After exhausting suffering untold hardships, I finally managed to reach Anubis’s site, but Anubis happened to be away today, so I just said hello to his men I took the route and returned to Human World, and then ran all the way from Egypt to Tianyu City using the method of transmission and bird alternation. I used the transnational Transmission Formation to return directly to Isengard. Although this route delayed me a lot of time, it was finally safe to get home. NS.

After returning to Isengard, I first threw the corpses of the monsters that I brought back from the Sea of ​​Silence to the research institute for research, and then called Roses and their guild think tanks to ask about how to transfer safely. Hades things about them.

"This question depends on how you plan." After hearing my question, Su Mi said: "If you are in a hurry, you have to sacrifice some people or invest a lot of manpower and material resources. Intervene directly. Of course, if you don’t want any loss and don’t care about time, we can also use a gentler method to withdraw people almost without damage."

"Talk about it Look at the lossless method that doesn't care about time."

Sumi said immediately after hearing my choice: "If you don't care about time, then there is no need to evacuate people together, as long as you can evacuate them all, so We can take a counter-step approach to prioritize the evacuation of those people who are relatively weak and easy to lose in the process of the great migration. Moreover, doing this as our own right now fits well."

"What What do you mean?" I was confused by Su Mi's words.

Somi smiled and asked: "Have you not attacked the Olympus Divine Race before?"

I nodded and said: "What does this have to do with our migration plan? Relationship?"

"Of course there is a relationship, and it is very important." Rose explained for Su Mi: "You can kidnap Radamantes and Pandora, can't you kidnap other people?"< /p>

When it comes to this, I will be an idiot if I don't think of it anymore. So Mi and Rose meant that they wanted me to continue to kidnap all the members of the Hades family one by one in the name of kidnapping. Moreover, I think about it carefully, this thing seems to be very reasonable to operate.

First of all, according to Su Mi’s statement, the first group of people we should transfer is the weaker Divine Race members, and if I disguise this fake kidnapping as an attack on the Pluto family, then Starting from a weak target is also in line with the attacker's logic of action. After all, the high level Divine Race is not easy to deal with. If there is an attacker, then it is reasonable to choose the attacker first.

Secondly, in addition to the problem of the law of action, this method of false kidnapping and real transfer has the advantage that it can keep Hades out of the picture. If we use other methods to transfer people, even if we do it concealed, Zeus will always know something. when the time comes If Hades came out to cover up, then Zeus would definitely doubt this matter even more. But conversely, if I take away the members of the Plutos one by one by means of assaults and kidnappings, then Hades need not cover up, but can go to Zeus with great fanfare. Of course, looking for Zeus to make trouble is not to benefit from Zeus, it is just a smoke bomb that messes up Zeus's intelligence system. When the time comes, Zeus’s attention will be shifted to the constant attacks on the gods of the Underworld, and he never thought that this was actually a large-scale rebellion.

In addition to the above two benefits, there is actually a hidden benefit of this scheme, which is higher efficiency. If it were to use other methods, once Zeus found something, Hades had to suspend the transfer plan until the limelight passed before it could start again. But it would be different if I go to foreign transporters by kidnapping. Not only does Hades do not need to hide the action, but after the action is exposed, he can send people out with a big fan to run around in the name of search, so that I can be more unscrupulous. "Kidnapping" these Divine Races of the Underworld.

After thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of this plan, I immediately nodded and said: "Yes, it is indeed a good way to use kidnapping to transport people abroad, but this method is only suitable for dealing with low-level Divine Race. Those. The low-level Divine Race of the Pluto type was silently abducted and it was said that, but if a very strong guy suddenly disappeared, it would be strange. If it's just one or two people, it's nothing, but there are only one person. It’s a bit troublesome."

Sumi said: "This is not a problem. Anyway, we don’t plan to use one method to transport everyone out. As long as you use this kind of kidnapping, you can All of the low-level physiques are transported away, and the remaining high level Divine Race can be gathered together to break out at one time. Of course, there is a safer way, which is to spend a little bit more money."

