As the judge returned to the city, the battle on the city wall stopped immediately. In the meeting, the judge had absolute leadership, and the NPC would not resist his orders. As for the players, this is simple. First, let the melee team members stop fighting, and then directly issue a not too strong request to let the team members not attack me and Rose outside the city. After that, those who are loyal to the judge will immediately stop attacking. As for Those guys who are outward devotion but inner opposition, needless to say, must have already taken refuge in Shadow II.

I and Rose waited outside the city for more than ten minutes before the city became completely quiet, and then a few arrows and some attack magic flew out from the city wall, but it was completely quiet soon Come down. After a while, a few players came out of the city, and these people from far away began to shout.

"Purple Moon President, Miss Rose. Our president said that we would like to invite you to go into the city to talk in detail."

"Okay, we will go over immediately."

< p>When we followed those players into the city, the city still hadn't fully recovered its calm. We could see that there seemed to be people fighting on the top of the building not far from the street. The player who led the way in front saw us looking in that direction and explained: "That is the remnant party of the Shadow II. Several backbones in our club are encircling and suppressing them. They should be caught soon."

"Your president is quite efficient." Rose turned to the player leading the way and asked: "Can you take us to the scene to see it?"

The player leading the way was obviously taken aback. But after thinking about it, he said: "Please follow me." After he said that, he turned and said to the other person who led the way: "Go and inform the president."

The player left after he was ordered to leave. The player who led the way led us to the other side of the battlefield, crossed a few small streets and arrived in front of the building where we were fighting. This is a relatively large medieval building with a structure similar to that of a Japanese castle tower. In fact, this is an architectural style in ancient China.

The battle took place on the top floor of this building, but only rumbling explosions and flashes that appeared from time to time could be heard below. As for the actual situation of the battle, it was completely invisible.

Rose looked up at the top of the building, then turned around and asked the player who led the way: "Shall we go and help?"

"Of course." The player hurriedly asked. nodded means yes.

After listening to the rose, she turned her head and looked towards me and said: "Go and catch a few obedient guys and come down."

I nodded looked up at the fighting floor above, and then tipped my toes. At a point on the ground, the whole person flew directly onto the floor where they were fighting. There is a circle of corridors outside each floor of this ancient building. I landed directly on the corridor and kicked open the wooden sliding door in front.

The scuffled crowd in the room immediately turned around and looked towards me. The position I entered is exactly on the side of the battle line between the two groups. My left hand is all players from the free front. Because the number of people on this side has an absolute advantage, I judge that they should be the judges. As for my right The hand side is the group of people who betrayed the judge and followed Shadow II. There are only eight people in this group, but the battle strength is obviously not weak.

When the people on both sides saw me, the reaction was to have nothing common with each other. The judges only froze after seeing me, because they already knew that I was not here to trouble them, so It's not very nervous, but the group of people on the other side is different. They became nervous immediately after seeing me, because they knew that ninety-nine percent of me came to them.

After seeing the people on both sides, I immediately moved towards the eight people and walked over, and the person from the judge on the left immediately gave me a way. The guy closest to me among the eight people on the opposite side retreated nervously when he saw me coming over, but after realizing that there was nothing left to retreat, he suddenly yelled and slammed his knife towards me.

I didn’t mean to stop at all when I looked at the guy who rushed over. When the two of us approached, the guy immediately swung it down, but I was suddenly several times faster than him. He stretched out his hand to support his wrist, followed the trend, and pulled the guy directly in front of me, and then lifted his leg like lightning, which was a whip kick on his stomach and kicked him. He flew sideways, but because his hand was held by me, his people could not fly out. Instead, he flew up on the spot and floated in the air in a flat face position. Following me, grabbing his hand and violently pulling to the ground, he immediately slammed onto the floor with a thud. But the floor of the wooden building simply couldn't withstand such a violent impact, and the guy hit the floor directly and fell to the lower ground. At this time, the lower floor was already crowded with people from the Free Front. This guy suddenly fell and was confused and was killed. It was impossible to get caught.

