"Don’t be sad. Stereotypes are the shortcomings and advantages of Germans. You can't expect yourself to be a perfect superman, right?"

"Purple Moon, this Thank you very much for your help this time, if..." The Ashford Guards on the opposite side were about to say something, but they were suddenly interrupted by a commotion from below.

Because we chased that guy all the way down before, and now we are very close to the ground, we can hear the sound on the ground clearly from the branches of the tree. The ground, which had been relatively noisy due to the large number of tourists, suddenly fell silent for unknown reasons. As a result, we looked down and found that it was Ashford who was driving over with a large group of grandiose.

Seeing Ashford walking in front of the team, I simply jumped directly from the tree. "Hi, Ashford, didn't expect to be able to meet me here too?"

"Huh? Purple Moon? You are actually here. Just so, help me to explore a ruin. "

I pointed to the group of Ashford Guards who had just come down and said: "I have heard from them, and I will help you figure it out. It's not that I said you, you This guy is really stingy. If you just buy a map, don’t people not trouble you? Why bother to get so embarrassed for the money?"

"Is that guy’s map real? Yes?" Ashford asked in surprise.

"It should be, I haven't been to the ruins. I don't know if it's true or not, but it seems that the guy's performance doesn't look like a fake."

A Xiufu Dehe was taken aback in surprise, and then asked a little excitedly: "Where is the map?"

As soon as Ashford asked, the guard holding the map immediately handed it over. Ashford quickly unfolded the map and looked at it, and then suddenly slammed the map to the ground and grabbed me and asked eagerly: "Where is the bastard?"

I looked at it in surprise and was thrown away. On the ground, Ashford stepped on the map, and then carefully asked: "What's wrong? Is the map fake?" To be honest, although I am not 100% accurate, the person who can deceive me is absolutely not much. If this map is genuine, it can only show that the acting skills of the guy just now are too superb.

Ashford was very sure nodded and said: "I was killed by the agency once on the first floor of the ruins. Not only was the agency drawn on the map different from what I saw, there was a turn. The label is wrong, how could this thing be true?"

When I heard this, I knew I was really cheated this time. To be honest, the number of times this situation has happened so far is really can be counted on one's fingers, but I have never been so embarrassed before. If it’s my own business at the worst, I’ll just go back to the place, but this is to help Ashford out, the money lost after being cheated is small, but it’s really bad for the face.

"Damn bastard!" Before Ashford continued to ask me, I just turned around and jumped onto the tree branch. Of course the guy is already not in there. He knew that he was selling fakes. How could he stand still and wait for death when he saw that we had all gone down? It's a pity that I took Yeyue back. I knew I should be outside to watch him. But I guess it would be useless if I didn't take it back. After all, I thought he was just selling maps at the time, so I let my guard down on him after he gave the map. Under this circumstance, if he wants to leave Ye Yue, there is no reason to stop him.

Anyway, that guy has run away now, and if I don’t catch him back to get information about the ruins, then I’m really embarrassed to go abroad this time.

"White waves."

A white shadow appeared on the branches. After sniffing it around, it immediately jumped towards a trunk on the side and landed on After he got up the trunk, he sniffed again and he began to move to the next trunk. Ashford took his people and saw that I released the white waves and searched around and knew that I must have lost people, so he immediately ordered everyone to follow up and disperse into a fan to advance forward and carry out a dragnet search. .

Although I have Bailang's sense of smell to help, but I did not pin all my hopes on Bailang. Birds, luck, plague, and other demon pets that can only fly all fly into the sky while waving my hands. Start searching with vision. Sure enough, direct search using vision is much faster than Bailang's sense of smell. Ashford and I actually said a few words just now. The time was not very long, and the guy couldn't go far at such a short time, so fortunately, they found the guy right away as soon as he went to heaven.

"It’s two kilometers to the east." The lucky report made our entire team quickly gather there, and I rushed to the edge of the World Tree in three steps and two steps, and then Jumped out. Asuka flashed from under me to catch me and immediately rushed to the sky where the guy was.

The little liar was walking through the jungle quickly, and suddenly he saw a silhouette slamming into the mud in front of him and blasting the mud in front of him, exposing a huge mud pit.

When I got up from the mud pit, the guy immediately recognized me and turned around and ran. Seeing that he even dared to run, I threw out a sword glow just seven or eight meters away. The guy was running and suddenly saw a rays of light in front of him flashed past, and immediately after him, he saw a large tree surrounded by ten people in front of him suddenly split in half from the middle and fell to both sides. Go down.

"If there is a kind, you will run again."

"hehe...hehe...misunderstanding, skillful misunderstanding." The guy said while his eyes were rolling, obviously Want to get a crooked idea. However, before I had time to warn him, the guy suddenly plunged into the mud beside him and disappeared.

