"Is this...?"

Before I finished talking about the tree of soul, I said: "This is not what you think."

"Do you know what I'm thinking?"

"I guess you just thought of the Demi-God crystal."

I nodded and asked: "Isn't this? "

"Do you think I have the ability to help you create a Demi-God?"

"Then this is...?"

"Power "Crystal." said the tree of soul: "You know that not all creatures in the underworld are just illusory Spirit Physiques. There are also native creatures of hell, and they also have physical bodies. I'm almost invincible against souls, but I encountered them. Those guys with powerful bodies are nothing for me."

"So you found a solution?"

"Yes. This method is to convert your own energy into matter. Shape and give my transformed body the excess energy to make it have a super-strike ability. Your familiar has the ability to transform matter itself. I now give him this kind of power crystallization ability. I believe it is right. You will be useful."

After the Soul Tree finished speaking, Phantom ran to me and said: "Look, master."

What Phantom showed me is his The attribute panel, I just read it briefly to understand the true meaning of the so-called power crystallization. The name crystallization of power does not have much to do with the actual effect of this attribute, that is, its effect cannot be inferred from the literal translation. Judging from the true ability of this power crystallized, this skill should actually be called Magic Strike, which may be a little more reliable.

We all know that the attack methods used by players in battle are mainly divided into two types: physical damage and magic damage. As for other types of damage, although they also exist, the number is very small, such as soul attack. This is a relatively common special type of attack. In fact, soul attack is relatively more of a type. Really rarer attack methods include curse and causal attack types. Those attack methods are simply unimaginable, and there is no way to calculate the damage value.

The ability given by the Soul Tree to Phantom is a skill that converts all attack methods, including rare attacks, into physical damage. This skill allows the person affected by the skill to Your own magic damage or other special types of damage are all superimposed on your own physical attack power, so that you can produce a super high physical strike ability.

In fact, if only the Phantom has acquired this ability, it is nothing. After all, this skill only allows the Phantom to convert his soul attack into a physical attack, but the Phantom itself has the ability to materialize. In other words, he has physical attack power. Although this skill can increase damage to him, it is a bit repetitive, which is not very meaningful in fact. However, what the Soul Tree bestows on Mirage is not a simple ability that looks like an attribute, but an active skill, an ability that needs to be used to take effect, and... this skill can be used by others.

This last one is the key. Phantom is my familiar, and his ability to be used by others means that I and my other familiars will gain this ability, and our physical strike ability will be doubled. This skill was originally created by the tree of souls to solve the shortcoming of its lack of physical attack power, so for the existence of the tree of souls that do not have physical damage, this skill only gives them an additional attack method. . However, for those of us who already have physical attack capabilities, this skill is a bit abnormal.

Suppose there is a low-level Spirit Physique. Because of its low level, it does not have physical attack power, but he has 500 soul attack capabilities. If the power crystal is used on him, then he will gain the ability to transform a special attack into a physical attack, which means he has 500 physical attack power. It can be seen from this process that this transformation ability does not have any special performance on Spirit Physique, which has no physical attack power. However, when we change the target, the effect is completely different.

Suppose again that there is a low-level creature with a physical attack power of 400 and a magic attack power of 150. Normally, such an existence should not be able to beat the previous low-level Spirit Physique, because he Only one attack method can be used at a time, and his physical attacks are completely ineffective against Spirit Physique. With one hundred and fifty magic attack power and five hundred attack Spirit Physique, the outcome is obvious. However, what if the power crystallization ability is also added to him now? After this low-level creature gains the ability to crystallize power, its magical attack will be converted into a physical attack, but he already has physical attack power, so these two attacks will...stack. That's right, it's superposition. The creature with the original four hundred physical attack power now has five hundred and fifty attack power. Of course, he still can't do that Spirit Physique now, because physical attacks are ineffective to Spirit Physique. But if they both deal with the same two enemies that can be damaged by physical attacks, this creature that was originally weaker than Spirit Physique will exert a stronger battle strength than Spirit Physique. It can be seen that although this skill was invented to serve Spirit Physique, which has no physical attack power, its true metamorphic effect can only be used on the creatures of the Dual Cultivation to burst out completely.

