"Sorry, I didn't know that you were from Lord Ladamantis. Lord Minos was in the trial court, and I don't know where Lord Akos is."

After hearing the guard's report, I slightly nodded and ignored the guard and walked directly toward the court. Before I came, Pandora had already drew me a map of this place, so I am very clear about the general location of the building here.

Follow the directions on the map, cross the long street in front of you, turn to the left, and then follow the road to the end and you will see a door. This is an obvious Transmission Gate because it was built on a base that looked like an altar. There was nothing behind the door, only a lonely Transmission Gate, which looked like a reduced version of the Arc de Triomphe, stood there.

After passing through the Transmission Gate, I found myself standing on a platform. The platform all around is endless darkness, even with my dark vision, I can’t see through the darkness. Up ahead of the platform, facing the Transmission Gate is the back door of a building. The reason why I know this is the back door is mainly because although the building is unusually tall, it has no decorations. The smooth and slippery outside is a large flat rock. If it weren't for the monster sculpture on top of the temple-like building, maybe I would treat this thing as a cliff.

The first thing you see after entering the building from the door behind the building is the passage extending to the left and right. According to Pandora, these two passages actually lead to the front hall, so which way to go It doesn't matter.

After bypassing the passage, I went directly to the front hall of the building. The structure here is very similar to the castle that entered the underworld before. The huge hall seems to be prepared for giants. Giant stone pillars with a diameter of more than ten meters are neatly arranged on both sides of the hall to support the roof that is at least more than a hundred meters above the ground. The front of the lobby is a row of gates that allow giant dragons to easily get in and out. In the depths of the lobby is a stepped structure that narrows upwards like a pyramid. At the top of this step is a huge office. At the table, there are two fully armed guards standing on both sides of the table, and behind the table is the Minos I’m looking for.

At this time, Minos is holding a thick book and flipping through it. At the bottom of the towering stairs, a ragged complexion pale guy who doesn’t know whether a person or a ghost is being The two guards pressed on the ground for interrogation. The Minos on the top would ask some questions from time to time. As long as the guy below didn't answer honestly, the guard would immediately be beaten by the guards.

Because this hall is super empty and there are few people, I was spotted as soon as I appeared on the side of the hall. But I didn't intend to hide it anyway. After seeing the other side noticed me, I took the initiative to move towards the stairs and walked over.

If I make an attack or turn and run away immediately after being discovered, the other party will take more action. However, seeing me come over calmly, Minos and the guards will oppose After all, I didn't take any action. After all, my reaction didn't look like an intruder or the like, and the location of my appearance also showed that I came from the side of the Underworld Temple behind. Being able to walk over there at least means that I have entered the dead of the underworld, otherwise I should have walked in through the front door.

Although the other party did not take action, I do not intend to get too close to Minos. Although I have the confidence to defeat him, I am not here to fight, and I will need his assistance afterwards. Now it is not suitable to cause conflicts, so it is necessary to maintain the necessary courtesy.

According to the precautions given by Radamantis, I did not directly walk up the steps. Instead, I walked directly to one of the two guards who pressed the deceased. The letter that Si wrote to Minos was handed over to the guard near me.

The guard first saw me approaching and was a little alert, but after seeing the logo on the letter, he immediately relaxed and quickly saluted me, and then ran up the steps with the letter and delivered the letter directly In front of Minos.

When Minos saw the mark of Radamantis on the letter, he first glanced at me with surprise and doubt, then opened the envelope and looked at it. After spending a few minutes reading the contents of the letter, Minos immediately stood up and said to the two guards beside him: "You help me take over for a while."

The two guards immediately nodded to express their understanding, and then said. : "Please rest assured, we will try our best to try every sinner."

Minos nodded, then quickly walked down the steps and beckoned me to bypass the side pillars before entering The passage where I came.

"Ladamantis is with you?" Minos asked in a low voice after entering the passage.

