With the details of the energy collapsed array on Persephone, I went directly to the subordinate magic array branch of the new continent Institute of Magic Structures, and I suspended it here to remove the natural magic array. All other magic array research projects of the research project, and then all the people were gathered together to start researching this abominable energy-destroying array. In order to allow these researchers to concentrate, I simply sit here and wait for their research results, and in order to be afraid that they will not have enough research data, I also specifically called Xinghuo to let her be responsible for helping them draw the magic array on site. .

With such a large group of elites working together, the progress of this research is naturally fast, but considering that we bring back only the data we have collected instead of the original magic array diagram, so this The difficulty is still quite large.

After more than three hours of research and consumption of research materials worth 100,000 crystal coins, the researchers of our guild finally tremblingly told me their research results.

"No, don’t put the magic array in front of us. We really can’t rely on these data to make sure that our method is effective."

"You have studied three How many hours spent 100,000 crystal coins to find such a result?" I almost didn't lift the table in response to the answers given by the researchers.

Seeing that I was very angry, Xinghuo couldn't help but stand up and said: "Purple Moon, don't get angry. We have not come up with research results, but we can't determine whether it is effective or not. You let us We studied the collapsed array, but didn’t give us the original picture. We have done our best to study these things!"

I thought about it and found it to make sense, so I reduced the fire pressure and used it as much as possible. In a calm tone, he said, "Although I don’t understand the magic array more deeply than you guys, I still know some of the basic theory. At least I know that the original version of the formation diagram is definitely better than just researching on the data, so I can bring you this data. It’s already the limit. If you can bring the original formation diagram, you don’t need to say that I will definitely bring it here."

The researcher who reported to me said: "Since I can’t bring the magic array diagram , Then we can only take our plans over and try them one by one."

"Then what plans did you come up with?"

After the researcher heard my question He immediately waved back, and saw two researchers running over with a trolley several times larger than the shopping cart used in the supermarket. I was dumbfounded when I saw the pile of things on the trolley, and then I looked at the researcher in confusion and asked: "What is this?"

"It is the solution we prepared for you. "

"So much?"

The researcher nodded vigorously and said: "If time is not too short, we plan to prepare more things. But time is tight now. So we have prepared these things for you for the time being."

"Okay, anyway, I have a phoenix and dragon, and I am not afraid of many things. You can tell me directly how to use these things."

The researcher was nodded, and then reached out and hugged a disc-shaped object on the trolley. The diameter of this thing is about forty or fifty centimeters, which looks slightly smaller than the manhole cover of the sewer, but the thickness of this thing has reached more than 20 centimeters, and there seem to be many complicated magic arrays on the edge. On the front of this thing, you can see a circle like a copper compass-like structure carved with Zi Chou Yanmao and Wuji Gengxin in ancient China. Of course, the paintings on this thing are not ancient Chinese calendars or the like. Things, but some complicated lines, look like a miniature magic array one by one. In the center of the entire disk, a crystal ball with red light is flashing slowly, brightly and darkly, and it seems that there is still liquid flowing in it. As for the opposite of this thing, because he hasn't picked it up yet, I don't know for the time being.

The researcher hugged both sides of the thing with both hands, and then lifted it up forcefully, but... there was no response at all. The guy tried awkwardly two more times, but in the end I couldn't see it anymore and I reached out and picked it up. But speaking of which is not to blame that guy is weak. The main reason is that this thing is really too heavy. Even though its diameter is not as large as the manhole cover, and its thickness is only 20 centimeters, the weight of this thing is at least half a ton. Even if I hold it with my strength, I can clearly feel the pressure on their hands. For the researchers of Unbound Chicken Power, this weight is indeed too heavy.

After I got this thing, I first turned it over and looked at the structure underneath, only to glance at it and almost fainted. It turns out that the bottom of this thing is a plane made of fine gold, and on this plane are densely packed lines and dots, the density of which is almost reaching the point of covering the entire panel.

"What is this?"

"This is an automatic analyzer that our guild specializes in analyzing magic arrays. Its function is a bit similar to the unlocking skills of thieves, but it Only valid for magic array."

I asked in surprise: "You said this thing is equivalent to an automatic magic array cracker?"

"no no no." The researcher hurriedly Corrected: "The one you took is modified. It has no cracking function. It only records the structure of the opponent's magic array. With it, you can copy the opponent's magic array, so that we can start studying even if there is no original image. ."

I nodded and said: "I said you had this and it would be over? I'll take it and try it."

