In this gambling battle, the system stipulates that I cannot summon any creature, nor can I find a helper. Those guys who fight against me can summon any creature at will, as long as they can summon. Yes, no amount of it is considered a violation.

Looking at the swamp wyvern that suddenly appeared in front of me, I hurriedly retracted my wings and lowered my head and dived down, and then I heard a clicking sound when my teeth clenched. If it weren't for my flashing speed, I would definitely have bitten on me just now. Although with my defense, even a bite by wyvern can only be regarded as a bruise, but the opponent has so many people and so many summon creatures, even if everyone wipes me once, it will kill me. So, now I can try my best not to get hurt, even if I only lose a few blood, I try not to meet force with force with the opponent.

After I lowered my head and drilled under wyvern, I immediately slammed my wings twice and pulled up my body and flew above wyvern, and that wyvern was flapping its wings and was about to turn around, but his long neck and tail It seriously affected his turning speed, so much so that I flew behind him, but he still hasn't turned around.

Taking advantage of the opportunity that wyvern was not ready for, I immediately swooped into that wyvern’s neck, and then I held its neck with one hand, and the right hand was aimed at that one. Wyvern’s neck was interspersed several times in rapid succession. After smashing the middle of that guy’s neck into a pile of rotten meat, I tightened my wrists, and then violently pulled upwards, only to hear a sigh of tears. With cracking sound, wyvern's head was pulled directly from my body. Throwing away wyvern's head and kicking the corpse that was still in conditioned reflex with a strong kick, I directly used the reaction force to vacate again moved towards the escaping guy chased up, but after such a delay, the guy has already flown far .

Compared with the people I usually meet, the biggest trouble with these guys is that they know how strong I am. Normally, even if the enemies I meet know me, they don’t have a thorough understanding of my battle strength, or even if they know my battle strength, they don’t have time to prepare their minds in a short period of time. The habit of fighting with ordinary enemies is still adopted when the battle is received, and the result is naturally dead fast.

Now this group of people is significantly different from the people I usually meet in the wild.

First of all, they must have understood me before confirming the qualification for the challenge, and they will definitely study my various abilities again when they know that they are qualified for the challenge. Of course, studying behaviors such as my combat capability is not the point. The point is that they adjusted their mentality and developed targeted tactics for themselves during this period. For example, if it was in the wild just now, if a player found out that I was chasing him and summon went out of the swamp wyvern to resist, then what the player would usually do is to stop and besiege me with wyvern. This behavior is obviously wrong, because even if you add wyvern to the swamp, no one can compete with me.

In the wild, even if those players know that I am very difficult to deal with, they will unconsciously think that they have hope of defeating me, so they will not run away after summon wyvern, but will participate in the battle by themselves. But now these guys who challenged me are very clear about my strength. They have fully realized the huge power gap between themselves and me when they studied my combat capability, so they have adjusted their mentality a long time ago. There is no arrogance and fantasies at all. Like just now, the guy that Summon clearly came out of wyvern, but he didn’t even mean to fight with wyvern at all. After releasing wyvern, he didn’t even look back at all, so he just ran. As a result, when I killed wyvern, he was already running. It's gone. Undoubtedly, his mentality saved his life, and for me, if everyone here had such a mentality, then my trouble would be great!

Looking at the guy who was already flying away, I thought about it or flew directly in the direction of a few people. Now the crowd below has begun to gather again, and chasing that guy can kill him, but the time wasted is not worthwhile. When the time comes, I was surrounded by people after killing him. That would be more than worth the gain.

Seeing that I turned around and left, the crowd below immediately became anxious. Various attack magic and arrow shuaa~ flew up a large area, but unfortunately because the distance is too far and the crowd has not gathered yet, so there is no Unified launch time, as a result, I easily got through the flying arrows and magic that seem to be hiding the sky and covering the earth, but are actually full of loopholes.

"Damn, let him run away again." After seeing me dodging all the attacks with a few beautiful scrolling gestures, the remote attacker below immediately cursed angrily. However, just when they were extremely lost and I was quite proud, the system hint suddenly rang.

"Temporary notice. Due to the player Nobunaga's request using the B-Rank wish fruit, the player Purple Moon betting challenge rules were forcibly changed. The competition venue was changed to a special ring. The match was temporarily suspended. After three seconds, switch scenes, three, two, one, switch."

Following the system's prompt, I only feel that the surrounding environment that originally seemed so real has suddenly become a mosaic. Things, and then these small squares will automatically flip and recombine into a new environment, but this new environment is really - damn fateful.

When I heard the system said it was the fruit of wish used by Nobunaga Onihand, I knew it was bad. Sure enough, the new match scene was replaced with a high platform like the one used in a boxing match. The environment, compared with the regular boxing ring, the only difference between this special ring is that it is slightly larger, at least I have not stood on it with the remaining 700 people to the point where we are standing on it, but even if it doesn’t At that point, it's definitely not spacious here. In fact, the total area of ​​this ring may be about 3,000 square meters. That is to say, one person stands on every four square meters on the ring. There are no obstacles in such a high-density environment. Guerrilla who is still a fart? Once the system resumes the game, I will be surrounded by this group of people in a gang fight in an instant.