The mud on the ground is close to a meter deep, so it’s okay to hide people. But the Tibetans mean to hide them first and then find them. He got into the mud in front of me like this. Even if I'm stupid, I know where he is.

"hmph!" Seeing that guy is so ignorant, I'm really hot. Directly took a magic crystal steam bomb from the Phoenix Dragon space to pull off the insurance moved towards the position where the guy got into the mud and threw it over. As soon as the bomb fell into the mud, it sank. Two seconds later, there was a loud explosion sound. The surrounding mud was all blown up in an instant. At the same time, there was a person flying with the mud.

The guy was tumbling in the air and flying upwards. It was not honest. He reached out his hand and took out the whip on his waist and wanted to wrap around the nearby trees and swung it out, but his whip had just been wrapped around the branches of a tree. , He suddenly felt dark around him. Suddenly turning his head back, he was horrified to find that a giant dragon had flown behind him, and when he tried to pull the whip to get him out of here, the dragon had already pinched him in his palm with one claw.

Fortunately, after catching the guy, he flapped his wings and prepared to rise, but the guy desperately tightened his whip in an attempt to prevent luck from taking him away, but he has been mixing in South America, the biggest he has ever seen His flying creature is the swamp wyvern, and he has only seen it a few times from a distance, and has never actually contacted the swamp wyvern. It is also because he has not really come into contact with dragon creatures, so he obviously underestimated the power of Dragon Clan. In fact, Lucky didn't even notice that the guy was still holding a whip in his hand. Lucky simply tapped the branch of the whip on the wings and was forcibly pulled down.

Finding that his whip could not hold him at all, the guy immediately turned his hand and drew the whip to the lucky neck, trying to use the chance of lucky pain to cover the wound to get himself out of the dragon claw, but in the end he Although the whip was pulled down, there was a bang, but fortunately, he just turned his head and glanced at him, and then scratched the place where his neck was drawn with the other paw twice. After seeing the string of fire stars rubbing between lucky paws and his own scales, this guy finally realized that his attack was nothing but a tickling to the dragon in front of him.

Learning that Lucky had caught him, we all gathered on a nearby high ground. This side is not far from the natural tree, and it is also the kind of mound above the ground, so it is relatively dry. When I climbed onto this piece of land covered with mud, the guy was already on the ground, but at this time, this guy was not honest at all. He tried to escape as soon as he landed, and I didn’t know that he was born with a weak brain. Still something. The surrounding situation didn't look like he could run away, he actually tried to escape.

"I will go down to the mud to catch you for the damage. You are really incredible!" As I said this, I ignited the hellfire on my body, and the mud quickly dried up and turned into The mud and fell off from me one after another. The biggest advantage of the equipment in the game is that it does not stick to dust, as long as the mud dries out, it will fall off by itself.

The guy saw that he wanted to run after he was stopped after rushing several times. I just let the sickle come out and glue all his hands and feet to a big tree with spider silk. Now he The whole person is stuck to the trunk with his back leaning on the big tree.

The tropical rain forests in Central and South America are already exaggerated, especially in the game. Although the big tree behind this guy is not as exaggerated as the World Tree, it takes at least a dozen people to hug him. He is fixed on it with his back against the big tree and can’t even move with him, no matter how much he shakes it. It's useless. This is not a landscape tree planted in the city. Even if he uses all one's strength together, it is impossible to make the tree shake at all.

Seeing that this guy was stuck on the tree, he was still struggling. I simply walked over and pressed his shoulder with my left hand and pressed him against the tree trunk, and then raised my right hand in front of him. oh la la The two outer claws popped out in an instant, but they didn't fully expand. Both claws only extended 1/4/2021, and the middle one remained completely unmoved. Put the two blade claws in front of the guy's eyes and slowly approached his eyes. The guy tilted his head to one side in horror. I immediately pinched his face with my hand and pulled his head back so that his eyes were fixed on the tip of the claw.

"I gave you the opportunity and trust, but you dare to swindle me. From the moment I entered the game, everyone who offends me has received his due retribution, without exception, neither do you It will be the exception. So, if you want to not be miserable, I suggest you better let me see your sincerity."


When I was about to let the guy talk and opened the palm of his chin, the guy turned his head and tried to spit at me. Thanks to my quick response, the blade in the middle of the claw popped out and went directly into his mouth. It smashed his four front teeth and directly penetrated his tongue, but the guy's expression was not obvious except for the anti-shake. Obviously this guy chose not 100% of the bloody level. Although this will reduce the strength of the battle if you don’t have all the pain, there are still many players who like to not have the pain, but most of the players who choose not to have the pain are non-combat players. As for the combat players, this There are not too many kinds of people, even girls usually turn on all pain, and even some violent women like to turn on the bloody mode. After all, if there is no blood in the battle, it is not like fighting.

