To be honest, whether this last insurance succeeded or failed, I don’t know for the time being, but Persephone is very optimistic. After all, she is the Goddess of Spring and her cheerful personality is Her specialty.

Under Persephone’s explanation, Hades regained some confidence, so we had to wait another hour. No way, the one minute explosion just now really reduced the magic that disintegrated the magic array, but the problem is that the rate of decline in one minute is less than one third, and this speed is still very fast. It’s nothing to burst out one minute in an hour like now, but once Hades decides to join our Frost Rose League, when the time comes without Zeus’s suppression, this magic array will run at full power. At that time, the collapse speed of 2/3/2021 can definitely kill people, so we must figure out whether this collapse array can only reduce the collapse speed of one third or is it because the startup time just now is too short to be fully effective.

After waiting anxiously for another hour, the collapsed array started up again on time, but this time we discovered the problem as soon as the magic array started. Unlike the magical energy that burst out from the ordinary ground cover the last time it was activated, the bursting energy of the collapsed array is obviously much lower after activation. If the energy burst last time was like a tsunami, then this is at most a rushing river. Although the formidable power is still not small, it is obviously very difficult to deal with that has fallen.

With the previous experience, Hades is not in a hurry to ask this time, just so quietly sensing the speed at which Persephone’s magic power collapses. With the passage of time in one minute, the speed is rapidly decreasing at a speed that we can obviously sense. When the collapsed array is dormant again after one minute, the energy collapse speed has been reduced to a little more than the normal value of one third.

"How do you feel?" Although he could sense energy fluctuations, Hades asked Persephone immediately about her feelings. After all, the collapsed array was printed on her body. How did it feel? She also knows best.

Compared with the last time, Persephone was obviously more excited this time. She excitedly hugged Hades and shouted: "It's down, it's down, it's really down. Even at this speed. The disintegration array is activated all day, and I can’t use any magic at best, at least there will be no problems with my life."

Hadis was relieved when he heard Persephone’s personal confirmation. However, I added in a timely manner: “The suppressing force that suppresses the array is to absorb the magic of the collapsed array to suppress the collapsed array in turn, so it needs the magic of the collapsed array to activate its own suppressing force. I guess. The two times still failed to achieve complete suppression because the magic power has not been fully charged. If you start it once or twice, the magic power may not be leaked."

Hards’s explanation was heard. His complexion finally returned to normal. In fact, speaking of which Hades has a relatively calm and calm personality, the reason for his bad temper before was because he cared too much about Persephone, so he would be particularly nervous about things related to Persephone. This is called care and chaos. It has now been confirmed that this array can ensure the safety of Persephone's life. Although there are some side effects for the time being, they can be quickly eliminated from my opinion, so Hades feels much better.

Because we have to confirm whether this thing can completely eliminate the impact of the collapsed array, we waited in this room for several hours and experienced several startup and shutdown of the collapsed array to test the effect . It turns out that my previous guess was completely correct. When the collapse array is activated for the third time, the energy collapse speed has been reduced to a negligible state. Although there is still magic collapse, as long as Persephone does not use magic frequently, she can offset it by drinking a few bottles of magic recovery potion occasionally. This kind of consumption, and after the fourth activation of the collapsed array, this consumption is directly reduced to a state of almost completely disappearing, even with Persephone's own magic power recovery speed is much faster than this consumption speed. In other words, even if the energy collapse array is activated 24 hours a day, it will not have any effect on Persephone.

After testing all the attributes of this thing, although Persephone was very happy, he said with a little regret: "It's a pity that this thing is too big, and it is uncomfortable to wear it next to your body. And take a bath. What should I do when I’m in trouble? Do you have a solution?"

Hadis, who was very happy, was also nodded and said: "Yes, Persephone can't always carry this thing, right? ?"

I was also prepared for their question. After all, this thing was designed by our guild, and the researchers are very aware of its flaws.

"We have known the shortcomings of this thing a long time ago, but I am more impatient, so I first took a sample to see if it can be used. The one on you is actually just a temporary assembly in the laboratory. After confirming that the method is effective, we will redesign a similar device for the experimental product that comes out. The volume will definitely be smaller than this, but after all, it needs to cover the entire magic array, so small is also impossible to be too small, but the weight is definitely It will drop a lot, and this type of belt structure is not necessarily needed. It was because the experimental type was too heavy, so we designed it into a belt type. The official model is smaller and lighter. It can be directly fixed to the clothes. On, it will be much more comfortable. As for the problem you said you can’t leave the body, we also thought about it.