The researcher said angrily: "This is extreme The modification of sophisticated equipment is a very complicated process. How can it be said that the modification is good? We have been working on this since we received the task, which was completed when we just reported to you."

< p>"Fine, I know this. I'll go over there and use this to copy the magic array before experimenting with other solutions, right?"

The researcher nodded and said:" That's right. First use this thing to copy the magic array structure, and then leave a backup, and then use our solution to reverse the other copied magic array, if it succeeds, then use it on the real magic array, if it fails, simply Don't try, lest you cause problems." The researcher pointed to the underside of the car again after finishing talking, and then I realized that there were more than a dozen of these things under the car.

"Didn't you say that this thing is difficult to modify, did you just get it done?"

"Yes. This thing is really difficult to modify."

"Then why did you do so much in one go?"

"Because we are divided into a dozen groups of people and each is responsible for one, and once completed, there will be a dozen. Isn't it a simple matter?"< /p>

"OK, I didn't ask. You can tell me what the other things are for."

The researcher immediately picked up a flashlight that looked like an old-fashioned flashlight. The metal stick was handed in front of me. "This is the first plan."

I took the metal rod in doubt and looked at it for a long time, but I didn't figure out why this thing was used. "What is this? A flashlight?"

"This is our first solution. To put it bluntly, it is actually a magic impact device, which can release a super magical impact in an instant, thereby completely destroying The structure of the magic array is brute force."

"No, the magic array is printed on the person. After you violently crack the magic array, it will not work, but the person is also killed by you. . I cracked the magic array to save people. Do you give me this thing to directly kill or save people?"

The researcher explained: "Violence cracking refers to the violent destruction of the magic structure of the magic array. , Is not the carrier of destroying the demon array, and the Boswana wave and Sibes radiation energy released when the magic power bursts are lower than the upper limit of Obona that the human body can resist, and then..."

"Stop it. "I quickly stopped the researcher's endless talk: "Can you tell me something I understand?"

When the researcher heard it, he immediately looked at it with a disdainful expression of "no culture and true terrifying" After taking a look at me, he changed enough to say: "Anyway, you know that this thing only destroys the demon array, and it will never harm the human body."

"Okay, I'll turn my head and put this directly on the person. One poke will tell if it's useful."

"No. Do you want to kill?" the researcher called out hastily.

"What are you doing? Didn't you say that it doesn't hurt people?"

The researcher flustered and exasperated said: "I mean the momentary impact of this device will not directly hurt The human body is just like the instantaneous current released by the ignition device of a lighter will not hurt people, but we don’t know the magic array on the opponent’s body. The energy released by the array before it is destroyed may harm the human body. Therefore, we must first use our modified replicator to copy the magic array for experiments. After you get there, put the replicators on the person one by one and copy that one. The structure of the magic array, and then experiment with the solution we provided on the replicator. If the red crystal ball on this replicator turns green, it means that the cracking is successful, and if the crystal ball changes from flashing to red, it means cracking. Not only will it fail, it will activate the magic array. If the crystal ball still flashes after cracking, it means that the cracking method is completely invalid, but it does not cause any negative effects. If the crystal ball bursts, it means that this method will endanger the person. You must not use your life."

I nodded and said: "Okay, I understand, then you can tell me how to use everything besides this thing, and I will try them one by one. "

Under the explanation and guidance of that researcher, it took me half an hour to figure out all the twelve cracking methods he provided. These twelve cracking methods have their own characteristics and theoretically all There is the probability of unlocking the magic array, but in order to prevent it from doing experiments with duplicates in case, I also gave me double copies of these twelve devices, so that I can use another site to crack after the experiment is successful.

After teaching me how to use these twelve devices, the researcher took out something that looked like a boxing gold belt and handed it to me: "If all the above twelve methods of cracking Yes, then you can give this thing to that person."

"What is this?" I asked, holding the thing that looked like a wide belt.

The researcher explained: "Is this a method of a method."

"What is a method that is not a method?"

"It is a method that is not a method. It is said that this thing can relieve the pitiful person’s mortal danger, but it cannot solve the magic array."

"What do you mean?"

The researcher thought about it and wanted to explain. "First of all, you have to know that this thing cannot crack the magic array. After using it, the broken array still exists and can work, so this is not a solution. However, although the magic array can still work, it will not harm To the safety of the life of the person who was printed with the magic array, so it is called an unresolved method."

"Why does the magic array work and does not endanger life safety? The energy disintegration array is not once disintegrated. Will the magic power begin to dissipate the health?"