As a trainer, my magical attack power is actually far lower than that of physical attacks, but my magical attack is actually quite strong compared to the average player. Now suddenly I superimposed my magical attack on the physical attack, then the actual attack power... anyway, it must be abnormal.

"Thank you so much, this skill is very good." After reading the attribute, I immediately thanked the tree of soul with excitement. After all, the effect of this skill is too strong, especially for me. For people who have both high physical and magic double attacks, this skill is simply abnormal.

Of course, this skill also has shortcomings. For example, when the enemy I am dealing with is not afraid of physical damage, this skill is completely useless, but there are not many creatures in the game that are not afraid of physical damage, so this skill is quite useful in most cases.

After finishing the task of the tree of soul, I took back the familiars and returned to Isengard and threw the Spirit Physique that the tree of soul let me back to the research unit to confirm that they understood me After I asked them to study something, I immediately went to the Mother Earth to go directly to the research institute.

"Why did you come back so soon?" Seeing me walking into her temple, Mother Earth looked at me with a little surprise and asked: "You won't have finished running, right?"


"Isn't it OK if I finish it soon?" This time I was surprised. But I haven't heard that the person who posted the task is free from others to complete it too fast.

The Mother of the Earth said somewhat sorry: "I am not idle, you completed it too fast, but the task reward I prepared for you has not been caught yet!"

"What is it? The reward for me hasn't been caught yet? Is the mission reward a living thing?" I looked at the Mother Earth in confusion and asked.

Mother of the Earth directly nodded and said: "I have prepared a very good pet for you this time. It is a very popular pet even in our High God world, but this thing is very Cunning is not very easy to catch. I ordered someone to help me catch it before, but didn't expect that guy came to hand in the task before he caught you. After all, according to your habits, I thought this task was yours. It will take at least a few months to hand it in."

"It just happened to be free recently, so I won’t be able to finish it by the way." As I said, I passed the World Tree seedlings directly to Mother Earth. At the same time, he said: "I will hand over the task first. You can give me the reward later. I am not afraid that you will be wronged." Otherwise, what do you think? I actually know that there is a ready-made one of that kind of thing, and it has a high level. The owner makes a bet. If you win the bet, the ready-made familiar will be yours. If you lose, I will be responsible for paying the bet, but your prize is gone. You can choose by yourself. I will wait for a while People from help you catch the ordinary ones, or do you take the risk of betting to see if you can win back this super individual?"

"What is the content of the gambling?"

"Fighting ."

"Are there any restrictions?"

"You can use any skills and equipment you have, but you can't summon any kind of helpers, and you can't use any disposable items , Including any kind of medicine and scrolls."

"What about my opponent? The venue? Is there a time limit or something? What are the victory rules? All kills or other requirements?"


"Your opponent will choose from the same adventurers as you. The number is temporarily uncertain. After all, there are many adventurers involved. We do not know how many people are willing to participate, but in the end we will decide the victory of the game according to the situation. Conditions. If the opponent is rarely weak, then the victory condition may be to kill the target without damage, and if the opponent is many and strong, the victory condition may be to persist for as long as you won’t die even if you win. In short, we will give it based on the strength of both of you. You have a fair victory condition. After all, we are High God and will not cheat you."

I nodded and said: "In terms of credibility, you are much more reliable than those Low Gods, so I believe you Guarantee. So when will the gambling start?"

"It will probably be arranged tonight, you can go to your business first."

"Okay, then I will go first , I’m ready to notify me.”

When I left Mother Earth’s place, I didn’t think of a simple betting dating evolution. It has become a world-wide event, and nothing can be changed by the time I know it.

