After stuffing the Immortal Pill, I didn’t care about the poor bug. The guy who degenerates to Level 10 doesn’t need to care at all. Even if I stand there and let him fight with my defenses I haven't seen any effect in hours, and the revenge attribute on me cannot be activated in the meantime, otherwise any spell will be activated once and it will be lost.

After solving this guy, I looked up at this city that has lost one third. Fortunately, the destructive power is too strong. Such a city dominated by wooden buildings can't withstand his destruction at all, and a long flame can ignite a large area in the past.

Waving my hand to call back luck, I let the Death God guard and Qilin warrior out together, let them search the whole city, kill all the enemies, and move all the valuable things that can be moved. go.

Ashford looked at me with some confusion and asked, "Why are you searching here? I thought you just wanted revenge."

"No, revenge is just for the purpose. One, as for the second purpose, you may be able to see it soon." Before my words fell, I saw a Qilin warrior running over with a pile of sheepskin.

"Master, this was found in a place like an office."

I took the thing in Ashford’s puzzled eyes and turned it over. Asked: "Is there any more?"

"There is still this." The Qilin warrior immediately handed over a hollow cylinder made of wood, and I easily pulled out a roll from it. Paper with a very strange texture. After unfolding this paper, we immediately discovered that this thing was actually a map, and what was painted on it was clearly an underground building complex.

"Oh, it seems that your ruins exploration plan has been completed." I handed the map directly to Ashford Road.

Ashford looked at the map in his hand, and then asked with some confusion: "How do you know they have this?"

"Look more and listen more , I still have more thoughts."

"I still don't understand."

I helplessly shook the head and said: "You said that the things on the fake map had place marks. Wrong, this means that the map is not fabricated out of thin air, at least part of it is correct, so why can they draw such an error map? Obviously, they have seen a real map, or they have a real map. "

"That's why you came to take me to rob?"

"This is just by the way, I mainly come to vent." I said looking towards Ashford and waved my hand. Said: "I think with this thing, you shouldn't need me for the next exploration. You can do your task first. I will go back after robbing this side, and I also have my task to complete. "

After Ashford nodded bid farewell to me, he took someone to do his ruins mission. As for the things in the ruins, although I was also very curious, it was Ashford after all. De discovered that he invited me to participate. It's good to say that if I have to go along with me, it's a bit unreasonable. As an ally, the most important thing is to know which interests you can share, and which ones are best not to touch, otherwise it will only lead to the collapse of the alliance.

After Ashford left, it only took us an hour or so to rob the entire city. This city is very small, if it weren't for the search for possible secret rooms and the like, we would be able to completely ransack this place in less than half an hour, but it would not have been in vain to spend so much time. Qilin warrior and Death God guards found at least thirty secret rooms in the city. A city built by a group of crooks, thieves, and robbers, its style is also the dream of absolute criminals, with hidden secret doors and chambers everywhere. The only pity is that these guys are really poor. They ransacked the entire city and found something about ten-twenty thousand crystal coins. The other things are tasteless or disproportionate in value and volume.

After we emptied all the valuable supplies, we let Ling and Xiaochun join forces to throw a light-dark bomb in the city before we left. Then, with a loud noise, the small city where the city was originally The high ground becomes a small lake, even if they come back from the resurrection, don't expect to build a city here again.

When I returned to the tree of nature, the other party had already completed the indoctrination. After I took over the seedlings of World Tree, the tree of nature gave me something like a green crystal. Although I don't know what this is for, since it is a reward from the tree of nature, I can only accept it first. After I bid farewell to the tree of nature and returned to Isengard, I saw the attribute of this thing through Appraisal Technique.

The thing that the tree of nature gave me is actually the source of life. Its purpose is very simple. It is to increase the value of life, but it is not used to replenish blood, but to increase the upper limit of life. The piece given to me by the Tree of Nature is a highly concentrated Source of Life with a content of 200,000 units, which means that if I absorb this piece of Source of Life, my health value will increase by 200,000 points. Is two hundred thousand health more? Of course a lot. Because my current total health is only more than 370,000, and 200,000 is already more than half a life. Besides, my high health is because my attributes and levels are exaggerated. For most balanced players, more than 50,000 health is not low. Even the blood bull warrior in the middle and upper levels has average health. That is, it is close to two hundred thousand. Those who can exceed two hundred thousand are either world-level experts or the main blood cow warrior raised by the big guild.