The researcher nodded said: "You are right, and in fact, the energy disintegration array does not consume the health before the magic is exhausted, it just consumes The amount is relatively low, and it is generally not visible. As for the working principle of this thing, speaking of which is also very simple. You can imagine the human body as a reservoir, and the magic is the water in the reservoir. This energy collapsing demon array is equivalent to one A pump, it will pump the water in the reservoir, and if the reservoir cannot be replenished, it will be drained sooner or later. Of course, the specific time depends on the power of the pump and the volume of the reservoir and the volume of the reservoir. Replenishment speed. The cracking method we used before, whether it is to smash the pump or turn it off, is ultimately a purpose, that is, to prevent the pump from pumping out, so that the water in the dam will not dry out."

I nodded and said: "I can understand this, but how does this belt prevent the pump from draining out?"

The researcher went on to say: "The disc in the middle of the belt is new The shape thing is actually a magic amplifier with super strong beam energy formation. When using it, just let this thing close to the energy collapse array. When the energy collapse array is activated, it will first release the magic power, but this thing will Constrain the magic power to prevent it from radiating, and the magic power amplifier in it will eventually form an ultra-high concentration magic field between this belt and the energy collapse array. You have to know that magic power is actually pressured, this The point is the same as the water pressure."

When I heard this, I already understood the principle of this thing, so I preemptively said: "You mean this thing is equivalent to the water outlet of the pump A higher water pressure is added, so that the pressure at the outlet of the pump exceeds its output Limit, so that it can't extract the magic power, but will be completely stuck, right? "

"It can't be said that it is completely stuck, it's just that it can't continue to draw out the magic. Because a super high concentration of magic power was applied to the collapsed array, its pressure had even exceeded the strength of the magic power in the person's body, so the magic power could not be collapsed at all. Every time the collapsed array starts to pull out the magic power, the magic power outside will flow back due to the super high pressure, and the result is that it can't be pulled out at all. However, in the process of disintegrating the magic power of the array, it still needs to consume the man’s own magic power to position it to operate, so that person will still be consumed some magic power, but compared to the magic power of the disintegrating array, this consumption is only a percentage. One of them is not enough, and with the recovery speed of normal people's magic power, it can completely withstand this consumption, so that there will be no life-threatening situation in which the magic power is exhausted. "

I nodded and said: "putting it that way is really not a solution. Although it does not solve the problem of collapsing the array, it can at least ensure that life is worry-free. "

The researcher said: "President, don't worry too much. This is only the last solution that needs to be used when the previous twelve methods are ineffective." Besides, this is just a makeshift. As long as you bring back the last remaining copy magic array disk, we can copy it in large quantities, and then use various distributions to experiment one by one. The two most difficult points in cracking the magic array are nothing more than fear of damaging the object carrying the magic array and lack of time. With the function of this belt to limit the collapse of the array, we can gain time to study slowly, and we can replicate this magic array in large numbers, so we can safely experiment without worrying about harming the one that carries the magic array. Safety of human life. With such conditions, is there a magic array that cannot be solved? "

I think it is true. The rule in this world is that shields are never as strong as lance, such as the gates of bank vaults and secret bases in reality. Objects, which door do you say is absolutely impossible to open? By the same token, no matter how complicated this magic array is, we are not worried about time or hurting people, so we can unlock it anyway.

< p>After clarifying the functions of all the equipment, I left the research institute and ran to Hades's Temple of Hades again. At this time, it has only been more than four hours since the last time I left, and Hades saw me After that, he was obviously taken aback. He immediately asked in surprise, "Why did you come back so soon?" Is there something wrong? "

I smiled triumphantly while pouring the pile of things out of Fenglong Space, and then said: "Our people have found twelve ways to crack them, but I'm not sure whether it works. . In addition, I have another method that can guarantee the safety of Persephone's life even though it is impossible to crack the magic array. "

When Hades heard that there were so many methods, he immediately became excited. According to his thoughts, there must be one of the twelve methods, right?

After confirming that I was not lying to him, Hades immediately found Persephone, but this time Persephone was not knocked out. She was knocked out before because it was still unclear, Hades. I'm afraid that Persephone, who has a simple personality, can't deceive people and be discovered by Zeus, and now that I have said that the twelve methods will not work and there is a final insurance, he naturally feels relieved to let Persephone know the whole thing.

"Well, Miss Persephone, please lie down on the sofa. I will let my familiar copy the magic array for you, and then we will pray together that at least one of the twelve methods will work. "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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