"What's this for?"

Seeing the ball in my hand, the researcher in charge immediately said, "This is based on our The only product obtained from the research of the book of the book."

"putting it that way should have spatial capabilities? How can it be used?"

The researcher in charge took it from me After passing the ball and showing it to me, he said, "Attention, this thing needs to be charged with a unit of magic power to inspire before it is used, but I am presenting it for the demonstration. In order to prevent it from starting, I will not enter the magic power. , But you must enter the magic when you use it."

I nodded to express my understanding, and then asked: "What about?"

"Then I will pay attention. Look here. "The researcher in charge showed me a point on the ball that was obviously different in texture from other places and said: "This is a button, and there is a symmetry on the reverse side. After you inject magic power, the outside of these two points will light up... …Forget it, let me show you the magic power demonstration, anyway, we still have a lot.” The researcher in charge injected a little magic power after speaking, and then showed me the twist. Sure enough, there was a circle of blue around the button. Aperture, but the button itself does not light up. The researcher in charge said after reading it to me: "Seeing this aperture means that the space ball has been activated. You can't press it randomly. From now on, you have two choices. One is that you can make this symmetrical. Press either of the two buttons, and then hit the enemy."

"And then? What will be the effect?"

The researcher in charge did not directly answer, and A researcher was greeted to come over as the experiment. "President, please pay attention. Now he is facing us. During the battle, the enemy is also facing you. Then, I will smash the ball at him. Please pay attention." said the researcher in charge. He moved the ball towards the researcher serving as the experimental product and smashed it over, and then the moment the ball hit the researcher, no sound and light effects appeared, but the researcher suddenly turned around. It's not that he turns around by himself, but the moment the ball hits him, he suddenly turns his back to us. After he turned around for an instant, we heard a clamor again. The ball fell from the researcher's chest and then continued to roll forward as if it had been bounced out before being picked up by another researcher. If something hits someone and bounces back, it's not surprising, but the problem is that the researcher turned the direction of the unfathomable mystery at the moment it was hit, which means he is now facing us with his back. But the ball fell in front of him. If we threw the ball, the ball must pass through his body to reach him, but now the ball obviously does not pass through his body, instead it seems to be After a rebound, they generally continue to roll forward. This effect looks quite strange.

"This thing can reverse the front and back of the target object?" I suddenly reacted and asked in surprise.

The researcher in charge said with a smile: "strictly speaking can only adjust objects that are not fixedly connected to the ground. Houses or mountain peaks are not acceptable."

"Are there any requirements for volume? Can I flip all objects of any size or can only flip things within a certain volume?"

"Use crafting The theory of this thing is that it can flip objects of any volume, but the larger the object, the stronger the energy it needs to flip. And this little thing is just an interesting little toy, so it can only be charged with one unit of magic power at a time. , And the volume of the flipped object cannot exceed 800 cubic meters. As for the mass of the object, this can be ignored. It is only calculated by volume whether it can be transferred."

Although 800 cubic meters It's not too big, but it's definitely not too small. For example, some small ships can be adjusted back and forth. At the very least, this thing is definitely enough for individual players. After all, creatures with a volume of more than 800 cubic meters can be regarded as super giant beasts, and this thing can't be done by one or two people. For individual players, it is estimated that they are used to attack other players when they are used the most. Therefore, the conversion volume only needs to exceed three cubes. If the body of a normal person is completely compressed, it will actually be less than one cube. , Even if an individual is relatively large, three cubes will definitely be enough if he puts on his armor.

"What else can this thing do besides turning people upside-down? Didn't you say that there are several different uses?"

"Yes, there are two uses. Like In this way, pressing the button on only one side will turn people back and forth. If you press both sides at the same time, it will be like this.” The guy said while pressing down the two sides of the small ball that the researcher had just handed back. Then I saw him suddenly disappear out of thin air in front of me for a second, and after a second he suddenly emerged from the same place.

"Space occlusion?"

"Not the same." The researcher in charge explained: "The principle is actually very simple. It sends you out at the moment you press the button, but Set the transmission outlet in place, and make the transmission process as complicated as possible, so that you will disappear in about a second due to the complicated energy conversion during the transmission process, but because the outlet and the entrance are actually overlapped, So the teleport itself does not consume energy. After all, you were not actually transmitted, but just disappeared for a second."

After listening to the explanation, I understand the principle of this thing. You hide in the space mezzanine for a second and then come back, but this can be used for a wide range of purposes. For example, if the enemy shoots an arrow at you, you can press the button at the moment you see the other's arrow, and then you disappear for a second. When you reappear, the arrow should have passed through where you are standing. Of course, this time is not easy to master. If you press it late, you will be shot. If you press it early, the arrow will just hit when you come back. Anyway, if you don't master the time, it's useless. However, this is after all a choice for everyone, and even if you have a bad time concept, try one's luck without any loss. Anyway, without it, you will still be caught. With it, there is still a certain chance to hide. .

