unique style to their works. Athena’s equipment and Aphrodite’s equipment look exactly the same in style. The only difference is the shape and overall material of some parts. This set of Athena is made by Hephaestus using a mixture of fine gold and starsand according to the Olympus Divine Race equipment convention. It looks the same as gold in appearance, not only is it bright and bright. Human eyes, and super luxurious at a glance.

Compared with the full golden suit of Athena, the color of this thing on Aphrodite is much more complicated. This set of equipment as a whole seems to be transparent in most of the positions, not because these positions are not protected by armor, but because Aphrodite's equipment uses a lot of blessing crystals. This kind of thing that looks like a colored crystal is actually simply a kind of condensed energy substance, and its characteristic is that it can gather all the energy at one point along with the user's mind. It can be said that this attribute is very similar to glass, either it completely blocks the external force and does not cause a single bit of damage to the inside, or it is directly shattered by a blow, leaving no room at all.

Originally blessed to crystallize this thing, the similar properties of glass can be said to be a defect, because it is too easy to be shattered by a single blow. Once the other equipment is broken, it can be repaired later, but the equipment made with the crystal of blessing will not talk about the difficulty of casting. It is unacceptable to crush the entire equipment after being penetrated by the enemy. After all, Blessing Crystal is not glass, and its price itself is sky-high, and adding an increase brought by the difficult casting process, the value of such a set of equipment has far exceeded its own use value, so no one will at all. To use.

However, the above characteristics are actually based on the thinner blessing crystals. It's like glass. Two-millimeter-thick glass does have considerable hardness, and once it is broken, it will be completely shattered, but if you thicken two-millimeter-thick glass to two meters, do you know what the result will be? The result is that it can frontally block the direct firepower of a shelling armor-piercing projectile fired by a 120mm tank gun. Blessing crystals also have similar characteristics, but because of its rarity, most people simply cannot find such a large piece of blessing crystals, let alone making up the amount required for a set of equipment. However, the fact that most people don't make it together doesn't mean that Hephaestus is incorrect. Not only did he collect these equipment for Aphrodite, but he also tailor-made a set of equipment for her that was completely composed of the crystallization of blessings. Because most of the components of the whole set of equipment are made of blessings, the defensive power of the whole set of equipment has almost become an astronomical figure. If others want to injure Aphrodite, they must be able to produce an attack power that is enough to crush her entire armor set in one blow, otherwise any attack on the equipment will be completely defended, even forcing the deduction of blood. This attribute is in Afu There is no effect on Rodite.

Seeing that the two were armed, Peacock Pluto and Xinghuo were not polite, they took out their weapons and rushed up.

The first to meet is Peacock Pluto and Athena, but what surprised the Peacock Pluto is that Athena slipped past her with just one shot, and then the sword in her hand immediately looked towards my head Hacked over.

Finding that Athena had actually targeted me, Peacock immediately wanted to come back and help, but she just turned around and heard me loudly shouted: "Leave me alone, you go and help Xinghuo get Aphrodite. Dithe."

Hearing my reminder, the Peacock Pluto immediately gave up the plan to come back to help and flew directly to Aphrodite. As for me, I just crossed the eternity directly. The top of his head blocked Athena's sword.

When... accompanied by a metal crash, I was hit by a huge force directly from in midair. Immediately afterwards, he fell into the forest below with a bang, knocking down two big trees, not to mention, sinking into the ground more than a foot deep.

"Damn it, I still underestimated this woman!" After struggling to sit out of the pit, I looked up and found that Athena had actually rushed down. I don’t know when the point of the sword in her hand was already A large ball of golden light spheres gathered, and when she slashed from the air, the light sphere directly turned into a golden sword glow and slashed down towards where I was lying.

"Fuck me!" Seeing the sword light, I quickly climbed out from the pit and rolled over to the side, but before I got far away, I heard a bang around me , And then my whole person was lifted up.