We plan to build an enhanced energy room in Isengard, and then fill this room with high-concentration energy , Just like the device on your back, using the pressure generated by the high-concentration magic field from the outside to make the collapsing array on your body unable to disperse the energy, so as long as you don’t get out of this room, you don’t need to bring this device. If you need to take a bath, you can enter the room when it is inconvenient to bring this device. Although it is still a bit troublesome, the impact will not be great. In addition, as I said before, this is only a temporary solution, we just use It's just to temporarily suppress the collapsed array, and we will continue to study the cracking method afterwards. This magic array is just such a thing, we will be able to analyze it sooner or later, maybe we will crack it before it is fully activated Maybe."

Hards had nothing to complain about hearing such a detailed plan. After all, I said this is a makeshift method, and the life-infinite Divine Race In other words, as long as this thing can't be taken down forever, there is no big problem. Anyway, they have time and can wait for us to work out a solution.

After solving the shackles of Persephone, Hades is no longer necessary to stay in the Olympus Divine Race, but it is obvious that he immediately took people to run away. It is also not suitable.

My ultimate goal is to pull the entire Olympus Divine Race all the gods to the Frost Rose League, but if Hades is now leading the rebellion with great fanfare, the final The result was definitely to provoke the old cock of Zeus. When the time comes, a battle with the Heavenly God series represented by Zeus and the Sea God series headed by Poseidon became inevitable. Although we are not afraid of fighting, it refers to a frontal attack. We don't want to be attacked during the migration process. The loss ratio of that frontal fight is completely incomparable. Besides, the war must have a purpose, right? If it doesn't help, go find someone to fight for no reason. That's what the donkey can do when his head is kicked.

"Then, let's finalize the merger plan first. As for the collective transfer of work, this may have to be a long memory." Hades told me.

I thought for a while and said: "Then, you have to make preparations first, and don’t rush to inform about things, so as not to be discovered in advance by the Old Guy of Zeus. As for how to transfer the team, I’ll go back and follow the meeting. The people here discuss it. Anyway, Pandora and Radamantis are with me. I can ask them about the formalities here, and I will notify you when we plan the transfer plan. What do you think?"

For my proposal, Hades is of course nodded in agreement. If I ask them to transfer directly now regardless, I guess he might worry about whether he is following the wrong person, but now I have such a plan and then move him. Just rest assured. At least this proves that I have no intention of using them as cannon fodder.

After leaving the underworld on Hades's side, I did not go to Human World, but was personally escorted to the sea of ​​silence by Minos and Akos. The main reason for leaving from here is that there are no people watching from Zeus. After all, this is the underworld, and the sea of ​​silence is a negative energy substance. Let alone the guys of the Heavenly God system enter, even if they get too close, they will cause their strength to decline. Even coma and even died directly.

According to Hades, I was going to let Karon the ferryman of the Netherworld River send me back. However, considering the speed of Karon’s broken ship, I finally decided against his good intentions. Hei Yan took me out of here.

As the original product of the Sea of ​​Silence, Heiyan is here that the fish return to the sea, not to mention, at least the speed is much faster than Karon's boat. Of course, I didn't plan to let Heiyan take me back to Isengard. After all, there is one third Earth. Even if Heiyan is faster, he still has to swim for a few days, right? So our route is planned like this. First of all, Heiyan took me to swim from Hades to Anubis. The two underworlds are close to each other, and both of them are related to me, so it is easier to come here in the past. After I get to Anubis, I don’t have to worry about Zeus at all. When the time comes, I can change the Transmission Formation or fly directly back to Isengard. Anyway, it’s faster than swimming back in Black Flame.

Although the Sea of ​​Silence is called the Sea of ​​Silence, it is actually not silent at all. The sea level is very quiet, because there is no wind, ocean currents, moon gravity, etc., so the sea of ​​silence is completely without waves. However, although the sea itself is quiet, it is very lively below the sea level. All kinds of terrifying negative energy rare beasts are everywhere like weeds.

