"Go to hell, Purple Moon."

"You are dreaming."

Looking at the woman hitting me from in midair, I moved back with one leg to support the ground, and followed my hands with the claws, letting the woman's double swords cut into the gap between the claws, and followed my wrist fiercely, and only heard the jingle of her two swords. I twisted it at the same time, and the broken blade hadn't hit the ground. I lifted my foot and hit the woman's chin with a high flying leg, kicked her backwards and turned her back, and then fell to the ground with a big chirp.

"You want to kill me because of this ability? Go back and practice for a few more years." After I finished speaking, I suddenly turned my head and looked at the edge of the square. There was a commotion over there.

This city is specially set up for our game. There are no unrelated people besides us, so the only people who can make such a big move at this time are those who come to kill me. Looking at the more than seventy people remaining on the square and the commotion at the entrance of the square, I decisively killed a dozen people around with a sword wheel and immediately turned and rushed to the other side of the square.

Although I am now carrying an additional attribute, I am not stupid enough to be surrounded by hundreds of people. Although that allows me to quickly kill more people, it also increases My own danger. Anyway, there is no time limit for this game, so what I need is to eliminate every enemy as safely as possible, rather than deliberately let the enemy surround me and start a group fight for the sake of being handsome.

I can understand my needs, and the other person can also understand, so after seeing me kill the people around me, the rest of the people immediately guessed that I was about to escape, so they without the slightest Hesitation caught up in an attempt to prevent me from leaving, but they obviously overestimated their speed.

Although my speed cannot be compared with Asuka and Night Shadow, I am definitely much faster than most players in terms of walking speed. I rushed out dozens of meter away almost when those people started to start, and when they really started running, I simply disappeared into the residential area on the other side of the square.

"Damn it, let him run!" The crowd who ran after saw me disappearing in the building area opposite and yelled in frustration.

A warrior said: “It’s not a trivial thing that we have so many people looking for someone? Everyone pulls off the line of defense and uses a dragnet-style pomp. Whoever finds him immediately entangles him, and then the remote striker conducts fire suppression. , The close combat personnel gathered quickly. As long as so many of us are united, it shouldn’t be difficult to kill Purple Moon."

"Yes, we must give full play to everyone’s strength and we must not disperse. We are single Power is definitely not Purple Moon’s opponent, but as long as we can concentrate our power, Purple Moon can definitely be killed."

With the encouragement of these guys, the remaining players will soon Excitedly joined the search array, they lined up all the way to check the entire residential area like a sieve, and they did not let any corners and small doors pass, for fear that they would miss it. My trail.

Actually, facing their dragnet investigation, I have already figured out the countermeasures, so I did not find such a small place to hide at all, but hung upside down in a hotel-like building near the roadside On the roof of the hall on the first floor.

After the people in line passed this hotel, they immediately got points and jumped into the store, and I reached out and pushed the door up as soon as they entered. The people outside didn't see why the door closed, so they just wanted to come up to check the situation of the door in confusion, and did not immediately respond, and what I needed was the time difference of a few seconds.

As soon as the door was closed, I loosened my legs and fell directly from the upside-down roof, enveloping the eternal claws from the two of the guy walking at the back with the inertia of falling. Inserted in the side shoulder socket, followed me to the front of him and fell to the ground. At the same time, with the help of inertia, his arms flew up and threw his corpse over his head and hit the man in front of the left.

The person walking in the front left didn't expect a corpse suddenly flew behind him, and he was knocked to the ground by the corpse of his companion unpreparedly, and located in the middle and front right. The eyes of the two of them instinctively moved to the guy who was overturned. Immediately after throwing the corpse, I raised my hand and aimed at the guy in the front right and shot a soul chasing arrow, and that guy looked towards the smashed companion at the same time when I shot the soul chasing arrow, this time the soul chasing arrow The arrow just arrived, and it pierced the skull with a light effort. The guy who was stabbed in the temple fell straight down before he figured out what was going on.

The guy in the middle first saw the companion on the left being knocked down, and then heard the sound of an arrow in the head of the companion on the right. At this time, he also realized that someone from behind had attacked him. When he turned his head, I also rushed right in front of him. The left hand hooked his neck and pulled forward, the right hand made a fist and hit his stomach with a punch. When the fist hit his stomach, the blade claws instantly popped out, and puchi opened on his stomach with a sound. Three holes. Instantly retracted the claws and removed the right hand, his left hand moved to the side and slammed the guy aside, stepped over his still twitching body and walked directly to the guy who was knocked down by the corpse, raised his leg and stepped on the preparation. On the back of the guy who got up, he bent down and hooked his forehead with his left hand and forced him to raise his head backwards, followed by the right hand claws that only ejected a blade holder and gently pulled on his neck.

