"Shadow, you must give us an explanation for this matter, otherwise you should not blame us for not talking about brother friendship."

Sit in the lower hand position Suddenly the Shadow II stood up from his seat, and then asked excitedly: "Do you believe me?"

Suddenly when asked like this, the leaders of the Liberty Front were all stunned, and finally The judge said: "Of course we believe in you, but Purple Moon is the Chinese player leader after all, and although Purple Moon is not good enough in some aspects, overall he is still a very capable leader and is expanding abroad. On the one hand, Purple Moon was not decisive enough, and he was less courageous, but at least his style of action was relatively stable. So far, except for the recent Japanese counterattack incident that caused the Japanese to succeed because of the Russians, it can be said that there is basically nothing. Obvious mistake. For such a leader, I don’t think there is any reasonable reason for attacking him."

"This is your point of view?" After hearing the judge's words, Shadow II immediately questioned him. I glanced around at the crowd, and finally even said with a slight anger: "As a group of people in China who know the truth about society, don't you understand it at all?"

Everyone looked at the sudden anger Shadow II was always puzzled. In the end, the judge said: "If you have anything you can say. We can accept different opinions." Upon hearing this, Shadow II immediately said impassionedly: "Okay. Okay. I will let you see the true face of Purple Moon. But before that, I need you to give me a guarantee, because the following content involves my previous true identity, you must ensure that you don’t because of all my information. I was interrupted by my identity."

After a little silence, the judge nodded and said: "I promise you as the president."

" Well, everyone, now let you know what the truth is." Shadow II took a few crystal balls from his body and put them on the table, and then he activated the crystal balls one by one and projected them in the air. Photo of Vice Vice. After finishing this, Shadow II took out a stick and pointed at one of the photos of me sitting on a table with the gun god, Masaga Matsumoto, and Ashford. "Do you know about this?"

One of the players of the Free Front said: "Isn’t this the China, Japan, and the U.S. three-nation exchange negotiations? You turned this photo out. What do you mean?"

"It means this." Shadow II clicked on the picture, and then the picture suddenly moved. It turned out that it was not a photo, but the first frame of a video. The four of us in the picture first flipped a map on the table, and then the picture gradually approached. As the distance approached, the voice of our conversation gradually became clearer.

Standing on the edge of the map, I pointed to an area and said, "Here, here and here, these areas are the key points of our guild’s defense in Japan. If you loose this Monarch, you have to form at least 60,000 The above player teams and at least 100,000 NPCs, I will transfer the high level units here in the name of troop adjustment. You can organize a counterattack at this time. I believe that the probability of your victory will be at least 70%. "

Matsumoto Masaga said excitedly: "This is very good. If we take the city, as agreed, I will pay you 20 million crystal coins and some strategic materials."

< p>The gun god smiled and said: "Your voice is done, what about ours? Purple Moon. Your sphere of influence in the United States is a bit too broad. Do you need to limit it?"

I directly stretched out two fingers and rubbed it: "No problem, but what about the benefits?"

The next picture is a bargaining, and I am a street vendor through and through. The difference is that what I sell is not cheap small commodities but the interests of the country and guilds. After that, the content became more and more unbearable. In addition to bargaining and blatantly betraying national interests, a few dressed-up beauties appeared to accompany each other to eat and drink. In the end, even restricted shots appeared on the screen. However, the atomization effect is forced by the system, so I can't see the details. I can only tell that it is really doing it.

"Is this Purple Moon?" After watching the scene, everyone present was shocked and closed their mouths. The judge was even more emotionally pointing to the last frozen picture in the picture. At the moment when a woman’s passion was launched, she shouted: "How can he be like this? Is the number one player in the country we see at ordinary times exactly two people!"

Shadow II deliberately said cynically: "Public Characters are also humans! How can we not have Seven Emotions and Six Desires? However, they are public figures and cannot let everyone see his bad side. Fortunately, people like them always have ways to control public opinion, so, What he doesn’t want you to see is absolutely invisible to you, and what you can see is what he wants you to see. This is politics, and this is class."

"This record Where did you get it from?" a player asked.

"This is about my previous identity." Shadow II said: "Have you heard of the Bright Alliance?"

"You said that the collegiate traitor was frosted The Bright Alliance destroyed by the Rose League?" the judge asked.

"Ha, collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country! What a hat!" Shadow II asked back: "Which of you has seen the evidence of the Bright Alliance betraying the country, haven't you?"

"You Means...?"

"Yes, I am the former Vice-President of the Bright Alliance. Collaborating with the enemy and traitor? Hahahaha..." Shadow II smiled like crazy with tears on his face. "Winner is the king, loser is the villain, our guild was completely banned by the Frost Rose Alliance because we inadvertently got the image you just saw. They destroyed our city and slaughtered us. Not counting the members, they even spread news everywhere saying that we are collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country. Fuck the collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country. It is their Frost Rose Alliance who is collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country. /p>

"Why don't you post the news to the forum?" the judge asked.