It took less than a second to quickly solve a target. In the astonished eyes of the seven people behind, I walked directly over the big human-shaped hole to the next person, and then when this guy was in a daze. Then he threw a right hook. The guy hurriedly raised his left arm to the side of his face until he saw me punching in an attempt to block my fist, but when my fist hit his arm he finally realized his mistake.

The power gap between the two of us is too big. Although his hand did block my fist, it couldn't completely block the power of my fist. My fist pushed his arm directly and hit the side of his own head, as if I was holding his arm and slapped myself with his own arm. The huge impact directly deflected his entire head to his own right, and followed the bending of his head to the limit. When pulling the body, the ground immediately began to fly to the right, and finally his legs left the ground, and the whole person was completely horizontal. Flew out. However, he only flew less than one meter, and his body suddenly stopped because I grabbed his flying ankle, and then dragged him to turn sideways, like throwing a hammer, moving his whole person towards the left Smashed in the crowd below.

In the end, the six guys immediately wanted to dodge when they saw their companions being thrown over. Unfortunately, only four succeeded in getting away from the hapless guy who flew over. It hits and flies out of the room, and it hits the hallway outside before being blocked by the railing and almost never falls downstairs.

After throwing over three people, the remaining four people were all panicked, but I didn’t let their panic last long, because after overturning three people, I took the sickle. Put it out. With the appearance of the space opening, the huge body of the sickle slammed into the room, eight sharp knives were inserted deeply into the floor, and the mouths opened and closed continuously, four white slime bullets were like unclenched cannonballs. Generally, they flew out, and instantly smashed all four of them to the wall behind, and then the slime exploded and completely stuck the four of them to the wall. No matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't move the super elastic slime.

After finishing the four guys, I snapped my fingers back and retracted the sickle, and then walked out of the hole in the wall like a walk. Two of the three people in the hallway out there who were knocked down have gotten up, but the guy who was thrown out as a hammer kick was completely unconscious because of a punch beforehand.

The two who got up shook their companions on the ground in an attempt to wake him up, but found that the guy was now in a state of shock, and he could not be awakened by shaking alone. In desperation, the two You can only choose to take care of yourself first. Seeing me coming out of the hole in the wall, the two of them had no plans to fight me at all. They were not arrogant enough to think that they could only be regarded as second-rate in the second-rate meeting. What can I do? Sample. After a glance at each other, the two suddenly turned around and supported the railing with one hand, and then they jumped out.

Seeing that they actually jumped down, I speeded up my pace slightly and walked to the railing beside me, then stretched my head and looked down. Only one person was falling, and the other was Spread a pair of wings and glide into the distance.

Seeing this situation, I simply retracted my upper body and raised my hand to connect the Avengers with the dragon's tendons, then raised my hand to the guy who was gliding away and moved my finger slightly, listening to the muffled sound of peng sound, revenge. The player immediately shot the cable head of the dragon tendon cable, and the pay-off device on the cable line quickly rotated to match the flying speed of the cable head, and the cable head over there passed through in an instant more than The distance of two hundred meters pu chi shot through the guy's wings. The cable head that passed through his wings bounced instantly, and then I stepped on the railing with my right hand to hold the left hand attached to the cable and pulled it back violently. The cable retractor was activated instantly, and the barb on the cable head was instantly activated. He was pulled back and stuck in the guy's wing, and then dragged the guy back and flew back.

The guy was flying well didn't expect a sudden pain on his wings, and immediately lost his ascent, the whole person immediately began to fall, and the cable through his wings He was pulled back and flew back instantly after passing through. Although he knew that being pulled back was definitely the worst case, he was now completely defied by the pain on the wings when he turned on the bloody mode. , Can only be pulled back upstairs.

The winding speed of the dragon's tendons is very fast, and it took only three to five seconds for the guy to be dragged back to the floor where I was. I squeezed the guy who was pulled back by the neck and threw him back into the room to the people of the Freedom Front to control, and then I stepped on the railing and jumped out.

One of the two who jumped off the building before was unable to fly. He kept slowing down with the help of the railing during the fall, and finally landed steadily on the ground. People from the Freedom Front outside almost rushed into the building, but there was no one outside. As soon as the guy landed, he found that there were only seven or eight people around. With his strength, most of the people in the free front were not his opponents, so he immediately realized that this was an opportunity. But... just as he was about to rush through the encirclement of these seven or eight people, he accidentally discovered that there was still standing outside the crowd of a player of his own guild and a woman who could definitely rank in the top ten among all the women he had seen in his life. Super beauty, and he actually discovered that this beauty is the woman who came with me before.