I nodded and said: "Pandora and Ares are also with me. They have agreed to join the Frost Rose League. As for the purpose of my visit this time, I believe that Radamantes has already explained to you in the letter. "

Minos nodded said: "In principle, I am not opposed to joining your Frost Rose League, but Ladamantes should have already told you that we will not betray Hades. My lord. If Hades does not agree to join, we are also impossible to join."

I nodded and said: "Pandora has already told me about this, and now I just want you and Aya Kos’s ability to act as an intermediary gives me and Hades a chance to have a good talk."

"I can promise you this request, but before that we have to find Ai Akos, and it’s better to also I want to find someone again."



"What?" I was honest when I heard this name Quite surprised. But not because of how powerful the character represented by this name is, nor because I have never heard of this name, but because Philotes is actually-a god. That's right. Philotes is the Goddess in charge of *** and lewd# chaos in the Olympus Divine Race. Her abilities can be described as very alternative, and because her abilities are too weird, even in the general chaos 1 She is also an extremely unpopular existence in the famous Olympus Divine Race. Minos asked me to find Aikos, I can understand, but this Philotes is a little unfathomable mystery.

Minos saw that I heard Philotes react so much and thought I didn’t know who Philotes was, but he just explained a few words and I interrupted him: "No need to explain. Now, I know who Philotes is, but I’m very surprised, why should this matter be called Philotes?"

Minos directly stretched out two fingers and said: "One, Philotes is also an extremely embarrassing existence in our Olympus Divine Race, so she will definitely support us in switching to your Frost Rose League."

"What about the second?"

"The second one is that Philotes is very important to Master Hades." Seeing me looking at him suspiciously, Minos approached me helplessly whispered: "I can tell you about this matter. This inside story, but you must never tell the third person that I said it." Of course, I immediately swore that I would never tell the third person that he told me this matter. After getting my guarantee, Minos asked in a low voice: "Do you know how Master Persephone became the Queen of Darkness?"

I nodded and said: "Victoria is my favorite. , So I know a little bit about the Olympus Divine Race. I heard her say that Persephone seemed to be robbed of Hades to the underworld."

Minos finished listening. Immediately nodded and said: "It seems that you do know a lot of things. Master Persephone was indeed taken back by Master Hades, but it is not finished. Because Master Persephone did not voluntarily become the Queen of Hades. Yes, so she was always indifferent to Master Hades at first."

Listening to Minos, I immediately nodded and stopped Minos from continuing. In fact, it's easy to guess things up here. Here you can completely imagine Hades as a bandit on the mountain, and Persephone is the noble Eldest Young Lady who passed down the mountain and was unfortunately robbed of the mountain to become the Lady of the Village. Under this circumstance, Persephone’s attitude towards Hades is naturally not difficult to imagine. If you didn’t fight her to death, it would be considered a compromise. It would be ironclad to expect her to be a good wife to Hades. No way.

Hades robbed Persephone to come back because he really liked her, so he would take her back when Persephone was about to become someone else’s wife. As a suitor of Persephone, Hades naturally hoped that Persephone would be very compliant with him and his love, but Persephone didn’t have a lot of favors with him at first, and he was later forcibly robbed by him. In the underworld, this relationship is naturally worse. In this case, if Hades wants to get Persephone's love through normal circumstances, it is undoubtedly a dream. So this guy Hades thought of a more alternative way, that is, let Philotes secretly catalyze Persephone's ***.

Although sex and love are not the same, but I have to admit that most people's love is based on sex. If anyone says that he can stay in love with someone without having sex at all, then congratulations, you have become a saint.

Because OOXX has the role of Catalyst and strengthening rubber for love, the shameless guy Hades chose to let Philotes catalyze Persephone's eroticism. As a result, Persephone is natural It was impossible to stop the effect of Philotes’ special ability and succumbed to Hades, and after the two had a physical relationship, coupled with Hades’s deliberate graciousness, Persephone’s attitude towards Hades began to improve quickly. Of course, the premise of this effect is based on the premise that Persephone did not know that he and Hades had sex with Philotes. Once Persephone knew that she had been catalyzed by Philotes' special skills, it was estimated that she would have to fight Hades immediately.

