The neighbor of the Soul Tree is not a creature, this guy is simply a Vicious Spirit, and a certain level of super Vicious Spirit. I quickly met his neighbor under the general directions given by the Soul Tree, but the way he greeted him was very special. You can imagine how you would react when you walk alone in the dark jungle, and then suddenly a half-decayed dead face appears in front of you at a distance of just a few centimeters?

My reaction was exaggerated because I was frightened. At the moment when that grimace appeared, my brain didn’t have time to react and my body reflexively went up and threw the opponent out with a punch, and the hapless evil spirit rushed towards me again at a faster speed. But with preparations this time, it was even more unlucky than last time. I squeezed its throat directly, no matter how hard it struggled, it couldn't shake it.

Actually, this thing of the ghost has no so-called critical points that can be pinched. The reason why this guy is pinched and can’t struggle is entirely because he still has memories of his life. Because he was an individual before he was alive, he would instinctively think that he was under control after he squeezed his neck. In fact, with its ghost system, there is simply nothing like that. He can even get rid of my hands by giving up part of his limbs as long as he wants to. go out.

"Poor fellow, it seems that the Soul Tree you provoke is very upset?" After grabbing the Evil Spirit in front of me, I also understood why the Soul Tree let me here. coming. Obviously, this guy is not as interesting as the tree of soul said, and the only purpose of tree of soul tricked me is to help him solve a problem.

In fact, the souls that I saw around the tree of souls that swallowed each other were not gathered voluntarily. They were all gathered together by the tree of souls using their own abilities. Just as the tree of fire needs to absorb the Fire Element and the tree of nature needs to absorb the power of nature, the tree of soul is a plant that must rely on soul to survive, so it forces all ghosts in the nearby area to gather in that area and Force them to swallow each other, and finally when a certain Devouring Soul has enough soul to strengthen to a certain extent, the soul tree will grab this powerful soul by its side, and then swallow it, this is the way of survival of the soul tree .

After successfully grabbing this Vicious Spirit, I asked Ling to help read the memory of this guy. According to his memory, this guy was originally one of the poor souls that should not be swallowed. However, I don't know why he didn't lose his mind after swallowing enough souls. Instead, he restored the memory of his life and became a ghost with a human mind.

Those unconscious souls can only instinctively swallow each other to strengthen themselves, and when they swallow enough of the same kind, they will become more and more irritable, and finally become completely irrational Evil Spirit . This kind of Evil Spirit simply has no consciousness other than killing and devouring, so when the tree of soul needs to absorb them, these guys simply don't know to escape. Although they will also resist, the difference in strength lies there. I don't know the only result that the guys who run away will be swallowed. However, the guy in front of him is a stranger.

Because of the human mind, he has one more ability than those Evil Spirits, that is thinking. When he first had wisdom, although he wanted to leave, he took the clearing as a paradise after finding that swallowing the same kind could strengthen himself. Originally, he planned to strengthen there to a certain strength before leaving, but after he survived carefree for a period of time, he suddenly discovered that a very strong kind was given by the big tree in the center that he had always thought to be ordinary. ate. After that, he discovered this kind of thing twice, and finally he realized that the tree was powerful and dangerous. After weighing the results of the battle with himself and the opponent, he decisively chose to escape.

Before, because those unconscious souls didn’t know how to run even if they were strong, so the soul tree didn’t waste any effort to arrange any isolation facilities to prevent ghosts from escaping. In fact, it’s because he has been turning on the attraction of ghosts. Ability, so instead of ghosts leaving, there are many ghosts passing by or newly appearing nearby will gather here from time to time. Because there were no ghosts to escape, the Soul Tree didn't have any interception facilities at all, and as a result, this guy easily left the range.

Although the soul is strong, it is only a tree no matter how strong it is, and the biggest problem with a tree is that it cannot move. The safest way to face an immobile cannibal tree is to stay away from him. The guy in front of him chose the most correct method. He ran out of that area, and found that the soul tree's ability, except for the ability to attract ghosts, could not go beyond the scope of the clearing. In other words, as long as he doesn't enter the clearing area, the tree of soul will absolutely be useless against him.

After escaping the danger zone, this guy began to plan to return to the world, but after wandering in the underworld for a while, he finally realized that the gap between the world and hell is not his a nobody who has no background. Passed, so he began to down-to-earth and want to make himself stronger. In order to return to the world, apart from getting to know the big guys in the underworld, the easiest way is to gain strong power.

For a ghost, the easiest way to strengthen it is to devour other ghosts. At first, this guy was just looking for ghosts to swallow them, but soon he couldn't hold on. The various ghosts in the wild are not very weak, on the contrary, a large part of them are even stronger than him. In this case, there are not many targets for him to choose. Moreover, even if it is a soul weaker than him, the other party will not let him swallow it stupidly. Those souls will generally resist fiercely. Each time even if he can successfully swallow the other party, it will take several hours or even a day. This speed is undoubtedly quite slow and very dangerous. After all, a battle that lasts for several hours or even a day will inevitably attract the attention of many nearby creatures. You must know that this is a dangerous hell rather than a human world. Even in the human world, there are fishermen waiting for sandpiper and clam war together. There are more people like hell in places like hell. Therefore, most of the time, this guy did not successfully swallow the opponent, but was forced to run away in the middle of the fight. Ten attacks can succeed at most two times, and it depends on luck.

