The guy who thought he could kill me this time finally thought of this problem that he had been ignoring after hearing what I said. Yes, I might be killed, but before that, I can definitely reduce these thousand people by at least 80%. This is a conclusion that everyone, including themselves, is convinced. What everyone is really not sure about is whether I can be killed by them before I kill the remaining 20% ​​of the enemies. If those 20% of the people can drain my life, then they have a chance to win, otherwise I will win, but In any case, most of them are sure to be killed.

Although everyone is convinced that there is a price to be paid for the ultimate victory, but due to the inferior nature of human beings, everyone does not want to be the price to be paid. Although the system has guaranteed that the equipment will not explode in this game, it is depressing enough to drop the level.

After trying to understand this, this guy immediately stunned. He began to run back in a panic, but he stopped suddenly when he turned around, and then slowly looked down with his wide eyes. Towards his chest, where there are three sharp claws standing upright, and blood is still dripping down on the tips of the blades.

"Remember, even if a good tiger can't stand a pack of wolves, it is fine to kill a few wolves before death. By the way, I am not the tiger, and you are not the wolf." I After speaking, I moved my fingers. Accompanied by the click of a mechanical spring, the three blade claws instantly retracted into the knife case on my wrist, and then I pushed the guy forward gently before covering the blood hole in my chest with both hands. Fell forward. "Kill one, there are nine hundred and ninety-nine."

After I said this, I suddenly tilted my head and stretched out my hand to grab it at the same time. A feather arrow was pinched directly by me. I lost my hand, and the arrow's tail was still trembling until I squeezed it.

The archer who shot the arrow on the opposite side was stunned. After all, there are usually not many people who can avoid it, but I directly squeezed his arrow in my hand. Looking at the dazed guy, I directly raised my arm and pointed it in his direction, then I hooked my finger and flew out with a click of a crossbow arrow. Although the guy did dodge, he couldn't completely dodge. The crossbow bolt shot directly through his shoulder and took him to fly. He played a side somersault on the spot. Even if he couldn't die, he did it in a short time. Don't expect to shoot arrows anymore.

"Trouble, I have to make up the knife!"

As I was talking, suddenly someone behind me shouted: "You have no chance."

< p> At the moment when the sound was made, I dodged sideways flexibly, and then I saw a 2.8-meter tall guy who was totally unlike human beings rushing past me. The muscles of this guy look stronger than a bear. The body is full of thick black hair, and there is no skin at all. The long neck is not a human head, but a black bull head.

This is an Ox Head Man, which looks the strongest among the optional races. In addition to the hidden race of construct creatures and the super ugly race of Earth Element, players can choose power among races. This family has the highest growth.

The Ox Head Man immediately turned around after rushing over his head. The huge saber was forcibly changed by his terrifying force and slashed towards my throat. Seeing the blade swiping, I could only squat to avoid it, and the saber flew over my head with the whistling wind with a slight difference, followed me with a straight leg stretched out, and the back blade behind my calf popped out with a click. Following me, I suddenly kicked the guy's ankle while the calf deliberately moved forward so that the heel and the back edge of the calf rubbed the guy's ankle and flashed past.

"ao..." With a scream that didn't sound like a human voice, the guy suddenly fell forward. I have successfully cut off the opponent's hamstring just now, and he can't stand up without a leg because of his size.

Ox Head Man, who lost one leg, was forced to fall to the ground on one-knee kneels. I turned over from the side and jumped up, and the claw in my hand popped out instantly, hitting the guy’s neck with a punch Going up, there were three blood holes on Ox Head Man's neck in an instant.

One punch and the claw automatically retracted immediately, and I quickly turned over and backed up. Ox Head Man’s immediate punch didn’t touch my side at all, but the three holes in his neck were The blood rushes like a fountain, even if he desperately wants to cover the wound, he can't stop the rush of blood.

Standing a few steps away, re-ejected the claw and looked at the blade to confirm that there was no blood on the blade, and then retracted the claw again. At the same time, I faintly said: "The second one. There are nine hundred and 98 left. "

Ox Head Man angrily stretched out a hand and grabbed it in my direction when he heard what I said, but in the end he could only stare helplessly and grab a blank head and threw his head on the ground. , The blood flows far away like a stream.

"You probably won't use this thing." After Ox Head Man fell to the ground, I walked to him and bent over and picked up the big knife he threw when he fell. I looked at the blade, and then weighed down the weight. Finally, I shook the head and threw the big knife out. The archer had just got up while supporting him. Suddenly a big knife flew straight through his chest. He stabbed him through in an instant, and the huge kinetic energy even flew back several meters with his body before it landed completely. After seeing the archer hang up, I lowered my head and said to Ox Head Man who was still panting: "Your knife is too big, I am not using it." After that, I kicked Ox Head Man in the neck. It turned out this guy in an instant.