For the above reasons, Philotes is holding Hades's handle in his hands, so if she is present, Hades will at least remain calm and calm even if she does not agree to change jobs. After I have talked, I won't start with me as soon as I come up.

After understanding the meaning of Minos, we went through the space gate and returned to the space where the temple of the gods was located. Afterwards, the process of searching for Philotes was very simple, and this It is estimated that the woman was really bullied by the Olympian gods, so when she heard that there was a chance to transfer, she was immediately excited to help me contact Hades, and I felt that she was more active than me! However, even though Philotes found it, Ai Akos was nowhere to be found. We went around all the possible positions of his appearance, but in the end we couldn't find anyone at all. In the end, there was really no way we had to go directly to Hades' Temple of Hades without looking for him.

"You two wait here, I'll go in and talk to Master Hades." After arriving at the Temple of Underworld, Minos asked me and Philotes to wait outside first, after all, I and Philotes is considered an outsider to Hades, and places like the Temple of Underworld are not suitable for us to enter directly.

After Minos entered, Philotes and I waited outside for more than ten minutes. Only when we thought something was wrong, Minos ran out and called us in.

When Philotes saw Minos coming out, he immediately asked: "Why have you been doing it for so long?"

Minos also helplessly said: "Persephone The adults are inside, it's really not easy for us to tell her in front of her, so I had to wait for her to leave before reporting to Lord Hades. Oh, by the way, the fellow Ai Akos is also inside."

< p>Ferotes immediately said: "No wonder we can't find him after looking for him in a circle." After crossing several guards, he finally entered a huge room. Somewhat unexpectedly, this is not the kind of meeting room that I imagined that looks like an office. Although most of the Divine Race I encountered before received me in similar rooms, Hades chose one. A special room.

The area of ​​this room is about 200 square meters. On the opposite side of the door is a full wall of floor-to-ceiling windows, through which you can see the garden outside, which is very beautiful. There is a row of cabinets on the left and right sides of the room. One side is full of books, and the other side is a variety of alcoholic beverages. The middle of the room is relatively empty, except for a set of gorgeous desks and chairs, there is only a long sofa and a huge black piano that can be used as a bed.

To be honest, this room is more like a private bar than an office. If it wasn't for the guy Hades who had turned the office into a bar with more affection, then it was not a reception room at all but a rest room.

When we came in, the guy Hades was sitting in front of the giant piano playing a very depressing music. Although I don’t know what it is, I’m sure It is definitely not a good thing for Hades to play this tune now.

After we all entered the room, Ai Akos, who was standing by the door, closed the door, and then he and Minos stood on both sides of Hades’s piano, and Philotes was I sat on the sofa unceremoniously, feeling that she was more casual than the owner here.

Seeing that they have found their respective positions, I walked to the center of the room, but I did not sit down, nor talk to Hades, but just stood there quietly and watched. Playing Hades.

With Hades's strength, he certainly knows who comes in the room, so he ignores I must be on purpose. But I came to dig a corner instead of looking for Hades to fight, so I didn't react too much to his ignorance. Instead, I just watched him and waited until he finished playing the piece he was playing.

After the end of the song, Hades got up from his seat and turned and looked towards me, but he did not speak, but walked directly behind his desk after looking at me. Sit down, then he took out a small box from the desk drawer and put it on the table. After placing the box, he gently pressed it on the top of the box, and a red water crystal pillar immediately bounced out of the top of the box and emitted a circle of red ripples. It wasn't until this thing was started that Hades suddenly reversed his previous attitude and enthusiastically said to me: "I'm sorry, President Purple Moon, I really didn't want to be in front of you just now. It's really..."

< p>I didn’t wait for Hades to finish speaking, and then asked: “Is there also Zeus’s eyeliner here?”

After Hades gave me a slightly surprised look, then he said: “Can be The intermediaries of the Divine Race take care of the ring of precepts. President Purple Moon is indeed not an ordinary person. But I am curious, how do you know that I am being monitored and the person monitoring me is from Zeus?"

