I originally reported to support Olivia and they rushed into the first ice hall, but when we rushed into that hall, Shuangxue and I included The night shadows who stepped down were all dumbfounded.

There are indeed two groups of people fighting in the hall, and one of them is indeed the kind of ice monster I heard from Olivia on Titans’s side, but the one fighting against the ice monster The other side is not the Olivia or her team members as we imagined, but...


Isn’t the one who is surrounded by a group of ice monsters in the middle? Others are my demon, Yeyue, and Yeyue is also quite surprised after hearing our exclamation. First, she chopped down a few monsters that rushed up in a fierce attack, then petrified a few monsters with the pupil technique, and finally nailed the remaining monster to the wall, then looked at me in surprise and asked. "Master? Why did you come in from outside? You are not..."

"Yeyue, hurry up, come back with me..." Before Yeyue finished her words, she suddenly ran in the side road. A white silhouette came out and rushed to Ye Yue’s side and dragged her into the hole, but after she didn’t pull, she quickly realized that there was a group of people next to her, and then she was stunned when she turned around. Living.

This person who just ran out was not someone else, it was Frost and Snow who came in with me, and the problem was that Frost and Snow beside me did not disappear, she was standing there.

"You...how did you become two people?" Yeyue looked at the two Shuangxue back and forth in surprise and asked.

The Shuangxue who just ran out reacted much faster than Yeyue. She quickly reacted and said: "It must be a time disorder. They are the master and us at another point in time. After explaining to Ye Yue, Shuangxue turned to me again: "Master, no matter what time you are the master, come and help!"

I didn't hesitate when I heard that Shuangxue's call. Immediately put away Ye Ying and ran over with Frost and Snow. No matter what point of time we are, we are all our own, so we are sure to help each other.

Following this frost and snow quickly rushed into the passage, and after two steps, I heard a loud rumbling noise in front, and then I saw a silhouette flying upside down and falling to the ground and struggling twice. Moved. I looked down at the guy who was obviously dead, and found that this was someone I didn’t know at all, and looking at the sign on his chest, this was clearly a guild leader-level player, because he still had a guild head on his chest. Purpose badge.

Since I’m not an acquaintance, don’t care, Shuangxue ran forward quickly with us, and soon reached a very wide passage. This side has now completely disrupted the set, at least there are two -Three hundred people are fighting, and it seems that they belong to three different forces. In addition to these two-three hundred people, there is a group of about four to five hundred monsters in front of them, all of which are ice attribute creatures, the largest of which are two Ice Dragons, with blue rays of light shining all over the body, except for the wrong color. It looked very similar to Mira's body. Of course, in terms of hardness, Ice Dragon is definitely not comparable to Jewel Dragon. After all, even if ice is frozen, it is impossible to be harder than diamond.

Shuangxue was immediately stunned when she watched the chaotic scene drag us over, and then she immediately settled there motionless as if she was demented. I saw her without responding for a long time and patted her, and then asked: "What's wrong with you? Who are we helping? The person who didn't see us?"

The Shuangxue who brought us over suddenly wa 'ed burst into tears. I was so messed up that I didn't know how to persuade her. After all, I didn't even understand why she was crying. However, after all, the other party is a snow demon, a relatively strong creature. After crying twice, he changed from crying to sobbing. At the same time, he cried and said: "wu wu...I lost them again!"

This Shuangxue's remark completely confuses us. I don't know what she is talking about.

"What is lost?"

"I can't find it!"

"Can't find it?"

Seeing me, I still didn’t understand. Yeyue on the side explained to me: “It’s not clear that you just came in. The time flow here is changed according to the passage. There are every passage and every hall in the entire maze. My own time characteristics, the time in some channels is normal time, some will accelerate, some will decelerate, and some will flow backwards."

Hearing Yeyue’s explanation, I was immediately surprised "Isn’t that as long as we leave apart, we will soon be in a different time?" Yeyue nodded said: "We also just discovered this problem, but in order to Knowing this situation, we have lost a lot of companions. Every time we are divided into different channels for one reason or another, then the time in the channel will change after a period of time. When we go back, people will disappear. Even if everyone ran back to the same hall, they couldn’t meet each other because we were already at different time points!"

After hearing Ye Yue’s words, I suddenly realized a problem, that is about the previous Maze problem. We all thought that this ice cave was a huge three-dimensional maze. It relied on its three-dimensional structure to create an extremely complex three-dimensional channel that made people lost in it. However, after hearing Yeyue's introduction, I suddenly thought of a question, that is...what is this maze used for?