"Yes, Then I’ll just break through."

Although our Frost Rose League can be regarded as a richer guild, the characteristic of our guild is that we earn more and spend more, and we basically don’t keep it in our hands. Living money, so my usual style is to save while saving. Of course, this province does not mean to reduce development investment, but to reduce unnecessary expenditures.

After determining the prototype of the plan, we assigned the specific plan to the military god, and then the military god calculated and gave a detailed action plan. As a battlefield management computer, the military god’s tactical module certainly also includes the tactics of kidnapping the enemy’s high-level. This time our action is still kidnapping, but the number of targets is a little too large.

Military god sent me a detailed plan after mobilizing computing resources for more than half an hour after frantic calculations. Then I went through the plan with Rose and they confirmed that there was no problem. Leaving Isinger. When I came to Hades again with this plan, Hades was obviously surprised by me again.

"Why are you coming back so soon?"

I looked around in surprise and asked, "Isn't I coming back so soon?"

"No, no. I just think your speed is too amazing. So, since you are back now, you must have made the plan, right?"

I nodded, and then talk to Ha Diss talked about the kidnapping transfer plan. After hearing this plan, Hades immediately expressed excitement and said that he would do it accordingly.

After passing through with Hades, we looked at the details of the action together, and then our action plan officially started that night.

Since the Olympus Divine Race and the Holy See of Jehovah and the two major temples of light and dark in Europe are in a state of war, a large number of high level Divine Races have been deployed in the three border areas. . However, although the high level Divine Race can be responsible for garrisoning the border, the transportation of various consumables is impossible to let the high level Divine Race take care of it. These materials are usually handed over to the player's guild, and then the Olympus Divine Race will send one or two low-level bodies to escort them. However, although this battle is a battle between Olympus and the Three Great Divine Clans forces, because the guy Zeus is holding Hades’s weakness, the battle is actually in the charge of the Pluto unit. What is the casualty? It's all Hades and they are unlucky, and Zeus's own team can be said to have nothing to do. If it weren't for this matter, I guess I would say that the Hades transfer might not have been so easy.

Because Zeus threw all the combat tasks to the Hades family, these escort supplies and the Divine Race responsible for guarding the side are all Hades people. As for Zeus’s Heavenly God family members, only They are in charge of being a supervising army, and they are almost not involved in other things.

"This is the operational route map of the transport team, as well as the personnel list and the deployment of troops." Hades took a notebook and handed it to me, and then continued: "The person responsible for transportation tonight I have said hello to everyone, when the time comes, after you contact, you will use a big move to implicate all those adventurers to death, and then they will send out a distress signal and set up the scene with you. After you have all set up, send it again The distress signal urges the front, and then you can leave immediately. At this time, those guarding the front will come and find the scene of your battle. Of course, you must already not in there at this time. How about this arrangement?"< /p>

I nodded said: "In fact, as long as you solve those players, don’t leave witnesses, everything else is easy."

Hades nodded said: "Then let’s do it today. Arrangement. Just consider it a test."

After discussing the action plan, I left Hades and ran to the place where the transport team was about to go in an ambush. With the information that Hades should provide, and the two Divine Races, the strongest in the ambush team, who are responsible for escorting, both knew this in advance, so my ambush plan was simply unimaginable.

At the time specified on the timetable given by Hades, the transport team appeared exactly at the edge of the forest where I was ambushing. Next, Ling, who had been preparing for a long time, immediately threw a covering spell and threw it at his feet. The two Divine Races over there took the opportunity to yell at the enemy while activating the huge might skill and throwing it at his feet. Originally, Ling's magic was not enough for the audience in a second. As a result, the two Divine Races activated a wide range of skills in the crowd, and instantly killed all the other NPCs and players escorted.

After the witnesses disappeared, the two Divine Races immediately shook hands with me excitedly like an underground party meeting, and then set up the scene according to the plan and signaled for help.