I put my finger down the box and said, "Although I don't know what it is, there is also a phantom Goddess beside me. I am familiar with this special energy structure that is used to cover people's eyes. Since you This thing is put out, it must be because it is being watched. As for the main messenger is Zeus, this one is actually easy to guess."

"Guess?" Hades obviously doesn't understand. I mean.

"Of course." I explained: "With the identity and strength of your Hades, there are only eight people who can sit on an equal footing with you in this entire Olympus Divine Race. In addition to the existence of Zeus, who is higher than you at Level 1, there are only nine people you really need to be afraid of. If the opponent is weaker than you, with your strength and personality, you have already killed him directly, how could it be possible? Forced to pretend just to deceive each other’s eyes and ears? So this person must be one of these nine people."

"But then there are nine people who can guess, why do you think it must be Zeus? "

"This is about Pandora." When I mentioned Pandora, I paid special attention to Hades's expression. I found out that he didn't react abnormally before I said with confidence: " Before I came here, I talked to Pandora about your transfer. Pandora told me about the status of the Pluto family in the Olympus Divine Race. She thinks you are a very emotional person, so she doesn’t You are willing to betray Zeus, but I don’t think you dare to betray because of your feelings. It seems that something has been pinched in the hands of Zeus. Even if my guess is incorrect, given the current situation of your Pluto group, You should have defected from Olympus Divine Race a long time ago. Even if you don’t find someone to take refuge in, at least it’s okay to stand on your own. If the one who sent someone to monitor your existence is really among the other eight people, you are now in Austria. The embarrassing situation in Linpis Divine Race, even if you don’t fight him directly, you should have other fierce reactions. But you behaved so comfortably. This shows that you can’t move that person. Between you and Olin At the moment when the relationship between Divine Race and Divine Race is so rigid, you still dare not move a character, then I really can’t think of anyone besides Zeus."

"Yes, your inference is very Correct. The person watching me is Zeus." Hades readily admitted after I guessed it.

When I saw Hades confessed, I followed: "Since you don’t deny this matter, does that mean I don’t have to persuade you anymore? As long as I can deal with Zeus’s holding of you, you will Will you join us directly?"

Hades nodded and said: "It wasn't because Zeus threatened me, I would have stopped doing it a long time ago. Every time we fight, we rush to the forefront and divide the benefits. When I didn’t have our share, I didn’t want to work here for such an organization. As for joining you, I can see the strength of your guild from you alone, so it’s no problem to join you. I heard that you are here. China also supervises part of the work of the underworld. I used to be able to help you take over this part of the work."

I nodded and said: "That will be easy. You tell me Zeus first. What is it to threaten you, I will help you find a solution."

Hades thought for a while and said: "You wait here for a while." He left after getting my confirmation. After leaving this room, he walked back soon, with a woman behind him. I know this woman, it is Persephone, the queen of the world. I have to say that Hades was turned upside down by the Divine Soul she was fascinated by, because this Persephone is really very beautiful. However, I think the biggest characteristic of her is not her beauty, but the indescribable vitality. As the Goddess of Spring, where Persephone appears, you will feel as if you are on the wilderness in spring, even the air becomes fresh and beautiful. Compared to the dead and silent underworld, Persephone's breath is simply another extreme. I guess Hades was probably attracted by this extreme temperament, so he couldn't help but fall in love with Persephone. . But if I were Hades, I would definitely choose to marry Pandora instead of Persephone. To be honest, it’s a bit unimaginable that these two seemingly well-matched characters can develop sibling-like feelings between them. After all, the Olympus body set has always been known for incest, even if it’s a mother, son, father and daughter. There is a history of intermarriage between them. Big brother younger sister is even more commonplace. As a result, Hades and Pandora, the two completely unrelated existences, developed a pure brother-in-law relationship, which is really surprising.