Such a low success rate and unimaginable danger made this guy have to think about other methods, and after much deliberation, he thought of the Soul Tree. The powerful temptation ability of the Soul Tree will automatically cause the souls in the surrounding area to gather around it, which provides the guy in front of him with more goals for him to choose from. In the ensuing contact, he unexpectedly discovered that the souls that had been affected involuntarily gathered here were all in a state of confusion as if they were sleepwalking. This phenomenon makes his attack extremely simple, because these souls with almost no reaction ability don't know how to resist, so let alone a soul weaker than him, even if there is a stronger existence than him, they can easily succeed.

Since discovering this phenomenon, this guy has lived around the tree of souls, and then he used the tree of souls as a bait, and he lurked near the bait to attack those attracted Prey. However, although his method is a great thing for him, it is not the case in the tree of soul. His behavior directly caused the number of souls entering the sphere of influence of the soul tree to decline in a straight line. This is equivalent to grabbing food from the rice bowl of the soul tree. Do you think the soul tree has a good impression on him?

After clarifying the relationship between him and the Soul Tree, it is not difficult to understand why the Soul Tree lied to me to help him deal with this trouble. If someone waits at your door every day, he will grab a portion of it as soon as you get home from your salary. Is it possible for you to be polite to such a person? Before, it was because the tree of soul couldn't move at all, so there was no way to kill this guy, but now it's different. My appearance gave the tree of soul an extra choice.

"Hey, are you really not being polite to me?" After taking that guy back to the Soul Tree, I directly threw him beside the Soul Tree. "If you want me to help you solve this guy, just ask me directly, why lie to me?"

"Although I want to use your ability, I didn't lie to you." Soul Zhishu said without feeling any guilt: "I told you that this guy is very interesting before, and that's not a lie to you. I just didn't tell you that I have hatred with him. In fact, he is indeed a very good person. Interesting guy."

"I don't think it's funny looking at his dead face, which is mostly rotten."

"He's fun is fun here." The tree of soul said: "Do you know what he was like in the beginning?"

I shook the head and said: "How do I know this? Why? Isn't he such a messy look before?"< /p>

"Of course not, because this guy was just a puppy before."

"Do you mean mocking him for being a dog, or...?"

"No, it means literally. He was originally the soul of a puppy when he was attracted to me, but I don't know why he started to develop into a human form after swallowing so many souls, and finally even his main consciousness appeared chaotic. , I thought I was originally a person."

When I heard the tree of soul say that, I finally became interested in this guy on the ground. Originally, it was a bit strange for a dog’s soul to enter Human Transformation, but the other party was able to completely reproduce a complete human memory, and he hadn’t noticed that he actually took the copied consciousness as his own. This situation is really true. It's a little strange. It is said that the soul should have a very clear response to the concept of self. Just like a mother, it is generally difficult for a mother to make mistakes for his children. It is difficult for each person or the consciousness of each creature to distinguish between their own will and others. The absorbed will is confused, because once this happens, it means the disappearance of the self. This kind of swallowing is not so much swallowing, it is more appropriate to be swallowed. However, this guy's situation seems a little different.

If he considers himself just because he has absorbed some guy’s consciousness, and he has a complete consciousness, then it’s better to say something. The key is that his memory does not seem to be replaced, but merged NS. Although he thinks he is a person, his memory contains memories of when he was a dog, but his dog identity is automatically replaced by a human image in his memory, and this is what I care about. .

To be able to use a memory to perfectly replace the other's memory, and convince the other person that it is the truth, what a terrifying ability is this? If we can separate and reproduce this process of memory fusion from this guy’s accident, then we might even be able to modify some people’s memories to a certain extent. Of course, this kind of technology in the game is estimated to be used only for NPCs, after all, the player's will is protected by the system, and the system will not allow any group or individual to directly harm the player's consciousness in any way. However, even if this technology can only be used on NPCs after being separated, it will be an unimaginable technology. At least, it will be easier for us to join a Divine Race in the future. First pull the other party into the group, and the other party agrees best. If you don't agree, use this technique to modify the other party's memory to make him think he has agreed. In this way, the Divine Race team of our guild should be able to grow quickly.

Seeing that I finally understood the key, the tree of soul suddenly asked: "How? Is this guy funny?"

I nodded helplessly: "It's really funny , Even if I didn’t help you in vain this time.” After finishing talking about this guy, I said to the tree of soul: “Okay, I have helped you solve your troubles, have you done our task?”

The Soul Tree directly handed the World Tree seedling back to me and said: "It's ready, you just give it to the Mother of Earth. Oh, yes, according to the rules, I have to give you some rewards and let me Think about what I can give you." After a while of shaking, the Soul Tree suddenly stretched out a cane and rolled towards me and said at the same time: "It's you, little fellow." I saw the one that was shining blue light. The cane passed through my body like an illusion and rolled a white phantom from me.

"Master?" The Phantom, who was deadlifted from my body, was still a little panicked. Obviously, this was the first time he encountered this situation. If it weren't for the previous situation that didn't seem to be a threat, it is estimated that the Phantom must have launched an attack and started to counterattack.

Because I know that the Soul Tree is impossible to do to us, I immediately signaled to him to relax after the Phantom asked him. After he received the order, he immediately felt that the Soul Tree was doing it to him. What happened, I saw a bright blue aperture suddenly appeared at the root of the cane that was rolling him, and then this aperture moved quickly to the tip along the cane, and after reaching the end of the cane, the rays of light injected directly into the phantom. In the body.

As the first aperture flashed, the second and third apertures appeared one after another and disappeared, and then the apertures began to become denser and denser, and they were all rapidly phantom The body was instilled, and the phantom was getting brighter and brighter, and finally changed from the original semi-transparent state like a mist to a crystal-like image emitting blue rays of light.

"Is this...?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest Motivation.)

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