I looked up at the empty area above my head. I finally thought of a way before the system announced that the game would start again, and that was to fly to avoid the encirclement. Although there will be intensive long-range strikes in the sky, as long as I pay attention to dodge, it should be okay to let most of the attacks, at least better than being besieged on the ground. However, as if knowing my plan, system did not announce the start of the game next, but issued another notice.

"Temporary notice. Because the player Yamada Shinsuke used the D-Rank wish fruit to make a request, the player Purple Moon will not be able to fly in the next twenty-four hours, and the longest suspended time caused by jumping and other actions must not exceed Three seconds."

This is completely finished. The venue was replaced with a flat arena where guerrilla warfare was completely impossible. The only way of flying that hoped to escape the siege was actually banned. Isn't this deliberately killing me? It seems that my evil image in the hearts of Japanese players is really deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Forget Nobunaga Guishou, the kid would have long wanted to eat me raw, and I didn't feel strange that he used the fruits of his wishes to harm me. However, later that a nobody also used the fruit of desire to trouble me. This is purely my evil image in the mind of the Japanese player at work.

I don’t know if it’s because of a leader. After the system just announced the request to prohibit me from flying, another prompt appeared.

"Temporary notice. Due to player Fukuda Toshihito using C-Rank wish fruit to make a request, player Purple Moon will not be able to use any means to restore the lost magic power and health in the next 24 hours, and during this period All the damage I received has doubled."

"Damn, are you deliberately trying to pile me up with the fruits of desire?" With three fruits of desire, I almost ran away. Even if I did a lot of anger and resentment in Japan, I don't have to hit me with the fruit of my wish, right? The Fruit of Wish is not an apple. If you sell these three pluses together in Auction House, I'm afraid they will be able to sell nearly ten million crystal coins. These guys are really willing to spend money.

At first I thought it was over. Who knew that system suddenly issued three prompts in a row. This time it was not only me, but even the group of guys who confronted me with a look of surprise.

"Temporary notice. Due to anonymous players using the 3S-Rank wish fruit to make a request, the rules of this game have been forcibly changed. In addition to the original penalty rules, the player Purple Moon will be randomly exchanged with the wish fruit user if he loses Three pieces of equipment and a random pet will be directly transferred to the player."

"Temporary notice. Due to anonymous players using the 2S-Rank wish fruit to make a request, the player Purple Moon will complete the game within the next 24 hours. attribute decreased by one-fifth."

"Temporary notice. Due to anonymous players using the S-Rank wish fruit to make a request, the player Purple Moon will not be able to use any one currently equipped for the next twenty-four hours. A weapon."

Three consecutive reminders stunned me. If you don't use the weapons you have already equipped, it means that Eternity, Avenger, Dragon's Tendons, and the various piercing back blades on my body are all useless. What’s worse is that I can’t summon the Phoenix Dragon now, so I can’t get out even the spare weapon in the Phoenix Dragon space. To put it simply, I won't be able to use weapons at all in the next twenty-four hours. Of course, I can also grab the opponent's weapon, but the grabbed weapon can only be used as a basic attack because there is no way to obtain the right of ownership. Of course, it is better than no weapon.

This last one is annoying, but it's not fortune-telling. The second one is a lot more fucking than the third. All attributes fell by one-fifth. With my attribute, even if the total attribute drops by one-fifth, it is still a lot stronger than the average player. But the problem is that I am not singled out with others, but to face a gang fight of more than 700 people alone. In this case, every attribute is extremely important, but I have lost five for no reason. One of the attribute. The most annoying thing is that this fifth part also includes health and magic. In addition, there was a fruit that prevented me from recovering my life and magic within 24 hours, which made me even more dangerous. Of course, these are just foreshadowing, and the real extinction should be the first one of the last three notifications.

The effect of using the 3S wish fruit to start is that when I fail, I have to exchange three pieces of equipment with the other party. What is my equipment? The Divine Item attribute of the Divine Dragon suit itself will not be mentioned. It is still a complete set of equipment. Loss of any one means it will no longer be complete. Moreover, my Divine Dragon suit is currently the third national weapon in China. If the Divine Dragon If you lose one or two pieces of the suit, the Chinese national equipment will be incomplete. Of course, even if it is not the Divine Dragon suit part that is lost, but the eternity is lost, it will be enough to kill my life. According to the latest news, the simulated valuation of my Eternal Sword on the forum has reached 2 billion crystal coins. If the Divine Item in the Divine Item is replaced, I might as well commit suicide. As for the gift of the magic familiar afterwards, this is almost the same as changing the equipment, and it is definitely a price I can't bear.