Persephone first glanced at me after entering the room, then turned her gaze back to Hades, but what made her didn't expect was the moment she was about to turn around, ha Diss suddenly pointed to her neck from behind, and Persephone instantly collapsed like a robot whose battery was removed. Hades hadn't expected her to get on the ground if she hadn't been prepared for it. NS.

Seeing Hades fainted Persephone, Minos and I were surprised. Hades's reputation for pampering his wife is well-known throughout the God World. How could his love for Persephone suddenly stun Persephone?

Just when we were puzzled, Hades had already hugged Persephone to the side of the sofa, signaled Philotes to let go, then he put Persephone on the sofa , And then in our doubtful eyes he lifted the clothes behind Persephone a little bit, and then saw him scratching the clothes with his fingers, and the clothes were immediately cut open.

After cutting the clothes, Hades pressed the clothes back to Persephone's body and stretched out his hand to tear the cut open, revealing a piece of Persephone's back skin. I saw a magical array with a lightning mark in the center printed on the snow-white, smooth skin like a jade stone.

After seeing this thing, I immediately walked over in surprise, and then I wanted to reach out to touch it, but fortunately, when I reached halfway, I remembered it again, so I stopped and turned my head and looked towards Hardy. Si asked: "Can you?"

Hades nodded, and then I pointed two fingers on the thunderbolt chart, and after a few seconds, I frowned and took my hand back. . "Do you feel it?" Hades asked, looking at my stern face.

I nodded silent for a while and then asked: "When was this thing printed?"

"It has been printed since I snatched Persephone back. It's on top."

"You mean before..."

"No, it was printed when I grabbed her."

" You mean you were directly hit by Zeus when you came back from robbing Persephone?"

Hades nodded. "Yes, it was hit at that time."

I then asked again: "Did Zeus originally plan to hit you?"

Hades shook the head He said: "No, he was aiming at Persephone. Although I wanted to stop it, I was still imprinted by him."

"Zeus is too ruthless, right? My daughter. Let’s do it too?"

"The daughter I gave birth to with my elder sister wants to get involved, what do you think he can’t do?"

What Hades said Let me be taken aback for a moment. But then again, Zeus is indeed abnormal enough. Persephone’s mother is Goddess Demeter, one of the ten major gods of Olympus, and this Demeter is actually the second sister of Zeus, and she is also one of the wives of Zeus. As for Persephone, it was the daughter of Zeus and Demeter. That is to say, it is not counted that Zeus, an old harlot, married his second sister. He also tried to include Persephone, who is both his daughter and his niece, into his wife's ranks. But having said that, Hades is not a good bird, because Hades and Zeus are brothers, so Demeter is the second sister of Zeus and his second sister, and Persephone Is his niece. Of course, compared to Zeus, the old cock will not let go of his own daughter, at least Hades has turned a corner, and Hades is at least more specific, unlike Zeus, the entire Olympus Divine Race Few of the women have nothing to do with him.

Seeing that we had been talking there for a long time, Philotes, who had been in a state of surprise next to him, finally couldn't help but interject and ask: "You two have been talking there for a long time, what is that magic mark? Huh?"

"The energy collapses the array." I said directly to Philotes.

Ferotes heard the name and immediately covered his mouth in surprise. "Putting it that way...?"

Hades nodded said: "If it weren't for this thing, why do you think the lifeless Hades Temple would become a garden-like existence?"

Minos, who heard Hades's words, finally understood. Persephone is the Goddess of Spring. Her mana has certain life characteristics, and because the energy on her back collapses, she can't control her mana at all. As a result, her mana will be scattered wherever she goes. And the biggest feature of her mana is that it will transform the environment and give birth to various plants. As a result, after she lives in the underworld, the uncontrollable place becomes a huge garden.

"So it is!" Ai Akos said: "My lord, since this thing is so troublesome, why don't you destroy him?"