After understanding the two uses of this thing, I found that although this little thing has very simple functions, it is surprisingly useful. The function that turns people away from one place is very abnormal. Imagine you are playing well with someone, suddenly the other party throws a small ball at you, and then you unfathomable mystery unpreparedly turned around in place, you are still wondering why the enemy is missing Suddenly a knife is given to you from behind, and everyone will be hit.

"The only technical results you have obtained from those two books are these, so what about the technical materials? Can they be used in the existing technical system of our guild in the future?" After the technical achievements, I began to care about the help of those technical materials to other technical systems of our guild.

In fact, technology is like this. Often a piece of finished equipment needs to use hundreds or even tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands of technologies. I don’t feel much at the first when the technology is low, at the later Stage, almost every time you get a little breakthrough in a basic technology, almost all the equipment in the guild can follow a major upgrade. Although there are not many technologies developed from the Book of Space and Book of Energy this time, I believe it will be enough for our guild to perform a large-scale replacement.

Sure enough, the researcher in charge who heard my question immediately nodded and said: “Yes, these new products we have come out are actually just auxiliary inventions. Compensation for the technical system. For example, the Space Change ball is similar to a toy for players, but it is different when used in turret technology."

"You mean instant aiming technology? "My mind is not stupid at all, so when the researcher in charge mentioned the turret and Space Change ball, I immediately thought of instant aiming technology.

A cannon, especially a heavy gun with a large caliber, always takes time to turn. But what if the technology on this Space Change ball can be used to make the cannon adjust its direction? Then the cannon can point the muzzle in any direction instantly, and if the automatic aiming system and this Space Change device can work together automatically, it is equivalent to making a set of automatic aiming system, and it still has its own locking function. of.

The researcher in charge said: "In fact, in addition to the automatic aiming of the turret, there are many other things that can be applied, such as replacing the power pipe in the battleship with a magic wire, and the compression energy shield in the armor. The technology can be improved to a certain extent, but how to upgrade will have to be studied slowly. Anyway, we are also impossible to transform all the equipment in an instant. This can be designed and replaced at the same time."

I nodded and said: "You can report these things to the head of internal affairs of Rose or Hong Yue Vice-President, and you can discuss with them. How many Space Change balls do you have? Give me some fun first. By the way, this thing I think you just used the second function after the first experiment. Can it be reused?"

"Of course, as long as the sphere is not damaged, remember to charge it before using it next time. Got it."

"Understood. Okay, give me a few quickly. I will have to do some more troublesome tasks in a while. This thing should come in handy."

After taking a whole box of Space Change balls from the Institute, I left here and went back to Isengard, and then took out the last two guide crystal balls left on my body. One of the two crystal balls points to the tree of nature, that is, the super World Tree in South America, and the other points to the tree of souls that do not know where. After thinking about it, I think it’s better to get the task of the tree of nature first.

Because I knew the location of the tree of nature in advance, I did not start the guide crystal in Isengard stupidly, but first used the Transmission Formation to reach South America before starting the guide crystal. Thanks to the fact that our guild had installed a Transmission Formation to develop tourism business in South America at the beginning, if we want to fly from Isengard to South America across half of the Earth, we would have to fly for an hour even at the speed of a bird.

It didn’t take much time to get from Isinger to the section of the road in South America. The problem is that it’s a little troublesome after leaving Transmission Formation.

This place in South America is basically a super tropical rainforest, and there are swamps and rivers everywhere, even if some places that look like land are not always land, but according to the seasons. Switch back and forth between being submerged and being exposed to the water. This situation has led to the fact that South America is almost unsuitable for any human architecture. Of course, the human architecture I am referring to is the kind of rock or steel-reinforced concrete architecture. However, although it is not suitable for human buildings, it does not mean that it is not suitable for other species buildings, such as the swamp creature-specific buildings and Elf Race buildings built by local players in South America.

The buildings of Elf Race are easier to understand. They are all in trees anyway. It doesn't matter whether the ground is submerged or not, it doesn't matter to the elves. Water will not drown the trees anyway. As for the marsh building, this thing can actually be regarded as a floating building, it actually has no foundation at all, but floats on the water by buoyancy. When there is no water, the city will fall to the ground, and when there is water, the city will be floated by the water. Anyway, the city will definitely not be flooded. However, compared with Elf Race’s tree house, Floating City has one disadvantage, that is, it is relatively unstable.