Shadow II's body trembled undetectably, but he quickly suppressed this abnormal reaction quickly and cried out in a more abnormal state: "Do you think we didn't send it? But is it useful to post? Those forum moderators are all gamers, and the Frost Rose League uses their power to coerce and lure these people. You know, once it is related to their personal interests, many people will consider themselves first, not to mention many versions The host itself is not Chinese. This is not a problem at all compared to their hungry interests. These moderators eventually deleted the posts we posted. During the period, some people may have seen it before deleting, but there are definitely not many, so Under the mainstream propaganda under the control of the Frost Rose League, most people regard us as traitors. Think about it, we have a passion for the country, but we are treated as traitors. You know what that kind of thing is. Do you feel the same way? Do you know how we feel? Can you imagine the humiliation?" At this point, Shadow II sat on his seat and cried as if he had lost the strength of his body. Seeing his emotions are so excited, even if some people at the scene don't believe what he said, it's hard to say anything. Seeing this situation, the judge had no choice but to wave his hand to let everyone go out first, and he walked up to Shadow II and patted a handkerchief on his shoulder before sighed and turned and left the Conference Hall.

Seeing that all the main leaders in the meeting came out, the members of the Free Front who had been waiting outside the Conference Hall immediately surrounded everyone talking at once and asked: "How on earth? What's wrong? Why did Vice-President harm Purple Moon?"

Those leading players of the Freedom Front were quarreled by so many people and didn’t know how to answer. They were trying to keep everyone quiet, and suddenly found out The crowd calmed down on their own, and when they looked back, they realized that the guild had grown out.

Seeing the president come out, those members are also a lot honest. One of the more courageous players stood up and asked, "President, what is going on with Vice-President?" This guy asked the originally quiet crowd again, and everyone was clamoring and asking what was going on. Going on.

The judge reached out with a headache to stop everyone's noise, and then said: "This time there is something hidden. We are still investigating what happened, because we can't make a judgment for the time being. Please exercise restraint first. During this time, try not to conflict with other forces, and wait until we have investigated the whole thing clearly."

The people below are still not satisfied after hearing the judge say this. , But finally quieted down a bit. The judge and several other leaders in the guild left the crowd outside the Conference Hall and walked outside. A guild leader followed the judge and said, "President, although we can temporarily suppress it, But what should I do on the Frost Rose League? It’s impossible for the Frost Rose League to let it go. They will definitely send someone to deal with this matter."

The judge said: "Of course I know them. I will send someone, and even Purple Moon himself may come here in person, but can we ask about the way you look at the shadows now?"

"But the people from the Frost Rose League are here, what do we do? Reception or...?"

The judge frowned said: "Look at the other party's attitude. If the other party is still polite, we will receive it. If the other party comes up, we don't have to be afraid of them."



The judges here just finished speaking, and suddenly they saw a member rushing over there, and finally they couldn’t brake because the speed was too fast. Almost hit him.

"What's the matter? What are you doing in such a hurry?" The judge asked slightly dissatisfied after he held the guy who was about to fall.

The player did not pay attention to the tone of the judge, but incoherently pointed in the direction of the city gate and shouted: "Come...here...He comes..."

" Slow down, slow down, who is here?"

"Purple Moon. Purple Moon is here!"

"What?" This time not only the judge, but also the one beside him The others also cried together.

The member who came to report thought that the guild leader hadn’t heard clearly, so he quickly said: "Purple Moon has come to our guild, and now it’s at the city gate. The big head they led someone to block the door. , Purple Moon told you to talk to him."

"What? Why is the big head idiot blocking the door?" The judge said anxiously and angrily. While running towards the city gate, he ran with the guy who reported the letter, and asked: "How many people did Purple Moon bring?"

"I brought a girl, I don’t know "

"Did they not rush to the city gate?"

The guy who reported the letter did not react and asked, "Isn't the city gate blocked by the big guys?"< /p>

"Idiot, if he wants to come in with the strength of Purple Moon, do you think he can be blocked by your mobs?"

"Boss, it would be too much to say that we are mobs Excessive, right?"

"Why do you still think you are an elite?"

The scolded guy suddenly lost his voice, but even if he wanted to refute, there was no chance Because they have reached the city gate. Although the Freedom Front has more than 1,000 members, it can only be regarded as a small and medium-sized guild. Based on China’s population base, a guild with a population of less than 10,000 should actually be regarded as a small guild, with a population of between 10,000 and 100,000. Intermediate guilds can only be regarded as medium-sized guilds, and only those with more than one hundred thousand members are regarded as large guilds. Of course, there are exceptions. For example, our guild is a typical guild with a small number of people and a large scale. According to the number of members, our guild can only be regarded as a medium-to-large guild, but in terms of battle strength and expansion capabilities, we definitely count. Go to the Super Guild.