The other party is clearly killing me, and he is willing to spend so much money on me. The other party's backing is definitely not small. The B-Rank wish fruit of Nobunaga Guishou is already valuable, and the wish fruit to reach S-Rank is even more expensive in units of 100 million. I estimate that the 3S-Rank fruit alone is worth at least 2 billion. Although the price of the other two fruits is a little cheaper, it is estimated that it will not be much lower. A conservative estimate is that there should be one billion.

Because the prompt just now was broadcast to everyone who watched the game and people on the field, the people who came to our guild to watch the game also knew the news immediately. Although the main leadership in our guild did not have anyone to watch the game, but our guild must have members come, because almost less than two seconds after the completion of the three reminders, I received the rose and sent it directly with the ring of love. Contact.

"Purple Moon, what's the matter with you?"

"You're overcast. Let's not talk about this, you can help me figure out a solution!"

"You try to persevere first, let's find a way."

Only when Rose finished speaking, system suddenly prompted: "The game is ready to resume. Please prepare for the game. Three. Two, one, start."

As prompted by the system, all of us instantly resumed our activities. However, to all the spectators, especially those in our guild, and the bastard who used a lot of wishes and fruits to overcast me, the more than 700 people did not rush towards me immediately after resuming their actions, but they were on guard against each other. At the beginning of the grouping, it was automatically divided into three groups in the end.

In the three groups of separated groups, the middle group has about a hundred people. These people have moved to a corner of the venue, far away from me. The remaining five hundred people were divided into two groups, one of which was about dozens of people. They were standing very close to me, but they all turned their backs to me, and their posture seemed to be on guard. The other person across is not me.

In addition to these two groups, the remaining group is the group with the largest number of people. There were more than four hundred people in this group.

After the three groups of people separated, a representative from the group leaning on the edge of the field stood up and shouted to me: "Purple Moon President, we just want to sign up this time Experience the feeling of confronting the world number one expert, and I didn’t want to be your enemy. Now that the game has become such a situation, it’s obvious that someone is targeting you. We don’t want to be used as a tool, and we don’t want to be your enemy. So we decided to take the initiative to withdraw. We will not participate in the following things."

I finally reacted to what they said, and not only this wave of people, but also the intentions of the other two waves I roughly guessed. .

"Everyone, thank you for your actions. Although you just voluntarily gave up the game, there is no loss for you, but for me this is a great favor. Today’s battle is our guild. People must have videos. If you have any trouble in the future, just come to Frost Rose League to find me, and I will give you all a favor."

People on the other side heard my promise and thanked everyone with courtesy. After a while, they disappeared on the court collectively. The people who helped me out of the crowd were naturally relaxed, and those who hated me were shouting that these people were cowards or something. Following the scolding of these people, the people who supported me next to me immediately scolded back, and then the audience on both sides scolded themselves. If it weren’t for the fact that each seat in the virtual stand actually exists independently, it is estimated that this would be a stand. It must have been more lively than fighting in the ring.

As the group of people who did not want to offend me left, one of the representatives of those standing in front of me stood up and said: "President Purple Moon, we are all your admirers. This The second time I came to register, I wanted to get a taste of your battle method. I want to learn some experience, but this situation does not seem to be suitable for learning experience. But you can rest assured, we will definitely protect you hard, and we will have to wait for the opposite. Not too many people. But we can’t do anything about the remaining people. What we can help you is to weaken the opponent’s personnel and battle strength as much as possible!"

I looked at them calmly. said with a smile: "You too underestimated me? Yes, I was really nervous before, but that was because I had to fight against more than 700 people with my bare hands, and the price of failure was so great that I couldn't. Bear it, that’s why I’m nervous. But... now there are only more than 400 enemies left, I still have you to help me share the pressure, killing them all is not a problem."

"You are not comforting us Right?" The player who spoke was a little uncertain asked.

I said with a smile: "Now it seems that I need more comfort, right? Don't worry, as long as you buy me some time, I can deal with them. Oh, yes, any of you have spare weapons on-site trading Give it to me, and then I’ll exchange it for you."

Just after I finished talking, oh la la, a large menu of requests for transactions came out. After reading it roughly, I refused. I dropped the other menus and only left the purchase menu for a sword. "It's going to be this. But I have 20,000 crystal coins with me, which is definitely not enough for this sword. Can I make up later?" I said to the player who provided the weapon.

The other party immediately said: "I believe in the reputation of President Purple Moon. You just need to pay a crystal coin to complete the transaction first."

Anyway, I plan to compensate afterwards. He was already there, so he didn't fight with him, and directly bought this weapon with a crystal coin. Because this was only bought, it bypassed the constraints of the previous wish fruit and can be used normally. Although the attributes of this sword are incomparable with Eternity, it is also a Holy Spirit-level equipment, and it is considered a high-level product among ordinary players.

"Okay, ready to complete, now let us compete with the guys opposite. I will let them know that the cheapness of my Purple Moon is not so easy to take." (to be continued .If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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