The ghost hand Nobunaga I scolded and almost ran away looked at me angrily for a long time, and he kept pressing his hand on the handle of the knife, as if he was ready to shoot the knife at any time. , However, what surprised me in the end was that this guy suddenly took the knife that had been drawn out an inch back to the original position, and then suddenly turned around and greeted the people around him bitterly: "Let's go." /p>

Looking at Guishou Nobunaga who really left, I was stunned for a long time in the same place, and then my brows became a word for Sichuan.

If I were a brave teenager, I would be happy for the opponent's willingness to give in, because that means I overwhelmed the opponent. But the problem is that although my age has just passed the juvenile stage, my experience has determined that I am impossible to be innocent and unaffected like an ordinary person, so Nobunaga's concession does not make me happy. On the contrary, his retreat made me feel quite uneasy.

An impulsive opponent is not terrifying, because they will always burst out rashly when they are not yet prepared. Although this can take advantage of the effect of a surprise attack to gain a certain advantage, lack of preparation means lack of preparation. The final victory will never belong to such a person. In the past, Nobunaga oni was always such a person, so he always attacked our guild first, but we won every time. However, the present Nobunaga of Oni Shou actually endured this breath, which meant he had begun to grow. The impulsive Guishou Nobunaga began to learn to be calm, learning to think before doing it. This is definitely not good news for us. However, at least for the time being, we don’t have to worry too much. After all, the leader of Japan is our super spy Masaga Matsumoto. Even if Nobunaga has almost no power left, even if he grows up, he will not be able to overcome any big storms in a short time. , As long as I send more people to keep an eye on him, there shouldn't be any problems. I don’t even need to find someone from the guild to stare at Nobunaga Onitou, just let Matsumoto Masaka send someone, anyway, he is now our remote control for the Japanese players, there are ready-made resources, why don’t you need it? Waste our human resources?

I didn't pay much attention to the ghost Nobunaga who was leaving. After I used the communicator to contact the military god to arrange the matter, I put away the night shadow and landed directly on the solid ground.

There is a large piece of solid ground at the foot of the tree of nature, which is significantly higher than the surrounding ground. The ground under this piece of land has been forcibly squeezed into the root system of the tree of nature, so the ground has been significantly raised. And because of the squeezing effect, the soil here has become firmer than normal.

After successfully standing on the land, I didn’t care about the eyes of people around me. I just kicked the ground and flapped my wings twice and landed directly on the thick branches of the tree of nature. Then the tiptoe lightly tapped on the branch, and immediately another leap continued to jump upwards, disappearing into the eyes of people below in a few clicks.

Although this tree of nature is an important tourist attraction, what is really open to everyone is only the open space under the tree and the root labyrinth that leads from the center of the trunk to the underground, and the top part of the canopy It belongs to the battle area, and tourists must be prepared for battle if they confirm that they want to go up. Moreover, even if you are prepared, the average person can only go up to the first and second layer branches. Only some Elf Race players or people who have special attributes or receive related tasks can go up. The fewer people go to higher places.

I leaped back and forth between the tree canopies at an amazing speed. After all, I had wings besides my legs. I said I was jumping up, but I was actually flying, and the speed was naturally fast. However, just after I jumped over a dozen levels of branches, I just landed on a huge branch with a diameter of five meters. Before I had time to leap forward, I suddenly saw an oncoming light bomb flying over.

Ordinary enemies fire magic or something at me, and my reaction nerves can be avoided in advance, but the light bomb in front of me was obviously launched before I flew up, and I The magic missile arrived at the branch at the moment it appeared on the branch. It seemed that I had hit the magic missile myself. At this relative speed, I couldn't hide it even if I reacted quickly!

When I found the light bomb, it came to me. Seeing that it was too late to dodge, I could only cross my arms in front of me. Fortunately, the front end of the arms of the Divine Dragon suit is very bulky due to too many mechanisms. After the arms are crossed, it can basically be used as a shield.

Only hearing a blast of light bomb hit my arm, and there was a violent explosion. I only felt a huge force coming from my arms, and then the whole person was pushed out by the shock wave. However, as soon as I flew away from the tree trunk, I felt a tight waist. A rattan suddenly wrapped around my waist, and then suddenly pulled me up. I didn't feel the intention to attack, so I didn't resist, but before I was dragged up, I took the time to look at the person who attacked or accidentally injured me.

He was a very ordinary-looking local young man. He seemed to have almost no characteristics at all. He belonged to the type that you can completely forget him by throwing him into a pile of people in 30 seconds. I recognized the group of people standing on the roots and branches, because they were actually Ashford’s guards.