I sat on Heiyan’s head and walked in the sea of ​​silence for less than 20 minutes, and then I found a huge and ugly head suddenly appeared on the left front, and the other side turned his head to look behind the floating book. After taking a look at us, after discovering that Hei Yan's head was bigger than it, he slowly dived into the water and disappeared with interest. After that, we met a rare beast almost every ten minutes on average. During this period, I even saw a kind of unknown monster that didn't know if it was like Da Huangfeng or that it was like a devil fish. This thing is simply a hybrid of Devil Ray and Da Huangfeng. Not only can it move at high speed underwater, it can actually fly.

This strange creature is obviously a social creature. Once it appears, it will be a large group of tens of thousands of people, covering almost the entire sea surface nearby. However, although there are a lot of them, Hei Yan completely ignores these little things, after all, the volume is there. If Hei Yan's body is not reduced by magic, it should be at least five kilometers long, and the thickest part of his body can be as wide as a ten-lane road. It is big enough to play basketball on it. As for the size of these little fellows, they are probably about the same size as medium-sized pigs, and they are not as fat as pigs, so they may look smaller than pigs. With their size, the flies next to Heiyan are almost like the flies next to an elephant. The gap is really too big, so even though there are so many of them, Heiyan doesn’t take these things at all. Seriously.

Originally, we thought these little things were just passing by us like other passing creatures, but when these little things were about to separate from us, they suddenly appeared behind them. A large group of creatures. These creatures are not as strange as the previous creatures that resemble wasps and devil fishes. Their shapes are very standard fishes, except that they are uglier and are nothing special. Of course, these guys are also larger than those little monsters before. They are generally more than three meters in length, and some larger ones can grow to about five meters, but they are still not much smaller than Heiyan.

The number of these fishes is obviously much less than the number of the previous ones. It seems that the total number should be only a few hundred. Compared with the number of the previous monsters, it is just a hundred. Only a few parts. However, the current situation is that the fish in the back is chasing down the little monster in front, and it seems that the fish in the back are the natural enemies of the little monster in front.

Although the little monster can fly, it can't fly high, and can fly as high as ten meters above the sea surface. Although the fish below can't fly, they can jump. With amazing high speed and exaggerated jumping ability, these guys can easily jump to a height of 20 meters, and it is not the limit to look at them, but because their prey basically can only fly more than ten meters, so they I'm too lazy to jump to a higher place. If those little monsters fly up a little bit, these strange fish can definitely jump up a little higher.

However, although the jumping ability of these strange fish is very good, the accuracy of the head is slightly worse. Those little monsters probably evolved their back-sights in the long-term competition for survival. As a result, as soon as the strange fish below jumped out of the water, they would immediately change the direction of their flight, and those strange fish could only control the direction of the body in a small range in the air, so Most of the time, the strange fish must jump dozens or even hundreds of times to catch a little monster. Fortunately, little monsters are not small compared to their size, so if a monster fish catches a little monster, it is enough to eat.

The hunting and hunting relationship between these two species had nothing to do with me at all. Damn it, it’s hateful that the strange fish started to bite wildly after they caught the little monster. The blood splashed everywhere.

Just like in the sea of ​​Human World, if there is a lot of blood in the sea, sharks will be attracted, and the smell of blood in the quiet sea will attract some very cruel guys, and these guys are definitely more dangerous than sharks. NS.

Seeing two schools of fish chasing and running past us, a clear white track suddenly appeared behind us on the left, and as the distance approached, we could even I saw that the water surface around the track was obviously uplifted.

Originally, there have been so many rare beast black flames around before, but they are all unseen, because he is a native creature of the Sea of ​​Silence, and he knows the monsters here better. He knew that those creatures would not attack him, so he simply didn’t waste his experience paying attention to those guys. However, this time Heiyan’s instinct told him to be careful about this thing coming, so Heiyan stopped suddenly after the thing appeared. Pointed his head in the direction that guy came and told me to fly first.