The inventory of this Source of Life in my hand is as high as 200,000 units, which means that its internal health value has already topped a top blood bull type warrior. If a mage got this thing, he would be able to slash it shirtlessly against a normal warrior. Moreover, this Source of Life also has a very lovely advantage, that is, it does not need to be supplemented to one person at a time, but can be taken as needed. My 370,000 HP is just a basic attribute, plus my equipment has many HP-added attributes, and my life orb can store life force. After calculating, my limit HP may be close to six. One hundred thousand. Such a high health value means that even if my defense is zero, I can still face full strength attacks from most players except Gunslinger. Therefore, it actually doesn't make much sense to use this thing for me. Normal people can't cut my health at all, and once something threatens me, even if it is several times the health, the result may be the same, so it seems too wasteful for me to use it.

After thinking about it for a long time, I finally gave it to Rose. Of course, I didn’t let Rose use it, but let her think about who would use it in the meeting. After all, there is a warrior whose health is better than a blood cow Even thick mages or priests can sometimes exert unexpected effects.

After dealing with that piece of Source of Life, I began to think about whether to get the mission of Mother Earth first or to trouble with Olympus Divine Race first. speaking of which I have detained Pandora and them for a long time, and it is time to go back and see the situation. After thinking about it for a long time, I finally think it's better to complete the mission of Mother Earth first, after all, there is only the last tree left. As for the Olympus Divine Race, they are still far away from China anyway, and they won't think it was our hands for a while, so you might as well let them hang out for a while.

After deciding on the goal, I took out the guide crystal of the last tree of souls, but the activation method of this thing is rather strange. The other crystal balls are activated as long as they are injected with magic power. Only this crystal ball can only be activated with the impact of spirit strength. Fortunately, several of my familiars are mentally shocking, otherwise it will be in trouble!

After successfully starting the crystal ball, the guiding crystal ball did not immediately move towards the target location and flew, but first shook in place, and then just when I thought something was wrong with it, that one The crystal ball suddenly coughed like a missile thrust into the sky and it flew out of sight in the blink of an eye.

"Damn, doesn't it mean that guiding the crystal ball will not leave my certain range? What's the situation? Mechanical failure?" I said while summon got out of Asuka and jumped up quickly and pointed at it. The crystal ball that was still jumping up said: "Catch up."

"Understood." Asuka directly activated all the thrusters, and instantly took me straight into the sky. Although the flying speed of that crystal ball is very fast, it is still incomparable with the flying birds, so we won't catch up with us soon. But this crystal ball is indeed strange enough. It doesn’t respond to me as a user at all. It only knows that it will fly all the way forward without any intention of waiting for me at all. I don’t know if it’s the guide crystal or it’s like this. there is a problem. Because I was afraid that this gadget would not fly, I couldn't stop and activate the door of the earth to go in and ask the mother of the earth to ask clearly, so I had to follow this gadget to see it.

The crystal ball was flying upwards after it left the ground. We chased it and flew to 20,000 meters high in one breath before the guy turned to the west and entered the level flight mode. Seeing it turned to me, Asuka immediately turned to catch up. The flying speed of this thing is probably subsonic. For Asuka, this speed is already very slow, so we chased it quite easily. But after flying with this thing for half an hour, I finally lost patience.

"No, I don’t know when it will fly with it. Look at this direction, maybe the tree of soul is in Europe. Asuka, speed up, I will catch it and use it directly. Transmission Formation is going to Europe to release it."


After getting my order, Asuka immediately speeded up to catch up with the crystal ball, because this thing didn’t know how to dodge it, just It has been flying forward in a straight line, so we can easily catch it back. Although the crystal ball will fly toward the destination by itself, its power is actually not great. After catching it, you can control it with a little force.

After catching the crystal ball, I immediately recovered the flying bird, and then directly sent it back to Isengard and used the Transnational Transmission Formation to transfer to Tianyu City. I only let go of the guiding crystal again after I got out of the Transmission Formation of Tianyu City. I didn't expect it to jump up into the sky as soon as I let go.

