The pocket watch that Mosana gave me has a strange name called "speed", and its grade is an evolutionary high-end Divine Item, and there is only one attribute: as the user wishes Speed ​​up or slow down the Time Flow Speed ​​of a designated person within a certain range.

The attribute is very abnormal. If you can really manipulate the time literally, let alone me, even a rookie with just 200th level, as long as his IQ is not lower than 80 , You can easily kill any player in the game with a level of no more than one thousand and two hundred, and if the player who manipulates this watch is a level one or more player, then he is invincible.

Of course Mosana would not give me such a perverted thing, at least not now. Literal things are indeed achievable, but only if the watch reaches full level.

Yes, this is a planned equipment, just like the Divine Dragon suit on my body. As I use it, it will continue to increase, just like the player or the player’s familiars. Equipment can only accumulate EXP. The only difference from living creatures is that the ability improvement of evolutionary equipment is not the level and stage improvement similar to that of players, but the improvement anytime and anywhere. To put it simply, evolutionary equipment has no level. They absorb a little experience and immediately increase a little formidable power, instead of accumulating to a certain standard and then suddenly upgrading to increase formidable power.

The current ability of "speed" is not as exaggerated as written on the attribute. It can only change the time of non-resisting personnel, which means it is useless to the enemy, because the enemy will definitely resist this kind of time. Only your own personnel will cooperate with you to change Time Flow Speed. However, this ability to change Time Flow Speed ​​is very appropriate to the name speed, which is the speed of time.

Currently, the range of Time Flow Speed ​​is one hundred meters, which means that the effect will disappear if the radius is exceeded. Regardless of whether the other party accepts the change in speed, it can only be within a radius of one hundred meters. Will take effect. In addition, the current range of speed change ability to time is only from 12 speed to 4 speed. In other words, the speed per hour can make a person's Time Flow Speed ​​half of the normal value, or 4 times.

Don’t underestimate the half speed and quadruple speed. The gap between the two is absolutely amazing. Of course, because it is currently affected by the speed level, it is temporarily unable to enforce the time change strategy on the enemy, so the Time Deceleration is actually meaningless at all, but the use of this acceleration can be greatly improved. For example, if I fight an enemy now, and then I adjust my time to four times the speed, what will happen? The result is very simple, that is, my speed will be so fast that the other party simply can't react.

Everyone knows that the Time Flow Speed ​​of a dream is different from reality. Some people can even make a complete dream for several days in a few minutes, but in reality In fact, his body was only a few minutes past. This phenomenon shows that people's thinking is actually many times faster than our body's reaction. Speed ​​as a game item, its real function is to change the access speed of the game, make the player's brain enter the overload working mode, or reduce the access speed, so that the player's brain enters a partial dormant state. This adjustment to the brain actually involves a very high-end brain access technology, and Longyuan Group has only recently completed the practical use of this technology. This is why "Zero" did not open similar functions in the game Early-Stage.

In addition to the limitation in speed adjustment, there is also a limitation in speed per hour that is the energy to drive it. Speed ​​is not an item that can be used unlimitedly. Its activation requires energy support. However, the speed is not very picky. Whether it is magic power, immortal strength or magic power, as long as the energy carried by the character can be used, it is compatible with almost all common energies except that it cannot be driven by magic crystal. But having said that, even if the speed can really be driven by magic crystal, with its consumption speed, it is estimated that most people will definitely not be able to use it. Even with my magic power, this thing can hold up for more than ten minutes and drain my magic power. But... I just discovered a way to take advantage of the loopholes, and that is to hand over the speed to the Familiar to activate it. I have so many familiars, if you take turns in battle, maybe you can even be permanently driven.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you can't drive the speed permanently. Anyway, this thing only needs to be used for a while during battle, and you don't need to keep it on. Of course, it is best if it can be started all the time, because the speed upgrade method is calculated based on the usage time. If I can start it all the time, then its upgrade speed will surely be so fast.

