Under the dual skill punishment of me and Rose, the hapless guy was forced to play Level 20 alive, and then I stabbed it to death for the last time. This time his soul is completely complete. Freed, because Level 20 people will be forcibly teleported back to Novice Village after death, even if Rose is a resurrection mage, he can no longer forcefully resurrect the opponent. However, even though the guy was killed back to Novice Village, the piles of corpses in the room still looked straight-forward.

The player who uses the resurrection technique to resurrect will have a new body. Just now, the guy was killed by us from more than 1,000 levels back to the novice village, which means that he died at least one in the process. Thousands of times, and a thousand of his corpses appeared on the ground. Of course, the meeting hall of the Freedom Front could not contain so many corpses at all. During our killing process, the judge asked people to clean up the corpses on the ground, but because the door of the meeting hall was so big, the cleaning speed was relatively slow. As for we all killed that guy back to Novice Village, there are still a lot of corpses on the ground.

"Okay, the performance is over. Now it's time for you to answer the questions. If anyone will let me find out that he is trying to conceal or mislead us...you know the consequences for yourself." I said and signaled Ling The isolation barrier was restarted, and then the remaining five people began to be interrogated.

"Do you know the situation of the group of people behind Shadow II?"

"Yes." This time the answer is uniform.

"Very good. Do you know how many people are in this group?"

The answers of the five people are a bit different this time, but the difference is only the way of expression. The content is basically the same. According to them, they don't know the exact number of people in this organization. They only know that they have a lot of people, but the specific number of people who know about them is have nothing common with each other. Among them, the one who knew the most said that he had seen more than 300 people, while the least one had only met a dozen people.

Although the answers of the five people were different this time, it was caused by the different things they knew. Therefore, we did not punish them this time, but continued to ask: "You know the other party’s organization Is it the form? Is it a formed guild or a hidden wild guild, or is there no guild formed and just exists as a free player?"

The answer this time is the same as before, although the expression is different , But the content is the same. This guild has a formal guild as the core, and there are many scattered players who have not joined the guild outside, but they are actually equivalent to one of the members of the guild.

"The third question. Do you know the name of this core guild?"

"Three talents." This time the answer is unified.

"Do you know the names of those peripheral personnel?"

This time the answer was messed up again. The five people who have met have nothing common with each other. In the end, we altogether Get a list of about fifty people. Although these guys have actually met at least four to five hundred people in this organization, the problem is that most of them can't remember their names, so the number of people who can actually be on the number is more than 50 people.

Next, we interrogated these guys for some other information about the guild, and these people were very cooperative. In the end, the information we probably know is that there are many foreigners in this guild, and the equipment in this guild is generally good. The people here are not too short of money. It seems that this guild will have a dedicated source of funds, and most of the equipment is obtained by buying rather than doing tasks.

In addition to knowing the above irrelevant information, there are several important information in the information we get. The first is that we know the name of the guild is Sancai, and the second is that we know that there are actually two cities in the guild, and we also know the specific location and approximate size of the city. In the end, we got quite astonishing news from these people that this guild was actually formed by the reorganization of the Light Alliance that was destroyed at the beginning. In other words, this is actually the original Bright Alliance. The only difference is that a small amount of personnel has been replaced, and the guild name has been changed and two sites have been re-obtained.

After confirming the information, I told the judges that this matter was fully delegated to us. After getting their affirmative answer, we took the prisoners out of the Freedom Front, and then After finding a hidden place outside the city and setting up the isolation barrier again, we said to the prisoners: "You have two choices now." The five guys were very nervous after answering the questions, because they were not sure. Whether I will abide by the agreement, but they had no other way at the time, so they had to say something. Now that they heard me say this, their hearts immediately came up again, just waiting for me to pronounce their sentence.

Seeing that their attention has been concentrated, I continued: "The first choice is to leave here immediately. According to our previous agreement, I will not hold you accountable again, and you will also You can no longer serve the Shadow II and his third talent, otherwise you will definitely suffer the same punishment as the guy before."

When I heard this choice, those people were immediately excited. Up. Obviously I didn't plan to fall back on the bill. However, they did not choose this plan immediately, because since I gave them a choice, it means that the two plans should have different effects. Since there is already an option to release them, the other option will certainly not be a punishment. Sexual, so they all want to know what the other option is.