Although I am curious as to why the Iron Crusaders would surround a local boy here, I have no time to worry about it at all. Besides, depending on the situation, the Iron Crusaders are bullying people. As an ally, even if I appear there, it is impossible to help the young man to deal with the Iron Crusaders. On the contrary, I may have a reputation for bullying the weak. I don't bother to do such thankless things. It also depends on the circumstances to watch the excitement.

With the traction of that cane, my ascent speed was many times faster, and soon I was pulled into the thickest part of the canopy. The criss-crossed branches here are so dense that they can hardly leave. Fortunately, as I approached, the surrounding branches took the initiative to give way, and finally I was pulled into a hole in the trunk by the cane.

As soon as I entered the cave, I immediately felt that my eyes lit up, and then I found a green ball of light that looked like a hedgehog was floating about two meters from the bottom of the cave, emitting from it. The energy fluctuations that come out can even make the surrounding air produce buzzing noises.

"Didn't expect this task to be done by you." Tree of Nature may also be a little surprised by my appearance. After all, I am not here for the first time, and as the most The well-known tree, the tree of nature, knows much more about the player society than the other trees, so he knows exactly who I am.

I smiled and handed the seedlings over and said: "I am also a human being. The mother of the earth is so rewarded for the task, how can I not accept it?"

See me After passing the seedlings, countless green vines protruded from the green light in the sky, and the seedlings were rolled in like tentacles, and then the light ball flashed and continued: "It takes an hour to fill. , If you feel that you are waiting in a hurry, you can go down and play first, or you can help me get the pesky group of guys down. They beat me, but few of them died, but they blew me up. There are pits everywhere!"

"Small, I know that group of people, so I just go down to get some personal affection." As I said, I ran out of the hole, and then jumped down.

Although there is no cane to help when I go down, the falling speed is already fast, and the tree of nature will take the initiative to remove the branches blocking the road, so my path is almost in free fall. It fell off the way, and within a few seconds, I slammed it on a thicker branch.

My sudden appearance shocked everyone present, but after seeing that it was me, the expressions of those people changed. Ashford’s gang saw that I was relaxed, after all, I was an alliance guild, at least they were not worried that I would help their enemies. As for the young man, he was a little bit guilty and nervous now. The guilt is probably because of the accident that hurt me just now, and the nervousness is naturally worried that I will come back to retaliate. However, his guilt disappeared as soon as I spoke, and was replaced by deep worries.

" guys don’t follow Ashford, why are you here in Europe?"

As Ashford’s bodyguards, this group of people Everyone knows me naturally. One of the guys heard me and said respectfully immediately: "The chairman got the information that a secret ruin was found in South America, which may contain prehistoric technology, so he brought us to investigate."

"What then? How did you separate from Ashford?"

When I asked this group of people, they immediately stared at the young man angrily: "It's all to blame this idiot native, we have already I found the entrance to the ruins. As a result, because we didn’t buy what he called the map, this guy activated the ruins’ mechanism. The president has been linked back!"

"What? Ashford linked Go back? This kid is really unlucky! But why don't you go back to pick Ashford and surround him here?"

"That's it. The mechanism in that ruin is very difficult to deal with, we think that even if the president comes back, we still have to go in. If we don’t want to solve those organs, we have to hang back, so we want him to close the organs."

I nodded and said: "Your ideas Not bad, but can you do me a favor and play in another place?" Looking at the other's puzzled eyes, I just said directly: "This World Tree is alive and he has feelings. I just went up to find the soul of World Tree to do the task. , You always hurt his branches by accident when you fight on him, which makes him very angry. So I was sent down to help him get you away. So..."

When I heard this, The other party immediately said with a frown, "President Purple Moon, it's really not that we don't give you face, but we can't do it! Actually, we don't want to fight here! But that guy is simply a monkey. He is on this tree. We can’t beat him at all. We’ve injured several people before. If we could get him down from the tree, we would get him out early. As long as we get to the ground, our Teutonic warrior is not afraid of anything. Enemy."

"That's it!" As I said, I turned my gaze to the young man, and said, "Then I have to trouble you. Do you want to go down by yourself or do I ask you to go down?"

"hmph, you foreigners don’t have a good thing." As the young man said, he suddenly turned and drilled into the densely branched area, hoping to create trouble for our pursuit, but he ignored one. problem.

I said before that I helped World Tree to get people down, which means that World Tree is with me, and he actually wants to use the branches of World Tree to resist us , Isn't this unpleasant to find yourself?

Sure enough, the guy suddenly jumped up and was about to hook up a branch, who knew that when he was about to touch that branch, the branch suddenly moved up. After more than a meter, the guy did not grasp it when he was holding it horizontally in the air, and his body fell straight down. Although the guy who found that he hadn't caught the trunk was also taken aback, he didn't panic. After all, there are branches everywhere here, even if one is not caught, just grab the others. So he quickly reacted and looked down to find a place to stay, but before he had time to start, he discovered that all the branches under his feet had automatically moved away from the direction of his whereabouts, exposing a large blank area.