See Hades now feeling It was so bad, I replied on his behalf: "The energy collapses the array. The viciousness is here. This array will continue to cause the energy to collapse. At first, it will collapse the mana. This is easier to handle, but after the mana collapses, it will be destroyed. Spiritual power will begin to crumble. If left alone, the person printed on this array will soon die because of the exhaustion of life force. However, if you do not know the orbit of the array and force breaking the formation, the array will gather. The mana of the person printed on the array recoils his energy core. For your Divine Race, it is the impact of your Divine Soul. In the end, the mana is lost and becomes a useless person, and the body explodes and explodes. The formidable power is still quite big."

"What? Isn't that Master Persephone...?" Minos and Aikos became anxious as soon as they heard my explanation. The biggest feature of Divine Race of the hell system is loyalty, which seems to be the same throughout the world. Minos and Akos, as the three major Magicstrates of the underworld on Olympus, are naturally loyal to Hades. Now I heard that Persephone was printed with such a dangerous thing, and it is likely to die soon, how can they not be excited?

Seeing them so nervous, even Hades, who was in a bad mood, couldn’t help but say: “Don’t worry too much. Although Zeus doesn’t care about his father and daughter’s love, he’s afraid of me. Betrayed the Olympus Divine Race, so he used Persephone to set a yoke for me. The mark on Persephone was not fully activated, it was in a semi-dormant state. And it was completely activated. Array is not the same. It does not emit energy all the time, but each hour starts one minute and then closes. This consumption rate is relatively slow, and the recovery speed of Persephone itself can offset the mana consumption, so It will not cause any harm to her. But this state will only last for one year. Every year Persephone must return to Olympus and live for three months to reset the array, otherwise the array will be fully activated. At that time, Persephone can only last about half a year. If the array is not closed after half a year, the array will start to consume her life force, and then she will run out of life force and die within three months.

"Is that why you killed the Olympus Divine Race and did not leave? "Ferotes asked.

Hades nodded: "I can't harm Persephone because of my own relationship. Although this is unfair to those of you who follow me, I I don't want to give up anyone's life, so I can only do this. "

I interrupted Philotes, who was still trying to say something, and said, "Hades has his thoughts, so don't talk about it anymore." "After speaking, I turned to Hades and said: "Since the matter is clear, then you should keep the status quo, and don't let Zeus see anything. As for the collapsed array on Persephone, it's up to me to figure out a solution. "

Hades nodded said: "As long as you can remove this array, I will do it with you." "

After reaching an agreement with Hades, I released all the familiars around me who had studied the magic array, and then performed a series of the energy collapse array on Persephone's body. Research. Of course, our goal is not to crack this array on the spot. It’s too whimsical. Zeus is the boss of the Olympus Divine Race anyway, even if they are a strong race that is not very good at things like magic arrays, But the array made with Zeus’s strength is definitely not something that we can break through a group of people discussing and discussing it. The reason why we have to study this thing is just to figure out the various characteristics of this thing and bring it back to find someone to study it. If it weren’t for Persephone’s identity, I would even want to take her back together. After all, the recorded records are not as effective as the original samples.

Record this array. After the various features of Hades, I agreed with Hades to come up with a solution as soon as possible, and then under Hades’s guidance, we performed another play and pretended to be unhappy. Amidst our pretended quarrel North pretended to persuade, but I was pushed aside, and then he accidentally knocked over the phantom generator, and then what the people outside saw synchronized with the situation in the room. Then I pointed at Ha Diss’s nose said something angrily, Hades wanted to kill me immediately, but was pulled by Aacos, and I was pulled out of the room by Philotes.

< p>When the door to the room was closed again, Philotes, who was holding me, let go, and I immediately returned to my normal expression, assuring Philotes that I will find a solution to Persephone as soon as possible. After the array on my body, the woman let me go, and I did not delay. After leaving the underworld, I even gave up the plan to harass the Olympus Divine Race and ran back to Isengard.< /p>

As long as we work out a way to remove the collapsed array and bring Hades and the others over, it will be the biggest blow to the Olympus Divine Race, so for this ambitious goal, I have no time to do those imitates for the time being. The dog and steal chicken is a trivial matter. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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