After successfully killing this Ox Head Man, I turned my head and looked around. Because of his delay, other people around had already surrounded him, and the number should be more than one hundred people. However, there must be many people rushing here in the distance. I guess I will have to be surrounded by the crowd after waiting a while.

"Purple Moon, we know you are very strong, but without a familiar, your strength will be reduced by at least half. There are so many of us blocking you, so today you will accept your fate."

< p>"I will not be called Purple Moon if I will accept my fate, not to mention that you people will not really threaten me." I said, peng sound opened its wings and flew, and at the same time, under my feet, a ring of purple halo Also lit up at the same time.

A guy who knew the goods saw the halo lit up and hurriedly called out: "Be careful, it's the dark magic halo, that thing will automatically attack!" He saw a lot of sudden appearances around me before he could say anything. The black arrows began to fly around. Although the people below were all experts, many people still hit arrows in the face of such a dense rain of arrows, and some people even got lucky. However, these people soon discovered that although these arrows are numerous and fast, the formidable power is very general. Although they can cause damage, the damage is very small.

"Don't be afraid, it's just interfering with the skill, everyone rushed up together, don't let him run away." I don't know who made such a cry, and then a few flying guys in the crowd suddenly flew away. When I got up and chased me, there was another guy who seemed to be a hunter by profession. He threw a noose and caught my ankle.

I was flying well and suddenly felt my feet sink, and then I was dragged down to the ground. Looking back and seeing the damn lasso, I immediately drew the sword of eternity and slashed it. Although the lasso is a soft cord, it is still useless in the face of eternity, and it is cut off in an instant, but as soon as the rope is delayed, the flying guys finally rushed to my side.

"Don't think about preserving your strength, just make a big move." The quicker response guy below immediately reminded me loudly when he saw me being entangled by those guys in the air. Those people also reacted. Fighting with me can’t retain their strength. Instead of thinking about saving magic, it’s better to release all the magic at once. Even if they are killed afterwards, they have at least released a big move. It’s better than dead with magic. good.

The battle strength of these people has clearly risen in a straight line after their minds are transformed, and no longer holding magic power means that everyone has taken out their trump card utmost. I just flew up and saw the following dozens of various skills flying towards me, forcing me to retract my wings in the air and fall back to the ground.

Those guys immediately surrounded me as soon as I landed. The closest guy raised his hand and a sword pierced my throat. I withdrew a little bit and turned and flashed the tip of his sword, and flew up with the eternally changing long sword in my hand. I pressed my wrist slightly, and only heard the ding sound, the sword of that guy flew out directly. Taking advantage of that guy's surprise, I directly moved Eternal to the side, and flew up with a single head with a click.

After successfully killing this guy, I immediately turned around and backed up, and at the same time, the eternity in my hand changed from a sword shape to a hook and sickle spear shape. Holding the tail of the gun with one hand and handing it forward, the three-meter-long hook and sickle gun directly shot a player three meters away through the throat. The other party and I were separated by more than three meters. I didn't expect that I could launch an attack from such a long distance.

After I shot the guy off, I immediately drew my gun and retreated, then flicked the gun body and swept out the guys who were trying to get close. Right hand grasp the tail of the gun and pull it back, grab the body of the gun forward with the left hand, pinch the hook and sickle gun and stab forward, the tip of the gun is embedded in a player's chest again, and then send the gun back, the hook and sickle gun The sharp cone at the end of the gun instantly poke a blood hole in the neck of the guy who was close behind me. While that guy was holding his neck and fell unwillingly, I pulled out the hook and sickle again and slammed it to the side. .

Seeing my hook and sickle, the player rushing from my side immediately lifted the Warhammer in his hand in an attempt to resist my chopping, but it was me who asked him not to expect At the moment when the gun body was about to hit the hammer, he took a step back. As a result, the gun body collided with the hammer and turned into the tip of the gun and hit the hammer. Just like cutting tofu, the tip of the hook gun passed through the heavy Warhammer that was not much smaller than the computer case, and then cut the strong barbarian warrior in half from the shoulder to the side of the waist.

After cutting this guy, I immediately drew my gun back, swept the gun head horizontally, and instantly cut through the throats of the two pasted players, bringing up two blood arrows, and then flipping the gun body to fly one. The heavy sword warrior, and then swept the gun, the gun body was heavily drawn on the side waist of a Sword Soul warrior and flew it horizontally, and finally drew back the hook and sickle gun and danced a spear on the head to separate the two throws. The long arrow that comes. Raising his hand at the archery guy, he hooked his finger and swished a short arrow on his left eye. The whole person staggered back seven or eight steps, and finally sat down on the ground and never got up again.