In addition to entertainment, the biggest use of the maze should actually be obstacles. This is a bit similar to a space code lock, which uses a complex channel structure to prevent people who don’t know the code from passing through it to reach a certain This is the basic purpose of the maze and allows people who know the way to pass through this area easily. So, what exactly is this maze in front of you? The answer is obvious, it is used to protect the book of the world. Moreover, if nothing else, the book stored here should be Book of Time. This is just right for the time turbulence here.

So, if Book of Time is placed in this maze, does it necessarily exist in that fixed position in the maze? Obviously not. Time props are different from ordinary things, they have the uniqueness of time. Take Olivia as an example. Because of the time turbulence, four Olivias appeared on Titans's side, which means that there is one Olivia at every point in time. However, time equipment is different. They are unique in time. No matter how many time points you find, there is only one piece of time equipment. It will not have many individuals at different times. If Book of Time is really a time equipment, then it should have this feature. That is to say, even if we reach the place where Book of Time is stored in the maze, we may not be able to get it, because the time point of its existence is not It must be the time we arrived, and as long as the time is not right, we will not see Book of Time.

My familiars are not low in intelligence, Shuangxue beside me screamed as I thought of the problem. "Oh my God. We made a big mistake. This is not a space maze, but a time maze!"

"Fortunately, I got this first." I took out the speed pocket watch from my arms, and then When I opened the dial, I discovered that the dial on this thing had changed from one to two. There are two sets of hands of different colors on the original normal dial that are rotating separately. One set of golden hands is moving normally, and it looks like it should be normal time, while the other set of black hands is moving fast. Obviously this The time displayed by the group pointer is the time we are currently at, and from its speed, the time at our current location should go much faster than normal time.

In addition to the time on the normal dial on the right, there is now a dial on the cover of the original pocket watch. This dial shows not the time, but some scales. The twelve o'clock position of the dial is marked with zero, and then the number of the dial interval from the twelve o'clock position to the three o'clock position is increasing, and finally the number displayed at the three o'clock position is four, and after the three o'clock position, the number is again Start to zoom out until the number at six o'clock becomes zero again. After six o'clock, the number marked on the dial becomes a percentage. At nine o'clock, the smallest 50% is displayed. After nine o'clock, the number gradually increases until it reaches the 12 o'clock position. Becomes zero. In addition to this strange scale dial, there is only one pointer on the left dial, and unlike the right dial, the left dial does not have a protective, dust-proof and waterproof crystal panel, but directly exposes the pointers. Outside.

Obviously, the dial on the left is not for showing the time, but for adjusting the time. Combined with the abilities mentioned in the attribute, I guess the dial pointer on the left is used to control its own Time Flow Speed On the right is the display dial that displays the current time and standard time.

After reading the speed dial, I said to Yeyue and the two Shuangxue: "Now we have two choices. One, use this thing to search for different caves at different times, so as to Everyone is looking for it, and find our goal Olivia by the way. Second, let’s leave the people alone and find a way to find the Book of Time. That thing may solve all the problems at once, and of course it may end up with a space. It takes a time to find the past."

"In this case, it is better to find the Book of Time first. Anyway, I will find it sooner or later." Yeyue suggested.

The two Shuangxue also nodded expressed support for this plan, and I brought Ling Summon out to ask her for her opinion, and after getting the affirmative answer, I took back the Shuangxue I had brought and let another Shuangxue Xue followed us to find Book of Time.

Unlike Shuangxue and Yeyue, Ling, who has been a Goddess, is obviously much better than them in terms of brain power. After hearing my explanation, she immediately said: "I think we have to do three things before looking for the book."

"What's the matter?" I asked with some confusion.

Ling pointed to the speed in my hand and said: "First we must find the room where Book of Time is located."

"And then?"

"Then we need to record the time flow to the several channels near the room where the Book of Time is located. Finally, we have to use the time speed difference of the different channels to get us to the point of time when the Book of Time exists, so that we can get it. "

"But how do we know at which time the Book of Time is?" Yeyue asked.

Ling stretched out a finger and nodded on the table below: "If I guess it’s right, it should be at the time point the golden pointer points to."

"You are Say when we entered?"

"Yes." Ling explained: "There is no hint of the existence of Book of Time, and system will not arrange a time for us without any clues at all. Store Book of Time, then this Book of Time must exist at a time point with a specific meaning, and for us, which time is more meaningful than real time?"

"It makes sense , Let’s try it out according to this plan first. If it doesn’t work, think of another way."

Because the time in this channel is messy, so the method of relying on the ghost bug batch search is obviously not working. Because time faults will continuously transmit my ghost worms to different points in time, as long as the time faults here are not a fixed number, then its theoretical volume will be infinite. In such a space, I want ghost worms. Winning by number is obviously a delusion.

