Although my wish is not too much, the hateful ice apes do not intend to satisfy my poor wish. Waves of ice apes rushed into this cave frantically. At first we were able to fight normally, but afterwards, the entire room was almost occupied by them. Don’t fight, we’ve been standing together. The place is almost gone.

"Damn, do these things count mice? How come there are so many?" Ye Yue said depressedly.

Ling shouted to us directly: "Find a place to fix yourself, I will solve them."

When I heard Ling’s call, Ye Yue hurriedly yelled for her. While waiting for the meeting, he rushed to the wall and inserted all his swords into the wall to fix himself, while Frost and Snow simply used a circle of ice to freeze himself on the wall. Although the female vampire and the undead Knight who followed us didn’t know what we were going to do, they wisely rushed to the wall and inserted their weapons into the ice in order to fix themselves. Frost and Snow saw their embarrassed appearance and took time to give them every time. An ice ring was added to the people to fix them firmly on the ground.

After seeing that they were all fixed, I simply ran to Ling’s side and hugged her from behind. I knew what skills she was going to use, but fixing myself on the wall obviously didn’t fix myself. It's safe to be fixed with Ling.

As soon as I hugged her, a black spot appeared on Ling's hand. As if a small stone popped out, the black spot quickly shot to the hole where ice apes were constantly pouring in, and then instantly opened and turned into a small black hole with a diameter of two meters.

Boom, a huge wind that suddenly appeared like an explosion filled the cave, and at the same time, all the surrounding ice apes flew off the ground and flew toward the black hole as if they had lost their weight. Some ice apes are still struggling desperately trying to catch something to fix themselves, but under the terrifying suction of the black hole, nothing can escape its gravity. Of course, that refers to the real black hole, the one created by Ling has much lower attractiveness than the real black hole, but it is not a problem to attract people.

The corpses of the ice apes that were originally filled with ice were first sucked off the ground and rushed into the black hole, followed by some closer ice apes, and after these ice apes disappeared, more The ice apes began to be sucked into the black hole, including the ice apes that just rushed out of the ice cave in front were not immune. Later, it was not the ice apes rushing into the room at all, but they were simply uncontrollable. He was dragged into the room and then caught by the black hole and pulled into the black hole.

The black hole opened for more than ten minutes in one breath. When the last ice ape also disappeared in the black hole, the black hole suddenly closed. Ling wiped the sweat on his head and turned around and said: "Okay. , It’s safe now."

"Huh, I thought I was going to die!" The female vampire said while pulling herself out of the ice ring on the ground: "The one who has been Goddess is different. , The strength is really strong."

Ling said with a smile: "If you have seen my strength when I was a Goddess, you wouldn’t say that." Ling turned around without waiting for the answer from the other party. looked towards I asked: "Look at the time, I don't want to recalculate the time schedule."

I quickly checked the pointer when I opened it, and then said: "Oops, we have more than twenty minutes It’s up!"

"What? Everyone quickly leave this room!"

I heard that it was overtime, everyone rushed out of the room, but we didn’t stay in the exit aisle , But continued to run forward, because the passage outside this room is a quadruple-speed time zone. Although it is not as fast as the previous hole, it is also faster than the real time, so we stop here only to let time The more it goes beyond.

After passing through this short passage, we ran through several inappropriate passages and rooms before stopping in a relatively narrow passage. The time state of this channel is one-half speed, which means that if you stay here for one hour, the time outside can catch up for one hour. I rescanned the time map recorded in my brain and confirmed that it is very close to the place where the book is placed, and there is a faster Time Reverse time zone in front, so I didn’t let everyone stay here for a long time. After knowing the time, I immediately led everyone to the time zone that was retreating at twice the speed. After staying here for a few minutes, we roughly tied the time on both sides, and then we quickly rushed into a room with a fork in the road.

"Well, everyone. Pay attention here. The double-speed time zone here is the area that is synchronized with the flow rate of real time. However, we are now in a variety of times faster than real time. From here to The storage of Book of Time also needs to pass through three time zones, one of which is a half-speed time zone, another one-and-a-half time zone and a double-speed time zone, in order to ensure that we enter the Book of Time room just in time Time is synchronized. You will all follow my pace for a while. If I shout, I will immediately rush to the next time zone. If the response delay is more than one second, I will miss the normal time zone, so everyone must concentrate."

"Understood." Shuangxue nodded and said in another time period. In fact, what I want to remind is that she and the night moon and the two undead who originally belonged to Olivia. My own demons can reclaim the training space, so that fewer people travel through time zones and it is less prone to make mistakes.