"Damn, why are you going up again?" This time I was prepared and jumped on the bird to catch up, but the crystal ball didn't fly to 20,000 meters in one breath again. Rather, it only rose several hundred meters and then turned to draw a steep arc moved towards Northwest in the air and flew over.

When the crystal ball turned to us, we had to follow the turn. As a result, after the thing turned into level flight, it persisted for less than five minutes and then began to descend. It dropped to 800 meters, and after flying for more than ten seconds, it was reduced to 500 meters. After flying for 3 minutes, the crystal ball suddenly began to decelerate, and the speed dropped from 300 meters per second to 170 meters per second. , Although this speed is still not slow, but it is much slower than before. Obviously my guess is correct, the thing is approaching its destination, otherwise it will suddenly slow down without reason.

Flying for about ten minutes, the flying height of the thing dropped to a height of more than a hundred meters above the ground. This height can clearly see the players on the ground, and the thing is The speed has also been reduced to less than one hundred meters per second, and it is clear that it is about to reach the destination in this state. But why do I think this road is so familiar?

Fly about two kilometers along the road below us, the crystal ball actually dropped to five meters above the ground, and the speed was reduced again, now this speed is better than the average player's full force The sprint speed is slightly faster. Riding the bird at such a slow speed is a bit inconvenient, so I simply replaced Ye Ying and rode Ye Ying on the ground.

Before in the sky, I just felt familiar. I can completely recognize this landing. Is this road clearly the road to Dark God Palace! Could it be said that the tree of soul is with Titans?

Sure enough, the crystal ball took me all the way to the door of the Dark Lord Temple of Titans, and then it suddenly pressed down, and a fierce man plunged into the door of the temple, and I saw it went in. I had to run inside, but fortunately, the temple staff here knew me, and they didn't stop me when they saw me running inside.

The speed of the crystal ball dropped again after entering the temple, and now this speed is probably about the same as that of a normal player running at full speed.

"Huh? Purple Moon..."

At this time, Titans just came out of the temple, and when he saw me running in, he wanted to say hello, didn't expect him to say hello Halfway through, I heard me waved and shouted: "I'm not free now, I will explain to you later."

In Ditans's surprised eyes, I rushed directly to the underground temple area behind the Dark God Palace, and then Under the guidance of the crystal ball, we rushed all the way to a side temple on the side of the underground temple area. If I remember correctly, this place seems to be the hellhound's den!

The ball of light flew all the way into the hellhound's den without any pause, and then completely disappeared. Although it was strange to enter the doghouse, since the guiding crystals were all in, I had to go in with them. Fortunately, although the hellhound’s den is said to be a dog den, it is actually not small.

When I rushed into the Hellhound’s kennel, the timeball had disappeared, and there was only one big hole in this small kennel except for the door I entered. This big hole is located in the center of the hell dog breeding area. It is about 30 meters in diameter. The black hole underneath can’t be seen at all, but the Death Qi emanating from it I can conclude that this hole is at least connected to a hell even if it’s not a direct link to hell. Entrance.

After seeing this hole, I finally understood where the guiding crystal was going. Its destination should be hell. I'm really stupid to think about it now. The tree of soul naturally grows in the place with the most souls, and where is there more souls in this world than in hell?

I immediately jumped into the big hole after trying to understand the whereabouts of the crystal ball. Because I wanted to chase the crystal ball, I took back the night shadow and replaced it with a flying bird. After turning on the afterburner, I dived all the way down. I quickly caught up with the crystal ball, and the exit of the big hole was gradually visible in front of me.

When I was about to leave the entrance of the cave, I once again put the flying bird away and replaced it with the night shadow. Although the flying bird is my favorite, the environment in hell is relatively harsh after all. Except for the native hell species, most creatures will not be too comfortable here, so I eventually took the flying bird and replaced it with night shadow to travel. Nightmare is also considered a Demon Race creature, and the environment of hell is just like going home to Night Shadow.