I was discussing matters with Rose outside the city gate when the judge rushed to the city wall with people. The city gate of the City of Honor has been closed, the city wall is also densely packed with NPC guards, and members of the Freedom Front all over the city are also rushing here one after another. At this speed, it will take less than ten minutes for the guild. All players can concentrate on the city wall.

Seeing our judge who is waiting outside the city is finally relaxed. What he is most worried about is that he will fight with me before he arrives at their guild. In that case, even if there is nothing to do. Do something.

"Big head." Seeing Rose and I seem to be calm outside the door, the judge hurriedly called the name of the guy in charge of the city gate guard.

A guy with a long round head and round brain rushed over with a big knife, still shouting: "Boss, I am here, am I going to go to war?"

< p>The judge directly slapped the guy on the head and cursed: "Fight, let you go out, have you beaten Purple Moon? Immediately send me an order not to attack without my order. I will go out of the city and go with him. Purple Moon try it out."

"What? How can this work? Are you going to die?"

"Idiot, you think he can't fight if I stand on the city wall Come to me? Purple Moon’s ability to wear a city wall is just like playing. As long as he can determine my position, he can still wear me through three more city walls, so even if I stand in front of him, he won’t be better than city. How dangerous is it on the wall."

The big head immediately said: "Then I will accompany you?"

"Can you beat Purple Moon or what? It’s useless for you to go in a fight, and it’s still useless if someone comes to fight. You say you’re useless inside and out, what shall I do with you?"

"This..."< /p>

"Stop this and that, hurry up and give me the order, don't really mess with Purple Moon and go to war. You say we are wronged?"

"Oh." Listen to the big head After that, everyone turned around and sent orders, and the judge jumped off the city wall and ran into the city passageway to let the guard open the city gate, and in order to show us his attitude, he also ordered the guard not to close the city gate again. Anyway, I really want to enter the city with or without this gate. Actually, it makes no difference at all.

Me and Rose were discussing how to deal with this matter for a while outside the city. Suddenly, we saw that the closed city gate was opened again, and a person walked out of the city gate. Because I had seen the image data before, I recognized the identity of this guy at a glance.

The judge walked up to me and Rose with an indifferent expression with trepidation. He didn't pay attention at first. After getting closer, he realized that Rose looked familiar, and then he went Surprised, I suddenly thought of Rose's identity. In fact, anyone who really understands the situation knows that in our guild, the real major event is the presence of roses. In contrast, I can only say that it is an important battlefield, but it may not be a major event.

"Purple Moon, President, Miss Rose, I am sorry that my people had reacted a little bit too much before. You should also know that before..."

Just said the judge's words Suddenly half of it felt wrong. When I looked back, I found a team of cavalry rushed out of the city gate, and it was clear that this posture came out to fight, and what made him even more angry was that a team of archers rushed up on the city wall. There was a rain of arrows from the side throwing.

Seeing such blatant provocation, the judge was so scared that his soul flew out. He hurriedly turned around and shouted at me: "Purple Moon, you must hide first. What’s wrong, I’ve already ordered a ban on attacks! Really, please must believe me!"

I didn’t rush to say anything when looking at the judge whose face changed. It was a random point, Jing Jing suddenly appeared in front of me, then raised the shield in his hand to activate the skill. "Guardian of the Holy Shield." A light curtain suddenly appeared and blocked all the falling arrows. However, a second round arrow was shot on the city wall soon, but compared with the first time, the arrow shot this time was less than one-fifth of the previous time, because the people on the city wall were in chaos. Those who have received few orders are trying to prevent the newly arrived team of crossbowmen from releasing arrows. Among the newcomers, there are NPCs and players. Some of those players stopped after the surrounding personnel stopped them, and some insisted on picking them up by themselves. When the order was reached, the NPC insisted on shooting arrows without following the command. As a result, the crowds on the two sides fought themselves. This of course prevented some people from shooting arrows, but some arrows were still shot out, but the density was much lower.

The judge felt desperate after Jingjing appeared, but when he closed his eyes and waited to die, he heard a violent crash from the top of his head. He opened his eyes to find out The angel from my summon released the skill to protect him.

After discovering this phenomenon, the judge immediately reacted and turned and explained to me: "President Purple Moon asks you to believe me, this is not my order. Before I came out, I ordered them to ban attacks! "

Rose stood up and reached out to stop the judge's explanation, and then stretched out his hand in his worried gaze to point to the cavalry that was rushing towards us: "Of course the order to attack us was not issued by you. , Because he issued this order."

Following Rose’s fingers, the judge quickly turned and looked at the cavalry behind him. Before, he patronized the explanation and didn’t pay attention, but now he saw the cavalry. The team leader turned out to be Vice-President Shadow II. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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