If you can’t use the ghost worm, you have to find it yourself. What’s worse is that you can’t search separately because you’re afraid of going away. You must gather together to prevent being divided into different time zones and losing contact.

The area of ​​this super underground labyrinth is absolutely as big as we imagined, and the room where the Book of Time is stored is not known, and we don’t even know whether there is such a room or not. Sure, the only thing we can do now is to walk the entire maze as much as possible to make sure that no place is missed.

Thanks to the fact that I am not an ordinary person, I have a part of the electronic brain in my brain that can build a three-dimensional channel model of the area we walk through in the brain like a computer. These models can guarantee me You won't get lost here, and if you are an ordinary person, facing this seemingly similar ice wall, you will definitely lose your way quickly and wander around here, and finally run out of supplies and be trapped here alive.

As we walk, I constantly increase the area of ​​the three-dimensional map in my brain. Although we have walked more and more areas, the map has become more and more complete. Of course, in addition to marking the correct road, this map also marked different time sections in red, white, blue, and three colors, and each section has a Time Flow Speed ​​marking the section.

As the map continues to expand, we have more and more data, and during this period we also encountered many creatures, including ice attribute monsters and players who don’t know where they are. With the NPC, we accidentally ran into the female vampire from Olivia's team before. Of course, I don't know at what time she was a member.

After contacting us, the female vampire finally joined our team. After all, this place is also quite insecure. Although it is not a time piece of personnel, the female vampire is an ally with us. Follow us at least life safety can still be guaranteed.

Using our normal senses, after walking around the maze for about seven or eight hours and killing countless monsters along the way, we finally found the Book of Time storage in a fork in the center of the maze. Although there is no Book of Time here, there is a platform that looks like a podium in the room. There is a book-shaped groove on the table. Obviously, that's where Book of Time once existed.

"Okay, I found the location, let's see the time situation." Ling said to me.

I quickly took out the speed and opened it, and the time displayed by the set of golden hands and black hands was exactly the same.

"What's the situation?" Shuangxue asked in surprise as she watched the two sets of pointers display the time exactly the same.

I looked at the dial for a while before suddenly reacting. "By the way, the time gap must have reached twelve hours! This dial is twelve hours per revolution. If the time difference between the two dials is exactly a multiple of twelve hours, the two sets of hands will completely overlap each other."

"Then how do we know now whether we are twelve hours faster or twelve hours slower than real time? And you also said that it is a multiple of twelve hours, in case it is twenty-four or three What about sixteen hours or something? Did you pay attention to whether our time is fast or slow?"

"Wait a moment." I took out a piece of paper directly from my portable equipment. On the ground, I drew a lot of line segments on it, and finally marked the time on the map memorized in the brain one by one, and finally wrote the approximate time we stayed at each location. Multiply the dwell time by the Time Flow Speed ​​to get the actual elapsed time in that section. After all these times are added up, the result is minus 23 hours and minutes. Because I can't determine the exact time to stay in each section, the result is acceptable with a little error, and the twenty-three hours is also very close to the multiple of the twenty-four hours of twelve. As for the negative in front, it means that we Twenty-four hours slower than the real world. In this case, we have to look for those Time Acceleration sections to get the time back.

Seeing the results I calculated on paper, it goes without saying that everyone understands what I mean. After searching for a section on the map, Ling immediately pointed to a passageway that was about eight intervals away from the room where we were now. "Let’s go here. In the nearby area, the Time Flow Speed ​​is the fastest here. Eight times the Time Flow Speed ​​means that if we wait here for three hours, our time will catch up with the normal time. The time loss caused by the time zone that needs to be passed when going back up and back, we only need to stay there for three hours and ten minutes at most. The specific time can be calculated with the speedometer, when the needle accelerates through two laps and then coincides again The correct time for us to return to this room."

"Okay, let’s do it, let’s go now."

Because I have a detailed map in my head, I find the corresponding time zone Very simple, coupled with the speed of timekeeping ability, we can easily confirm the correct time zone. This section with eight times the Time Flow Speed ​​is just a hall-like environment. Its interior is a slightly flat ellipse, and three channels are densely connected on an arc of the ellipse, leading to the Book of The channel of the Time depository is in these three channels, and there is only one channel connected on the opposite arc side of the ellipse. As for where it is connected to, we haven't quite clear yet. Although we have spent a full eight hours in this ice maze before, the road we have actually traveled is not too much. After all, the ice passage is not a safe play maze. There are monsters everywhere, and some places even have powerful monsters such as Ice Dragon, so moving here is actually a waste of time.

Because we have to wait for three hours in that oval-shaped hall, we simply laid out a pile of paper here and started to calculate the time ratio between each point, hoping to find some rules Things like that. After all, Book of Time may not necessarily help us find the missing Olivia, so in order to prevent it, it is best to prepare early.