"Give me down." I was still somersaulting in the air, and suddenly I heard a joke, and then I was directly hit by a heavy blow to the ground again from mid-air, but the other party did not ask for it. What's cheap, because just after Athena kicked me, I suddenly turned over and grabbed her ankle, and then fell to the ground with her.

Because I pulled Athena before falling this time, the impact was not as strong as last time. We just rolled to the sides and bounced off for a certain distance as soon as we landed.

Immediately after standing still, Athena raised her long sword aloft, both holding the hilt of the sword and pointing forward, and then she saw her eyes lit up with amazing rays of light at the same time. As soon as I saw this posture, I hurried to the side, and almost immediately before I stepped away from where I stood, a thick white light passed through the place where I just stood. Looking at the apparently crystallized surface on the surrounding ground, I was shocked by a cold sweat on my forehead. Is Athena's trick comparable to a laser cannon! Thanks to my flashing speed, otherwise I won’t be able to die by this trick, and I’ll have to dig into my skin.

Maybe this kind of big move consumes a lot of money, and Athena is forced to send out without gathering energy in order to guarantee the hit time, so the consumption is higher than normal. In short, after using this trick, she shook her whole body slightly, as if dizzy.

I reacted as soon as I saw her adverse reaction, but instead of rushing to fight her desperately, I thrust Eternity directly into the ground and shouted: "Divine Domain fits together." "Whhhhhhh, all the phantoms of my familiars suddenly appeared around me, and then all these phantoms rushed into my body in an instant and finally merged with me into an individual.

Seeing me suddenly gathered into an individual, Athena immediately resisted the dizziness and rushed up, but when she swung a sword at my head, my whole body suddenly flashed. Disappearing in the same place, I appeared behind her in the next second, and at the same time, my left hand hooked her shoulder, and the right hand suddenly slapped Athena's back with a palm. Athena groaned and flew forward. Then, banging all the way and breaking through countless big trees, was only blocked by a bigger tree, and the big tree on the straight line from where she stopped to where I was until this time It just started one after another and fell down.

Athena who took a palm of my hand held the broken trunk in front of me with difficulty and got up. After spitting out the blood in her mouth, she immediately turned around and started looking for my position. The moment she just turned around, she suddenly realized that I was in front of her, and the distance was no more than two centimeters. Such a short distance shocked Athena. She hurriedly wanted to step back, but suddenly she was firmly fixed in place by something at her feet. As a result, the whole person lost her balance. Fell backwards.

The moment Athena fell backward, I suddenly reached out and grabbed her hand. Athena instinctively grabbed my hand and wanted to pull herself up, but I followed her strength to lift her up, and then the five fingers of the right hand were brought together, and a cold light flashed from the tip of my finger. Then, my right hand slammed forward, listening to the pu' sound, the boss of Athena’s eyes instantly glared, and the whole person looked at me incredulously, and at the same time, a large amount of blood began to overflow from his mouth, and With blood constantly pouring out, her whole person also began to become softer and softer.

Looking at Athena, who was gradually softening, I kept this posture and said: "You lose because you look down on me too much. Being a middleman among the Divine Races, my strength is fundamental How weak is impossible, you actually think that I am the best bully. By the way, I will tell you a secret, although the divine force stone on my body cannot allow me to obtain the divine force, it can suppress the divine force of your Divine Race. , Especially when it enters your body."

As I finished the last word, Athena was surprised to find that something had been stuffed into the wound on her stomach. And she also felt that her strength was fading crazily, and soon she fell to the ground and couldn't even move it.

Looking at Athena, who had completely lost her mobility on the ground, I directly opened the door of the earth, and then no matter the actual situation, I threw her in first. In her current state, no one is watching. It doesn't matter, anyway, she can't turn over any storm.

After I got Athena's side, I had time to turn my attention back to the air, but when I saw the situation there, I was taken aback. Originally, I expected that the Peacock Pluto and the others should have no problem playing by two, but the fact is indeed that the Peacock Pluto and Starfire are pressing Aphrodite to fight. However, although Aphrodite was constantly being hit all over his body, the actual result was that the Peacock Pluto and Starfire were all covered with cuts and bruises.

