Because Persephone is a woman from Hades, I was asked to take a look at the magic array before and it was nothing, but now it’s a bit inappropriate to press and touch her repeatedly. So I can't do it myself. Fortunately, there are more women in my favorites, so let Jingjing and Lingling come out to help. As for Ling and Xiaochun, they are responsible for operating the magic array replicator. After all, this thing weighs half a ton, and it is impossible to put it directly on Persephone. Someone must lift it to prevent it from crushing Persephone.

The researchers of our guild gave twelve solutions, so they only made fifteen replicators in total, of which twelve were used to test whether the twelve methods were effective, and the rest One of the three is to be brought back for research, and the other two are backups, in case one of the replicators fails, somehow there are two spares.

The speed of the copying device is fairly fast. It took less than half an hour to complete all the fifteen copyers. The rest depends on whether the twelve solutions work. Way out.

We first experimented with the first method, which is the energy impactor like a flashlight. The usage of this thing is relatively simple, there is a magic crystal inside, no external magic assistance is needed, just aim it at the magic array, and then directly press the switch to OK.

I carefully held the gadget and aimed it at one of the copy magic arrays, and then pressed the switch after praying for a while, and then listened to a boom, the copy magic array exploded directly. Come, blow up the coffee table in front of us to pieces, if Hades reacted quickly and released a magical Formation to limit the exploding formidable power of the thing to a small range, it is estimated that it would have to be broken all at once. We all get a covered in dirt.

"It seems that this failed!" Hades said slightly disappointed.

Compared with the loss of Hades, Persephone is rather optimistic. Not only was she not disappointed, she comforted Hades in turn and said: "Don't worry, there are still eleven, the chance is great. Even if all of them fail, isn't there a last insurance?"

< p>Hades heard that Persephone said so, so he nodded let us continue the experiment, but this time we also learned to be smart, let Ling directly put a protective cover on these things, in case it explodes again, it won’t hurt anyway. To us.

"Okay, let's start experimenting with the second method." As I said, I took out another thing that was the same as the copy array and stacked it on top of the second copy array. This is actually the unlocking array of the genuine, which is the original shape of the arrays we used to copy the magic array. The copied arrays we brought were modified with this thing.

According to the technical staff of our guild, this original device should be able to crack the magic array automatically, but I don’t know if it will succeed, but it is a solution anyway, so it is also ours. And brought it over.

After the two arrays were stacked on top of each other, I immediately clicked on the unlocking array above, and then I saw the compass on the top of the thing began to spin up automatically, but the compass was on a circle The pattern of the circle is not like a wheel moved towards one direction and it will be endless when it is turned in one direction. It will move there for a while, and it looks like a cipher disk on a safe, but the cipher disk is more complicated. .

As the patterns on the tracks continue to be arranged and combined, the red crystal ball in the center of the magic array also flashes constantly, but after about five minutes, the unlocking magic at the top The array flashed suddenly, followed by a click, the crystal ball on the unlocking magic array above actually cracked by itself, and then the whole magic array stopped.

Seeing that Hades's expression is obviously wrong, I hurriedly said: "Don't worry, don't worry, we still have ten ways."

Although Hades is still pressured this time I got nervous, but then as the next methods failed one by one, his expression began to get worse and worse, and finally Hades’s face when there was only one solution left in my hand. It was obvious that he was almost turning into a horse face.

To be honest, it's not just Hades, even I am a little worried. Twelve methods used eleven, but none of them worked. Who wouldn't be in a hurry? But there is no way to be anxious. The demon array was made by the old lewd stick of Zeus. If it is really easy to crack, then we have to doubt whether it is fraudulent.

Finally, under Hades's terrible face, I used the last method. This time the method is more complicated. First, you need to mix dense silver powder into a devil beast blood, then apply it to the surface of the magic array, and then use the flashlight-like thing in the first method to start the energy impact, but this time it’s not Use one, but use six flashlights at a time to start together.

I feel that when I press the switch, the magic power of Hades clearly exploded, but when I discovered that the copy magic array used for experiments in front of me suddenly burst, the magic power on his body disappeared immediately. NS. Obviously, Hades was hit hard this time. None of the twelve methods are useful, even I am sorry.