We have calculated for more than an hour here, and we have learned all the possible laws. It turns out that the time of these channels seems to be irregular, at least we can't find the rules. According to this situation, if we can't find a thing that can completely solve the disordered time, then it will take us at least ten days to hope to find the Olivia that Titans needs. Of course, this time is just a normal calculation time. If we are good luck, we may find her in the first channel we look for, or we may never find her. This is not impossible.

"I hope Book of Time can help us handle this mess of time!" I sighed helplessly looking at the calculation paper that almost filled the room. I was planning to pick up those papers, and suddenly I heard a bang from behind, and then saw a silhouette turning over and falling into the ice room where we were.

Seeing this silhouette flying in, the few of us present all turned around and entered a fighting state in an instant, but when they saw the person who got up on the ground, everyone found that they were actually acquaintances again. .

The guy who just flew in is the undead Knight from Olivia's team before, but it can be said that he is more embarrassed and embarrassed by his current appearance. There are only a few pieces of armour the size of the palm of the armour, which are hung on the body by a piece of cloth obliquely. They look like they will break at any time. Fortunately, the leggings and boots of the lower body are still intact, so they won't run naked. However, there were several blood stains on his face, and the left eye was missing, only a black hole was left.

Although I don’t know at which time this undead Knight was, one thing is certain, that is, he is from Olivia, so we will go together after seeing his appearance. He flashed to the hole where he flew out and stared at the hole guardingly to see what exactly attacked him.

The creatures behind did not disappoint us. Almost as soon as we flashed to the entrance of the cave, we saw a huge white creature roaring out of the cave.

"Damn it, it's an ice ape!" Seeing the giant beast rushing out like a white gorilla, I quickly greeted everyone to get out of the way, and then waited for the guy to rush away from behind. After chasing up, he jumped up and pierced the guy's cervical spine with a sword. The huge body of the ice ape completely lost control at the moment the sword pierced it and tilted to the side. I hurriedly kicked its corpse and jumped off the ice ape’s back, while the ice ape’s corpse continued to rush forward. It was a long time before he hit the opposite wall and stopped.

To take back the eternity, I walked to the undead Knight in confusion and asked, "Although the ice ape is a little stronger, it's not a monster that is difficult to deal with, right? How did you make it like this? "

The undead Knight got up from the ground and pointed at us with difficulty. I looked back suspiciously. When I was about to say nothing, I suddenly felt a slight vibration on the ground. It came, and this kind of vibration was gradually escalating. It was only a little bit at first, and within a few seconds, it had already strengthened to the point where most of the people present felt it.

Just when we were puzzled by the vibration of the ground, an ice ape suddenly slid out laterally at the corner of the passage ahead, and the ice ape slid horizontally from the corner as if playing drifting. It slid out, and after a violent hit on the opposite ice wall, it immediately returned to the center of the passage, but at this time its direction had been completely adjusted and it rushed toward us.

When I saw this first ice ape, I already understood why the undead Knight did this. It's not that he can't beat the ice apes, he just can't beat a group of ice apes. Less than two seconds after the first ice ape stumbled and rushed out, a large row of ice apes slid out from the corner of the channel like a flood bursting a bank. These ice apes rushed out of the corner, pushing and pushing against each other. , And then slowed down through the ice wall on the opposite side, and then launched a fierce charge at us.

"Frost and Snow."

Following my cry, my own Frost and Snow has been released by me, and the Frost and Snow at another point in time before and me The released frost and snow raised the palm of the hand to the entrance of the cave. Along with the ejection of large white freezing air, a thin wall of ice appeared at the entrance of the passage. It was thick, and within a few seconds, it had become an ice wall over a foot thick, completely sealing the passageway. However, even though the opening of the passage is sealed, the thickness of the ice layer is obviously not enough. A foot thick of ice is definitely okay to block the ordinary person, but if you want to block a group of crazy ice apes, it's not enough.

With a thud, the first ice ape hit the ice wall and a large spider web-like crack appeared on the surface of the ice wall more than a foot thick. Although two frost and snow They quickly repaired part of the cracks with frozen air, but unfortunately the ice apes at the back did not give them enough time to continue repairing. Large groups of ice apes crazily rushed up and hit the front row of ice apes, and then smashed that row of ice. All the monkeys squeezed their noses and mouths and spurted blood, but the ice wall in front burst completely under their crazy impact, and the ice monkeys in the front rows rolled into the cave.

Seeing the group of ice apes rushing in, I can only helplessly pull out the eternal and take the initiative to greet them. I hope we can get these ice apes before the arrival of three hours, I don’t want to miss it again. Time has to find a new hole and wait for time again. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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