Staring at this strange game and watching one minute, I finally understand what's going on. The strength of Peacock Pluto and Starfire is slightly stronger than Aphrodite. Aphrodite can obtain the same battle strength as them only because of the equipment, not to mention that it is still two against one. It can be said that it is in battle strength. The Upper Peacock Pluto and Starfire completely overwhelm Aphrodite. However, the trouble is that the equipment on Aphrodite is too abnormal. That set of equipment made purely of blessed crystals is simply a tortoise shell. Although it was dinged by peacocks and sparks and sparks flying in all directions, Aphrodite was not hurt at all. The attack power of Peacock Pluto and Starfire was not enough to destroy this equipment in one blow, so their attacks all became ineffective attacks. Although they seemed to hit many times, they actually had no effect at all.

At first, Aphrodite and Peacock Pluto tried to resist the attack of the two. At that time, it was better. At any rate, the two could suppress Aphrodite and fight. But as time went on, Aphrodite gradually confirmed that Peacock Pluto and Starfire could not break her defenses, so Aphrodite simply didn’t even defend her defenses. She didn’t care about whoever beat her. The way of injury for injury is desperate with the Peacock Pluto and others. But the problem is that if the two hit each other at the same time, Aphrodite has the equipment to protect it and nothing happens, but Peacock Pluto and Xinghuo will actually get hurt. Although the two of them were able to cover each other without causing too serious damage, after all, the wounds on their bodies were getting more and more, but on the contrary, Aphrodite became more and more relaxed.

After seeing the reason, I was relieved. Before, I was worried that Aphrodite was really strong. Now it seems that the reason why she is so difficult to do is entirely because of the equipment, and her equipment... just happens to be restrained by eternity.

The characteristic of the blessed crystal is that the opponent's attack power is lower than its defense upper limit, and it shows an invincible attribute. If the opponent's attack power exceeds its defense upper limit, it will be instantly shattered. Because the amount of blessing crystals in this set of Aphrodite’s equipment is too large, its defense has exceeded the limit of most people’s attack power, so for people including most Divine Race, Aphrodite Tu's defense is almost invincible. However, my biggest specialty of eternity is the destruction of demons, smashing and Divine Item destruction. To deal with this set of things on Aphrodite, it can be said that eternity is really suitable.

"Go away, let me come."

After seeing the Peacock Pluto and Starfire being pushed back again, I directly unfolded four jet thrusters from behind, like missiles moved towards Aphrodite rushed over. In the Divine Domain combined state, I can use any ability of any familiar that participates in the combination. Of course, the four thrusters behind it are the kind of thrusters on Asuka, but because of the combined state, these four thrusters are actually better than Asuka. The thruster on his body is even stronger.

Peacock Pluto and Xinghuo stepped aside as soon as they heard my reminder, and Aphrodite just turned around and saw me rushing towards her like lightning, but she hadn’t come yet. And if I made any response, I was knocked out, and then the two of us were tangled in the air and crashed directly into the mountain behind with a bang.

"Fuck me, what's the situation?" The Peacock Pluto, who wanted to lean up to see the situation, suddenly heard an exclamation of me from the big pit on the mountain, and then I saw my whole person. Somersault was thrown out of the pit.

Xinghuo reached out in the air and took me down. "What's the matter with you? Can't the breakthrough stop her defense?"

"No...no...that woman..." I wanted to explain something, but I saw that the mountain was already shining Bright light, I simply pulled the Peacock Pluto and Starfire from the left to the right and drove the thrusters to the maximum speed and flew out of the Olympus Divine Race's sphere of influence.

The Peacock Pluto asked puzzledly while being dragged by me: "What the hell are you running?"

My scared witless replied: "If you don't run, you will be dead!"< /p>

"Isn't it? Even though she has a stronger defense, she won't be able to beat the three of us alone, right?" Xinghuo asked next to her.

"Please, please hurry up and concentrate on flying! I really don’t have time to explain to you now. I will tell you that it is feasible when I run away?" (To be continued. If you like this work , You are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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