When Hades saw that the final plan had failed, he stood up and said with a bad face: "Hurry up and try your last insurance. If it doesn't work, our transaction will stop here."


"This must work." Seeing Hades's attitude is so bad, I had to pat my chest to make sure that this method will work. However, compared with the previous twelve methods, this last one is indeed the most reliable method. After all, this method makes perfect sense in theory.

Seeing what I promised is so simple, Hades has recovered some hope, but he still said unceremoniously: "If you go, hurry up and experiment. Can you give us a definite answer?"

"Sorry, this last method is impossible to experiment, you can only use it directly."

"What?" Hades, who had a bad expression, suddenly increased his voice. To the point of deafening, he stared at me and asked, "Several of the methods you gave have blown up the magic array. Now you are actually going to use it directly on Persephone. What if you hurt her? "

"You can see that before we could think of using the copy array instead of her to do the experiment, it shows that we know that this kind of experiment is dangerous, and now it is not required to use the copy magic array because of this. Even if the last insurance cannot solve the problem, we can guarantee that it will at least not hurt Persephone."

Hades hesitated obviously when he heard my guarantee, because the previous twelve times With the failure record, Hades has begun to have some doubts about our credibility, but now he really wants Persephone to get rid of the trouble of the magic array, so he also wants us to experiment.

Just when Hades was in a dilemma, Persephone suddenly stood up and said: "I believe President Purple Moon will not make a joke about this kind of thing, so let me try it. Okay."

Since Persephone had spoken himself, Hades could not object anymore, so after he was nodded, I immediately handed the thing that looked like a belt to Persephone. Earplug Fogne said: "This is the last insurance. It can't dispel the magic array on your body, but it can make the energy disperse the array and cannot disperse the energy, so it can at least guarantee your life safety."

< p>"How do I use this?"

"Just put this on your body and let the magic array here aim at the magic array on your back, but you must ensure two magic arrays Put them together, the maximum distance between them should not exceed two millimeters, otherwise the magic power will not be suppressed."

Persephone was nodded after listening, and then walked to the next room with the thing. After a while, she walked back again, but she was obviously not quite used to her appearance. After all, this thing is almost like a boxing gold belt, and it is really uncomfortable to wear this big thing next to your clothes.

When Hades saw Persephone coming back, he quickly asked: "How does it work?"

Persephone shook the head and said: "I don’t know. The collapsed array on my body has not been activated yet, so I don’t know the effect for the time being."

As soon as Hades heard it, he asked again: "Then how long will it be before the next activation?"

Persephone looked at the time and said: "Wait for eleven minutes to start time."

The energy collapse array on Persephone is that each hour starts one minute, so When it is not activated, it is not known whether this last insurance must be useful. If you want to know whether it is really as effective as those researchers said, you can only wait for the energy collapse array to activate by itself.

Eleven minutes are not too long, but now a few people in the room are in a nervous mood. Needless to say, Hades and Persephone, after all, this is directly related to their future, so they are naturally very nervous. As for me, it must be very nervous. After all, whether this thing can take effect will determine whether the Divine Race of Olympus will merge into our Frost Rose League, so we are also very nervous.

In this tense atmosphere, we almost ushered in the start of the energy collapse array while counting the seconds. This energy disintegration array burst into a powerful wave of energy at the moment of activation. This is the magic power in Persephone's own body, which was only released by the disintegration array.

The moment we feel this magical energy release is complexion changed, because the appearance of this energy means that the collapsed array is still running, which means that our best insurance is not working.

Hades pulled his face off almost instantly, but just as he turned around to get angry, Persephone suddenly stretched out his hand and took his arm. "Wait a minute, it seems to start to work."

Listening to her, the people in the room immediately noticed the energy emanating from her body, but this time we obviously found the problem. . Although Persephone's magical power is still spreading outwards, the rate of energy release is gradually slowing down, and the magical fluctuations we feel are slowly decreasing.

The onset of one minute is actually not long, and the rate of energy reduction is also very slow. Before the collapsed array enters dormancy again, there is still magic power leaking from Persephone's body, but the intensity has been reduced. Got one third.

Until the collapsed array was completely extinguished, Minos, who was on the side, asked with a question mark: "Is this a success or a failure?" (To be continued. If you like this You are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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