In fact, it’s not completely impossible to fly above the sea of ​​silence. It’s just that the span here is too large and most creatures can’t insist on flying here for a long time. Second, there are no north-south magnetic poles here, unless there is silence. The native creatures of the sea. Ten outsiders get lost when they enter ten. Flying creatures can't find their way if they fly in. So unless you are lucky, you can only prepare to fall into the sea if you run out of energy. NS. In addition, there is a more abnormal setting here, that is, there is a layer above the sea of ​​silence that is similar to the gravity field, and the higher the place from the sea surface, the greater the intensity, so you'd better not fly too high here, or you will bear it. The downward pull force will become greater and greater. Of course, even if you fly completely against the sea surface, it doesn’t mean you don’t have to bear this extra pressure. In addition to its own weight, the gravity within five meters of sea level is basically twice the normal value, while the range of five to ten meters The space is usually three times the gravity, and then the gravity doubles every five meters, so flying too high here is purely unpleasant for oneself.

I immediately spread my wings and flew to a height of seven or eight meters above the sea surface after being reminded by Hei Yan. The reason why I did not fly to ten meters is because the gravity distribution mentioned earlier is actually a gradual change. It is not abrupt, that is to say, the magnitude of gravity changes gradually as the height rises. The five-meter range mentioned earlier is just for specific quantification. It does not mean that if you fly to ten meters high, you will have three times the gravity. Another centimeter of flying will instantly increase to four times, that is fundamentally impossible.

As soon as I flew up here, Hei Yan immediately sank his head to the level of the sea. From above, you can only see that one of his flat heads is still on the water, and the other parts are already All sank under the water. However, because the sea of ​​the Sea of ​​Silence is as black as ink, the situation in Human World where you can see black shadows under the water through the sea is not at all thinking about it.

We were almost just getting ready on this side, and the track over there suddenly began to accelerate, and then just about three-four hundred meters away from us, the surface of the water suddenly blew up. Then I saw a huge creature that looked a little like a crocodile, but with a hideous appearance, suddenly jumped out of the water. However, just when this guy just jumped out of the water and jumped forward for less than fifty meters, the surface of the water under me also exploded in an instant, and then I saw the huge body of black inflammation directly jumped out of the surface of the water for an instant. Over the distance of several hundred meters, he bit the guy who was still in the air and fell back to the surface.

Although this kind of monster that looks like a mutant crocodile is very large, it is relatively normal creatures, and it can only be considered small compared to Heiyan. The width of Heiyan’s head is almost equivalent to a ten-lane super highway, and the length of the monster with its head and tail is the width of 20 lanes, which means that the overall length of the thing is only two of the width of Heiyan. That's it. Seeing Hei Yan biting the middle of that guy's body is like an ordinary python biting a big carp horizontally in his mouth.

When I first saw Hei Yan biting this guy, I thought Hei Yan made a fuss a bit. After all, it was an exaggeration to be so nervous about something he could bite into. However, just when I was about to fly over to meet Black Flame, another thing flew out of the sea suddenly.

The monster that flew up this time was only slightly smaller than the one just now, but it was really only a bit smaller. The length of the previous one that was bitten by the black flame is about 70 meters or more. Although the latter one is a bit smaller, it is at least 60 meters long. In reality, this length can definitely be regarded as a standard huge monster. NS.

The monster that flew up later slammed into Hei Yan's body in the air, and then saw it open its mouth to face Hei Yan's neck and bit down. With a click, Hei Yan's super defensive power scales were bitten through in an instant, and then several thin blood streams flowed out of Hei Yan's body. Of course, for Hei Yan, this bit of blood is almost like a drop of blood from a finger pierced by a needle, but the defense that can break Hei Yan at least shows that these guys' mouths are quite powerful.

The monster biting Heiyan here hasn’t let go, and a large group of monsters popped out one after another in the water, and then it was like a pack of wolves that attacked their prey. These monsters one after another He jumped up and bitten on Hei Yan one after another. In a blink of an eye, he bit Hei Yan all over his body. Although the damage value is not high, it looks really scary.

When I saw Heiyan, I was crawled by hundreds of pieces of this thing all over my body. I also flew over and wanted to help, but I didn’t expect to find those things. Trouble, they've been eyeing me first. Just when I lowered my height to start, a monster suddenly jumped up from under the water and opened a big mouth and bit at me. Because I didn't expect that the other party would take the initiative to attack, and the distance was really too close, so I almost didn't react and was swallowed in one bite.