After I got this guy done, I quickly and lightly walked back to the door. At this time, it was only two or three seconds after the door closed. The people outside just walked up the steps and pushed the door open. Several corpses and two severely wounded people still on the ground who were pumping and spraying blood. The four people who were still intact a few seconds ago were just two dead and two injured when the door was closed and opened. This process was a bit too fast, and the guy who was doing it was completely stunned there and didn't know what to do.

However, although he doesn't know how to react, I know very well. When I was waiting by the door, I stretched out my hand to hook this guy’s neck and pulled him behind the door. Then the blade claws were inserted into his stomach and stabbed twice before pushing away his body, turning and rushing to the back. I just opened a hole in the wall of the masonry structure with a boom, and the loud noise also successfully attracted the people outside.

"Quickly, he is here." The people on the street yelled and rushed into the room, but the bloody scene in the room still shocked these people. Fortunately, they were seeing I knew that there would be casualties, so when I saw these corpses, I didn't react much. I just stunned for a while and rushed into the big hole I hit.

The group of people quickly rushed through the big hole into the building behind, but when they passed through the dusty wall hole to the opposite side, they found that there was no sign of me at all, and at this time There was a scream from behind the team, and the guy standing at the back suddenly fell forward, and it was not until he fell to the ground that everyone realized that there was an arrow stick stuck in the back of his head.

"Damn, he's outside!" The people who had just rushed through the hole in the wall shuaa~ backlashed back at this time, but when they got back there, they realized that they didn't see anyone again. . After a little froze for two seconds, a quick-reacting talent suddenly realized that he rushed back into the wall hole again, and then looked around, it really confirmed his conjecture.

In fact, this hotel and the building behind do not share walls. The two houses have their own walls, and there is a seam close to one meter wide in between. Previously, because I pierced through two walls in one breath, and the dust filled the mezzanine layer made everyone's vision unclear, everyone habitually thought that I must have rushed in a straight line, so they chased them without any doubt. In the past, no one thought of paying attention to this crevice. Later, after a person died in the team, they realized that I might have been hiding in the crevice before, but at this time their inertial thinking broke out again, thinking that I was Before, I was hiding in the cracks. Now it was exposed that I would definitely run out through the wall. I didn't expect that I didn't move at all.

After they rushed back to the previous hotel again, I entered the building back-to-back to the hotel from the big hole, and when the guys outside reacted, I had already passed through this building to reach the outside In the alley, when those guys chased me out, I had run away long ago.

"Damn, is this Purple Moon a thief in reality? How can this guy run like this?" a player couldn't help complaining.

Another warrior with a sledgehammer said: "The ghost knows what he does, but one thing is certain, that is, our investigation plan needs to be changed."

These The guy's modification plan is actually very simple, just shrink the shape. Previously, because of the small number of people, I was unable to entangle me after being attacked and asked me to run away again, so this time they narrowed the search area of ​​the team and increased the number of people acting at the same time, so that even if I start a sneak attack, it is impossible. Kill everyone at once, just let them react and hold me for ten seconds, and the rest will arrive one after another. When the time comes, they can use their collective advantage to surround me.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. After the team was compressed, their battle strength increased, but because the team was too dense, the search range also dropped a lot. Fortunately, they thought of a way to prevent me from playing hide-and-seek with them, that is, they let a few flying guys stare at the ground at high altitude, so that as long as I leave the building, I will be spotted. They only need to pull the team to where I appear. The location can stop me.

I have to say that their method is really easy to use. I just abducted from the alley and changed a house, and I was immediately discovered by the heavenly man. But although his yelling reminded those people of my position, it also reminded me that they had discovered me.

When I heard the shouts of these guys, I immediately shifted my position again, but I was not running away, but seducing. Yes, I have thought of a quick way to solve the enemy, and that is to set traps. Since these guys are running after me, then I will make full use of their tag-a-long habit.

After hiding in several buildings in a row and was discovered, I pretended to be lose one's head out of fear and hid in a large building. This is a building that looks like a church, and it actually has the same function as a church because it is a temple. Although this temple cannot be compared with those large temples, its area is certainly not much smaller as a temple.

Looking at me rushing into the temple, the aviators in the sky immediately told my location to the people on the ground, and then hundreds of people rushed into the building together, just waiting for them After all rushed in, I was surprised to find that I didn't run. Instead, I was sitting on the shoulders of a Divine Idol in the center of the temple with a smile as if I was waiting for them.