"Purple Moon, why did you suddenly remember to accept the joint challenge of players from all over the world?" I was shocked when I suddenly saw the rose directly in front of me with a ring of love, but Rose’s words surprised me even more. This time was exactly two hours after I promised Mother Earth to participate in the gambling battle.

"What are you talking about?" I looked at Rose in surprise and asked.

Hearing what I said, Rose was stunned for a moment, and then directly said: "You will know if you go offline and connect to the forum immediately."

I know the expression on Rose. It's not a trivial matter. I quickly connected to the forum and saw it. After a few minutes, I knew what Rose was talking about. "Don't worry, I will go to the Mother of the Earth to ask clearly, she agreed with me, and I didn't expect it to develop into this way."

When she finds the Mother of the Earth again, she I was manipulating a pile of soil in the air to form one after another. The formula was calculating what, after seeing me, she immediately said with a smile: "I knew you were coming to me."

"That challenge What's the matter with the competition?"

"It's like this." Mother Earth explained: "We used our own abilities to issue notices in all the large cities where adventurers appeared. The content was to recruit volunteers to participate. Investigation of your battle strength. Originally we planned to recruit thirty or fifty people to fight against you, but we didn’t expect your influence in the world to be so great. There were more than 100 million people in less than two hours after the news was sent. Sign up, it’s an unprecedented grand occasion!"

"You won’t accept all of them, right? More than 100 million people don’t say they fight, and they rushed over and squeezed me to death! Even if they didn’t rush over, Raising my necks and letting me kill, killing 100 million people is enough to exhaust me. Are you killing me?"

The Mother of the Earth smiled and said: "We are not stupid. How could it be possible for you to challenge 100 million people? But there are too many people who signed up, and we can no longer maintain the original plan. Finally, I discussed with several other High Gods and decided to set the number of challengers into two choices. No. One option is 10,000 people to join the battle. The condition of failure is that you are killed. The condition of victory is to kill more than 80% of the enemies, that is, kill at least 8,000 people."

"Eight thousand? One per second. It has to be cut for more than two hours, are you making a mistake?"

"Don’t worry! The second plan is 1,000 enemies. The condition of failure is that you are killed and you win. The condition is to kill all the enemies."

"One thousand is too much!"

"In fact, you can't decide which plan to use." Mother of the Earth said to me Afterwards, he continued: "We have announced that we will draw lots to determine the number of players and the combat environment at the beginning of the game."

"Has each law changed?"

"It has been announced that how to change it? But don't worry. With your battle strength, these two solutions have a chance of winning. After all, even if 100,000 people attack you, the one who can actually attack you at the same time will not With more than eight people, your chances of winning are actually very high."

"So what, can I ask the other party about any restrictions? They won’t be able to use any tricks without restrictions, right?"< /p>

"That's not the case." I just took a sigh of relief when I heard this. Didn't expect Mother Earth's next sentence to lift my heart again. "Their restriction is that all medicines of the same kind can only be used once, and scrolls and guild-level war weapons are not allowed. Others are free."

"putting it that way they can summon the familiars And hire NPC bodyguards?"

"Of course."

"Damn, doesn't that mean there are more than one thousand or ten thousand?"

"That is Sure."

"Oh my God! You can kill me directly!"

"Don't be discouraged, believe me, the pet I prepared for you is absolutely Right from your contribution."

"I hope." I helplessly sat on the ground and asked: "When will the game start?"

"There are forty minutes left "

"Damn it!"

Actually, I can understand that the mother of the earth set the challenge time after forty minutes, because that time happens to be the time period with the highest online rate. But this time is too tight for me. If it hadn't been for Rose to inform me, I wouldn't know that I would be playing against more than a thousand or even more than 10,000 creatures in a while. Fortunately, there are still forty minutes.

Because of the restrictions of the rules, I cannot bring any other helpers, but the rules do not restrict me to use the attributes in advance.