"haha, just abuse me. I didn’t get all the pain. This injury is just like a shot. I’m not afraid."

Seeing that guy is arrogant Looks like, my brows wrinkled deeply, and then I took out an Immortal Pill directly from my body and said: "Okay, let's count you cruel, this time I will admit defeat. I don't want the five hundred crystal coins, so I will suffer. I’m back to pickpockets. I don’t want the ruins map either. At worst, I still don’t believe there are institutions that I can’t get through. As for you... Since I don’t plan to get anything back from you, let’s either the fish dies or the net splits, right?” I said, and showed the attribute of the medicine pill in front of the guy.

The guy who was arrogant and terrible turned green when he saw this attribute. Of course, the one I took is the mandatory upgrade medicine pill that I did from Celestial Court. It's just an early product. The highest one is only more than 600 grades, and the lowest is even less than 200 grades. And the one I took out is the lowest medicine pill with a level of 180 and 15th. As long as he eats this medicine pill, his level will not rise, but will immediately become one hundred and eighty 15th level. Although this guy's current level of 810 Level 13 is relatively low in the game, it is still more than 800 level anyway. If he retreats back to the 180th 15th level, it will not be much different from being killed back to Xinshou Village. NS.

"Hey, don't bluff me! This medicine pill must be very valuable. I know you won't be willing to waste it on me." I didn't refute that guy's words, but just took it out. A medicine pill came out and showed him all the attributes, but the guy immediately persuaded him. "Grandpa, please be forgiving! You just be magnanimous and let me go this time!"

"Let you go?" I sneered and looked at the other party and said, "I let you go, my five hundred crystal coins How to count? The time my friend died innocently? And how can I count my face when I lost such a big person?"

"Can you still not pay the crystal coins?" The guy was crying Said: "The time your friend died, I really can't afford it. How could I do this if I had money? Isn't it possible for me to lead you to the ruins? Is it okay to pay back your account? The ruins really don’t have a map, but I know how to shut down the agency. I’ll be your guide and promise to send you in safely, right?"

"hmph, pay my money back first."


"The money is not with me, can you follow me to get it?"

"Not with you?"

The guy said bitterly, "Five hundred There are a lot of crystal coins, do you see where I hide so much money?"

"Do you have no space for equipment?" Ashford could not help but interject.

The guy immediately looked at Ashford in surprise and said, "Please, my lord, if I have money to buy space equipment, what would I do in this business? Relying on space equipment for transportation is better than a liar. Selling fake maps to make more money?"

"Where did you hide the money?"

"I gave it to the people in our club."

< p> "In the meeting?" I glanced at the other person's bare chest with a little surprise.

The guy immediately reacted when I looked at his chest and quickly explained: “It’s not your guild organization. I’m talking about a group of people who specialize in swindle stealing. Organization. In order to ensure that we won’t get caught up with each other, and to prevent the chance of being recognized by others with the badge, we didn’t declare the guild."

In fact, it’s like this guy said outside. There are still many such wild guilds. Some are for special purposes. For example, they are afraid that the guild logo will reveal their identity and let others be wary of them in advance, which will affect their actions. However, more wild guilds are actually because of too. weak. Weak means no money. The formation of a guild requires capital and battles. It takes enough money to buy a building to build the guild headquarters. It requires strength to pass the guild establishment assessment. Therefore, a team that is too weak cannot establish a guild. . But these people want to be together again, so they get together and operate like a regular guild, except for those guild rights and guild obligations without the assistance of the system. All guilds that this system does not recognize are called wild guilds because they are completely unconstrained like wild animals.

"In this case, you take us to the ruins first, and then come back to get the money." Five hundred crystal coins are not necessary for me, so I am not in a hurry to ask for money. The reason why I want to get the money back is purely because of losing face. If it is not because of face, it would be fine if I don't want the five hundred crystal coins. In contrast, the ruins of Ashford were obviously more important, so I decided to let the guy take us to the ruins first.

Originally I thought that since the guy has been subdued, we must be what we said. Who knows he actually said: "That's not in a hurry, let's get the money back first. It's also on the way anyway, I'm afraid When the time comes late, they divide the money without waiting for me. When the time comes, it will be troublesome if you want to come back again!"

If this guy doesn’t explain this, he just suggests to get the money first. It might be possible to listen to him, but his explanation is getting darker and darker. Now I am forcing him to spit out the money he has scammed, but he is so kind to help me. Is there a problem with this? However, although I guessed that he wanted to lead us into their organization, I did not intend to break him down. With the strength of these mobs, I will not be dangerous even if I go alone, let alone there is an Asiu Fu De and such a big group of people with him.

"Okay, then we will go to your guild first." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support Is my biggest motivation.)

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