After explaining the schedule, I took back my familiars and brought two Olivia’s men and two familiars from different time points to the time boundary. Let the four of them stare at my right hand. At the moment, I'm making a nine gesture with my fingers, and my eyes are staring at the speed of the left hand unblinkingly. After maintaining this position for a few seconds, my right hand suddenly moved, and the number displayed changed from nine to eight, and then began a countdown of jumping every second, and finally when my hand gesture changed from one to clenching a fist. In an instant, the four of them and I suddenly jumped forward.

"OK, the cooperation was very good this time, and now to the next dividing line, the same method is still used, see my gestures and ready to jump."

Soon we will arrange again Okay, then move in the same way. Originally, we could rush through the three rooms at a relatively fast speed, but because I was afraid of accidents, I still set aside a buffer time. Of course it will take a little bit more time, but I have been waiting for a few hours, and there is nothing at worst for a few more minutes.

We did very well on the first two dividing lines, but when we entered the last passage before the room where Book of Time was located, an accident happened. When we rushed into the last passage, we discovered that there were others in the passage.

This passage is not empty. There are about thirty individuals inside, and they obviously belong to the three parties. One of them is four ice attribute monsters, and one of the other two is actually three Olivia with six players, a total of nine people, as to which point in time they count, I don't see this. Except for the nine of them and the four monsters, the player who has the most in the field is the one left. There are a total of more than 20 people in this group. Although the individual battle strength is the worst among the three parties, their number is more than twice that of the other two parties. They are currently controlling the direction of the entire battlefield.

I knew that I was in trouble almost when I saw this group of people. No matter if they are definitely impossible. Without Olivia, we might still be able to get along with that group of players, but now I’m not sure if there is the one I’m looking for among the few Olivias present, so I have to help them, and they and That group of players was fighting again, so I had to fight with that group of people. As for the four monsters, they are all irrational monsters who bite at the sight of others. As long as they meet, they will definitely have to fight.

When everyone in the room saw us enter, the expression was have nothing common with each other. The monsters didn't respond to us, they were busy anyway, and a few more enemies would have no effect on them at all. The people on Olivia’s side were immediately excited when they saw us. After all, I still have two of their team members with me. Even if I’m not sure whether they are at the same time, they can at least be classified as helpers. . As for the group of people on the opposite side, it is natural that when we see us, we immediately believe that we are each other's people. After all, there are two people from the other side standing by my side.

I was just stunned for two seconds after seeing the chaos in the room, and then suddenly reacted and pointed to the front and shouted: "Quick, we only have forty seconds!"

I did set aside a buffer time before, but this time is only reserved for everyone to queue up, and I didn't expect to fight. It takes at least twenty seconds for so many people to line up, and my buffer time is reserved for one minute, which means that the battle must be over within forty seconds, otherwise you will have to return to the previous room and start again.

Everyone responded when they heard my shout, but I didn't give them preparation time. Because the time is too short, I can only solve the battle as quickly as possible, so I directly activated the Divine Domain and body skills as soon as I came up, but this time I did not use the full body, but only a combination of night shadow, darts, and frost. Snow and flying birds. The Divine Domain and body skill has the advantage that it can be incompletely activated. As long as you don’t fuse all the familiars during the fusion, the final penalty will be lower, and the smaller the number of fusions and the shorter the fusion time, the more the penalty will be. Low, the worst penalty is the automatic disintegration of the entire fusion plus the time limit. This situation will be fully punished, otherwise only a small part of the penalty will be suffered.

Only integrate the power of four familiars, and the final punishment will certainly not be too serious. Frost and Snow is an ice attribute creature, and her environmental adaptability is suitable for use now. The fusion of darts is purely for his speed. After all, time is limited. As for Ye Ying, what I need is his floating ability and dream shuttle ability. This entire maze was dug out of a huge piece of ice, so the ground is also ice. It’s okay to walk normally, and all kinds of extreme steering sports in combat require high friction on the ground. If you don’t have the ability to walk in the void of the night shadow on this smooth ice surface, the only result if you want to play extreme speed reversal running. Can only throw himself to death. As for the last bird, he was fused for his jet thruster, which can provide a huge instantaneous burst speed on the ice surface with little friction.

It only took two seconds to start and body. Before the person on the other side could react, I squatted and spread my wings. The people around only heard the bang and they saw the fire flashed behind me. The next second I lost my trace. It wasn't that I really disappeared, but the speed was too fast and their eyes couldn't keep up.