"Quickly, quickly, all of your support skills are ready for me, and they will be brushed for me before I enter the field. Anyway, let me kill a few more people after the opening to reduce the number of enemies. "

For this bet, I have recruited all the people in the guild who practice support skills. Of course, my demon and the great gods in the guild can’t let go, especially Xinghuo and Peacock. Xinghuo used to be Guan Shiyin when she was in Buddhism. Her support skills are quite famous, so don't make good use of pure number waste. As for Peacock, her support skills are not many, but there is a particularly practical skill called Colorful Xiaguang. This skill can turn my whole person into a human-shaped neon light, but a one hundred thousand watts. Standing there, the whole person will shine like a silver mirror under the scorching noon sun. Although others can see where I am, But he couldn't look at me directly because I was too bright. Although this skill seems simple, the effect is surprisingly good. Unless your opponent wears sunglasses, don't expect to see anything. Moreover, even if he has filter sunglasses that can block the dazzling glare, it can only partially weaken the effect of this skill, because this skill does not make my whole person shine, but makes me appear many alternating flashes. If the other party wears sunglasses, then although he is not afraid of flashing, he may not be able to see my movements clearly, and the result is not much different from not being able to look at me directly.

Although a large number of helpers who can assist skills are summoned to help, you still have to wait for the status to be refreshed before playing. After all, the effective time of most of the support skills will not be too long, and even if I get lucky. As long as you deal with a thousand people, that little time is definitely not enough to complete the game. Therefore, I have to apply skills at the last second so that I can use it for as long as possible.

It took half an hour to gather the crowd and prepare some auxiliary equipment needed in the battle. After I was all ready, the system was sent directly to the temporarily opened competition arena. Looking all around from where I am, this is simply an ancient Roman Colosseum, but I know that the final battle is unlikely to take place here. After all, with the area of ​​this place, let alone 10,000 people, even if one Thousands of people will also be squeezed into canned sardines, so there is no need to fight, just a skill to swipe the screen and it's done.

As I was teleported to this Colosseum-like area, there was a burst of cheers in the surrounding stands, but I always felt that there were more people cheering. I have always understood this situation better, after all, human nature is like this. It doesn't matter whether the opponent is kind or evil, tolerant or small, it doesn't matter, as long as the opponent is rich or strong, they are all objects of hatred. As for why you hate the other person, can you not find a reason if you want to hate someone? Qiu Qiang and Fu Fu have always been a very popular human trait. As the number one in my world battle strength list, I am very pleased that no one throws rotten eggs or persimmons on the stage. Although no one dares to offend me in front of me, you will not miss an opportunity like this that I cannot retaliate. After all, this kind of opportunity is by no means uncommon.

After I showed up, a host of system settings walked up to me and announced the game schedule. According to the supporter's introduction, I first selected the number of players to compete. The result was relatively lucky. I drew a thousand people to challenge instead of 10,000. Of course, this result drew boos off the court.

Under the arrangement of the host, I then extracted a list of players. Because I didn’t know that I would fight against a few people at first, the system initially selected 10,000 people with the highest strength among the applicants as candidates. The people are randomly divided into ten groups by the system. As for the specific group of people to fight with, it is up to me to draw lots. However, because the grouping of personnel is random, which group is the same to me.

After selecting the combatants, the thousand people appeared directly in the Colosseum, and the effect was indeed the same as I thought before. The entire venue was packed with almost no gaps. Fortunately, I'm standing on a floating platform, so I don't need to squeeze them.

After these people appeared, the host asked me to draw lots to decide the battle field to use. As a result, the field I got was a city. Although the area of ​​this city is not as large as Isengard, it is definitely considered a very large city, and the buildings in it are also quite beautiful. However, this city created by the system specifically for our game is actually an empty city. Although the buildings in the city and all kinds of sundries in the buildings are complete, there is not a single living thing here. Not to mention the citizens, there is not even a rat or a cockroach.