Although there is no wind and waves in the swamp area, the ground is not flat. When the water recedes, the city still needs to land on uneven ground. If the floating city is an overall structure like an aircraft carrier, then once the city is Landing, some places will inevitably be lifted up. The torsion caused by this ups and downs is not something ordinary materials can withstand. After all, this is a city, not a ship, so the floating city is not a solid whole, but a net-like structure interwoven with a pile of messy wood. This net-like structure can allow a large degree of deformation, so no matter how uneven the ground is, it will not break, because it can deform and distribute the pressure along with the ground. However, this uneven structure has caused the floating city's ground buildings to be built on soft ground. Affected by the foundation, the building naturally cannot be fixed. It can only be based on a variety of low-rise buildings with one to two floors, and some are even buildings in the form of tents.

The Transmission Formation of our guild in South America is located in such a floating city, but for the stability of this transnational Transmission Formation, we also specially installed a set of gravity resistance devices here. So this Transmission Formation is not actually located on the foundation of the city, but suspended in the air.

When I came out of the Transmission Formation, I only felt that the outside was like a vegetable market. Because it was a tourist attraction, there were a lot of people here, and the more people, the more various economic activities. Woke up. There are many small merchants and hawkers, naturally there will be more shouts and bargaining sounds, and in the end the city has become a huge duck farm, and the noise is simply deafening.

Looking at the lively crowd, I didn't have the thought of participating. I directly said Transmission Formation amidst an exclamation, and then spread my wings in the air and glide directly to the city gate.

It is said that it is a city gate, but it is actually just an arch woven with rattan. Putting it there is a meaning, telling people inside and outside that it is in the city or outside the city. As for the defensive role— —What defensive power can you expect from the rattan gate? Besides, this is a door frame, there is no door panel, even if it is made of fine gold, it can't stop it.

The season I’m here is not at the right time. South America happens to be the rainy season. It’s a shame if it doesn’t rain today, but the ground doesn’t change according to the changes in the sky. Going out of the city gate and walking down a slope is knee-deep mud. The people who pass by either take mud boats or ride mounts, otherwise they can only behave like mud monkeys. But the little children really like this mud battlefield, anyway, there is no need to worry about bacteria or parasites in the game.

Looking at the horrible mud outside, I rode Yekage out of the summon without the slightest hesitation. Even if the Divine Dragon armor is fully sealed, I definitely don't want to go and play mud wars. As for Ye Ying, he actually prefers to be clean, but people can fly, and mud has no effect on him at all.

After I rode Ye Ying and ran away, everyone around me looked at the direction where we disappeared with envious eyes. Those who trek in the mud will not talk about it. Although those who ride mounts have less mud on their bodies, don’t expect them to have any speed in such a place. The ability to move means that people’s legs are very long. , If the wild boar of the big pot of rice is here, it is estimated that it will be buried alive directly. However, it seems that wild boars are very fond of mud swimming. It is estimated that the probability of being buried alive is relatively high. Of course, rich people can move in mud boats. The things are absolutely clean. As long as you don't jump off the boat, they won't get muddy, and the speed is much faster than mounts. Well, it is indeed much faster, almost as fast as a normal person trotting. This is actually considered a high speed in the mud.

I didn't care about the enviable eyes along the way, I just kept directing Ye Ying to fly through the forks. The tree of nature itself is an important tourist attraction, so there is a lot of traffic along the way, and the speed of night shadows is too fast. Impossible is slowly swaying with the large forces, so we can only intersperse back and forth in the crowd, if it is not too fast, the other party can’t have time. In response, it is estimated that at least a few hundred people will protest along the way.

After rushing to the range of the natural tree at the fastest speed, I took the World Tree seedling in my hand early, and the natural tree seemed to find the seedling approaching. There was a reaction immediately after entering his canopy coverage. I saw that all the plants in front of us that were blocking the road were let to both sides, turning the originally curved road into a straight passage leading to the trees of nature.

"Purple Moon will grow up so grand." We rushed directly under the natural tree along the passage, before entering the dry land area under the tree, we were directly caught by a group of people It was blocked at the end of the plant passage.

"Huh? Isn't this the ghost? Why? Can't Japan go to South America to become a native? I don't know which Human Race Tribe you are currently in?"

< p>"You..."

"What are you? Matsumoto Masaka is my defeated, you are Matsumoto Masaka's defeated, there is at least Level 1 between us. I want to pretend to be in front of me Save it.” As I said, I drove Ye Ying forward, and at the same time yelled: “Go out of the way, a good dog is not in the way, haven’t you heard it?” (To be continued. If you like this work , You are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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