After finding that there was nowhere to stay, the guy didn’t feel desperate. He suddenly pulled out a whip from behind and flicked it forward. The whip caught a branch and made it easy for him to take advantage of it. Dang out. However, just as he was about to swing onto a branch with the help of a whip, I suddenly appeared before him where he was about to land, and then raised my hand and flicked it lightly, a silver light flashed, and the whip in that guy’s hand was instantly flashed. It broke, and then the guy fell straight down the tree trunk, but instead of falling all the way down, he fell on a branch that hadn't had time to remove. Although World Tree can move, he is still a tree after all, and the speed is too fast. That guy must be able to get out of World Tree if he swings over it like this.

After landing successfully, the guy fell very embarrassed, but did not sit and wait for death. Instead, he quickly rolled over to remove the impact and immediately jumped up and ran towards the roots of the branches. He has now discovered that World Tree is helping us, but he also knows the weaknesses of World Tree. Suppose you put a pet cat on your head and catch a fish in your hand to lure it. You can move your hand quickly to prevent the cat from jumping to your hand accurately, but if the fish is on your shoulder, then you are completely gone, because your shoulder is fixed on your body, no matter what Twist, the shoulder movement is quite limited for your head. The same goes for World Tree. Its branches can move at will without letting the young man touch them, but the parts where its branches connect to the trunk are fixed. It is basically impossible to move this kind of place.

I immediately knew his intentions as he ran towards the roots of the branches, but I was not worried about it, because he was suddenly blocked by a beautiful silhouette just halfway through the run. But when he saw the lower part of the beautiful silhouette, he crawled backwards in shock.

I have to say that Yeyue’s snake tail is really convenient, don’t look at her without legs, she is even stronger than most of my ground pets in terms of athleticism. First of all, she is very fast upstream on the ground, and can also reach a high position by adjusting the proportion of the erected part of the body, and even she can easily run on rough roads or even stones piles by using the change of support points. Out of extreme speed, and now, with her tail around the branches, her speed is even more amazing. The young man who jumped up and down like a monkey before was completely suppressed by her in speed, and the two are simply not of the same order of magnitude.

After the young man changed nine branches in a row and was blocked, he finally realized that he couldn't run away from the beautiful and unusual monster with a snake tail in front of him. In fact, he always regarded Yeyue as a terrifying wild monster. Although there are legends about Yeyue and other creatures in European mythology and Asian mythology, most people who know me also regard Yeyue as my main concern. He has a deep understanding of battle strength, but the young man in front of him just happened to belong to the type of news that is blocked and the level of education is very low. He has never heard of legends about races like Ye Yue, and he doesn't even know who I am. In fact, after I spoke before, he still wanted to run. I knew that he definitely didn't know me. Otherwise, I can hardly imagine that a person as low as him could have had contact with me and wanted to run. If he is a little higher, or if he is not alone, resistance is understandable. But he is only one person, and I obviously have the right time, place, and harmony. In this case, he must be able to run away to be a ghost.

"Why didn't you run?" After that guy was blocked for the ninth time, I quickly fell behind him and Yeyue one after the other caught him in the middle, and the nearby The branches were full of Ashford’s guards. Now even if he jumps down, he will definitely be entangled by an Ashford’s guard, and there is no chance of him running away.

"Don't come here." The guy threatened me nervously with a sword pointed at me.

Well, after he finished shouting, I took out an eternal sword with lightning, and then took it back. After a second, there was only one sound, and the guy’s sword suddenly broke. , Only a sword hilt was left in his hand.

"Your weapons seem to be of poor quality!"

"What...what did you do to my sword?"

"Nothing, It's just a touch. But if you don't cooperate, I don't mind touching your limbs with my sword."

"hmph, I know you want me to help you disarm the mechanism. But I tell you, if I don’t buy my map, I won’t help you if I die."

"How much is your map?"

"Five..." The guy just wanted to shout, he stopped for a while, and then said: "Adding compensation for the attack on me, a total of five hundred crystal coins."

oh la la, a bag of crystal coins was directly thrown away by me. In his hands. "Now?"

The guy hurriedly opened the bag and took a look, then excitedly threw a rolled bark over and said: "The opening and closing methods of the mechanism are marked on the map. If you can’t buy it, you can’t have everything?"

Looking at the Ashford Guards with a black line on their faces, I gave them the map amusedly, and then said: "Don’t be sad, rigid It’s the disadvantages and advantages of the Germans. You can’t expect yourself to be a perfect superman, right?” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support Is my biggest motivation.)

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