This guy doesn't know Rose at all. He just saw me and Rose outside the city when he was on the city wall, so he knew Rose was my person, but he didn't know the specific identity of Rose. However, he quickly judged from Rose’s equipment that Rose was an auxiliary person, and auxiliary personnel generally represented no battle strength, so he immediately modified his plan and gave up breaking through and fleeing, but jumped directly over the crowd towards Rose. Rushed over.

The guy who led us didn’t feel nervous when he saw the guy jump down. After all, there was only one person, but when he saw the guy rushing towards the rose next to him, he immediately I became nervous. Everyone knows that Rose is my person, but he knows more than ordinary people. He knows that Rose is actually my wife. If Rose with such an amazing identity is killed in their guild and beside him, then their guild and him will definitely bear a huge responsibility. Even if we don’t hold him accountable, he will definitely be slobbered to death by their guild leader, so When he saw the guy rushing over, he quickly stood in front of Rose and shouted: "Miss Rose, run first, and I will stop him."

Although this guy's response is good, it is a pity that he Not a main fighter. Although this guy is not low in status, he is a staff member of the staff category. Although he is also a combat professional, but because he doesn't participate in battle very often, his level is not high and his equipment is very average. That guy is a second-line expert in their guild. Although he is not a Peak member, at least he can't deal with it. He only hopes that his shot can hold that person. However, he really overestimated himself. The other party didn't intend to pay attention to him at all, and directly knocked him out at the price of a hard punch, and then went straight to the Rose that was still standing there.

Seeing that the last obstacle was also knocked over, this guy was so excited that it almost came out. He pounced on Rose with a grim expression, and then...

lose one's head out of fear around him, thinking that the people who were killed by Rose would see an unforgettable scene for them in the next second. The moment the guy came into contact with Rose, Rose suddenly reached out and pinched the guy’s wrist, and then she didn’t know how to throw the guy over her head, and then she gently squeezed the guy’s wrist with a light touch. Turning over, the guy fell flat on the ground in a lying position, and the huge rumbling sound made the person standing next to him feel sore.

This is not over yet. Rose didn’t let go after she threw the guy off with one move. She still pinched the guy’s wrist and twisted it again. The guy immediately screamed and turned over, but she didn’t know how to do it. The arm was twisted behind him. Rose turned around and walked behind his back, stepped on his shoulder with one leg, and then helped to pinch the twisted arm with the other hand and lift it up, only to hear a click, the guy immediately slaughtered the pig. With a scream like a scream, as Rose let go, the guy's arm immediately slumped like a dead fish, and it was obvious that the joint of this arm was dropped.

Although he was under the joint of an arm, but because there was no anti-joint control, the guy was no longer suppressed on the ground. Instead, he used his other hand to support his body and wanted to get up and resist, but He just got up, but Rose suddenly stepped on his finger. The guy who felt the pain in his fingers immediately wanted to shrink his hands, but the body was supported by this hand, so he couldn’t let go at all, but because of this avoiding consciousness, his originally tight arms became just mere Just now it was able to support his body, but at this time, Rose’s other foot just hooked his elbow inward and gently hooked outward. The balance of the body was instantly broken, and the guy immediately lost support and fell on his back. Back to the ground, at the same time his face was hit on the ground with blood on his face. Rose clamped his arm, and both legs jumped and pulled vigorously at the same time. There was a click again, telling everyone that both arms of this guy were useless.

"Ah...I'm going to kill" The pain made the guy yell hysterically, but Rose kicked him in the face just halfway through the call , He shut his mouth in an instant, followed by Rose and in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, swept across the guy's ankles with the pointed cone at the end of his portable staff, the guy immediately screamed again, and at the same time the whole person It also collapsed weakly on the ground in a large font.

"I really have nothing to say to an idiot like you, do you think I am a good bully when I see me as a woman or an auxiliary profession?"