Speaking of which I really want to see the feeling of accelerating time flow speed hundreds of thousands of times when the speed reaches full level! But having said that, can this thing really be accelerated to that extent? Although I am Dragon Clan, my brain is millions of times more powerful than humans, but speed is a piece of equipment after all. It is not customized for me, it must take care of the brains of ordinary players. We must know that most of the players in the game are normal humans, and although the human brain is faster than the real Time Flow Speed, this speed is also speed-limited. If the brain thinking is accelerated unrestrictedly, the final result can only be to burn the player's brain into an idiot. Therefore, I very much suspect that this speed has a maximum speed limit, and this limit is likely to be higher than the normal brain thinking limit. There is also a lot of speed lower to limit, after all, according to international practice, any artificial equipment must leave a certain safety range. For example, for an economy car with a nominal speed of 140 kilometers, if you remove the engine speed limiter, it can actually run to a speed of one hundred sixty or even one hundred and eighty, but the car can only reach that speed. Security cannot be guaranteed. If the car is turned out, the person in the car may still survive. The speed per hour directly manipulates the human brain. If there is something wrong with the brain overspeeding, there will definitely be one death, and there will be absolutely no exceptions. So I estimate that the speed limit must be much lower than the upper limit of normal people's thinking, to prevent someone with a slow brain from using it well, and he will burn it into an idiot as soon as he uses it.

With the expectation and worry about speed, I finally left the gate of the earth and returned to the reception room of Titans, and the moment I stepped out of the gate of the earth, the whole game suddenly freezes. Now, it's not that the game is stuck, but it's completely paused. Almost when I thought there was a problem with the game, the system hint suddenly rang.

"Attention all players, this is an all-channel system broadcast. As some players have received the first time adjustment equipment since the game was launched, the game will be fully updated, and the entire server will be suspended during the update. , The update time is currently seven minutes and twenty seconds. Players can decide to go offline temporarily or wait in the game according to their own conditions. Players who feel bored can start a temporary mini game or directly start the forum access mode." After a few seconds of pause , The system hint continued: "After this upgrade, the system will fully open the time mode. In the future, different time flow speeds will appear in some game areas. The system will add a time speed meter to the player interface so that players can view the current time when they need it. In the time state, the time flow speed change reminder will not be set separately in the game map. At present, the open flow rate in the game is divided into two categories: acceleration and deceleration. Because the Time Acceleration method will cause the player's brain to overload, the fatigue rate will increase. It will be faster than normal game. In normal mode, the player is equivalent to semi-sleep during the game, while in half-speed mode, the player is equivalent to light sleep. If the player enters the state below one-eighth speed, the basic It’s like sleeping. If you enter the high-speed mode, when the Time Acceleration reaches twice the speed, the game is equivalent to a fully awake state. In the quadruple-speed mode, the player may be equivalent to doing a lot of physical work and will soon feel fatigued. The eight-fold mode Players can only persist for two hours in reality and they will be forced out of the game because their fatigue exceeds the warning line. At present, the highest time flow speed available in the game is the ten times mode, and the higher multiplier mode requires the player to pass the system special test before it can be turned on. , Players can test in the time test area of ​​the new system service area in any city."

After reading this long broadcast, the system completely went into a silent state, and it appeared in front of me Go offline, visit forums, play mini games, and continue to wait for four options. I thought about it and decided to just wait. Anyway, the entire update time is seven minutes, and there are only three or four minutes left when the system announcement ends. This time is enough to get an online toilet. I don’t have that need anyway. I guess it’s just enough for me to open a few pages on the forums, so I might as well wait here.

A few minutes passed quickly. In the last thirty seconds, the system started the countdown. When the time returned to zero, I immediately resumed my actions. The guy Titans almost immediately rushed in front of me and grabbed my shoulder with both hands and asked anxiously: "How is it? Did you find a way?"

"The way is indeed found, but I’m also not sure if Olivia will be retrieved."