Before everyone in the room could react, I rushed like a gust of wind to the player nearest to our side. I didn’t wait for that person to react. A flash of blood flashed by his side, and a blood spring appeared at the same time with a flying head, but before the corpse fell to the ground, I had already knocked the second player out. The man flew out more than three meters away, and then hit the ice wall with a sound and turned into a meatloaf, and blood was sprayed everywhere in an instant.

The people in the room didn’t react until I killed them in a row. A guy who responded quickly yelled: "Damn it, stop it..." He was halfway through, and I suddenly fell from the sky. Hit his back, followed his left hand around his neck from behind, squeezed his chin and slammed back and lifted him off the ground. At the same time, the right hand claws popped out and went around the other side. His neck was pierced all at once according to his neck. The guy's leg kicked violently after the claw penetrated the neck, and the whole person was shaking violently as if they were electrocuted. The wide-open mouth didn't know what he wanted to shout, but because the trachea and blood vessels were cut off, a lot of blood was sprayed out in the end.

Throwing away the still twitching corpse, I quickly aimed at a very young female player who was scared and stupefied next to me. This is the game. There is no need to consider respect the old and cherish the young when fighting. There are only combat players and non-combat players here. Since this little girl chooses to become a combat player, she should be mentally prepared to be killed before she kills. Therefore, I did not hesitate to step in front of the little girl’s screams, and then flashed to her side in her surprised eyes, but when she wondered why I would let her go, My left hand was a few tenths of a second too late. The moment I flashed past her, I pinched her throat, and then pushed her forward quickly with the help of my sprinting speed and pressed her to the back. Sword player's sword point.

pu... The moment the long sword penetrated her abdomen, she didn’t figure out what was going on, but I just pushed it slightly to the side, and her weight changed that person’s weight. The sword was taken to one side, and at the same time, my right hand and claws accurately placed the man's neck with a slight force. In an instant, the guy's head flew up, a few seconds before the woman died.

There was almost no reaction to the speed at which I resisted the riots. Those who lost five people in the blink of an eye have not yet figured out what happened. They only know that they were attacked. They are still a little dizzy about how to defend and why they were attacked. After all, five people have died since I appeared here, and it took only about five seconds before and after. What is enough time for this?

"Ah, help...Help..."

"Don't come...Don't...Ah..."

"Come and help me...Damn Ah..."

"Don't come over, you devil..."

The screams of screams that can only be shouted out a few words will come to an abrupt end, the people present There is no expert at all. When I activated the incomplete Divine Domain and the system, I couldn't stop even a single move, and it was often killed before I could react and resist. Even if some people with less strength reacted, they couldn't stop my attack at all. They were often cut in half by people and weapons as soon as they raised their weapons to block them.

"You...Don't come..." Seeing that all of his people died, the last remaining guy watched me approaching and could only move back step by step, but he had forgotten that except here We still have others.

pu... The guy just took two steps back and got his head bitten off by a big mouth, and the ice attribute monster behind him was bitten off by me the moment his head was bitten off. A sword was cut in two.

When I killed this monster, the others on the scene had already solved the remaining monsters. Regardless of explaining to the three Olivia, I directly pulled them all to the time boundary. Shanghe reminded loudly: "Don't ask anything first. I will count down for a while. When my hand changes from one to zero, everyone will rush forward with me. After the past, you can ask anything you want."

Although I was a little dizzy by me, Olivia originally came to help me with the task. Now that I asked for this, they did not resist, and they stood in a row and waited for me. Signal.

The fight just now didn’t take forty seconds at all, and it was only 20 seconds before and after, but it was too late to pull the confused group of Olivia and her team to the dividing line. After more than 20 seconds, I waited a few seconds after everyone stood up, and I started the nine-second countdown. When the time went to zero, I yelled and jumped forward, and all the people at the scene rushed forward with me. Got out.

The room where the Book of Time is stored is a dead end. Except for the passage we just entered, there is no second way from Ben, so no one rushed over. Everyone stopped immediately after crossing the dividing line.

In fact, even if there are many side roads here, I believe you will never rush your heads, because at this time the room is completely different from when we came last time. The originally empty room with only a podium for books is now a golden light shining. A huge book made of gold opens from the middle and floats smoothly above the podium-like platform. The dazzling golden light radiates outwards.

"Book of Time!" When they saw the book, several Olivia cried out together. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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