After seeing my abnormal behavior, the player who ran in front immediately reached out and stopped the people behind, but their caution at this time was meaningless. Just when they were about to ask me what I was going to do, I raised my hand directly, and only then did they realize that I was actually pulling a thread in my hand. Following the thread in my hand, they quickly discovered that the cable had been connected to a pillar in the great hall, and then the cable was looped around the pillar and connected to another pillar, and then they discovered All the pillars here are entangled with this thread.

"Not good, everyone, run!" These people who know what equipment I have, immediately guessed my intentions after seeing me entangled every pillar here, just Only then did I remember that it was too late to run. As they turned around, I also suddenly input a trace of magic power into the cable, and then the suddenly sharpened dragon tendons instantly chopped all the pillars in the great hall, and the roof of the great hall instantly It smashed down. Accompanied by a loud explosion sound, the three-four hundred people who rushed into the great hall were almost all smashed into the ruins except the dozens of people closest to the gate who ran out, and the people who ran out of the gate Most of them were hurt by splashing rocks and other things. Of course, they were lucky compared to being buried alive.

"Quick, save people!" A player who ran out immediately yelled after getting up from the ground. Other people who ran out also rushed back and wanted to save people. After all, the game Players are not as vulnerable as people in reality. Even if they are hit under the house, they will be seriously injured at most. Unless it is the kind of wizard who is relatively weak in strength and is unlucky enough to be hit, the average person will not be fatal even if he is smashed inside, at least not on the spot.

Just as the people ran over to rescue the injured, a place not far away suddenly exploded, and a piece of wall fragments the size of a car was hit. After reaching a height of more than ten meters, after turning a few somersaults in the sky, it slammed into a nearby street with a bang.

While those who were preparing to start the rescue stared at the flying fragments of the wall, a silhouette they most unwilling to see suddenly stood up from the place where the rock flew, and then They felt the silhouette flash in front of them, and my whole person suddenly came to their side.

"Damn, stop him first!" A player put down the rock he was carrying and quickly drew out his weapon to counterattack, but I flicked it, a sword qi flashed by, and the guy flew upside down and fell out. . The people around wanted to come up to help, but they didn’t want me to be so fast. Before they came around, I found them first. The crowds scattered on the rocks were quickly broken by me. Everyone couldn’t fight against me. Three moves will get hurt, and if no one helps to cover, the fourth move will definitely kill them.

After easily cutting down this group of people, I didn’t let the people buried under the rubble go too far. I gathered the eternity directly into a lance, and then relying on the feeling of the soul, I found it very smoothly. A living person buried deep under the rubble. However, I did not dig them out like the rescue team, but directly used eternity through the thick rubble to turn the living people below into the dead.

There are two to three hundred people buried in this ruin, but time does not allow me to search slowly here. After all, there are hundreds of people outside. There is such a big movement here, those people will definitely be quick Gathering, I can only stab some people with stronger signals, that is, those with less injuries. As for those who are dying, it depends on their luck and the speed of other people's arrival and rescue. . But I believe that it would be considered a miracle that 20 or 30 of this group of people can be rescued in the end.

When I saw the crowd rushing over from the street, I knew I couldn’t kill anymore, so I spread my wings and flew into the sky, chasing a flying guy and rushed over. Before, because a large group of people from the other party gathered together, as long as I flew them together, they would be covered with firepower. I couldn't fly at all, so I was watched by these flying guys. Now those nasty firearms are buried under the ruins, and the crowd behind hasn't rushed over. It's just time to get the flying ones off first.

The few in the sky are not idiots, they know that they must not be able to do me when I fly up, so they immediately dispersed and flew out in different directions. If they fly apart like this, the distance will be greater and greater. Therefore, no matter who I am chasing, I can only kill one person in the end. As long as the other people on the ground gather together, they can return together again, so that they can I can use my air superiority again to monitor my whereabouts.

I also know the intentions of these guys very well, but without the summon creature, I can’t help it even if I know it. Although my flight speed is not slow, it is impossible to kill them all before they are completely separated, let alone chasing them separately. I have the Avatar skill, but this damn rule actually defaults Avatar to the summon creature, so I can't use Avatar at all.

Looking at the flying players scattered around, I finally had no choice but to pick one who seemed to have a higher level to catch up. Anyway, I only have a chance to kill one person, it is better to find the strongest, so as to weaken the opponent's strength to the greatest extent. However, although my plan was good, it still failed to materialize.

Just when I was about to catch up with that guy, he suddenly turned around and pointed at me, and then he heard a stern scream coming from him, the noise-like sound trembling I was dizzy and eyes blurred and almost fell down, but until the sound disappeared, I realized that there was a huge swamp wyvern in front of me.

"I rely on, forget that they can summon the pet!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support Is my biggest motivation.)

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