"Because that cave is not safe. You have seen it too, they are so many The people who came out were actually players at different points in time, and among them, there were obviously some casualties, and the proportion of casualties was not exactly the same. Obviously, people at different points in time encountered different situations in this hole, so development There has been a deviation. I am not sure that your Olivia must be alive, but as long as she is alive, I should be able to find her."

Dittens also knows what to say at this time It's useless. He can only help me helplessly say: "Then you can help me find it as soon as possible. Although I also know that Olivia may not be still alive, but you must do your best! As long as he is alive, you must She brought it back to me."

I was nodded, then pointed to a few other Olivias around and asked: "What do they do? Send it back or stay with you?"


Ditans thought for a while and said, "I’m still asking them about this. I can’t help them make a decision."

Those Olivia obviously didn’t expect Ditan in the first place. Si helped them make a decision, and immediately shouted in unison as soon as we heard our conversation: "Let’s not go back!"

Although they were a little surprised by their decision, it was reasonable to think about it, but they didn’t go back. , I have to do this by myself. But thinking about it the other way round, it’s convenient for one person to arrive. Anyway, I have enough Familiars, and although the passage of the cave is not narrow, it is absolutely impossible for me to release the Familiars to participate in the battle, so I can go to so many people. It's useless.

Because of the delay of one minute, Olivia would be a little more dangerous, so after I was sure I was going to save people, I immediately started the action. First, Titans sent me to the South Pole using shadow teleportation, and then...

Then I almost froze!

"See...Oh my god! I just came back from under the lava, just took a rest at Titans and I was sent to the South Pole. The difference between hot and cold is too big. Isn't it a bit?" Looking at the surrounding white snowfield, I feel that it is really two extremes from the previous lava lake. What makes me depressed in particular is that the time I came does not seem to be very good. There is currently a strong wind above Level 9 on the Antarctic side. Although it does not affect my movement, the temperature is really cold enough. "Shuangxue."

"Yes." Along with an ice whirlwind, Shuangxue appeared beside me in a graceful manner. Looking at her cool tulle, I felt colder.

"Are the snow demon not afraid of cold?"

Shuangxue covered her mouth lightly said with a smile: "Have you ever seen a snow demon that freezes to death and a fire that died of heat? Is Essence good?"

"Even if you are not afraid of the cold, can you think about how I feel? It's freezing cold. If you wear this kind of clothes, you are cold and I look cold!"< /p>

"I am not cold. Wearing so much is cumbersome. If you feel cold, we will hurry up and wait until we get to the cave. At least there won't be too much wind in the underground maze."< /p>

I absolutely agree with Shuangxue's opinion with both hands, and summon hastened out of Ye Ying to pull Shuangxue and ran forward quickly. Although the temperature here is extremely low and the wind is strong, the speed of Night Shadow is not affected at all, and because of the protection of the snow demon, Frost and Snow, the temperature around us is not so cold.

Actually, the snow demon does not only refrigerate. Their real ability is to control temperature changes, but because they are better at refrigeration, few snow demon will actively heat up, but give me and It's okay for Ye Ying to create a small constant temperature environment.

With the speed of the night shadow and the psychic beacon given to me by Titans, I quickly found the magic mark that Olivia left at the entrance of the ice cave, and in front of this mark Less than fifty meters away is the entrance to the ice cave.

"Well, let's take a look at what is under this ice cave that will mix the flow of time into a ball of paste." As I said, I drove Ye Ying to run directly into the ice cave. The passage of this ice cave is wide enough. Although the stairs cut out on the ice surface are slippery, the night shadow does not rely on the friction provided by the ground to move anyway, so riding on the night shadow is much more stable than walking on our own.

We just entered the ice cave here, and before we got to the hall-like fork in the hall that Olivia they said, we heard a sound of fighting from a distance. No need for me to remind Ye Ying to rush over immediately. I hope the one who is fighting is the Olivia I am looking for! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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