The monster fell back into the water immediately after swallowing me, but before he turned around to attack Black Flame, a huge pain caused it to instantly lose its ability to move, and twisted violently on the spot. Moved. The monster struggled in place for less than two seconds, and his belly began to swell like a balloon, and then a dozen red blade glow flashed across the monster, and the strange fish burst into a pile of minced meat in an instant. And I rushed straight out of the monster's stomach.

"I'm not afraid of death, even I dare to swallow, when your stomach is made of diamonds?"

I just finished cursing on my side, and the surrounding monsters completely entered Violent state. Not because of my cursing, or because I killed their companions, but because of their blood. That's right, it's because of the blood. These monsters didn't attack me immediately after I burst the monster. Instead, they rushed to eat up all the corpses of their companions before they started attacking me.

After I looked around, I was obediently and honestly floating on the water surface and flying into the air. It was obvious that I was at a disadvantage when playing with these aquatic creatures in the water. Besides, it was not ordinary water, but silence. Ocean. Except for Black Flame, it seems that only Sha Yezi and the King can soak in the sea of ​​silence. Other familiars are basically like ordinary creatures spraying sulfuric acid in this water. But the result is definitely not much better, so I can only choose to fly into the air, anyway, some flying familiars can still help. But now everything depends on Hei Yan's performance. If Flame Energy can handle these things, I just need to protect myself. If Heiyan can't do these rare beasts, then I can only start Divine Domain to run together. Of course, I will definitely be able to kill these creatures after the body is harmonized, but that kind of thing is not particularly high in EXP and not exploding high level equipment, I have brain issues to kill them? Don't forget that this is not the Safety Sector, but the sea of ​​silence known as the sea of ​​death. There are repercussions for Divine Domain integration. I have no problem fighting with them, but what if I encounter a monster again after the body time is over? So if you really need harmony, you can only choose to run away.

When I flew again, the monster below started to jump up one after another, trying to drag me back into the sea, and I didn’t fly high, just stopped at their jumping limit. Seduce these guys to jump up, and as soon as they jump up, I immediately burst the Fireball with a trick to smash them back again. Later, I felt that I was slower alone, so I just summon Ling, Xiaochun, and luckily they all came out to help me smash together, anyway, as long as you control the height so that you don't get hit by the sea below. But I can play this kind of dangerous game, because our Frost Rose League itself is protected by the divine force of the Temple of Chaos and Order, so it is generally not easy to be restrained by something. The sea water of the Sea of ​​Silence has less impact on us than To others. In addition, I can enter the sea of ​​silence, so my familiars have inherited a little bit of resistance. Although they can't reach the point of contacting the sea without being damaged like me, at least they will not be like ordinary ones. Creatures can’t even get close, so they can still fight even if they only stop at a height of 20 to 30 meters from the surface of the sea. Just be careful not to touch the sea water that is carried by those monsters, otherwise it will be miserable. This It was definitely a hole when the sea water hit them.

Because our fish-catching action has attracted a lot of monster’s attention, the pressure on Heiyan’s side is much lighter, but compared to us, he is still the most tiring. After all, this is his home court, and he is the main attacker. Not working hard is impossible.

Speaking of which monsters will bite Heiyan one by one every time, but the damage they actually cause to Heiyan is like a person being attacked by a group of large ants. Although it hurts and bleeds every time you bite, if you really want to say what to do with this person, you have to have a certain number of ants. There are indeed a lot of these monsters, but they are not as basic as ants, so even though the black inflammation they bite is covered with injuries, they can actually only make Heiyan more irritable.

We are trying our best to attract the monster's attention. Suddenly, we saw the sea water suddenly blasted a big ditch, and then we saw more than a dozen monsters being thrown up along with the sea water. If it wasn't because the seawater couldn't be touched, as long as they were lucky enough to rush up to kill the monsters flying into the air, they would surely kill the monsters flying in the air. Unfortunately, those monsters were surrounded by seawater, so lucky they didn't dare to pass. There is no other way but to watch the monsters fall back into the sea.

Ling looked at this situation and reminded me: "Or let Heiyan fly those guys, and then we use magic crystal steam missiles? It shouldn't be a big problem to hit these monsters, right? "

I thought about it and felt it made sense, so I used my touch to notify Heiyan to fly those monsters as much as possible as before. Heiyan immediately swept his tail under the water when he got the order, and then the sea exploded again with a big ditch. Following us, we saw more than a dozen monsters turning somersaults and flying high in the sky.