After I finished drawing the battle map, the host began to read the rules. According to the rules, after the start of the game, the thousand people and I will be randomly transmitted to any location in the city, and the battle can be started immediately after the transmission is completed. The city wall outside the city belongs to the isolation zone. The competition area is the part of the city wall, and the city wall cannot be removed or destroyed at all. The restrictions in the game are similar to what Mother Earth said. I can’t use medicines, don’t bring familiars, and can’t use disposable equipment. There are no restrictions on other things, but the restrictions on my enemies are much looser than mine. They can summon. Familiars can even bring NPC bodyguards. The most important thing is that they can use medicine. Fortunately, each medicine can only be used once, otherwise it would be really troublesome.

After reading the rules, the host gave us one minute preparation time. Of course, I immediately asked everyone to fill me up with all the auxiliary skills that I had prepared, and I felt that my whole thing changed in an instant. Become a little sun, all kinds of rays of light flashed randomly on my body, and finally I returned to the field like a big human-shaped light bulb in the eyes of the audience with amazement.

Compared to my preparations, the preparation of a thousand people is much simpler. In fact, it's not that they didn't prepare, but they were already prepared. This one minute is nothing more than insisting on sub-equipment.

As the system confirmed the time, the thousand people disappeared in the Colosseum with me in an instant, and the Colosseum became a huge holographic projection showing the use of combat The situation in the city. Of course, the camera is displayed with me as the center. As I move, the camera will move, and its display range is the area of ​​the entire Colosseum. For the surrounding players, this area is enough to see my entire battle. .

"Do you think the president's chance of winning has several points of?" Cauldron asked aloud when we all entered the city.

Hong Yue, Rose and Su Mei said almost in unison: "We must win."

Da Guofan asked in surprise, "How are you so sure? Although the boss is very good, he can't The summon familiar is still unable to use medicines, and the opponent is one thousand of the strongest 10,000 people selected in the whole world. Even if all the experts on the battle strength list have not signed up, there must be many experts among them. Boss If one person picks one thousand, the odds of winning should be very slim, right?"

Sumi looked at the big pot of rice with an idiotic expression: "If you are fighting on a flat ring, even if you The number of people is cut in half, and the Purple Moon big brother's chance of winning is only 50%, but what he draws is the city map. In such a complicated environment, it is difficult for opponents to form a siege. With Purple Moon's battle strength, less than 100 people simply can only Being slaughtered, as long as the opponent cannot gather, they will be killed sooner or later. So Purple Moon will win, and even if there is an accident, it will be a tie at best."

"Why is it that an accident can only be a tie? Isn’t it? Will you lose?"

Before seeing the big pot of rice, Rose explained: "Purple Moon has a self-destruct skill, and there is no grass left within a radius of two kilometers. If it really doesn’t work, he I must choose self-destruct."

"Isn’t the skill used for one hundred levels at a time? Self-destruct is not cost-effective for a demon pet, right?"

"If it’s just for demon Petting is naturally not cost-effective, but now all players in the world are watching, even in order to keep his deterrence in the mind of the world players, he must not lose."

"so that's how it is."

When Da Guofan was discussing my chances of winning, I was already in the city, but what made me more depressed was that my position was not far from the ground, because I actually fell in the city square. In the central pool, and there were at least a hundred people in the entire square, all of them obviously discovered my existence.

"Damn, is this unclear to cheat me? In such a big city, one-tenth of the people are randomly placed in a square. Isn't this cheating too much?"

For my complaints, those who watch the excitement will not agree, and those who challenge me will not agree. A player close to me saw me excitedly and said, "haha, Purple Moon, it seems that even the system is not pleasing to your eyes, and actually threw you into our crowd. This time I see you. How to die."

"Idiot, even if they might kill me, you are the first to die." I said and walked directly towards the guy. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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