The guy on the ground still wants to argue , But just after being kicked out of his mouth full of teeth, a mouth was sprayed with blood, and he couldn't say anything at all. In the end, he had to lie back on the ground unwillingly. His arms and joints were dislocated and his hamstrings were broken. If there is no medical staff to treat him, he will have to die and resurrect to regain his actions. Now obviously no one here will treat him, and he doesn't want to be in vain. Died once, so in the end he gave up the struggle.

As this guy was under control, even if all eight people in the building were caught, but in the process of being suppressed, two of them were defeated by the guards because of resistance, leaving six others. He was brought over in a concentrated manner. Rose just took a look and asked the guy who led us to take these prisoners to the judge. The guy who led the way also immediately accepted this request.

Before our party reached their guild meeting hall, the judge ran over with a group of people first. He who was waiting for us in the conference hall didn't expect the news that we ran to clean up the remnants of Shadow II, so he hurried over with the cadres in the meeting, but didn't expect us to speed So fast, they just ran into us who were walking back halfway.

The two sides exchanged greetings and moved to the conference hall. Unrelated personnel were locked outside the door. Inside the door were only a few cadres from the Free Front, me and Rose, and of course the six captive.

Because the judge felt that their guild was a little sorry for us, so after some humility, the work of interrogating the prisoners was handed over to me and Rose. Of course, there are also some of them. They think our interrogation method is more brilliant.

In fact, our interrogation method is not brilliant at all, but the effect is very good. I took the downgraded Immortal Pill and showed the attributes to those people, and after those people turned pale, Rose took over the Immortal Pill and said: "You follow Shadow II for nothing more than gaining benefits. Shadows. There is another power behind the Second World that supports him. He can raise his level from Novice Village to 1000 or above at any time, but you can’t. Their power will not provide you with such resources, so if you eat this An Immortal Pill, then you can only say goodbye to benefits forever, because no guild will use any benefits to buy players with more than one hundred levels like you. Therefore, your level is everything to you, no At this level and a piece of equipment, you are nothing.” Rose paused for a while, and then continued after seeing the twinkling eyes of everyone: “So now, you can have a chance to change your own destiny. As long as you have a chance to change your own destiny. If you say the answer we want to know, we can kill you directly, so that you will lose two levels at most. However, if you don’t cooperate, then I’m sorry. We will let you eat this medicine pill, Then you can re-experience the feeling of a novice player. And..." Rose smiled and paused, and the few below immediately felt trembling all over. Rose seemed to be very satisfied with their reaction, until they trembled and then continued: "You may not know that my profession is actually a resurrection mage, and the success rate is as high as 99.99%. So, if not In an accident, my husband and I joined forces. Theoretically speaking, we can directly brush you back to Xinshou Village, even without this pill."

Being intimidated by Rose, all the people present were nodded. He desperately said that he would say what he would say, and never conceal it. Think about it too. Shadow II is not engaged in a great cause, no one will throw his head and blood for his thoughts for no reason. These people are just puppets subject to the trend of interest. They know who they are, and they also understand that what Rose said is not fake at all. Shadow II can be re-trained after being killed back to the Novice Village, but they can’t. Those people will not waste precious resources on funding them, so once they become low-level players, they really can only be A newcomer, even if they are desperately leveling later, they can at most mix with the level of ordinary players, and if they think about it, they can only pray for a miracle.

Because they know these consequences, these people are super cooperative. They don't want to be changed back to novices. In contrast, the empty checks promised by the Shadow II have no comparability at all.

Seeing that these people are so cooperative, Rose smiled and put away the pill that made everyone sweat so cold. To say that this expired Immortal Pill is amazing. When everyone’s level was low, this thing was already worth a lot of money. We didn’t expect this thing because we neglected it for a while. After everyone’s level rose, we discovered that these things are obviously lower than everyone’s level and are much more overdue. Immortal Pill is more valuable. After all, although there are not many things that can raise people to a certain level at one time, they are definitely not many, but things that can turn people into one-to-two hundred-level novices at one time, it is estimated that the whole server is probably only here. Immortal Pill can do it.