After passing through the hole, the guiding crystal immediately began to turn towards moved towards and flew in the same direction, and Ye Ying quickly followed. The crystal ball suddenly started accelerating after passing through a mountain made of bones. Fortunately, we were still catching up at this speed, so I didn't change the bird out.

Following the crystal ball, it took another blast. During the period, I didn’t know how many corpse mountains and blood seas passed. I feel that the hell under the Dark God Palace is much more disgusting than the hell on the side of my Yama Palace. I don’t know how the guy Titans usually educates his subordinates, and I don’t know how to pay attention to environmental hygiene. The corpses were piled up in a random pile and looked disgusting, but the smell alone could kill people.

After continuing to fly for a while, the crystal ball finally started to decelerate over a huge forest, and gradually lowered its height until it entered under the canopy and began to move forward at a relatively slow speed. This time it should be It's really a place. However, less than five seconds after I followed through the jungle, I suddenly felt a huge evil force approaching us from the side at a very fast speed.

As a half-hell creature, Night Shadow is also quite impressed with this kind of breath. Before I could speak, he turned his head.

"You feel it too?" I asked in a low voice.

Yeying nodded said: "It should be an undead beast. I feel that the breath is quite wild. It may be an irrational thing."

"That's not easy. Normally undead. Creatures will be polite when they see me, but if they encounter irrational existences, it’s hard to say."

Yeying was silent for a while before saying: "Or let the lucky them block Let’s go first. Anyway, the distance is already not far."

I thought about it for a while and said: "Let’s run like this first. If I can hold on to the place, let’s talk about it. If it doesn’t work, let lucky them come out and help block it. "

"That's OK." As Ye Ying said, she speeded up a little and got close to the crystal ball, but that aura at the back side quickly picked up the speed after we accelerated, and Soon it changed from behind us to keep pace with us, and it was still running closer to us.

As the distance between the two sides approached, we soon felt that aura was approaching a distance of about 20 meters, but because the woods here are so dense, we can’t see where that thing is, we can only hear The oh la la oh la la leaves tremble caused by it hitting a branch. However, just after we ran in this state for a few minutes, the guy suddenly moved closer to us again.

"Attention, it is coming."

As we were running at high speed, a large tree on the side was suddenly knocked off horizontally with a click, and Night Shadow jumped up one by one. I passed the tree, but then I saw a huge dragon-like creature rushing from the gap where the tree fell into the area where we are barely a forest road.

Out of our expectation, the creatures in front of us are not coming at us. Because he was more surprised than us when he suddenly found us. He actually ran into a big tree on the opposite side because he forgot to turn. As a result, he knocked the whole tree out, but he himself was just crooked. After a while, he was not taken over, which shows that his power is absolutely terrifying.

Although this guy is obviously not coming at us, we have to guard this guy carefully, after all, the appearance of this thing is really not safe. That guy obviously had similar thoughts to us, of course, he didn't judge from his looks, but from his breath. Ye Ying’s breath is relatively weak, but it’s okay, but the strong evil aura on me makes him realize that I am a terrifying existence more than him, so he just glanced at us and ran forward.

Looking at the thing gradually running away, we also relaxed a little, but just after we ran less than two steps, a black war horse suddenly jumped out of the jungle in front of us. Knight. There is a black water on Knight’s body. The light in hell is already very dark, and it’s in the jungle again, and it’s even darker. This guy’s black is almost blending into the background, if it weren’t for me, it’s dark. It is not easy to find him visually.

The guy rushed out of the forest in front of us, so he didn’t notice us. Instead, he held a long sword diagonally and rode a horse to chase the Tyrant Dragon. monster.

It’s only now that I figured out that the monster was not chasing us, but running away. As for the reason for his escape... Obviously it was the Knight, or he and his friends .

Yes, that guy is more than one person. Just after the Knight appeared, a large group of people suddenly jumped out one after another. The equipment on these guys was myriad or whatever, and a few of them were even Light Element professionals. There is only one possibility to see the Light Element profession in a place like hell, that is, the opponent is a player, because even if the NPC of Light Element has the strength, it will never run to hell for no reason. This is the same as a normal person who would never go to the toilet when there is no need. It's not that he can't go, but he doesn't want to stay there. So, it goes without saying that these people are definitely players.