Seeing that they didn’t choose immediately after hearing the first choice, I continued: "The second option is to let me kill you now, and then you will immediately go to Shadow Twenty after you resurrect. And his three will find a way to join in."

"Are you asking us to spy for you?" One of the five people with a long rogue face was the first to react tentatively. Asked.

I nodded and said: "Yes, I want you to be spies. Of course, this is not free."

Rose came out and continued with my words: "You just have to let the shadow The second and third will allow you to work for them again, and you will be rewarded with 500 crystal coins."


I’m sure nodded and said: "Yes, as long as you get in, you can get it. As for the ones that didn't get in, I'm sorry. You'd better disappear as soon as possible. If you let us know that other people who got in are exposed because of you, then I will too. Punish you."

After I finished speaking, Rose went on to say: "Successfully join the other force to serve each other, you can each get 500 crystal coins, and if anyone has the ability to mix Entering the third talent, then he can get paid for five hundred crystal coins again. And..." Rose dragged a long tone, and waited until those people stretched their necks before continuing to say: "It's five hundred crystal coins every month. Coins."

"Every month?"

"Yes, yes, five hundred crystal coins per month, settled at the end of each month."

"Okay, I did it." The rascal guy called out first.

"I did it too."

"There is still me."

"Count me."

"Me too Do it."

The five people cried together. Normal people will choose to accept such preferential conditions. After all, 500 crystal coins are not too small, not to mention that they are still issued on a monthly basis. You must know that the currency in "Zero" can be exchanged with renminbi. Five hundred crystal coins are five thousand renminbi. According to the current consumption level in China, if the quality of life is minimized, five thousand yuan can barely support a person. Consumption of normal life. Of course, this premise is that you can only eat some cheap food every day, and you can't have any excess consumption other than the necessities of life. But on the other hand, the five of them are not professional players, which is just an extra money for them. It’s as if you feel that your monthly salary is very small. If you suddenly get a windfall equal to your salary in addition to your salary, you will definitely think that it is quite considerable than money. After all, windfall and The feeling of formal income is completely different.

Just after the five people agreed to be us spies, Rose continued: "Since you are all willing to join, then I will tell you the details. Whether you just become hungry Peripheral personnel are also official members of the three talents. You should try to understand the list of people around you and some simple information about them, such as the person's appearance, occupation, current level, approximate equipment and all the information you can get , Anyway, the more detailed the better. However, these specific information do not need to be obtained at risk. We mainly need the list of personnel and the occupation and approximate level of the other party. Other information is available, but it does not matter. You can get this information. , Each of us pays five crystal coins for each of you. If you get the details of the other party, you can get ten crystal coins. We calculate how many people's information you can get based on this price, although one People’s information is not very valuable, but the number is still considerable."

The five people thought about it a little and understood that our statement was correct. After all, getting the list of personnel is not very complicated. In fact, you can sell five crystal coins for each person's name, and you can get five more if you have detailed information, which is definitely more profitable than buying and selling.

After the five people digested the previous information, Rose went on to say: "Of course, we are not taken advantage of. We will not pay for the duplicate list. We only give the first list you sent. The person who sends the information pays the corresponding remuneration, and then the second person who sends the same information only gets one-tenth of the agreed remuneration, and then there is nothing for the people behind. Of course, if whoever gets a simple list of personnel , If someone else completes the information, the five crystal coins for the detailed information will be paid to the person who completes the information. We won’t be unaccounted for."

"Then if we get it What about other useful information?" These guys have begun to understand their value after being inspired by Rose, and they actually know how to ask for other information to count money.

Ross said: "As long as you find useful information, we want all of it. Occasionally, we will actively release some targeted information for you to help us investigate. Of course, we will tell you this before publishing the investigation task. What is the value of the task. As for the information that we did not explain in advance and you think is valuable, you can send it back to us, and we will evaluate you according to the importance of the information. You can rest assured that in order to ensure your enthusiasm for helping us in intelligence, We will not conceal the importance of information and deliberately give you less money. After all, if you send less information, we will lose more, so you don’t have to worry about us giving you less money. Oh, yes, here One more thing. As with the previous rules, for the same information, we only recognize the information of the first person who sent it, and the person who sent the second one can get one-tenth of the amount of Number One Person's remuneration, and all the following are invalid. This rule is to urge you to send out the information as soon as possible, because most of the information is effective, the earlier we know, the more valuable the information."