"Well, since you are all willing to cooperate with our work, then we can start asking questions, but in order to prevent you from uniting and telling us false news to deceive us, you must answer the questions separately. The same I will ask someone to ask you each question separately. If your answers are inconsistent, then don't blame me for being impolite." Rose said looking towards me and gave me a wink, and I immediately released Ling.

As soon as Ling appeared, he arranged six isolation barriers that could completely shield the transmission of various signals except optical signals, and then sent six people into the six barriers. At the same time, I summoned the six. Humanoid Familiars are responsible for interrogators. Because we have a spiritual connection with me, we can ask the same question at the same time and quickly gather them together. If these people lie, the content they compose will definitely not be correct, even if it is impossible to determine which one is true. Yes, at least we can know that there is absolutely false news.

The six people cannot hear each other, so they have no choice but to answer the questions honestly. As for the matter of looking at the mouth shape and the answer, although it is not that absolutely does not have operability, but in this way It is a bit too difficult to confess to each other under the surveillance of multiple eyes. With the loyalty of these people, it is completely impossible to make fun of one's own rank for the benefit of Shadow II.

"Okay, listen now, my first question is-do you know the organization behind Shadow II?"

The answer to the first question is immediately There are differences, but it cannot be judged that they have lied because of their different identities and their degree of trust may be different, so it is not surprising that they may or may not know some secrets.

Five of the six said they knew the organization, and one said they didn’t. We did not screen this question, but continued to ask: "Do you know that any of the other five people also know this organization?"

The answer this time is different again, and the five said they themselves Anyone who knew this organization said that the other five people knew about this organization, but the guy who said he didn't know that such an organization existed said that he didn't know whether other people knew about the existence of this organization, but he didn't know it anyway. Obviously, this guy's first question and this question are both lies, because the other five people said he knew. Without collusion, he must have lied.

I waved Ling to remove the isolation barrier, and then walked to the liar's side with the six people's surprised eyes and dragged him over. "It seems that some people don't understand the meaning of my wife's previous paragraph, but it's okay, as long as someone understands it. In order to prevent others from not understanding, so you, a liar, will give them a live demonstration."

"No, you can't do this." The guy reacted instantly and knew that his lie had been seen through, but his struggle was useless at all. With a slight strain on my wrist, the guy's head immediately tilted to the side with a click. He threw the guy's corpse on the ground, Rose immediately came over and began to cast it on him, and then everyone around saw a faint silhouette gradually emerging next to the corpse. Everyone immediately understood that this was the soul of that guy.

In "Zero", the player will not be resurrected immediately after death, but will enter the soul state. In this state, it is the same as the weak ghosts in reality, unable to touch physical matter, and can move through walls and move at will. In the game, the player’s soul will be active in this state for a period of time. After that, you have to find a resurrection mage to help you resurrect before your soul dissipates. No matter whether the resurrection is successful or not, you can actually be resurrected, but if the resurrection technique is successful, you will be resurrected. Just drop Level 1, and if you fail, you will drop two levels. If the resurrection mage who resurrected you can resurrect high level, that's even better. As long as he wants, you can even resurrect without losing any experience and level. But unfortunately, NPC resurrection wizards can only use intermediate resurrection skills, and the resurrection wizard among players is definitely a rare animal existence. It is not easy to find a player of this kind, and even if you know which player is the resurrection wizard, People may not know the high level resurrection technique, after all, the practice of resurrection technique is very slow.

With Rose’s spell, the soul quickly became clearer and clearer, and finally suddenly became a human form again, and then I did not wait for the other person to recover from the surprise of the sudden resurrection. He was given a sword, and then he fell down again, and the rose came back to life again, and then I cut it again, and soon a pile of corpses piled up on the ground, all of which belonged to him. Because this is punishment, Rose uses the ordinary resurrection technique every time he drops Level 1 instead of nondestructive resurrection. Therefore, as he continues to live and die, his level is also declining, and the level drop is even more important. As a result, the equipment on his body continued to fall. These equipment that cannot be equipped because of the low level will directly explode when the character dies, and because the Rose resurrection speed is too fast, he has no chance to run, and can only be constantly killed by us. Those who watched, let alone captives, even those on the Freedom Front were chilly all over. This punishment is really torture! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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