"Shadow, how do you...?" Seeing the shadow II leading people rushing over, the judge wanted him to go back, but he just halfway through the call felt that I was putting my hand on On his shoulder, the judge immediately turned his head and looked at me suspiciously.

"Have you still not understood yet?"

"Should I understand something?" The judge looked at me questioningly.

I shook the head helplessly, and then said: "He simply wants you to kill it together."


"Of course it is for Let the group of people on the city wall attack me together?"

"My member?" The judge turned his head and looked at the city wall, and then he saw his own crowd in a melee and followed him Suddenly reacted. "You mean that the shadow wants to kill me with me, and then frame the blame that you killed me, and then use this as a reason to ask the people of our guild to attack you?"

I am nodded Said: "It's a simple reason, isn't it?"

The judge immediately shook the head and said: "Impossible. I am not an NPC. I will be resurrected after he killed me. Have you explained everything clearly?"

"But when you come back, everything will be too late." Seeing the judge's idiotic expression, I could only helplessly pat my forehead, and then said to Rose Said: "I'll block the cavalry, you should explain to him."

After I left, Rose stood in front of the judge a little amused, and then explained: "In fact, the matter is very simple. Because For some reasons we don’t know yet, the Shadow II is extremely hostile to our Frost Rose League or Purple Moon. You should be able to analyze this from the previous wish fruit events.” Rose said There was a deliberate pause here, and she didn't continue until the judge nodded expressed that she understood: "Because of this hostility, he very much hopes to hurt the interests of our Frost Rose League or Purple Moon, but he knows how powerful we are. Understand that he alone cannot cause us much harm."

"So he wants to drag us into the water?" The judge finally reacted.

Rose said with a slight smile: "Look, isn't it very simple?"

The judge frowned continued to reason. "As long as he takes someone to kill me, people on the city wall too far away can't see the details. He only needs to say that I was killed by you, and our people will most likely believe his words, and then they will attack you. , Even if I come back to clarify the facts later, you must have started counterattack because of our active attack, so at that time we had to resist, which means that the truth I brought back is actually meaningless."

"Yes." Rose nodded and said: "But you don't have to worry about the success of his plan, because we simply won't let you be killed by his people, and it doesn't matter if you are killed, we know this is His plan, so even if he kills you, we will leave temporarily. When you come back, as long as we do not fight, his plan will be completely useless."

The judge nodded and said: "It seems that things are not what he said this time!"

"What he said?" Rose keenly grasped the key words. "He refers to the Shadow II? What did he say? Our bad words?"

The judge directly took out a crystal ball, and then released an image, the content is the previous Shadow II release The image shown to the judges.

"This is...No, this is not a real scene." Rose pointed directly at a position in the picture and said: "Pause." The judge quickly paused the picture, and then looked towards Rose. Rose pointed to the stone pavilion where we were talking in the picture and said: "This is not the stone pavilion at the beginning. Pay attention to this. This pavilion is intact. Purple Moon and Purple Moon used to secretly compete with each other when they negotiated. After the reaction speed, the gunman fired a shot and was blocked by Purple Moon. However, the bullet knocked out one corner of the pavilion. Look at the pavilion, all eight corners are intact. Isn’t it obvious? ."

"putting it that way is this a forged image?"

"The pavilion has not disappeared, you can check it out, and the forum is about that incident I don’t know how many different versions of the videos there are, you can just go through it yourself."

The judge frowned said: "The videos that have been published on the Internet for a long time cannot be faked. If you dare to say that That must be true. Putting it that way, the identity of the shadow is questionable. By the way, he told us before that he was the Vice-President of the Bright Alliance and said that the Bright Alliance was once an anti-Japanese guild. As a result, Later, it was because their guild got this video that you killed it. He also said that their guild’s traitorous behaviors were all lies made up by you to control public opinion in order to darken them."

< p>"He can really say that. The public opinion in the game is not the news units in reality. How can it be controlled? And this guy is not the Vice-President of the Bright League. The Bright League has a total of three Vice-Presidents. , None of them are called Shadow II. But I suspect that he is still somewhat related to the Light Alliance. It is possible that he is indeed Vice-President, but this number is a newly re-established number, or it is possible that he is just from the Light Alliance. An ordinary leader, saying that he is a Vice-President is to make you feel that his background is quite extraordinary."

"You said this is really possible, no, I have to go back quickly Stop the cannibalism in the meeting."

The rose grabbed the judge who was about to leave and reminded: "The cannibalism is indeed to be stopped, but those battles are not necessarily self-explanatory. You have to look carefully at the killing. If you missed such a good opportunity, you won't come again."

The judge was taken aback by Rose's words, but Rose turned into a depressed face instead. In the end, Rose said frustratedly, "Forget it, it seems that I have to be more straightforward when talking to you! I was just telling you that some people in the Freedom Front may have taken refuge in Shadow II. These people may not really know. Shadow II’s true purpose, but they have undoubtedly decided to follow Shadow II to betray you. Whether these people were deceived or they really agree with Shadow II’s philosophy, in short, they are betraying you now. This kind of people staying in the guild is a bunch of time bombs, so you might as well take this opportunity to find them and kill them directly. If you miss this opportunity, it won't be so easy to find these traitors next time. "

The judge was stunned by Rose's words. After hearing Rose's words, he stayed for a long time before reacting and said: "There are many real experts on the forum saying that the reason why the Frost Rose League It’s not because of Purple Moon this world’s first battle strength, but because you have a world’s first staff. I thought this was just made up by some people to show off. Now it seems that this is the best. The answer is close to the truth!"