This series of blows was speaking of which, but in fact, it was only a matter of three to five seconds, and the people around him who had not had time to approach were all at once frightened. Although they all know that I am strong, a dozen people died in the blink of an eye. This efficiency is too scary. In fact, they don’t know that my current state is not my normal state. The reason why I am so vigorous now is entirely because I have been brushed with a bunch of auxiliary attributes. If it weren’t for the effects of these attributes, I would be very good. , But definitely not so exaggerated. In fact, I didn't leave the square immediately because of the additional attributes on my body. After all, these attributes have time limits. My idea is to try to kill more enemies before these attributes disappear, so that it will be a little easier after those attributes disappear.

Although the attack was stopped by my terrifying strike ability, as the player who shouted before reminded again, everyone moved again. Seeing the crowd rushing up, I was not vague, and directly took the eternal hook and scythe in my hand and rushed forward to meet them.

When the first player approaching entered the attack range, a few magic light bullets flew in front of me first. I directly shot the light bullets with the eternal hook and scythe. It was a sweeping and vertical smash, and several magic missiles were knocked out like a baseball.

After sweeping away the magic missiles, I immediately leaned forward and accelerated and rushed up, and at the same time, my wrist turned, a string of magic ricochets pattered like glass marbles poured out of a cup. oh La la fell to the ground, and immediately after these ricochets landed, they accelerated and rushed up with me.

The guy who ran the fastest hit a magic ricochet before entering the attack range. He smashed the ricochet directly with a horizontal sword, but he didn’t wait for him to raise the sword again. A ricochet hit his side face. Taking advantage of the opportunity of his head being smashed back, I shot his throat directly, then rushed past him and took the one in his hand. Long sword When the dart is thrown at the second enemy, then while the guy is blocking the sword, he rushes up and kicks him over, the tail of the hook and sickle spear is tied in his heart, and then he quickly draws it forward and sends it forward. , An idiot hit the tip of the hook and sickle gun himself, and the whole person was hung on the gun. However, what surprised me was that when I was about to draw the gun, I found that the hook and sickle gun couldn't move.

When I looked up and looked towards that guy in surprise, the other person also looked up and looked towards me with a mouthful of blood. I saw that although his mouth was constantly pouring blood out, his face was full of smiles, and his hands firmly pinched the body of the Eternal Scythe to prevent me from holding the Scythe. Pull out.

"Damn, is there such a spirit of sacrifice?" I have to admire him when I see this guy's behavior, but it is a pity that his sacrifice is of no use to me. Just when the guy smiled miserably and wanted to say something, the eternal hook and sickle gun was like a bursting glass stick, oh la la, it turned into thousands of fragments, and then after landing, these fragments bounced again like a spring ball. Shot into the palm of my hand and regrouped into a hook and sickle form. "Your trick is useless to me." I said mockingly looking at the guy's stunned expression.

"What about this trick?" A woman's voice suddenly appeared behind me. Before I turned around, my waist suddenly hurt. I hurriedly dodge in the opposite direction from the pain, but I didn't expect another severe pain on the other side. I hurriedly turned and backed away, but the guy who was shot by me before suddenly hugged me and tried to control my actions.

I didn't care too much about the guy who hugged me behind his back, because I knew I could break free of his control at any time. What I really care about is the woman who just assaulted me. I turned around now and I really saw her.

This is a female Swordsman who looks very temperamental, but the two-handed Swordsman is still difficult to practice in her profession. Know that if you use a single weapon in the game, relying on skills, you can play gorgeous moves even if you don't know how to fight. But two-handed swords are different. If you can't coordinate the cooperation of your hands, using Two Swords may not even use just one formidable power. However, this feature also illustrates from the side that anyone who dares to play a two-handed sword will definitely not be an ordinary person.

"Aren't you very strong? Let me see." The woman said and walked towards me again, and then she suddenly crossed swords when she approached me more than one meter away In front of him, he swung down and crossed downwards at the same time. As soon as I saw the point of her sword move, I kicked the ground directly, hooked the head of the guy who hugged me back with both hands, and then used him as a support point to roll over directly from the top of his head, and then fell to his. behind. After I landed, I immediately heard a chuckle like a torn cloth, and then I saw the body of the guy who had hugged me before splitting into four parts and falling down. Just now, the woman's cross-cut was all cut on this hapless child because of my evasion. As a result, I was not injured, but this guy was cut into pieces of meat.

The woman was obviously also a little surprised at my reaction speed, but she just froze for a while and immediately jumped over the fellow's body and rushed towards me.

Looking at the woman rushing over, I directly opened my posture, and the claws of both hands popped out instantly, and the eternal hook on the ground flew up and burst into a large liquid-like substance in the air and flew to me. He also wrapped the claws and other blade parts on my body.

This woman uses double swords. As a result of giving up defense, her attack speed has been greatly improved. Using a long main weapon against an enemy like her is obviously unhappy with myself, so I decisively gave up the eternal hook and sickle and used the blade claw attack. Anyway, the back blade claw can also be used for eternity. The attribute.

"Go to hell Purple Moon."

"You dream." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations Tickets, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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