After the opponent rushed out, he also noticed my existence. The person who saw me first was so scared that he almost turned off immediately. Fortunately, his mount is more powerful, and when he finds that the situation is not right A twisted body used centrifugal force to force him back into position.

After sitting firmly again, this guy immediately reacted and put his hand to his mouth and whistled. The crowd in front turned back and looked towards him, and then noticed me following them. .

After discovering me, the other party was obviously a little messy. Some people started to speed up and ran forward trying to get a distance from me, while others faintly formed an encirclement formation in front of me.

Although I don't want to conflict with these people, the speed of the other person is gradually slowing down, and I don't want to lose the crystal ball and I can only speed up. When the other party saw me leaning up, instead of communicating with me first, he took the initiative to release the attack. One of the wizards started throwing a burst of light at me seven or eight meters away, but Ye Ying suddenly flashed me and disappeared. After leaving the place, the next second we came out directly beside that guy.

"I don't want to fight with you, it's better not to mess with me."

Originally, I thought the other party would give up attacking after I showed my intention. Who knew that guy turned around and was a lightning The impact shot at me, if it weren't for Ye Ying's dream shuttle ability, we might have been hit again.

Since the other party has made it clear that he doesn't want to be kind, then I have to fight. A clip of Ye Ying's stomach, Ye Ying immediately shuttled and disappeared in place, and then we suddenly emerged from behind a guy on the edge of the team in the next second. Ye Ying moved at full speed, leading me to rush past the guy at lightning speed, and at the same time took away the guy's head.

The headless corpse continued to sit on the mount for a while before it fell from the mount tilted to one side, and I had already pierced the second hapless with Ye Ying with a sword.

"Asshole!" Watching the team lose two battle strengths in a row, the Dark Knight who was chasing the monster in front of the team suddenly rushed back.

"Night Shadow, over there." I pointed to the priest MM in the team, and the whole team immediately became nervous. The Dark Knight also rushed to the nurse MM quickly, hoping to save her life. Fighting in the harsh environment of hell, if there is no priest, the team will soon be forced to leave, so the opponent is very nervous about his priest. However, when the opponent rushed to the priest MM, he suddenly heard two screams coming from the side of the team. When the others noticed, it was discovered that the two wizards in the team who were the main damage output personnel had actually been killed at the same time. Sack. Looking at the corpse still rolling on the ground, the Dark Knight roared and drove the mount towards me, but it was a pity that he didn't get close before he found me disappearing again.

"Coward, there's a kind of..." Knight said only half of his words and couldn't shout anymore, because his heart suddenly got the tip of a sword.

"Even if I'm a coward, I won't be afraid of you, so please put away your arrogance in front of me. By the way, don't think that you are the undead Knight. I can't kill you. , My sword is specially designed to break demons." With my words, the guy suddenly screamed, and the whole person following him collapsed suddenly, even the armor on the horse that he stepped on was no exception. After those armors fell to the ground, everyone discovered that the armor was actually empty. There was no human body or horse. From the beginning to the end, there was a human-shaped armor and a set of horse armor, with no body in it.

"The president is actually the Nether Soul Knight of the undead Knight?" A team member muttered in surprise, apparently the first time they knew the news.

I didn't bother to watch the reaction of the players. I threw away the breastplate worn on the early sword from eternity, and I drove Ye Ying to accelerate and leave the team that had completely stopped. My goal now is to guide the crystal, not the group of people. If you lose the guide crystal because of a love war, it will be more than a loss.

I quickly caught up with the violent dragon-like monster after disengaging from the team, and the opponent's speed also slowed down significantly. Obviously, I have found the person chasing him passed away. He is still running now just to get the distance, or else he might have stopped early.

When I saw me catching up, the guy immediately moved to the side of the forest road and walked close to the trees as much as possible, letting me out most of the road. Obviously, Ye Ying's guess was incorrect. Although this guy's aura is very violent, but his brain is not stupid, at least he knows that I am not to be trifled with, and will voluntarily give in.

After passing by the dragon, we speeded up and chased forward. The crystal ball has already thrown us away a section of the road. There are many obstacles in the jungle, in order not to follow It's better to lose the good things and follow them closely.