"That, if we succeed in mixing Go in, then how do we contact you?" a player asked. "Even if we can put our trumpet in your guild to transmit information on both sides, but we can't change the number back and forth anytime and anywhere, right? For example, sometimes we suddenly get urgent information. We can't I’m going to change my phone number to inform you, what should I do?"

Rose directly took a purse and threw it to the guy who asked the question: "This is a hundred crystal coins. Actively think about the rewards of the details of the task. You will be so proactive in the future to help us collect information. After all, most of the important information is sudden. The subjective judgment is the most important. Like you just asked this question very well.” Rose said and took out five more crystal communicators, and then handed them: "This is a miniature crystal communicator, our signal is currently It has covered most areas of the whole world, and the country is even more comprehensive, so you can contact us under normal circumstances. If you need to communicate, enter a unit of magic power into the crystal, and then you can talk."

Five people nodded took over the communication crystal, and then said: "With this we can rest assured."

Rose went on: "Although you have these things, your trumpet is also We still have to put it on our guild side. We will send a special NPC to stand by for 24 hours. You can change the trumpet to tell us when you have information. After all, the change report information can express your meaning more clearly than the communicator. I suggest you try not to use the communicator if you can change the trumpet. After all, you need to make a sound when you use the communicator, and you may be discovered by others. Therefore, for safety, you should try to notify us by changing the number."

Thinking about it, the five people think that what we said is right. They are all nodded and they must try to notify us by changing the number.

After they finished speaking, Rose opened the mouth and said again: "In addition to collecting information, sometimes we may also need you to do something, such as quietly doing something to destroy or something. We will do these things. It will be released to you like a designated intelligence collection task. You can do what you can according to your own situation and the rewards we give. However, this kind of task is generally not released. After all, doing a task is not like collecting intelligence, and it is easy to reveal your identity, so We will not easily post tasks for you to do what."

Five people are nodded, and then one of the guys asked: "If they let us attack your people or do something to you, we What do you want to do?"

"You can do whatever you want. In addition to providing us with information and accepting our assigned tasks, you only need to treat yourself as each other's people. For your spies What is the worst identity even if we die? But if you feel that your mission is important, you'd better report it to us so that we can also be prepared."

Next We taught these people some basic spy skills one after another, and then killed them all one by one and brought them back to life. The reason for killing them once is to make your level match. They were caught by too many people, and the guy who was killed by us back to Xinshou Village also knew about the five people being captured and interrogated. Although that guy may not be accepted by the third party again and pass this information to them, we have to make plans in case.

Now if I kill them, they will drop Level 1. After returning, they just said that after Number One Person was killed, they rebelled collectively, and finally grabbed the weapon and committed suicide. Although this lie has some loopholes, it can be said in the past, at least the other party will not directly believe that they have defected.

After closing these five people, Rose and I returned to Isengard. This matter can only develop here for the time being. They will have to re-enter the three to estimate that it will take some time, so there will be no valuable information coming out in the short term. Of course, we can't all expect them to send us information from these five and a half-hearted amateur spies, we have to think of a way ourselves.

"Is that so? Let me think about it." After returning to Isengard, Rose and I immediately called the guild leadership and think tank to talk about the previous events. So Mi is listening to us After what he said, he thought about it. After a while, she opened the mouth and said: "I think we should send some raw faces to find a way to mix into the three talents. After all, the five guys are too amateurish. Their advantage is that they have been absorbed, so easy. It is recognized, but the disadvantage is that their intelligence gathering ability is too weak. The spy profession that we cultivated is relatively proficient, but it is a bit difficult to get in, but we should still catch it with both hands. Regardless of success or failure, we have nothing to lose. In addition, in addition to sending spies, active reconnaissance is also necessary. If necessary, we can even launch a martial power reconnaissance."

"Martial power reconnaissance?" I looked at Su Mi in surprise. "Will it be too fierce? What if they scare away? We are not afraid of the enemy in the open, but once they go underground, it is not so easy to try to get them out."

< p>I just finished asking, didn't expect Rose immediately said: "No, I think Su Mei's opinion is very good. I patronized the spy before, and I forgot about it! Let's do this, and immediately confront Sancai. Will carry out martial power reconnaissance."

"Huh? Isn't it? In such a hurry?"

"Just be fast, the sooner the more useful. Everyone prepares now, we start the trip Battle.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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