"Mobile angels." As I shouted, two air combat mobile angels suddenly appeared next to me, and then only listened to the whizzes...a burst of air breaking, a dozen missiles roaring Then, each missile aimed at a monster and hit it. And then...

Then it was a piece of white snow, and then I felt a huge pain all over my body. After about ten seconds, I gradually started to recover all kinds of nerves. First, I discovered that I was floating in the water, and then I realized in my consciousness that Ling and Xiaochun and the others who had just been summoned by me had all died. , Hei Yan was the only one still in contact now, and Hei Yan's contact with his mind did not respond, indicating that although he was not dead, he was definitely in a coma.

I shook my head slightly to make myself more awake, and then I felt my body again, and only after I realized that my limbs could already move, I dragged the painful body to the upper reaches. It took a few minutes to get back to the surface of the sea before I realized that the situation was far more terrifying than I thought. Hei Yan’s huge body twisted and floated on the water like a dead snake. Around his body there was still a large patch of dead monsters floating in disorder. They weren’t killed by the explosion, but by the explosion. The shock wave shook to death. This is so huge might be able to directly shake such a powerful monster to death at a depth of several meters? Anyway, I don’t think that the few magic crystal steam missiles just now can have this formidable power.

After confirming the condition of the sea, I hurried to swim to Heiyan first. After making sure that he was okay, I took him back to Fenglong Space, but the treatment work had to wait some time, because Xiaochun also Hung up.

Since more than half of the familiars were killed in battle, I now had no choice but to pour the healing potion by myself while flying towards Anubis. After pinching my nose and drinking a bottle of extremely effective healing potion, I got goosebumps all over my body by the weird smell. How long has it been since I took the medicine by myself? It seems that since Xiaochun became my favorite, I bid farewell to these healing potions. Compared with the terrifying taste and various limitations of the potion, Xiaochun's healing magic is really fast and good, and most importantly, it does not cost money.

After drinking the potion, I checked the injuries on my body again and confirmed that there was nothing serious before I started thinking about the situation just now. However, thinking about it this way, I suddenly realized one thing, so I quickly turned around and flew back.

Of course I’m not going back to Hades, but going to the battlefield just now. Fortunately, it’s a good time to remember, otherwise I don’t have to find it if I fly far in the vast sea. Is back.

Returning to the Sea Territory where a large piece of floating corpses floated, I hurriedly used the Phoenix Dragon Space to fill all the corpses of the monsters below.

The two air combat mobile angels fired only the smallest magic crystal steam missiles. Each formidable power is equivalent to two rounds of large magic crystal cannon shells, even more than a dozen rounds. An explosion caused a superimposed effect, and it was impossible to drop my familiar in an instant and also shook all the monsters under the seabed to death. We must know that the targets hit by the dozen or so missiles all flew to a place more than 20 meters above the sea surface, and the straight-line distance between us and those monsters was also more than 50 meters. With the formidable power of this miniature magic crystal steam missile, you can feel a gust of hot wind at such a distance. How can such an exaggerated shock wave erupt? Therefore, I think there must be a reason for this, and the biggest probability is that the monsters that were attacked have something special, so I decided to bring some corpses back to study.

After loading the corpse, I released the black inflammation again, and then began to use healing techniques to help him heal his injuries. Although I have hardly used it, I am an animal trainer after all. The normal combat method of the trainer is to let the pet rush in front, hide behind to brush the status and regenerate the blood of the pet, and occasionally draw the cold to throw two curse magic or attack magic directly on the opponent. Anyway, like me, they basically belong to the type who is not doing business, and the regular animal trainers should be full-time nurses like priests. However, if you don't do your job properly, you can't do the job properly, and I will still be able to treat it anyway.

It took a lot of effort to finally wake up Heiyan and healed most of his injuries before we went back on the road, but this time the speed was much slower. For one thing, Heiyan's wound was not completely healed. , Secondly, I was scared by the monster here. It didn't feel much to just listen to others before, but now I know why those Divine Races frown when they mention the Sea of ​​Silence. This grandfather's is too dang

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