"If you are free to feel the power of our Frost Rose League, it is better to hurry up and organize your own guild. Although your free front will have some pain after this incident , But the hidden dangers are eliminated, just like the cultivator who defeated Heart Demon, the road to cultivation will be smooth."

The judge didn’t say anything about it this time, directly. Nodded ran to the city wall, and only then did he discover the dead bits and pieces of the cavalry that rushed out before.

I was riding on the back of the night shadow with a heavy hook made of eternity. The ground in front of me was full of wild horses and corpses lying on the ground. As for the living People, plus one piece is not enough, and only five of these people are still riding horses. The others have suffered minor or severe injuries standing or sitting on the ground. In short, they basically lost the battle. strength.

"Who the hell are you?" Riding on the back of Night Shadow, I pointed the tip of the hook and scythe at Shadow II. "You should have been in contact with me, but I am not sure who you are. Let me guess. Are you the shadow dancer?"

"hahahaha..." The other party laughed. But he didn't answer me. The guy pointed directly at me, and the four Knights who were following him immediately rushed towards me.

"Even if you don't want me to know, then forget it. Anyway, a nobody like you will still be a nobody even if it is resurrected 10,000 times. So now... let's see you for a while." I said suddenly. The eternal hook was thrown directly at Shadow II, and the hook quickly shortened during the flight, and finally turned into a throwing axe and smashed at Shadow II.

The four Knights who rushed towards me saw the flying axe and reacted differently. Three of the Knights jumped out of the way, but the last one stretched out his weapon and tried to pick the flying axe away. Unfortunately, his The position of the weapon was not right, and it happened to hit the axe blade. Ordinary Weapon couldn't stop eternity at all. That guy's weapon was cut off by the eternally changing flying axe, but the flying axe itself continued to fly forward.

Looking at the axe flying towards him, Shadow II immediately turned his head and let go of the throwing axe, and then he snorts disdainfully to show his contempt for me, only to find me after humming He realized that there was no expression of change before he realized it was wrong, and at this moment I just raised my hand and got ready to catch something. He suddenly reacted and turned his head back suddenly, only to see that the throwing axe actually rolled and flew back, and it was almost by his side. In such a short period of time, he had no time to get out of the way completely, so he could only reluctantly lean sideways. As a result, the flying axe passed through his shoulder, and he immediately unloaded one of his arms, and then the flying axe rolled back to me. 'S hand stretched out again to change back to the hook and sickle gun.

"Arrogance requires capital, otherwise you can only be an idiot. And you... don't have such capital." As I said, I caught Ye Ying’s belly, and Ye Ying immediately moved forward. The four Knights passed through them before they could react, and immediately followed the heads of the four people and flew together, while their bodies slid to the horse and fell to the ground.

"I'm going to kill you!" Seeing that all four of his entourage died, Shadow II immediately yelled frantically, but his yelling was useless to me.

Yeying started the dream shuttle when the guy yelled, and instantly passed in front of him. I lifted his neck with one hand and carried him onto my mount. Then when he raised his only arm to resist, he squeezed his wrist, thrust the hook in the other hand into the ground, flipped his hand and took out a relegated Immortal Pill facing the guy. The mouth was directly stuffed in.

"What did you eat for me?"

"Ship." As I said, I threw him off Ye Ying's back. As soon as he landed, he climbed up with one hand to support him and tried to attack again, but before he could find the weapon, Ye Ying suddenly jumped up and kicked him directly out dozens of meters with an accurate back kick. After landing, he still hopped on the ground like a ball and flew several tens of meters before finally landing. As for whether he died or not, that is not what I need to care about. Anyway, I have eaten the relegation Immortal Pill, this guy is only left now. There are more than one hundred levels, and this level is basically a waste now.

"Is it done here?" The White Wolf on which Rose was riding her suddenly appeared lightly beside me.

I turned my head and scanned the battlefield to confirm that no one can get up before nodded. "What should we do now? Enter the city right away or...?"

"I just let the military god see it with Babel, the city seems to be still fighting, at this time I don't think we are suitable Go in."

"Then shall we just wait?"

"Let me show you something first." Rose took out the previously ripped video and showed me Again.

"How did this thing come out? The system doesn't mean that the memory crystal video cannot be forged?" Rose didn't answer, but just looked at me and smiled, but I quickly reacted. "Do they use phantoms?"

System did say that the video in the memory crystal cannot be changed, but many people have overlooked a loophole, that is, the system only said that the video itself cannot be changed. Changed, but didn't say that you can't shoot fake phantoms. This is like assuming that there is no technology to modify the content of the video in reality, and then you see the video of Zhang San's murder, can you determine that Zhang San is the murderer based on this? What if the person in this video is Zhang San’s twin brother, Zhang Si? Although the picture looks exactly the same, Zhang San actually did not kill at the scene. The video here is obviously unmodified, but we can create false images to deceive the camera, and at the same time indirectly deceive the people watching the video.

The crystal ball that Shadow II took out is a system prop. The video of this thing cannot be modified, so it can’t be faked, but if you find someone who can transform and become someone else, Or simply use a large phantom to fool the crystal ball, then you can shoot a fake picture.

Seeing my reaction, Rose asked, "Knowing that this video is forged, what can you think of?"

"Shadow II is not doing it alone? "

"Smart." Rose nodded and said: "He has at least one team cooperating with him. This video can't be made by one person, and he has entered the free front. The process also requires internal response. His new character was also brought up with high level personnel in a short period of time, so there is at least a strong team behind him to support him."

"It seems that we have something to do. I'm doing it." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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