After chasing and guiding the crystal for about twenty minutes, the violent dragon-like creature has completely disappeared among the trees, and I finally saw the destination this time.

The dense woods seem to have been artificially rehabilitated, and there is generally a large regular round blank area. However, although there are no trees in this area, it is not really blank, because there are enough The huge open space of hundreds of thousands of square meters is densely packed with white ghosts. Some of these ghosts still maintain their appearance, while others have simply turned into a cloud of almost invisible human form. However, no matter what kind of ghost they are doing the same thing. , That is eating.

Yes. These ghosts are eating, and their food is the other ghosts around them. It is difficult to describe what it is like to have tens of millions of humanoid objects gnawing at each other together. If this is not a feast of ghosts, it is estimated that the sound of gnawing can completely collapse people. However, although this scene is more terrifying than Asura Hell, it has no effect on me.

I just froze for a while watching those ghosts who gnawed and swallowed the same kind of ghosts, and then returned to normal. After turning over from Ye Ying and taking it back, I walked alone into the area filled with ghosts. Almost as soon as I stepped into this area, the ghosts closest to me rushed towards me immediately, but just as they were about to touch me, a cloud of burning Hell suddenly rose up on me. Raging Flames, those ghosts rushed directly into Hell Raging Flames because they were too late to dodge, and then they were like scrolls thrown into the fire. The ghosts were all set ablaze in an instant, and then they screamed and fled. By my side.

Seeing those ghosts on fire coming out, the other ghosts did not rush to bite like before, but desperately stayed away from them uncharacteristically, and even some ghosts that were eating the same kind were scared and lost. The food opened to the mouth turned and ran.

Hell's flame is a negative energy flame, just like the general flame burning requires energy consumption, negative energy flame burning also needs to consume negative energy, and the soul happens to belong to the category of negative energy, so For Hellfire, these ghosts are all-fuel.

Despite low intelligence, these ghosts still retain some instincts. After learning from the past, the other ghosts never dared to approach me anymore, but automatically let away a piece after a long distance. In this area, even if a few ghosts are squeezed into this area, they will desperately squeeze back again. Even if they are eaten by other ghosts, they are absolutely unwilling to set foot in this area around me. Even after I extinguished all the flames of hell on my body, these guys still kept this distance and dared not approach me again and again.

For the cooperative attitude of the ghosts, I was just happy and relaxed, and strode directly to the center of the open space, where a blue giant tree was slowly swinging his branches and leaves, which looked just fine It seems to be swaying with the wind. But here is hell, this thing of wind is almost non-existent here. The wind on the ground is formed by air convection caused by different light intensities. There is no sun at all in hell, so there is no wind here either.

"Hello, I am..."

When I walked under the big tree, I was about to introduce my origin. I didn't expect the other party to speak first. "I know, you must be the messenger of the Mother of the Earth. It's almost time to count. Give me the seedlings of the World Tree."

I quickly passed the seedlings, and then the Soul Tree immediately A cane was stretched out and the seedling was rolled over. After completely connecting the right side and his own canes, the ghost tree said to me again: "There are already several other World Trees in it. It seems that I am the last one. You have run so many. Second, you should know that it takes time to instill. I’m here for about an hour, you can go around by yourself, and you’ll be back in an hour."

"Okay. But I’m not very familiar with it here. Is there any interesting place to go shopping?"

"Interesting?" The soul tree obviously didn't expect me to ask such a question. After all, this place of hell is really not related to entertainment. It's the same as when someone asks the doctor in the pharmacy what's so good about it. Although logically it can't be completely wrong, normal people would never do this. Most people in hell will only think this place is super scary, and they want to leave early, but I asked what is fun here, and there are abnormal questions. No wonder the Soul Tree will be surprised. But after all, the other party is a local creature here. After a bit of a daze, he returned to normal. Introduced to me: "There is really no interesting place, but I have a very interesting neighbor, if you are not afraid of being gnawed into bones. You can go and have a look at it."

"There are so many guys who want to eat me, but unfortunately no one with a good mouth can chew me. Your neighbor is probably the same. But then again, What kind of creature is your neighbor?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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