The location of the ambush is not far from the front line, but the front line guards who had been notified a long time ago deliberately delayed for a while, and then they didn’t open until they saw the second distress signal to inform them that they were ready to go. Out of the camp. Of course, when they come, they just run a cutscene. After simply observing the scene, they only came to the news that the transport team was attacked by unknown forces, and other things could not be confirmed.

Originally, if this matter is investigated in detail, there are still many doubts that can be used to track down. But now... the Divine Race supervisor on the front line is from the Heavenly God family, and the two low-level Plutos who are missing are missing. Those guys are too lazy to take care of them, so they just leave the matter to the Plutos themselves. But these gods themselves were arranged by Hades, how could it be possible to find out the truth by them. Therefore, this attack was regarded as an enemy's cross-border sneak attack and went away.

With this first successful experience, I attacked the second transport team sent by Hades early in the second day. Because the materials transported by the transport team last night were also missing, the front line urgently needed supplies, and the second team had a reason to set off in a hurry. Then, on the grounds of rushing out and not having time to find the player team to escort, Hades directly sent a large group of Underworld Warriors and low-level Divine Race to escort. Because of the events of last night, it is understandable that this team's guard force is stronger. Zeus and the others are basically impossible to deal with this matter. However, when the team moved to the position last night, the whole team disappeared again.

The fact of course is that the team ran directly with me in this position, because there is no player in the team, so this time even the acting is saved. We will directly come to a victory master and follow the script Throw a few magic around and cut down some big trees to create a trace of battle. After the completion, all of them ran directly with me, leaving only a bunch of broken vehicles and some supplies for the investigation team who rushed to it later.

Although two convoys were attacked in a row, the Heavenly God family still didn’t care about it. Although Hades wanted them to remain so indifferent, on the surface they had to pretend to be so indifferent. The vice-righteous look filled with indignation. Of course, this time is not suitable to find Zeus to lose his temper. Hades just deliberately expressed a few complaints in front of several Heavenly Gods, and then began to send a large number of personnel to search the forest where the two consecutive attacks occurred. Of course, this kind of search is only for Zeus and the others, but in fact this so-called search is just the escape of the cover.

When the entire search team came out, there were more than one hundred Divine Races and thousands of ghost fighters in Shuaa~, but when the search was over, it was found that the number of personnel was nearly one-sixth. Of course, these people ran with me halfway, and the positions where they left were disguised by themselves with some traces of fighting, and then Hades began to go wild accordingly. He first took a part of the front-line high level Divine Race back to participate in the search by means of direct disobedience, and at the same time sent a large number of people in the country to search for information on the kidnappers.

Although it seems to Zeus and the others that Hades was anxious this time, Hades was already happy in his heart. In just two days, he sneaked out at least two hundred low-level Divine Races, and the low-level Divine Race of the entire Pluto first series totaled more than 700 people. In only two days, he got 1/4/ There are more in 2021. If they can maintain this speed, it is estimated that they will all run away in one week. However, as there are more and more missing persons, Zeus will definitely pay attention, so the way of disappearing afterwards must be more concealed. And the fact that the god of darkness is always missing, this thing seems unreasonable, so after playing two more days of stealing the sky, Hades and I began to plan whether to tie a few more Heavenly God or Divine Race of the Sea God, so at least It can make Zeus not suspect that there is any problem with Hades.

After some discussion, Hades and I both felt that we should tie a few Heavenly Gods or Poseidon, but we had a disagreement on who should be tied. I am more inclined to kidnap Aphrodite, the god of love, because she is Ares's wife, and tied back can comfort Ares. But Hades hopes to abduct his mother-in-law Demeter, because Persephone is more Oedipus, and Hades does not want their mother and daughter to become two camps in the future.

"Both are one of the ten major gods. Even if your people help me cover, I can’t take them away together. We must choose one of them." I looked at Hades. Said. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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